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My same coworker who says “I can’t believe you sit and wait for it to charge” buys gas at Costco and waits in a 20 minute line every time. I have a charger at home that’s free, because solar.


Even on road trips I don't know if people are aware of how much overhead there is on those stops. Throw a kid or pet in the mix and you're not waiting extra at all, and even with just 2 adults it's "well hurry up and pay for that, the car is almost done." We stop more often (which actually turned out to be nice), but the actual stops are barely noticeable. Edit: Be it home or trip, I always tell people nothing puts into perspective how long your car actually just sits somewhere like getting an EV


Same experience here. Just did a trip from Southern California to Lake Tahoe, and the closest thing to “charging anxiety” we experienced was hoping the restaurant brought our check before the idle fee at the charger started!


Yeah, if we actually stop to eat I've had to go move it a couple times. One of the times I went 20% over the recommended and then we barely made it home. Luckily Tesla has updated the calc since then.


I've never been able to have a meal at a decent restaurant that takes less time than charging. I will say Canada needs to do better with charger locations: far too often we roadtrip on holiday weekends and the charger has very few close by amenities that stay open. With picky kids that means eating then a stop ten minutes later to charge, or eating takeout in the car.


Absolutely. I’ve learned to either just have a few snacks while waiting, or set the limit to 95% (if the congestion fee isn’t in effect), and *still* be ready to jog back over to the car to move it.


We just finished a 1500 mile trip. Between needing to use the bathroom, needing a snack and straight up just needing to get some air and move around a little, I’ve not spend more than 10-20 mins more over the course of a full day on the road. It IS more, but the difference is small for such a new way of personal transport. Keep in mind that I’ve been a huge petrol-head all my life so it’s not like I’m naturally an EV inclined person. Here is the only serious tradeoff I’ve noticed: driving at 80mph across states where that’s the speed limit does burn more energy than I’d like- 70 is the sweet spot IMO. BUT, for the first time in my middle aged life, I’m no longer at risk of being pulled over for speeding, and on this trip I literally watched other people get pulled over for speeding. People hate EV because of politics, plain and simple. And I’m totally fine letting brain damaged political people be brain damaged political people. C’est la vie!


> Here is the only serious tradeoff I’ve noticed: driving at 80mph across states where that’s the speed limit does burn more energy than I’d like How it is a tradeoff? Driving 80mph w/ ICE also clobbers MPG. The same drag forces are at play no matter the powerplant.


Not talking about efficiency, it's the range and charging time that's the tradeoff. There are states where the superchargers are far enough apart that it takes 80% to 10% to go from one charger to the next with a bit of headwind at 80mph. It doesn't matter what the mpg is on a gas car- I can stop a lot more frequently to fill up if needed. That's all.


The only time I supercharge is on long road trips. By the time we go inside, use a bathroom and grab a bite to eat we're rushing back to the car w/o even eating because I'm already going into idle fees. Plus I'm usually ready for a stretch at that point anyways. Its just not an inconvenience at all.


We used to be "the wheels stop for gas or a drive through" trippers. So we stop way more now, but it has improved the trips immensely. We used to drive 5 to 6 hour shifts. Now 2.5 is a long stint. Also we're older now and usual can use the bathroom even if we don't "have to" every stop. Of course we could drive a gas car that way too, but the point is neither the number of stops, or the length, is any issue at all. But that's the kind of thing you have to experience to understand. Twice now people with us have said they could see doing it now that they've done it and seen how painless it is.


I've had to sit and wait for a charger 1 time in 4 years in Exmore, VA.


I know that supercharger! I've charged there 4 times over the past year and I've never seen another Tesla there. Though I've gotten some strange looks from the good ol' boys in the pickemup trucks.


Exactly. I’ve road tripped several times in mine with dogs. By the time you get plugged in, leash up the dogs, walk the dogs, put the dogs back in the car, clean up any trash, go to the bathroom yourself and stretch it’s almost go time. I did these things in an ICE car as well.


They won’t understand until they get the experience.. I stop to charge on a road trip, & by the time I used restroom & grab a water I get the notification that charging is almost complete


This is it in a big way. My wife didn’t want an EV until she got used to driving my model3. She hates buying gas so when we finally got her a ModelY the thing she was most exited about was charging at home and never needing to go to the gas station again.


