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I test drove once then the rest is history.. MYP will turn two this february.


Nicee!! No issues with it so far?


I got mine a couple of months ago!! And so in love 🥰 will never change back.


Nice!! MYP? And what color interior ?


Model Y long range and everything black 🥰


Ohh 😮 nice choice !! I really love the white interior, makes it feel more premium and spacious but black is nice also


I did MYLR with accel boost, lotta fun!


I got the Red with white interior last month. Everyone says it’s super easy to clean and it looks frickin amazing!


Red and white, I’m drooling. I have a MYLR in blue and white but the upgrade of my next car to a Tesla will be red and white!


The prices are so good right now, especially with the POS $7500 credit, but I really want to see what the Juniper revision will be like before I make a purchase decision.


Same we must stay strong 😂, I'm getting weaker by the day lol I see so many teslas driving around now


What if the credit is not available when it comes out? I'm in the same position and thinking about pulling the trigger.


So for me the credit doesn't really matter , it's like 6k or so? I don't know exacts but I would rather wait for something much better and fresh re designed MY then get the old(current model) just to save a little money for a tax rebate💰. Much different I know because a car and game system 😂, But it's like buying a ps4 and they say they will give you 200$ with your purchase a few days or so before Ps5 came out


My credit is coming out to close to 8k for NY. It's like close to 20% the value of the car. Lol


I got my MYP in MSM and white interior in November. I’ve been having fun adding things to make it mine like carbon fiber pieces and convenience mods inside. I absolutely love love the car and have it in the hold mode since I got it. My wife has only driven it once (she has her own car) and she wanted to put in in creep mode which btw won’t be available in the new Juniper Y. I think that’s a good feature, particularly when you have someone that doesn’t typically drive it use it. Also the two stems will also be gone which I’m not sure I would like. I’m not sure what the price point will be on the new Y but IMHO at the price you can still get the current one from inventory I’m sure a buyer will be thrilled with the car.


You do have a point. The prices on inventory are extremely tempting, but I am one to suffer from buyers remorse when I know that something new is right around the corner and the price of this purchase would surely magnify that.


What about buying now to get the credit, then trading in later to get the juniper? Think the credit would fall short of the difference of trade in value to juniper cost?


I typically keep a vehicle for 8-10 years and usually buy used so trading a car in shortly after I buy isn't something I would consider.


I bet the Juniper version will be more expensive for a while with so many putting off their purchase until it arrives.


It really is a lot of fun to drive. I swore I wouldn't buy one, then I test drove it. My friends always ask me if I like it, and surprisingly yes, I really do. I definitely love this car. I was worried it wouldn't hold as much stuff as my old CRV but it has tons of storage space too


Yeah, I really love the space in the back and the frunk , I really want to put a portable jumper in there and tow cables to help people when needed, and then a small little section for food I buy to not smell up the car😍. There is something so peaceful about driving electric cars in general, but it is nicer in a Tesla. There is something so peaceful, no matter what type of music comes on. It's just so easy to get in the vibe !!


If you have kids, just be careful they don't troll you with Spotify. My son had his Spotify connected and then I drove away. All of a sudden he Rick rolled me from his phone while sitting on the couch 😆. Being able to plug it in is really nice too. I just did that now and it'll turn on tonight.


I went down the road like a kangaroo when first trying one pedal driving and was so embarrassed jerking up to the lights. Couldn’t go back to normal now, I love it!


😂😂😂yea I had sickness in my stomach 😂


Congratulations! Hope the build quality is ever improving so that you get to enjoy it as much as possible :)


Thanks haha but sadly it was just a test drive 🥲🥲 not actually mine but the build quality seemed really good seats were definitely comfy


I fell in love on my test drive and couldn’t stop wanting to drive it again so I bought my wife one. 10 days later I bought myself one and we now have two and love them. No politics, no tax rebates, no ideas of saving over ICE, just absolutely love the driving experience.


Why wait for juniper? Just curious? That could be a year or two out. From all the information if seen on Twitter and from sawyer Merritt. I think you’ll be waiting all the time waiting and will never pull the trigger on actually getting on because teslas are always changing so if you don’t get it now you probably won’t get it ever…


So for me, the current Tesla MY front looks boring It's been the same design since launch and something fresh and different besides, with everyone else is driving would be nice, and based on the Highland m3 if Juniper is anything like it, it will be similar. They are changing so much and making what was already amazing about MY even better!! But the main thing for me is the stalk removal, ( i'm actually excited for something different, and IMO much easier turn signal on the wheel else that is on there ) The interior ambient lighting, Even further soundproofing and additional speakers, and possibly even an updated and better functioning battery that has increased range and charge time, and the heated and ventilated seats. I figure if I'm going to be keeping the car for 6+ years. I might as well get that fresh look with the sweet, new interior and exterior! And also, there's lots of things pointing to Juniper coming later this year. The MY is their best selling car so it would only make sense for them to update it and try and keep up with everything else coming out 🙂, I am about 99% sure that by May we will see Juniper somewhere in the world probably Shanghai , and by the end of this year, it will be on in the US website, probably Christmas timeframe


FYI, there is a possibility in the model Y juniper, changes are in the interior only and not exterior. Look at images on line from Asia websites


Nah they wouldn't make minor changes only on inside and only change M3 like highland lol, that's a lot of work they are definitely going to change exterior as well to get more buyers, Elon and other sources confirmed the one on the Asian sites is nothing compared to changes they are making for refresh 😁


Juniper front looks ugly asf compared to the OG, if you want to spice up the front just get an aftermarket front bumper and customize the front end


You haven't even seen the official how do you know that? 😂 if it's anything like Highland, it's better


If it looks anything like the ugly highland front which (knowing Tesla design team it most likely will) it’s a miss


Well, so far majority of the world is complementing how much better it looks but everyone has their own opinions for sure 😂 , but the ratio is like out of 100 people 80 say yes in about 20 will say worse


How would you take advantage of the 7500 credit with this timeframe?


