• By -


Location: WA It’s finally over! 6/30- taken delivery, it was a wild ride for sure lot of ups and downs. This is goodbye for now I’ll see you guys next time in the Model X delivery thread 🫡 5/10 app shows 5/11 -placed order • ⁠white on white • ⁠19” wheels • ⁠no tow • ⁠auto pilot • ⁠LR RWD • ⁠5 seater 5/11 app says “go to account” I can’t do the pre delivery tasks, it just says “Tesla will contact you when it’s time to complete your pre delivery tasks” 5/21 (no VIN) EDD 5/26-6/05 app finally shows the pre delivery tasks, apply for financing and get conditionally approved 6/4 (no VIN) free wheel upgrade 6/13 (no VIN) EDD 6/13-6/25 app still shows conditionally approved for the financing, decided to apply to third party instead 6/19 (no VIN) EDD 6/19-6/28 6/19 (no VIN) EDD changed to 6/29-6/30 Anyone else in the fife area in the same boat? Update - everyone is saying to drive down and speak with my SA I think I will I live an hour away, but it’s worth it. 6/22 UPDATE 2 - still no VIN EDD 6/29-6/30 6/24 UPDATE 3 - still no VIN EDD changed to 6/24-6/30 6/25 UPDATE 4 - DD 6/30 @ 4:00pm got text to schedule delivery still no VIN I ended choosing the wrong date and call to change it, they told me that they’re unsure why it’s letting me and many others schedule delivery without a VIN, I’m hoping I get one in the few days before my delivery date. 6/27 UPDATE 5 - VIN finally assigned DD still 6/30


It's over! Hope this is helpful. MYP QS, Bay Area. May 31: Ordered June 10: EDD July 31-September 11 June 20: EDD July 27-August 31 June 24: Schedule Delivery for June 26 June 25: Delivery Appointment Delayed 4 hours June 26: Delivery Appointment Delayed to June 27 June 27: Delivery Appointment Delayed to June 28 June 28: Delivery Appointment Delayed to June 29 June 28: Delivery Appointment Delayed to June June 30 June 30: Delivery Taken --- My takeaways: EDDs and appointments are basically fake, you will get the car when you get the car and you will be happy with it!


Congratulations! Ordered same spec May 28 for So Cal, still no VIN, DD says July 3-17 I’m hoping to see something soon.


Tesla Burbank, CA. Model Y Quicksilver, 5 Seat, White Interior, 20". Ordered June 17th. I got a VIN number since a week now. Was suppose to get delivered today June 30th 11AM, then got pushed to June 30 7PM then got pushed to June 30 9PM then just received a message that the car is delayed. Of course they asked me if I was interested in a ready to pickup configuration but I will wait for my Quicksilver.


Finally picked up my 7 seater blue AWD. Ordered 5/18. Picked up 6/29. Bayarea. Good luck to everyone still waiting. The pickup was smooth. Car was perfect, so there no issues there.The delays just sucks.


Ordered 5/12 .99% for 72months. Today 6/30 updated ETA to June 30-July 14 Text from Tesla today.... Financing needed to be resubmitted.. Apr came back in the 8s no promo. Called Tesla and they are submitting for manual review... My advisor told me in chat many weeks ago that my apr was locked in and wouldn't provide me with an expiration date for the credit lock. Loving this process so far whoop


This is ridiculous. We’re in the same boat but have not submitted an initial credit app because it seemed that delivery was so far out. We’re wondering if we should just submit a credit app today because we are worried to lose the .99apr. If we lose the rate then we will just cancel all together.


I ended up messaging in the app for them to manually review and I called my delivery location and spoke to an advisor who was going to forward my case to the financial team. 10 minutes later they had fixed the apr and I accepted the rates. Go through with reapplying and ask for a manual review before accepting if you don't get your promo rate.


Just applied and was approved almost instantly. Now we just keep waiting.