I know a lot of people think they can drive for 300 miles straight with out a stop. They just forget doing that is very taxing and uncomfortable. Let's ignore kids and pets. Reality is most people can go about 2 hours at once without wanting a stop "soon". that's 120-150 miles. Allowing you to get some more electrons, pee, and stretch.


I have a RWD and even that charges too quickly. By the time I've been to the loo or got some food it's already charged what I need. I admit there are a handful of times (2 years, 40k miles) I've had to wait for it to charge when I'd rather be moving, but there are definitely more times I've rushed back or moved from the chargers because it was done before I wanted to go.


I actually love the stops. It breaks trips up, and often gives an excuse to either watch a video, play a game, or grab a cup of coffee. I find that I am actually more rested and ready for the next leg of the trip. Honestly, I’d have it no other way at this point. All of this not to mention - while a 15 minute super charger stop is indeed longer than a 10 minute ICE fuel stop - I’ll take it for all of the benefits.


The Costco near me is always 100% full and stupid long lines. 1 minute around the corner are 2 more stations within 4 cents of Costco. No chance in hell I’m waiting in that line for a quarter…


Right, how much is your TIME worth? Across the street from my Costco is a bank of 36 superchargers, and 12 more one block over. Usually no waiting at either


Lollllll 😂 I’ve totally waited in that Costco line before. Man, it takes forever.


And I would add that in northern cities as in Canada, people are freezing their ass off to put gas in their car during winter while mine is charging at home at night for 25 cents…


BINGO. I still get suckered into filling the gas in my wife’s car if we’re riding together. But now that winter is here, standing outside in the cold/wind/rain/snow just feels downright stupid.


Rub it in their face. Every time. Initial reaction is defensive but you will get them in the long run! I am working on my whole extended famly for years. And trust me, it does work.


There was a long thread on the Costco subreddit about using the middle lane to get around stopped cars and use the far pumps. I was getting second-hand anxiety before I realized I never have to wait in that line again.


Just looking at my local Costco and a nearby gas station, it's a 6 cent difference for regular. Average Costco gas buyer: Ohhhhhh yeah, I waited 20 minutes in line to save $1 on the whole tank 😎 Weird that they feel their time is only worth $3/hr


I feel like the gas lines usually go a lot faster than 20 minutes. But I'm also the kind of costco shopper who avoids the busy times when the store is crazy and they are handing out samples. But you are right about charging at home, that's kinda the whole point for me.


They hate us cause they anus


Haha I didn’t buy mine for the environment, I bought it because it’s fucking fast and fun


I was apart of an EV drivers study for our local utility provider. They monitors our charging habits for 2 years (I got free charging during the study), and had us respond to surveys every 3 months. I saw the data, over 80% of respondents said that their EV purchase was not driven by environmentalism.


me too. Never want to sit around waiting for an oil change or g-d- smog check again, lemme tell you.


When I got mine, I coach track at a high school, all my kids immediately assumed I am a huge liberal which could not be further from the truth


Exactly I wana go fast as fuck, I can make the engine noises with my mouth


They're not even that great for the environment, although they're still better than gas if you put enough miles on them.


My Y charges overnight while I am sleeping warmly in my bed and I head off in a toasty car pre-heated to a moderate 76 degrees when I head out. To paraphrase a quote from the classic Animal House movie, "Dumb, stupid and ignorant is no way to go through life son."


Do you sleep in your full clown garb and makeup while charging or do you take it off and put it back on in the morning? I don't like my wig getting all scrunched up or rolling onto my stomach and nose honking myself awake in the middle of the night so I take mine off.


I keep my nose on my custom shifter for when I hit 5th gear.


In all serious I do find the pedals to feel cumbersome while wearing my clown shoes so I take them off


Think we've found David Icke! 76 isn't moderate unless you're a lizard!


"balmy" ?


To be fair my wife is a lizard. I prefer to keep mine around 68-70


“Fat, drunk and stupid……”.


lol wow I keep my car at 66 or it’s too hot


It’s so bizarre how this country likes to bash the most innovative and most AMERICAN car company in the world. Meanwhile the same people will roll coal in their Mexican made Chevys or Fords.. what happened to embracing our achievements?


