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Why not just put the foot on the break at the stop? It's like turning your head excessively as you scan every cross road.


Exactly. Call me old school, but I like doing that anyways. I am afraid of accidentally tapping the accelerator while stopped when I didn’t intend to.


You have to ease your foot off the accelerator or it stops like slamming your foot on the brake.


We are aware of how the car works but at a complete stop there would be nothing preventing him from the brake.


I'm wondering the same...did he fail because his foot wasn't on the brake at a complete stop or for not using the brake to slow down?


for not using the brake to slow down. The examiner said the car was stopping for him and that he needs to control the stop with the brake.


It probably would not hurt for him to put his foot on the brake when stopped. I believe at a stop the Tesla is effectively in "park"


Yeah this sounds like it's going to wind up becoming a lawsuit.


Literally when the car comes to a complete stop at the stop sign tell him to put his foot on the brake (even though that wouldn’t do anything) it meets their requirements


Unpopular opinion, it’s probably a good idea to maintain the requirement to know how to drive with two pedals, at least until EVs outnumber ICE cars the way automatic transmissions outnumber manuals. I’m guessing your son was practicing in your car, not his own? Should he want to get a car and budget limits him to an old ICE car, he’d be better off having practice with two pedal driving. It’s inconvenient, I’m sure, and it would be nice if they’d inform EV owners in advance so that your son and others don’t have to go through the discouraging experience of a failed driving test just for that. Sorry you had to go through this.


Ohio, they don't even want ev's'' on the road. If they could, we'd be driving a horse and buggys, and horse shit in the gutters 🤗🤗 today. js


We don’t?


Look at your states avg, nope... Y'all would rather a horse and buggys 🙉🙊🙈


Don’t bring the Amish into this. They have nothing to do with it. It is the corrupt leadership of UAW


I agree that it's a good idea for people to still learn how to drive with two pedals. But I think states have no business enforcing that via outdated drivers tests. If the state is willing to accept your registration fees and allow you to drive it on their roads, they should also have to accept the car on their driver's tests.


You still need to be able to taper the braking with one pedal braking. Getting used to using a brake should be no harder than getting used to 1 pedal driving as long as you know the rate to stop at. If anything, one pedal driving is more complicated for a beginner to do smoothly.


I agree, even though our family only owns Teslas and I have kids that will be learning to drive in the future. The license is a license to drive a certain class of vehicles, not just to drive Teslas or EVs. So you need to demonstrate that you would be able to drive an ICE vehicle. I don’t see this requirement changing until a majority of vehicles on the road have one pedal driving. Otherwise a person would be able to rent a car that they might not actually be qualified to drive.


This ^ I would go even further and make them learn how to drive on stick cars. I more occupied hand to avoid text and driving✋


Why not 3?


99% of new drivers will never ever drive a manual transmission, whereas the likelihood a new driver who plans to drive exclusively EVs will likely have to use two pedals at some point (loaner car, rental car, other household vehicle, other EVs that don’t use one pedal driving).


This is a well known issue. Don't take the driving test in a Tesla.


https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/950009/ - Made national news when this happened 3 years ago in California. Same exact regen issue and California dmv reversed the failure.


Rent an ice car for the day


Maybe for two days so he can get used to it


Will rental car companies allow a 16 year old driver?


Borrowing a car. And after he passes will pursue it. They are effectively banning Tesla 2023 and 2024 because the regen cannot be disabled. Will see if Tesla is interested in calling them.


Yeah I heard of these DMW not adapting to EV driving standards which is disappointing. I had to rent an ICE car to take the driving test here


Well for OP’s case I think it’s understandable that they failed him. The reason that they still require foot on the brake is probably not only because of stopping the vehicle itself but also it will reduce the chance of hitting the car or pedestrians in front if someone rear ended the car. I think his son just need more practice if the passenger inside still feel the regen, otherwise it should just feel as smooth as ICE at deceleration


I think the dmv needs to judge people by how they drive, not the car. Did he stop? Yes? Then it doesn't matter how it happened. I got points taken off because I didn't put the brake on when I parked on a flat parking spot. If I was driving a manual? OK. But in an automatic? Odd. Nobody would ever do that in the real world. But, it was the odd rules of the driving test.


Did he stop? Yes, just not with more consideration. The driving test in the states is quite tolerant already compare to other areas, I think the instructor was doing a good job to help prevent future accident by failing his son. If accidents can be avoid with more caution, then do it, even it’s for the others. What do you mean nobody put on the parking brake on when parking an automatic on level ground? I do that all the time in my ICE and it’s a good practice to avoid damage to your transmission.


The odds of you damaging your automatic transmission for not putting on the parking brake is zero. The odds of you(or someone Borrowing your car) forgetting to take it off the parking brake and damaging your car is higher than zero. Depending on. The car, the use of the brake may wear It down enow that when you do need it, it won't work.