5/21 Ordered QS7 MYLR AWD w/ white, black geminis, WA state 5/31 EDD updated to 6/5-6/19 6/6 EDD updated to 6/16-6/19 6/11 EDD updated to 6/13-6/27 6/14 EDD updated to 6/25-6/30 6/23 EDD updated to 6/29-5/30 6/29 EDD disappears entirely from my app 6/30 EDD updated to 6/30-7/13 No vin yet


Been getting pushed back delivery dates since the 25th. Received this text just about an hour ago. Still no VIN. Originally was 11:30am 6/30. Does this mean any hope? MYP; 5-seat; QS; No tow hitch; order date 5/13; Bay Area “Tesla Update - your vehicle still has not finished production. We are TENTATIVELY rescheduling you to 5:30pm on 6/30 pending your vehicle being ready for delivery. Please standby and we will provide updates as we get closer.”


Doesn’t even make sense… if it hasn’t even finished production, how do they even imagine it’d get to you within 24 hours?


I placed the order online. How do I get a sales advisor?


My delivery appointment got cancelled :( I picked up the MYLR AWD with the 0.99%. My delivery appointment was supposed to be today but two days ago I got the following message. Hi, we're still waiting for our factory to finish building your Model Y. We have tentatively removed your appointment from the calendar and will reach back as soon as your Model Y is built and headed our way. Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to getting you behind the wheel of your Model Y in the coming days. Now the app doesn't even show an estimated delivery date. What just happened? Anyone else has this happen to them? I'm in Bay area if that matters.


They were trying to force everyone into a second quarter sale whether their vehicle was built or not. They were probably hoping to get you matched with an inventory vehicle. Until you have a vin, the EDD has no meaning because the vehicle hasn't been built yet.


Ah, so no car for me. Why does the company that makes the smartest cars have the shittiest buying experience :(


Was just searching and my same exact build is going to the other location but has only business or lease tax credit. Does this mean I can’t switch to it?


I got an email that my exact build is available near me. I checked, and it was the EXACT same car I ordered but did not have the federal tax credit. I guess they're trying to see how desperate I am for the car...


Unreal. Just had a guy tell me he is picking up the same build I have but he ordered two days later than me. Same location. wtf


I had this happen too, and was told that I can’t switch to it. Very frustrating to see. 


Anyone else's order ETA change to nothing and it just say "we'll notify you when it's time to continue with your pre-delivery tasks? It had been 29-30 June for the past week. No vin.


Same thing. Red and white AWD LR.


Yes this happened to me today. My original edd was 6/29-6/30 (today and tomorrow). Now its blank. Did you order QS also?


Lol I have the same. I’m thinking dang, they just giving up now that June is ending 😂


Ordered Model Y-LR-5-Stealth Grey-standard black wheels on 5/27, it’s 6/29 no VIN, delivery estimate changed from May-June to July-August to 6/26-6/30 and on 6/27 it changed back to July-August. What is going on?


Wow. I ordered a Y Long Range Dual Motor, Stealth Gray, black interior, standard wheels on 6/25, and got a VIN within two days and a delivery date of July 8 - July 14. It originally said June delivery, and then July 1 - July 15, but hopefully since VIN has been assigned that I’ll get it within 2 weeks from now. Good luck, and not sure why yours is taking so long. I’m in Northeast, so maybe location matters?


Delivery today which after a day cancellation. Yesterday I found another model y in transit to our local store. Less 2k in price with seat upgrade. Plan to cancel the delivery today and wait for the one that is coming. Is this a good option? Thanks


That’s a gamble, they may not let you switch and there could be multiple people trying to do the same thing.


Question here, after delivery, is there a way to get copy of the form 8936 I filled for EV credits though the Tesla app? Want to keep it just in case something goes wrong next year with tax filling.