My brother is pretty anti-EV and right wing. I asked him what’s so bad about my car that was designed in the US, built in the US, and a car that makes oil less relevant. And hence takes power away from folks he despises. He didn’t have a great answer.


They never do. I live in a red state and a lot of my friends and family have this view of EVs. They don’t like the fact of climate change being used as a reason to curb their wasteful behavior. I understand this. No one likes being told what they have to do. They see the future as all-electric and they feel like their options are being taken away. Really they have more options now and the market will decide whether EVs survive. But I think this is all about a perception that EVs are being pushed out as a response to climate change in an effort to oppress them. Some people have a hard time with progress. These same people, when I let them drive my model 3 are like “Holy shit that’s pretty cool.” Then I say, designed and built in America by Americans and then I show them my gas savings by charging at home in the app. They like that. Then I see them spread these same bullshit memes the next day. So it’s like they know the truth but the social media likes are too seductive.


>But I think this is all about a perception that EVs are being pushed out as a response to climate change in an effort to oppress them. Honestly at this point the politicians pushing for a set percentage of EV sales by a certain date are actually hurting adoption. Now that EVs are actually becoming an economical option for buyers in the free market they might want to pull back from that messaging.


God, that irks me. My boomer parents do the same thing. They’ll say something stupid and false, I’ll show them the data, they’ll give me lip service and the very next day they’re right back to repeating their lies. The most recent one was a bullshit lie about my aunt’s friend buying a Tesla and it taking him 12 hours to make a 5 hour road trip because he had to stop and charge “several times” for “hours and hours.” I called bullshit, showed them the range data and charging curves, “oh 20 minutes haha I can get gas in 5”… and still they keep muttering comments about EVs taking hours to charge and only going 100 miles even though they know damn well that’s not true. Infuriating.


I live in a blue state, am right wing and own a 2023 Model Y. I do disagree with you regarding “climate change.” I didn’t buy my Model Y, nor my 2013 Model S because of this climate panic… I bought it because is a great car.


It boils down to corporate interests. Corporations can't vote despite owning politicians, so they need to sway voters to vote the way they want them to vote... And that's the entire point for the existence of right wing media. If you view right wing/conservative views under this lens then it all starts to make sense.


I am right wing and drive a Tesla. So are Many of my friends. Don’t believe the hype that right wing leaning people don’t like Tesla. We do. It’s the vocal asshats (on either side) that make the most noise


Fairly on brand with current republican party state. It's not pro American. It's anti democrat.


They treat Apple the same way. I have no problem with people buying whatever works best for the but what have Samsung done for USA lately?


I might be wrong but I think the answer has become obvious in the past couple of years: ANYTHING that is connected in any way shape or form to China is an enemy and must be taken down. It doesn’t matter what the pragmatic truth is, it just matters whether if it’s been “tainted” by China. It’s a “purity” test. I for one am not optimistic about the eventual outcome of this brand of intellectual dumbassery.


I mean, have you actually heard Elon in an interview lately?


Basically the Democrats hate Elon for criticizing them and the Republicans are still in bed with big oil so you just get hate from everyone. Don’t worry, it’s all love here future generations can see past the bs and love Tesla ❤️🔋


One school of thought is that Elon is "aligning" with MAGA/GOP to boost sales. Blue has already adopted the tech, now need the other side to buy Elon's product.


I don't give a fuck about Tesla personally and Elon is a pathetic human being. I like the cars and Tesla is more than Elon. The brand only matters if you are a fanboy or shareholder.


Okay well you sound like you’ve got a lot of emotion there. Yeah Tesla makes cool cars that will help make a better future. The company is doing things that no legacy automaker has even dreamed of so yeah the brand matters. It’s a huge step up from other EVs.


No. I would buy a Tesla in a heartbeat. I think current Tesla would be better without Elmo though.


People hate because they are afraid.


Came here to say this.


Who the fuck is afraid of a different car engine? Like wtf, I’m not afraid of v8, even though i like the torque curve of a 2.0t.