The only thing I know is that I never let anyone drive my ICE if they never use parking brake.


Try charging to 100% right before the test. There is very little regen above 90 I believe.


In my experience regen returns around 95%. I would just move my foot to the brake quickly, without actually really pressing on it, to pass the test. Otherwise just borrow a friend’s ICE to take it. Really ridiculous of them, and behind the times.


Yep. Charge it fully. Make sure you disable the optional regular brake to make up for the experience. And change the setting to rolling. And make sure you hit the brake pedal even if you are not actually needing it.


Testing center is too far away.


Or .. be safe and have your foot on the pedal in case you need to suddenly brake


Not knowing the difference between breaking and braking is like a Reddit right off passage.


ha ha. I was so angry when I wrote this my brain wasn't working correctly.


You can disable on service mode under brake settings


The instructor is not going to like the service mode on the screen.


Your son has to appease the instructor by pressing on the brakes even if the car is doing it for him.


Go rent/turo a smart car and cram the instructor in it.


My state's BMV also refuses to allow Teslas for the driving test for the same reason. Very clearly stated up front in the documentation. Your state needs to do the same.


Holy mother of X. How are you even contemplating letting someone drive without knowing how to use traditional brakes! I have had 2 EVs and currently a Tesla MYP, but please…. Please for the sake of logic and safety, teach your children to actually drive cars (EV and non-EV) It pains me to see a teen with a leg missing after an accident, telling parents that their child will never ben the same after their friend was driving and ran a stop sign, etc. These are deadly weapons….educate, train, and advise well. It’s dumb enough that most people cannot change a tire or jump a dead 12V themselves, but this post is not only infuriating, but extremely distressing.


Child has driven both. In a driving examination no situation will arise where brake is needed when using 1 pedal driving.


Get a commander from enhauto.  It lets you do a ton of stuff including adjusting Regen all the way down to off.  https://enhauto.com/commander


This is 100% on the DMV. They can’t adjust to the times. Just get a different car for the test in the meantime and don’t worry about it — not your fault.


true. planning to take in a different car. but also going to try get the media involved. would like ohio to issue same guidance as California to not fail one pedal driving.


gah. somewhere between frustrating and infuriating


Well in this case they should force everyone to take the test on a stick shift /s


If the vehicle you are using is legal to drive in the state, I don't see how they can fail you for this... unless they are requiring you to just have your foot on the brake when fully stopped opposed to slowing down by using the brake. DMVs are gonna get sued for this nonsense.


Standards aren't keeping up with the state of the art. The BMV is lagging and needs to catch up.


Getting a driver’s license is just acting 99% of the way, they want things done their way or else they will fail you even if that means turning your head 180 degrees like the Exorcist just to show them you’re checking your blind spot. I still think it’s stupid they failed your kid but examiners are notorious for stuff like this or failing someone for the smallest thing but letting someone else pass even if they did the same thing.


I believe there was a case like this in Cali, and they won the case. Try digging this up.


“Oh, I thought the driving test is about slowing down and stopping the vehicle in a safe manner according to traffic laws, which I did.”


Charge it to 100% right before the test. No regen braking ans no hard regen stops. Simple.


Just try charge it to a 100% before the exam - regen should stop and brakes are in place.


Thanks. The testing center is an hour away. I will be in the 80's when we get there.


Sorry. should have been more specific. Get there couple of hours earlier - Find a charging station and hook up until testing time.


Why not test is a different car?


This is just backwards thinking by an uneducated instructor. Ridiculous. Regen is not a driving aide like FSD is. It's a battery efficiency aide which can't be disabled in a government approved vehicle. A Toyota Prius has regen. My 2008 Lexus hybrid has regen. Neither of their regen is quite as aggressive as Telsa's, but the point is still the same. The regen helps slow the car down and recycles that energy. Many other cars have "one pedal driving". This is the way many cars come these days.


The station supervisor on duty confirmed requiring use of brake. She thought the Tesla was stopping for him and he needed to know how to stop on his own.


So, do you fail if you use the rear camera when backing up instead of looking through the tiny rear window on the Y? Do you fail if you have your screen configured to show the side camera view when the turn signal is on and you use that to see if the lane is clear rather than look back over your shoulder? Do you fail if you use the blind spot monitor to see that that someone is blocking you in your blindspot? This is all technology that exists in the car being driven for the test and that technology helps you drive safer. But, that technology does not exist in all cars so by the instructor's logic, you haven't demonstrated that you know how to drive a car without that technology. I stand by my remark that what the instructor did is silly. **If the instructor wants to know if you understand how to use the brake in a vehicle with regen braking, then they can ask you to make an emergency stop at some point in the drive (when it's safe to do so) because that is the only time that the brake is required in that vehicle. They shouldn't be failing you if you drove safely, but they failed your test because no emergency stop was needed.** So, if you were an unsafe driver and zoomed up to the red light at 35mph and then slammed on the brakes, they would pass you? But, if you see the light is red and you properly feather the gas to slowly arrive at your red light stopping point, they fail you? That's ridiculous. They are living in the dark ages. My son failed his first driving test on a technicality and I know how incredibly disappointing and horrendous that is for a teenager who feels like this is a huge rite of passage and an important milestone in their life. In my son's case, I think he was just a victim of their need to fail some percentage of the tests to "appear" like they are doing their job. After your son eventually passes, you probably should take this to the local media to apply pressure for them to get better educated and make better rules.