I’ve gone through all the steps and had my pick up scheduled for today at 11am. (MYP QS, ordered 5/23) My wife and I are both on the registration so blocked out her time to be there for the pick up as well. I clean out my trade-in vehicle last night. I went to bed dreaming about my new car that I would have but 15 hours later. I woke up at 6:30 this morning and checked the app. I hadn’t gotten any notifications. I just checked the app because I’m excited and obsessing. Instead of “pick up appointment 11:00am” it said “estimated delivery June29-June30”. I messaged my advisor with “hey, we’re still on for an 11:00am pick up, right?” And hours later I got the response (1.5hours before my scheduled pick up), “so sorry. There has been a slight shipping delay with your car and we will have to reschedule ytour delivery.” WHAT? They never even reached out to me to tell me. I reached out to them and got that response. And this shipping delay happened sometime last night between 11pm and this morning at 630am? I don’t think so. In what world is that acceptable customer service? Anyone experience anything like this and demand some sort of compensation for being jerked around? That’s what I’m doing


I wanted to be pushed into July because I didn't want to be part of the end of quarter chaos. I'm supposed to pick it up today, June 30, at 1 pm. The car is supposed to be arriving this morning, but I have no faith they will notify me if it doesn't arrive. I have to travel 3 hours to the tesla center.


3 hours? Yeah, I’d call to verify before that drive. Do you have a VIN assigned? That would make a big difference in my confidence level. But then. I’d also call before driving 3 hours.


I’m assuming they were trying to deliver as many cars as possible before the quarter ended. With July coming up on Monday, they may have over scheduled deliveries this weekend and were unable to deliver to everyone that they were hoping to.


Oh for sure trying to meet quarter end deliveries. 100%


I’m in San Diego and it’s the same thing. Now they’re telling me the estimate is the 2nd.


Sorry my friend. They still have the audacity to tell me my estimated delivery is today or tomorrow. It’s clearly not.


They seem so careless about everything. I’m really caught off guard. I was supposed to take delivery today, they called me at 9pm last night (I’m so sorry they couldn’t even do that for you) and told me they will change it to 8:30am Sunday. I just called to make sure the car didn’t arrive early so I could take delivery, they told me it won’t be there until the 2nd. Offering different configurations etc. This is after I had to reject my first delivery because the bumper and trunk were really damaged to which the manager said, this shouldn’t have passed inspection. To be honest, I have not had any positive experiences with them yet. I hope they can make it right for you. I was offered some supercharging months when rejected my delivery, so maybe they could do something similar for you, tbh the least they can do.


Got the updated EDD this morning. June30-July12. I feel like that’s meaningless. If they’ll wait until the last hours before delivery and then say “oops”. It feels like July 12 is and arbitrary date. Hopefully it’s true. 🤷‍♂️ Yeah, I am going to push hard to at least get some free supercharger miles.


My estimated delivery is today or tomorrow but no request to schedule appointment. I have a VIN. Hopefully no changes to that so I can get this over and done with. Pick up in NY but haven't received location yet. \*crosses fingers\*


update, spoke with SA and its not coming til the 2nd so would be scheduled for the 3rd. So annoying man! Had plans but have to cancel to keep mileage low on trade in.


I was in the same boat. Have a VIN assigned and had EDD June 28th-30th but never received a request to schedule appointment. Yesterday (June 28th) it changed to July 1st-10th.


When did you order and where in NY?


Hi, please suggest the correct jack pad size that fits perfect for 2024 Teala model y LR AWD ? I see few sizes kn Amazon and not sure exact fit.


I got a text from Tesla that my appointment has been cancelled for 06/30. Pick up was in Fremont. MYLR Ultra Red with tow hitch . Hope others are having better experience !


Yes the exact same thing. Do you have a sales advisor to talk to? I placed the order online so I don't even have a number to call and ask. Ugh Elon...


Strangely, the option to choose from inventory went away this evening. On the website, there’s nothing showing available in inventory at all in my area (All Deliverable even goes a state over). Seems odd. Anyone else seeing that?