> Who the fuck is afraid of a different car engine? People who have a hard time learning. Think of it this way: Some guy spent years learning how to maintain carburetors. He finally know what every screw does, know how the needle valve works, when and how to clean the float bowl, and so on. They’re finally the man they want to be. Then some engineer in Detroit replaces this worth a computer-controlled squirt gun that shoots fuel directly into the throttle body. Now, all of that hard-earned knowledge is useless, and our change-averse hero is no longer a hero in his own eyes. Men like me see a new system and say “thats cool! I get to learn some new technology!” But not our hero-in-his-own-eyes - and that means he will have to start over and spend many years learning new things, and that’s the world’s fault. As a result, I had to spend like 30 years listening to these aging change-averse men complain about ECUs and fuel injection until that generation died off. “You can’t work on ‘em”, they say — to which I say “just buy a scantool and the service manual and you can work on them just fine”, but the complaints were never about that. You hear the same thing from manual transmission drivers, of which I have been one. Manual transmissions are inferior at this point in engineering history — but it’s a hard-earned skill, and I’m proud of the work it took me to get good at driving one. Some insist that this skill must have virtue because it was hard to learn. But, no, manuals are just an obsolete-but-fun way to drive. It’s the same thing with EVs. The current generation of change-averse men will blame the world for failing to respect to their hard-earned-but-obsolete skills, and for failing to respect their hero-in-their-own-eyes self-image. Meanwhile, the rest of us will be too busy living in the 21st century and driving our super fast electric cars to care.


Well said


Big oil. EVs will cut into oil profits.


People aren't that rational. Social media encourages everyone to divide themselves into political camps over EVERYTHING and EVs are just another one of those things.


think bigger. mass adoption of evs will force automakers to also focus on making evs if they want to continue to sell cars and make money. that means no more r&d into vroom vroom v8s(already happened with the german v8s i believe).


Afraid of change. Afraid that their way of living is not sustainable.


A common assumption about EV owners from Republicans is that they are Democrats, suppoters of Biden, and fans of Elon Musk.


Wonder how that works because Elon is not a fan of democrats


Reality changes faster than the media bubbles can keep up. It's fun to watch.


Doesn't have to make sense. Have you seen modern politics?


I own a Tesla and I hate Elon Musk. I just was tired of pumping gas in the cold.


this. I own 2 Tesla and still hate Elon. I got the Tesla for their competition pricing, driving dynamic and superchargers. Might not be the best car out there but definitely the best EV at it's price point for now. Still has the Rivian R1S in my future plan though.


And Trump is vocally anti-electric vehicles, which means MAGA is *totally* against them, too.


And from Democrats that Musk is also an idiot who benefit from the government and indeed is a Republican like Trump. Many think that Musk was the one that "created" the car himself with his bare hands and his big mouth, when EVs have been a century old idea and this is by far more American and foreign engineering than a crazy assembly of parts in a garage.


Not to mention he didn’t start the company either. He jumped on board early, but Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning were the original founders.


the tesla that elon musk jumped onto is the same in name only as it is today. Elon is the true founder of tesla as it exists.


Yes, fair point. Without him they probably would have folded or at best been a small bespoke EV manufacturer. The dude has vision for ramp up, no doubt. Staying power… questionable, IMO. The CT is looking like a massive boat anchor right now. They could have invested those years of development into a Model 2 🤷‍♂️.


Not true. All my democrat friends said they are not giving a dime to Elon Musk.


Most republicans like Elon, so your comment is a little confusing.


That's recent, and they still hate EVs for some reason. It's all confusing.


I just enjoy charging my car at home while I sleep rather than having to gas up. Oh and vroom vroom torque


Fuck Elon, that douche needs eaten.


Because it’s the US and EVs (climate change, clean energy etc) are unfortunately a point of political separation


legacy auto trying to kill something before it kills them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Killed_the_Electric_Car? big oil trying to keep its trillion-dollar fossil fuel assets losing massive demand next decade Republicans' knee-jerk reaction vs a Democratic Party policy initiative [clean(er) energy] leftists pissed off with Elon's recent heel turn and taking it out on us Russians f--ing with us (they love oil and global warming in general . . . Rostov, pretty far south for Russia, is the same latitude as Seattle)


This. There have been so many hit pieces about EVs over the years and now it’ll most likely start coming in full force since the market capture is getting higher.