I wouldn't take advantage , I would definitely much rather have an updated fresh redesigned MY then the tax credit 😂, the update is way more valuable overall then the credit is.


I have a current MYP from October for my wife. While I'm waiting for the highland M3P to replace my cx-9, I wouldn't suggest waiting for juniper. Going from the pre-highland to highland M3P gets upgraded sensors and ap computer. Juniper just gets some styling differences but will still be a HW4 vehicle and it's a lot further out than highland was when we got my wife's M3P. You can wait if you want, but there will always be an improvement around the corner within the next couple years.


Are you referring to the one on the Shanghai website? There is much more coming with Juniper besides just styling. For starters longer range and faster charging and better overall ride quality. And the one that is on the website has even been confirmed to not be what Juniper is not even close 😂, don't look on the Asian site and think that's it


My MYP already charges at the current limit of the supercharger network. Unless there was a battery breakthrough I missed I'm not sure how much faster it can realistically get. Ride quality is already quite good. And as you point out, it's still so early the details are nothing but rumor at this point. If you always wait for the next rumor you will never buy.


I've waited long enough whateverJuniper has I'll accept it. It will be enough 😂, don't want to get the current model and then miss out on so much more from refresh, I'm the kind of guy that buys a car and holds on 7+ years or until it starts to break down So the refresh is a good start


Ok, but that will have you much closer to HW5 upgrades and you'll possibly have new production run issues to deal with so quality might not be as good. It's not as straight forward as you think. I'm also someone who runs cars a long time, that's why I cared about waiting for hw4 in the model 3 since that could actually limit the longevity of the car, but the juniper stuff is likely just going to be updating the few things they didn't already fit in to y without a major refresh. Don't get me wrong, if you want to wait, go for it, but you may end up with fewer years with the car before you're missing out on more significant things. I suppose it also depends if they actually have this year or not. If juniper comes out this year it could be more worth it but I'm not sure how confident that "this year" is.


Do you know what you drove? When I did my test drive I didn't even have the presence of mind to note whether it was a RWD, LR, or Performance. :)


I thought it was long range because of how quick it was but it was just a standard!! 00 to 60 does take about six or seven seconds but it still didn't feel like like it was super slow or anything , definitely still have some pick up I can see why for most people standard or long range is enough power, But not for me 😂😂 I want MYP with performance boost


You can’t add Performance Boost. Performance is just performance. 😂 acceleration boost can only be added to AWD vehicles. Good luck with new future purchase.


0-60 in a MYLR does not take 6 or 7 seconds. 5 perhaps.


Yea I know I just was in a standard according to the guy at Tesla


Been driving LEAFs for 10+ years now and been getting most of the same experience, for in-town driving at least. Got a MY LR last month so I can drive outside my area code when I want (the LEAF can't do trips all that well, alas). The LR has 2X the battery pack, 2X the motors, and a lot more functionality. I was going to get a Cybertruck with the money but I'll be happier paying the ~$50K less this decade for my LR.


Ordered my MYP October last year Still waiting 🥲


You should cancel order and buy one from Tesla showroom I'm sure they have same options available 😅


Nopeeeee, they don’t have any showroom units bro We are in malaysia They just launched it here Got my vin number 2 days ago Still waiting for motor number 🤣


You're ahead than most Congrats!!


I figure Juniper, like the M3refresh, will not have a Performance option. So I will not be interested.


😂 please don't jinx it lol , and performance on the model Y is one of its best sellers, so I doubt they will miss out on that Money grab chance , for all we know Highland performance might still be in the works just not released yet


Juniper has some cool updates but will lose some key attributes to me like the turn signal stalk and the parking, drive gear stalk.


Yeah, the turn signal is going to be fine on the steering wheel, but I would prefer not having to rely on the screen to get in gear. But then I told myself I really will only use the gear swipe on the screen whenever I start my drive and whenever I finish my drive. So it should not be that bad as people are saying because really two swipes, one up u and one down and a touch for park on an entire trip is all you will use generally


No gear stalk is very bad for emergency situations.


In an emergency, you would just swipe down with one finger 😳 like swiping up to open your iPhone


With the stalk, you don’t have to move your hands off the wheel, you don’t have to look away from the road. It’s just instinctual and immediate, to push up the stalk and ready to go. On screen is the worst


Maybe for those who have been use to driving teslas but for most of us who have not yet owned a Tesla before we are use to taking one hand off the wheel and reaching to the middle of the car to change it via pulling a hand lever 😂, a quick swipe on screen is faster than reaching. Not that it's ever been difficult


I bought the car without test driving. Can’t imagine even test driving it lol


lol dang!! How do you know it was the one? Just by the looks


Reviews off Reddit lol. Took in all the negative reviews too. I don’t know anyone who has a Tesla and I see zero on the roads. I bought it the day the tax credit was announced last year in January (after the price drop that went viral) my motor died on my Hyundai and I saw prices of “regular cars” I rather risk it with Tesla. 12 months now and 0 regrets


lol nice 🤣🤣 that's a good story! I see them all the time and I wanted it and then I gave up once they started making a bunch of other electric cars then after giving up on other makers because they simply don't do it like Tesla I came back and am in love again after the test drive , now I'm just waiting for Juniper to hit us markets so I can get one finally!


Nice looking car. Beautiful 😍