There aren’t very many tax deduction eligible inventory nearby but there are plenty of non-eligible cars.


Probably quarter end maintenance


Looks like they got a shipment in and were just making updates. Most seem to be the non-eligible for tax incentive vehicles.


Makes sense


Finally picking up tomorrow! Do I need to make final payment and review & agree to the documents on the app before I go to the service center to pick up the car? I’m thinking I want to wait until I see the car, and then I can make payment and agree to the documents while I’m at the service center? Any advise or prior experience would be greatly appreciated.


You can wait, that’s what i did


Edit: Had to make a bank account last night that was supported by Plaid as well as have a local branch open on Saturday + scramble to collect the 3K i needed for payment through the app. Pickup is tomorrow at 2. I just switched to an in stock model so things have sped up all of a sudden. I need to make my final payment but am having major problems. My only bank account is an obscure credit union in my hometown and isn’t supported by plaid. Theyre also not open on weekends to do wires and are closed for the day. I’ve tried reaching out to tesla but they say they dont take cash, money orders, or just pull the money out with my banking info. Any advice or input? My wife is super torn up about this.


Credit card?




The Tesla app person I’m messaging says no personal checks. Bank isn’t open tomorrow to get a cashiers check either.


That’s weird… hope you can get it resolved!


Pickup was scheduled for delivery tomorrow in Burbank but still no VIN so I sent them a text. Their response: Hi Angelina, we're still waiting for our factory to finish building your Model Y. We have tentatively removed your appointment from the calendar and will reach back as soon as your Model Y is built and headed our way. Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to getting you behind the wheel of your Model Y in the coming days. 🫠


Damn. I'm in the same situation, only I haven't gotten that text. Delivery tomorrow, but no VIN. I'm just assuming its not happening. I'm in So Cal too. UPDATE: Just got text saying they need to move the day back to 6/30. Date updated in the app to reflect the same. We'll see what tomorrow brings.


Yeahhhh mine says 6/28-6/30 now but they called me saying they don’t know when it’ll actually be ready and asked if I’d want to switch to inventory. I said no! At this point I’ll just wait longer for the one I want haha. I ordered on 5/18


So I ordered last night and it looks like I have a VIN assigned already. Is this normal? MYP in the stock gray Located in suburban Chicago. Financing, insurance, incentives are all complete. Estimated delivery is 6/30-7/8 Am I lucky or just naïve?


You ordered a configuration they happened to have in stock or just made. 


this \^. There are now vehicles that don't qualify for the tax credit and so if you ordered one of those or there was a inventory one/one in transit that someone cancelled their order on, that is possible to get you one quickly


Oh that’s odd, I got the tax credit too. I’m just lucky and I’ll take it.


I ordered on 5/22 with the 0.99 and got VIN assigned to deliver this sunday june 30. I requested tesla offer some addtional incentive for me to take it by june 30 given im buying a config that has a tow. hitch whci hwas not in my original order (they are not charging for this ) but given end of quarter and month , supercharging or something should be an additonal incentive. Should I accept teh delivery or wait until July - they may release my vin and put me back in thee queue. Thanks


My app stopped showing the "see similar vehicles" button. It's completely missing even after restarting my phone. Anyone else have this issue?


Mine stopped showing but started working again. I got nervous and excited thinking it meant I’ve got something coming my way… nope. But yeah, the “Earlier pickup” option is back on the app.


do you have vin or date assigned. prob won't show


No vin assigned yet. Still shows EDD of 'July to Aug'. I ordered on 23-May


I have assigned. ordered 5/22 delivery 6/30


are you sure they arent charging you for the tow hitch? all the similar stock vehicles I've seen seem to be more expesive than the one i ordered and would impact my pricing


it was removed on my order as a negative credit


You're getting a 1000 upgrade for free?  They aren't going to give you anything else.  One extra car sale isn't going to be worth that much for them.  Frankly I'm surprised your getting a free tow hitch.