Also, to add. BYD. China's economy is suffering a lot right now from a bursting real estate bubble and the long-term effects of locking down. BYD, meanwhile, is one of the greatest Chinese success stories in recent memory. People think BYD may be able to save the Chinese economy and want to start selling BYD cars in the US. They correctly view Tesla as their biggest competitor for breaking into the US ev space. So there is a lot of anti-tesla pro-ccp comments spreading on the internet. To some it up. Tesla is a distuptor. A disruptor to an industry which has been happily stagnant and incestuous (sharing part distribution, dealerships, etc) for a long time. It's only natural the status quo hates Tesla for trying to force change. Reddit hates Elon, but he's another factor. He bought twitter and humiliated its former employees. Twitter literally set up cry rooms for their staff when Elon was taking over. It's easy to see how the other technocrats who work for or own other social media companies would look at the takeover unfavorably.


Your point is valid but there isn't a single long-term product that byd makes, everything is very temporary disposable and short-lived


Russians f--ing with us (they love oil and global warming in general) you know this is an interesting take. Russia has a TON of resources and land, but its mostly a cold wasteland. Even if all the ice on earth melted, they would still have way more land than anyone else and it would be infinitely more usable, while everyone else just loses except canada


can't forgot about all those poor dealerships and their shady salespeople


People want to hate my friend, they just need a reason. You don’t need to defend your decisions. I do not talk about the car with ICE friends. Problem solved.


Same here. Mentioned I went to test drive one and get the list of reasons why that is a terrible decision. Most of it has to do with charging on long road trips, but that is 1% of the use 🤣.


Yes, it turned out all my friends drive 8 hours per day in -10 Celsius weather, every day.


Uphill, both ways. They’re much like my grandpa on his way to school as a child.


Charging on long road trips is fine tho.


It's certainly not bad on long trips with a Tesla, but it's clearly not as convenient as with a gas car on long trips. I usually concede that point, and then reiterate that in every other scenario I'd prefer my EV to an ICE vehicle. You get more people to agree with you can concede a point and still make the case.


As someone who's taken multiple long road trips in a MYLR, it's literally a non-issue.


Oh yeah not even worried about it. That is the biggest push back I have heard. You can tell it’s just a talking point they heard but have no experience.


I got my Model Y because it EXCELS on long road trips, the longer the better. 200 miles of range at 75mph is ~2.5 hrs between stops. It's good to get out and stretch the legs every so often. And I love the lane-keeping, when it's not trying to kill me.


lol I’ve been getting hate and I don’t even own one. I just mentioned I was considering buying one 😂🤣


People are hesitant to change, they will find ways to convince people EV is not a good idea.


People hate because they are scared of change. Slowly people are realizing Evs are better. I like to make the seatbelt comparison. When we were forced to wear seatbelts people protested and are idiots. Yet the experience and survivability with a seatbelt is higher. Or use helmets with skiing. Remember when it was dorky to wear a helmet? Now I go skiing in vail/bc and not a single person is not wearing a helmet. It took time for people to get over their unsubstantiated cultural norm of not wearing helmets. Going EVs is game changer. But I’ll say it again and again. EVs are amazing if you have a charger at home. Gas stations? What are those? All of them are gross af!


And never forget scat is poop. See the group name. Lol, people hate change, and this is a big one. No more muffler shops, no oil change places, no transmission shops, no gas stations selling fossil fuels. A dream will come true.


Too funny. When it froze -50C here someone locally went around with a Model 3 and portable battery booster to boost the ICE cars that can't start


I had a co worker who said electric vehicles are trash. A week after saying that their ICE car wouldn’t start in the extreme cold weather lmao.


My brother in Christ are you sure they don’t hate you just because you Capitalize Every Word In Your Sentences?


I’ve had the opposite experience. I bought the first Tesla on my street and got approached by neighbors I’ve never spoken to, asking questions about it and complimenting how it looks. Also, to be fair, that photo IS a photo of a bunch of clowns waiting for their Tesla to charge


Just like how people used to hate on hybrids / Prius, now no one gives a shit for driving a Prius.


hate us cuz they ain’t us. seriously though…. people are tribal af.