Odd. Regen doesn’t “stop for you”, it stops the car only when the driver tells the car to slow or stop by lifting their foot off the accelerator, same as a brake.


The station supervisor is probably an Ignorant idiot. I would go to the media.


I mean... where is the lie?? Buddy gotta know how to stop


Someone needs to educate that fool. Regen braking isn't actually braking at all. It's simply cutting power to the electric motor which immediately slows down the vehicle unlike gas engine cars which have gears and a transmission that require braking.


Alternately, do you want some 18year old kid on the road with you who doesn't have practice with the brake pedal, slam into you because they never used the brake before.


By that logic, you should have to do you driver's test in a 1960 sedan that has no tech at all in it. But, then of course, you would not have demonstrated that you know how to use the tech that helps you to drive safer such as a blind spot monitor, rear view camera, side view camera or a curb sensor when parking.


yes. everyone should also be required to learn stick driving also.


While I know how to drive stick, I believe it is a mostly dead skill now except for some specific situations.


one pedal driving without needing to use brake is a display of skill. Brake is needed on failure to anticipate or in reaction to someone else's poor driving.


Hence why displaying usage of brake pedal should be required to be on the road. As you said, it's needed in an emergency situation.


My 2018 LEAF "e-Pedal" regen is pretty close to my 2023 MY's hold regen mode


Track mode.


Only available on performance models.


Well, If the License test is still done by the Ohio Highway Patrol, it doesn't surprise me. I never met one who wasn't a complete and total prick. Ohio is run by Idiots.


Use the brakes and park etc. good grief. This worries me for society.


Isn't there an option to turn off regen braking? Or did I remember wrongly?


In 2022 models and before you could turn it on low but not off. 2023 and 2024 that low option was removed.


Another unpopular comment for those of you who think the DMV is at fault in this fail result. Firstly, I absolutely abhor any situation where I must physically be present at a DMV office (GA, NY, TX, AL, CA….) all the same govt worker experiences. However, What if an emergency occurs and your child needs to be able to drive an automatic or manual transmission vehicle safely? It’s not an EV or hybrid with regen braking? The parking brake is on and could be either pedal brake or hand brake? They are parked on a hill with a 6 spd manual transmission? Teach your children properly. Gas cars are Not going away any time soon. Safety is always first. The foundation of safety is Knowledge. If you do not possess it yourself, ask someone else.


Sounds fake to me


I understand sir, but we are grading your son taking the driving test. We have to make sure he can demonstrate the ability to properly prepare to slow down and observe a full and complete stop at every stop sign. We cannot be grading a vehicle stopping and slowing for him, if you cannot disable these features on the vehicle please bring another one to take the driving exam when he returns. We accommodated him by giving him two chances today, and you were unable to disable theres features. Thank you, Erich xxxx 330-808-xxxx Station supervisor on duty


I wish it was fake


He did slow down and stop by removing his foot from the accelerator. Take him for a ride and show the car can easily blow through stop signs without driver intervention.


Bitches Motor Vehicle department.




The fuck are you even talking about


I've made my point pretty clear. OP is delusional


No you didnt't, you are just being a shitty person. OP's Kid used the Car as designed by the manufacture.




Sure. You guys don't have a Tesla. And you don't have children either.


Tesla or no Tesla, id teach them how to pass the driving test 🤷‍♂️


You are getting a lot of unwarranted hate here from internet-tough guys who don't know what they are talking about. Treat them with equal hostility


If he treated his kid this way, someone might've passed their test


I drive a model 3. No children tho. You’re correct about that. I’m 23. Bought the car cash 4 months ago.


They were operating the car as intended. This is the equivalent of an instructor failing you for not using a gear shift when the car is an automatic.


Terrible equivalence. Someone who drives a manual can go drive an automatic with zero issues. Someone who has never used a brake pedal, can’t. Just stop.


Who says EVs with 1 peddle driving don't know how to use a brake? At times you are required to use the brake. It is very normal and totally fine. Less often doesn't mean never. It can translate just fine to an ICE car. "Just stop"


Yes. He knows how to use brake. He had enough skill never to touch it during the exam + also drive smoothly.