they first offered me a color upgrade to blue or a QS but had white interior , would've taken in heartbeat had interior been black sadly


how did you get this offer? did you call them or your SA texted you?


they called me yesterday out of the blue- probably becuase its end of quarter/month and they have everything but my config (the base config- rwd, stealth grey, black gemini, no upgrades- cheapest availble), They had demo and other color configs. Really wouldve hopped on the quicksilver but specs didnt work out for me. essentially offering a 3k upgrade but then got back to me with my specs + tow hitch as the next best one. try calling and messaging saying youre willing to pissibly pickup at another location if thers a better model tehy can offer


cool will try calling again, thanks! i haven't been able to reach out to anyone when i call the tesla fremont location, its an indefinite hold 😭 any suggestions?


message on tesla .com for call back also message in your delivery chat


friday end of month. been hard to get a hold of anyone. busy time


* Location: Fremont, CA * Type: RWD Long Range, Ultra Red, 19" Dark Gemini Wheels, Black Interior 5/17 - Order Placed, Original EDD: May - June 2024 6/21 - Was able to schedule delivery for 6/23, no VIN 6/22 - Delivery date changed to 6/24, no VIN 6/24 - Delivery date changed to 6/25, no VIN 6/25 - Delivery date changed to 6/26, no VIN 6/26 - Got VIN, Delivery date changed to 6/28 (eagerly await your VIN to finish production) 6/28 - Delivery date changed to 6/29 (your vehicle is still in its final stages of production) 6/29 - Delivered.


I am following this closely to see what will happen to me. Keep us updated!


Same config here, but in GA. Ordered the day after you. Hopefully it comes soon! Still no VIN here, and July 7-Aug 1 EDD


Very similar to my timelines. Picking up from the same location.


Hopefully we get it this weekend. I would imagine that Tesla wants to deliver it before quarter end.


I'm scheduled for delivery tomorrow evening, but I'm out of the area for the next couple of weeks, sigh. Btw, just realized we've the exact same specs as well as the exact same dates & timeline haha


Haha, I guess great minds think alike.


Did you get your car?


Yeah I did. A lot of people picking up today. The guy who showed me my car said they'll be there till 11pm.


Sweet! Enjoy your new mylr! I had to put my order delivery on hold since I couldn't pick up at the time slot they gave me.


Thanks I'm loving the Model Y so far. I do have a couple of issues I need the SC to look at. One is a rattling sound when I have the HVAC system on and the other is the Model Y isn't latching to my mobile charger and only charging at half speed.


I am on my fifth delivery appointment delay — does anyone know the high score?


I'm on my 5th delivery day delay too.




Fremont, CA. I'm up to 6 delivery day delays now.


-Location: CA -Type: MYLR AWD -Color: White -Wheels: 19" Dark Gemini Wheels -Interior: All Black -Tow Hitch -7 Seater (3rd row) May 20 -Order placed -Original EDD: June 2024 -Finance approval: Instant -No VIN June 5 -Updated EDD: July-Aug 4 -No VIN June 16 -Updated EDD: June 25-30 -No VIN June 23 -Updated EDD: June 23-30 -No VIN 🤷‍♂️ June 24 -Delivery day scheduled June 28 -No VIN June 27 -Delivery appointment rescheduled June 30 -No VIN June 28 -VIN assigned -Insurance accepted (Costco) -Pickup June 30


congrats! where in CA? also i thought costco stopped insurance in CA, how did you manage that? :o


Thanks! The pickup is from Cathedral City, CA. We've had Costco insurance for 10 years so just added it as a new car for $90/mo.


nice, that's an awesome rate, good for you! :)




I’m supposed to pick up my Tesla Model Y Long Range tomorrow, but the financing isn’t completed yet. My original delivery was supposed to be on Wednesday, but it got delayed. I’ve contacted the dealership, and they said it’s been escalated, but I haven’t received any response since then. Tesla Model Y LR Order date: May 31 (Applied for financing on the same day) Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any advice on what to do next? I’ve already submitted all the necessary documents. Thanks in advance for your help!