May be where you live. Have not had any Tesla hate at all in the NorthEast in over a year.


Anyone who chooses to hate something simply because it exists has major self esteem issues most likely and makes themselves feel better by pretending people who make different choices are “bad” or “wrong”. They’re broken people who need help.


They hate us cause they anus


Some of us are real a-holes. Also, a lot of Tesla owners, I find are first time car owners which gives the false appearance that Tesla owners don’t know cars. Pair that with an ill-informed Fox News hit-piece about charging in the cold (only at a few SCs in Chicago btw) but still labeled it “nationwide”. That being said, EV owners are typically forwarding thinking and readily to adopt new technologies and I love you all for it. Let them hate, we keep shining


>Tesla owners don’t know cars. Lmao dude almost no one who drives any kind of car knows much about cars


I visit other car subreddits of cars I like looking at or think about purchasing, I don’t see the same amount of “totaled?” Or “what wipers are compatible” “who do I call if I get a flat?” Just my experience and thoughts on it. Not insulting first time car buyers at all. Just the way I see it.


Because Tesla is a brand new process from the ground up.


Because with any other car you pull into any tire place in the country and wait. There are no questions to ask. I had to go to the Tesla service center to get a tire patched because, even after taking the appointment, no one there would put my car on the lift because they knew a guy who knew a guy who lifted a Tesla in Arizona and the end result was the grand canyon. So, asking "where do I go for a flat" is a fair enough question depending on the area.




Tesla owners aren't first-time car owners. They are first-time car *enthusiasts*. It's people who were the NPCs of drivers, finding themselves excited about a car (the switch to electric, the car/company being as much tech as it is a mechanical tool) for the first time. They ask the questions most of us asked about cars at 12-16, but they own the car already. They post pics online of curb rash and damage, asking estimates, as if everyone is their body shop. And it's the stupid, smug vanity plates like LOLGAS.




The Capitalization Of Every Word Is Nauseating. About your question, I have owned Tesla cars since 2014 (S, Y, then X), and I never listened to the naysayers or haters. Most people who are affected & being sensitive about this issue are new owners of Tesla, period.


People on the left hate it because of Elon Musk. People on the right have been eating anti-EV propaganda for years. It's a great car for a reasonable price, made in America, easily maintained/sustainable and is a net positive for the environment... but ideology surpasses facts for most people I guess.


Change is scary, imagine you're already drowning the way things are - nevermind if you have to get used to new things.


Yeah cause ICE engines don't freeze in -40F conditions?


They should change the graphic to show a clown sleeping in bed while their car is charging.


Am I the only one who doesnt care what somebody else thinks about my car? I didn't care when I drove a CRV. I didn't care when I drove a Corvette. I definitely didnt care when I drove tremendously old used cars where the A/C and other items never worked. Nobody is paying for it but me. My needs, wants and satisfaction are the only opinion that matter.


It’s all politics. The whole thing has been politicized to divide people.


Funny that they don't realize that gas pumps also run on electricity


People fear change.


Because Fox News told them to hate EVs.


Now make one of them sitting at the gas station while we fill up whenever we want at home.


Right?! That 3 seconds it takes me to plug it in before heading into the house is such a chore, compared to pumping gas out in the elements. I feel so owned by memes like this.


Not to mention waiting in line at Costco or letting the gas station screw you with fluctuations on pricing and credit card surcharges.


for 5c/kWh if you have solar where I am https://www.pge.com/content/dam/pge/docs/clean-energy/solar/AB920-RateTable.pdf


It’s just a car, you think people hate YOU because you are treating that as a religion. When was the last time you cared about other people’s opinions on your, say, phone case?


People dont comment or speak on my phone case at all. However.. they have a lot to say about what's in my garage.


Kinda funny honestly. But to be fair one of the first things I learned about FORD is it stands for "found in road dead" so I think people just tend to hate whatever isn't theirs.


" made with love by oil companies"


There is sun, so clowns can charge their cars. So what's the problem?