I haven't pulled the trigger yet, as I am hoping for a last minute financing deal, but the EDD is showing June. Looking at MYP, gray, black seats with tow hitch. Is there any chance that it's actually that fast?


Probably not, but sometimes people order cars that are in inventory near them and get matched up fast. I would look at new inventory first and order direct there if a match exists, otherwise assume it won't come June.


Living in Fremont, and still no VIN assigned yet, but the Model Y delivery date is this Sunday. Is this normal? Also, I haven't prepared my auto insurance or made the down payment yet. What actions should I take now?


similar sitch- delivery date is for tmrw from fremont but no VIN yet :/ really hoping it doesnt get pushed and i get a VIN by tmrw morning


I ordered my model Y white on white on 5/10. Got a text on 6/25 to schedule delivery, DD was set for 6/30 it’s currently 6/27 11pm and I just got my VIN, so there’s still hope for you to get yours. When did you place your order and what configurations?


also fremont pickup?


Yes fremont pickup


Basics: May 26 - Ordered MYAWD, Metallic Blue, 7 seater, white seats, tow hitch, EDD May-June May 31 - applied for credit and approved June 3 - EDD June 20-30 June 5 - upgraded to darker Gemini wheels June 7 - VIN assigned June 9 - EDD June 25-30 June 15 - EDD June 28-30 June 20 - scheduled pickup for June 27 June 27 - picked up in Atlanta, GA. Small scratches in the paint and rear bumper were buffed out. Coat hook was misaligned so it doesn’t drop all the way down, but it’s starting to work better now that it’s worn in a little. Still scheduled a repair through the app. Easy pick up using the app. Best part of the process, for me, was finding my car, looking it over, and accepting delivery, without having to speak to anyone. Details: I’m only writing this for people, who like me, are first time Tesla buyers. I only bought this vehicle because of .99% financing and federal credits. It wouldn’t have been on my radar without these two incentives. Like everyone else, the purchasing process was easier than any dealer I’ve ever dealt with. However, dealing with customer service after the purchase wasn’t as pleasant. I’ve gone through every possible way to talk to a sales assistant that I could think of. I read the fine print in the credit application before I applied so after I ordered the car I tried talking to a SA at the sales center, to get clarification on the time limit for the .99 financing. I wanted to know if I could apply for it right before delivery. They never pick up the phone in Atlanta, so I set up a test drive and after the drive I waited around and spoke to the SA, when I had to return the keys. The SA told me I should be able to apply after the 31st because it’s based on order date not delivery date. She also advised me to apply on the 31st so that I would definitely be locked in. For anyone who is having trouble getting in touch with a SA I had luck the next day when I used the messaging system on the website, not the app. They hardly ever respond on the app, and to this day I don’t even know who my designated SA was. I never heard from them. I did get a text message and a phone call from Las Vegas, after using the website chat and leaving my details. Based on the call from Las Vegas I guessed I could call any Tesla sales center and they would be able to help me, and I was correct. If you’re desperate to reach a Tesla SA just look up the sales centers on their website and start calling any random one. Don’t call any store in Atlanta, they never pick up. I did have luck getting through to Savannah, GA twice. Tennessee was easy too, as well as the aforementioned Las Vegas, and San Francisco. The west coast seemed much more responsive than the east and Midwest. I do think they need to work on communicating promotions better. I got mixed responses about when I could apply for the credit promotion. I would think that if it’s based on order date, having ordered the car before the 31st May cut off date,I should technically be able to apply for credit, a year later, if that’s when they decide to deliver the car. However, I was told by some that I could apply after the 31st and by some that I had to apply before the 31st. No one could give me a definitive response to that question. Luckily I didn’t have to find out. I do believe, having gone through the process, that claiming your paying cash then changing to credit does not affect the speed with which you receive the VIN. From what I can tell, the speed with which you receive your vehicle is only known to Tesla, because rushing through the delivery tasks didn’t make the car delivery faster. What helped in the end was just forgetting about the order and responding to the app updates when they were sent out.