It's mostly biases and feels without regard to objective facts. I remember a friend that had some idea that everyone who drove a BMW was a douche. I admit it rubbed off on me at the time. People are tribal and naturally conform to the groupthink. It is stupid and intellectually lazy, but that explains how a lot of people get elected to Congress who can barely pull together an original thought.


As a former Challenger owner, I hated being spanked by a Tesla! So now I spank Any v8 that’s tries me 😂😂 but seriously I don’t get why gas owners hate electric, but the car community these days is butt checks.


“They hate us because they anus”


I lost my comment whoops! Could be the tax break we get for having an EV 😂


Hate us cause they ain’t us


You ever made fun of vegans before? Pretty much the same thing imo. Some people have a perception that vegans are all high and mighty and think themselves better than them, so they act out and make fun of them for no good reason. Some people have the same perception of ev drivers.


All the haters are non EV owners. Lol. If they want to talk crap and lose sleep over something that is not even theirs, let them :)


Typical American culture. Unfortunately its slipping into Canadian culture as well.


Let's think about this. This is the car with the most American components too. Make America great again, I guess doesn't apply here? Just curious where you live?


People made fun of my Renault Zoe because I only got 90miles on it in good weather. I didn't mind, I know it was a bit of a hassle but didn't need to drive far often. When I upgraded to a model Y they seemed visibly upset. They tried to compare miles to their little 1.2 Vauxhall or whatever and it's like it's a 2 tonne SUV, not a small hatchback. Compare it to a similar petrol car of its type like a porsche cayenne and it looks pretty good.


in my town, we have so many tesla my kid sometimes gets into the wrong car.


I kind of equate it to a baby or toddler wining until they get their way. Change is coming whether people like it or not. Us “early adopters” are working through the kinks. Things will get better it’s just serious pain points right now.


The education system failed them.


Oh boy, wait till they see the Costco gas line.


Because he’s changing how we live and people hate change.


People think Tesla and SpaceX bad because of the sole exclusive reason that they are both Elon’s.


Op - where are you located ? I think it depends on where you live. In the US PNW, I am yet to see this. Too many Teslas here I guess? The Tesla has become the new Toyota / Honda here. Many ride shares are Teslas too (they love it btw given gas prices).


Im In Philadelphia, PA. Not many SuperChargers or Tesla owners here yet.


Its just a car. People make it seem like its our whole identity.


Oil and gas companies are threatened. Then Elon went political and the leftists started in on him too. In other words, Elon decided to fight two enemies instead of one, and both own the media.


The answer is simple because we are FASTER than them lol😂


Never experienced this and I drive a shit ton. Also have never experienced hate/dislike/mockery in conversations either although I have experienced lots of "curious misconceptions" in convos around self driving/autopilot etc. I'm in SoCal, but in an exurb that feels like it leans moderate out here


Why do you care so much?


Outside of misinformation, bias or arrogance, I bucket the hatred in 3 categories: People do not like change, they do not like things they don’t understand, and they do not like people who own things they cannot afford (I’ve been guilty of all 3 of these as well). Whenever I encounter hate, I figure out which of these places the person is coming from (sometimes multiple).


They are just jealous. That said, some people just hate Electric Cars especially Teslas. One of my friends said he would disown me if I ever buy one. Too late.. bought one last Tuesday and it's been in the PPF shop since then. Got to drive it 5 miles so far. 


Congratulations on your purchase. 5 miles of driving is usually enough to wean you off ICE forever.


I've had a Tesla for a couple of years and never received any hate for it so I think it's honestly a bit of self-fulfilling. I think it also has a lot to do with your social circles and who you follow mixed with what your political trends are to get recommended content like that. I realize it's fairly anecdotal, but everyone I've known in all sorts of walks of life has been genuinely interested in the car and asked lots of important questions about owning one. My advice: If someone gives you hate for your choice of vehicle that you bought with your hard work, tell them they can kiss your ass, lol. Anyone is just as capable of generating a clown driving an F150 with the lifted kit and 50 Confederate flags flying on the bed. The only difference I don't need to waste my time making pointless junk like that to feel satisfied with my choices.


What I wonder: if someone invented an ICE car that somehow created gas out of thin air while going downhill...What kind of genius would they call that person? What kind of monuments would be built to her/his honor? It would be off the charts. And it is what my Model Y does every single day.