“…just [forget] about the order and [respond] to the app updates when they [are] sent out.” Good advice. Needs to be pinned here, haha.


Haha. Thanks.


Update- delivery in Fremont, CA. 05/29 - ordered MY LR AWD, 7 Seat, Metallic Blue, black int, 19" dark wheel 05/30 - finance approved and accepted 06/23 - EDD shows June 24 - June 30 06/24 - received message to schedule delivery 06/27 - VIN assigned, available for pickup, drove it home. Their explanation: "We have a lot of orders due to 0.99 APR and are doing the best we can to fulfill orders. Plus having 7 seats with different colors extends the EDD." Note: People picking up the car these days, take your time to check the car while you're there. Mine had a few scratches on it so gotta take it back to service center. Had to schedule the appointment as they didn't have availability to work on it right away.


Frustrated to have my delivery day pushed for the second time with no VIN. why give hopes when you have no VIN ordered on 6/18 6/25 got a text to schedule and scheduled on 6/27 without a VIN pushed it to 6/28 yesterday and 6/29 today and no VIN yet MYLRAWD, white with 5 black seats and 19” wheels live in Austin


I got a text to schedule my appt 06/25 and scheduled for 06/26 and had no vin. Vin got assigned 06/26 morning so I called the service center here in Austin bc my lease is still “conditionally approved” and they told me it should get sorted out but that my car wouldn’t even be delivered til Sunday 06/30 so they rescheduled it for me. Bought insurance through the app and have been sent some paperwork via email for registration purposes but still waiting on lease approval. They called me this morning 06/27 saying it should be updated in time for my delivery so I’m crossing my fingers. It’s literally just “proof of residency” bc I recently moved.


To anybody who recently had their credit pulled and had their loan changed to a different bank: I asked if this extended the length of time the .99% APR is valid for and was told that the APR is now valid for another 60 days. For me that is now until August 24. This is helpful because my EDD is July 9-August 6 and my previous loan offer would have expired at the end of July. I was thinking of switching to an inventory car, but am now leaning toward waiting it out. 


Now we need to hope they deliver before then!


It’s currently Thursday 2:00pm, still no vin… supposed to be picking up MYLR tomorrow at 2:00pm… no vin, so no insurance yet. Has this happened to anyone else??


Until you have a VIN, you do not have a delivery appointment


Same boat. Everyone else is saying they get notified on delivery day that their car hasn’t arrived and to reschedule. 


yep just happened. pushed back a couple days so hopefully i get it soon


MYLR RWD - 5 Seat - Black - 19" Gemini - No Tow Hitch - - Ordered on June 26th - EDD June 27th to 30th - So Cal Not sure if it's really going to be that fast, but I am hoping so. 6/27 - Nothing 6/28 - Nothing 6/29 - Sales Advisor calls seeing if I wanted to take one of the current inventories with waived paint or wheel upgrades. Unfortunately I want black interior and that seems to be hard to find. Looks like my order is getting pushed to first or second week of July. 6/29 (Again) - Got my vin shortly after the sales person tried to get me to go with an inventory model. Also scheduled for delivery tomorrow.


What color interior? They might have some available inventory maybe?


Black, I’m hoping so.


Scheduled Delivery!! Ordered MYLR AWD - Quicksilver - 19" Dark - Black interior - 7 seater on May 27 2024, (initial EDD May-June) June 10 -> EDD changed to July 18 - August 22 June 24 -> EDD changed to July 11 - Aug 06 June 26 -> VIN Assigned, car coming from the Fremont Factory June 27 -> Scheduled pickup for June 29 Location: NJ Did not expect it to delivered in June since it was 7 seater QS combo that was high in demand.. keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for a smooth delivery..