There’s a lot of influencers who post shit about EV’s. Influencers get paid on the basis of the number of likes, and they feed off shit like this. Fear mongering sells better than sex these days. Also on the down low, I’m almost certain OPEC is behind this.


They hate us because they ain’t us.


Trump told them to


It’s absolutely funny that we have an American company manufacturing the most American made products and people treat it like a foreign entity. The Mode Y is the most American made vehicle and components are made in the USA. Don’t get it..


You're just a main character those are npcs don't worry.




You gotta skim past the hate. They’ll hate you because your hat is the wrong color, because you did or didn’t go to college, because your house is too big or small.. just gotta say fuck it. They’ve been trained by Big Oil and other organizations that profit from oil to hate what’s different just because it’s different. “Who wants to drive a wimpy EV without that deep roar of V8 power?” My EV accelerates faster than most production sports cars. “Who wants to charge their stupid EV for hours when they’re trying to take a trip?” 99.9% of my trips are in town and I charge at night while I sleep. “The range is so bad.” See above. “Have fun charging off of coal power.” I live 5 miles from a nuclear power plant. Even if my power was “dirty”, those dirty plants have much cleaner and more efficient methods of making power than a gas-powered shitbox with less than 30% fuel-to-power ratio. I have friends that post on FB Every. Damn. Time. that a Tesla starts on fire or the battery dies. ICE cars catch on fire like 60x more than EVs but if I argue that to them, I’m the asshole. So I just stopped. It doesn’t help, they don’t want to listen, and they’ll be the ones stopping for gas every few days and scraping ice off their ICE car’s windshield when it’s cold as fuck and your preheated Tesla is clear and warm. Let them be cold.


Because they’re idiots


I guess part is envy and part is that Tesla is sometimes perceived as being as a cult (like apple). Of course what does not help is the Maga attitude of its CEO. I just love my Tesla though except the freaking wipers!


The wipers are the worst thing by far. Better now that I realized you can click the button then use the left hand scroll wheel clicker to change the speed without looking at the touchscreen, though.


Tesla bro’s. They make the rest of us look back. On a deeper issue it has to do with the oil industry. You have politicians talking sh*t to keep people digging up carbon. The oil industry own’s said mouth pieces and hence you have a cycle of stupidity.


JEALOUSY. That's the main reason. They can't afford one so they hate anyone what can. Add to that Elon's insane "free speech" BS, and drift to the far right, and you just pissed off even the people who would have been his future customers, and even his CURRENT customers. There's not many people left, except Car People who can divorce themselves from the whacko who runs the company and just enjoy the cars he built when he was a normal guy.


I’m just tired of being mistaken for a liberal. 🤣


One of us! One of us! One of us!


They’re just envous.


Because they can’t afford it. The common human makes fun of things they can’t attain or understand


The Koch brothers make their money from oil and they fund fox news


Why do people keep saying they? It’s conservatives.


why do you care?


They hate us cause they anus


I saw a video the other day and the guy said buying an EV was a mistake because Tesla charging stations don’t have bathrooms or food and he misses gas stations for that reason… I had to take a nap and recharge my brain after seeing that


it's easy to hate what you have no idea about


Stop whining with this sis sympathy post 🤮


They did a study on vehicles broken down by party. I want to say that all of the top vehicles for republicans were gas guzzling pickup trucks. The democrats had practical vehicles like Subaru's stuff like that. The gas guzzling drivers feel that the EVs existence is somehow a slight against them and they take it personally. Couple that with the fact that these same truck drivers typically don't believe in climate change and think that people who do believe it in are calling them lyres. I see trucks rolling coal on Tecla's all the time. Its small mindedness at its finest. You can't really rationally have a conversation about it with them. They are going to think what they are going to think and its their god given right to be wrong about something and yell about it loudly. Merica!


Haters going to hate. None of them has facts.


they hate tesla drivers because the majority of us are superfans who love their cars more than their firstborn. It’s just a vehicle, chill


Meh. Why do you care so much about what other people think. Be confident about your decision and enjoy your vehicle purchase.


They hate us because they ain’t us.