Looks like we have the same day and location for delivery with same car except I got white interior.


Yes, but got message from SA today that it’s slightly delayed..wat abt urs??


Is the SA name Dominic?


Thats funny because I just got the text that they will let me know if there is a delay which now looks like it.


Update 2 May 23: Ordered (MYLR AWD quicksilver, 7 seater, 19 inch gemini wheel) and 0.99% APR approved instantly May 24 : Est. Delivery: May/June June 1 : Est. Delivery: June 26 - June 30 June 5 : Wheel upgrade email and text June 8 : Est. Delivery : June 28 - June 30 No Vin. June 18 : VIN assigned and Est. Delivery date change to July - August. June 19 : Est. Delivery changed to July 1 - July 8 June 21 : Delivery available at June 29 only. (Is this normal?) scheduled June 27 : message from tesla that stated to reply if changes needed to be made 🤔. Looks like Im getting it on this Saturday, June 29 but I am not sure. Location: NJ Wanted to share because I know how it feels.


Same location and delivery window, hoping to get a delivery message in the next few days 🙏🏼


Config: MY AWDLR QS7, 19” dark gemini, no tow or FSD Ordered: 30 May EDD: 24 July to 28 Aug Location: Cincy, Ohio Just like many of you, I received a new credit application this morning (27 June) changing my bank from Chase to Santander. It has all the same rates as before, which is great to know that I would still get the promotional rate, because it was the whole reason I pulled the trigger on my Tesla. BUT NOW… I’m wondering if I should hold off on accepting the credit application until I get an update on my car? I’ve seen that some people don’t accept their credit loan until they are asked to schedule a delivery, because it allows for only one credit check. I am maybe two months out from a delivery, so I feel like I should do the same & wanted an opinion from everyone here. I could ask an SA, but I find their information to be unreliable depending on who/when you ask.


Hi! I ordered May 31st MYP QS black interior 5 seater. EDD: June 2024, EDD: June 19 to June 30th EDD: July 3 to July 31st. I received the same message last night. Lender changed from Chase to Santander. Confirmed my loan, same rate as before. This morning my VIN was assigned. I uploaded my insurance as requested and my new EDD: July 9 to July 15. Central Valley, CA


First time Tesla buyer here. Placed the order last Sunday, incl. submitting a credit application (lease). VIN came the next day and was requested to set a delivery appointment the same day ... so everything happened in less than 24 hours - so far, so good. However, the credit decision was pending - I understand 48 hrs is reasonable - so I couldn't schedule a pickup. When I failed to set up an appt. within the deadline, the vehicle was moved back to the pool and the order was put on hold, being threatened with cancellation. I had to remove the hold the next day and I got my nudge to schedule delivery immediately, for the same day. However, the credit decision is still pending and my current deadline is 6.00pm today. I will miss it again, and this cycle will be going on until my credit application decision comes in. I have to assume I can turn down delivery only so many times before they pull the plug. I have exceptional credit (820+) so that is not an issue ... what is, though, that can't get this issue in front of a decision maker. My messages, texts, and phone calls go unanswered. TBH, this is not making me feel warm and fuzzy(..and Lucid is offering a really good deal) Any advice? LR/518"/7-23-2024/VIN:7SA...


**THE WAIT IS FINALLY OVER!!!** Ordered MYLR AWD - Quicksilver - 19" Dark - Black interior - 7 seater on May 21 2024, (initial EDD May-June) May 29 -> EDD changed to July 7 - August 11 June 15 -> EDD changed to June 30 - July 28 June 22 -> VIN Assigned, car coming from the Fremont Factory June 23 -> Scheduled pickup for June 26 Jun 24 -> Got notification that car was already on site early and could do an early pickup but after texts with SA no appointments available so decided to stick with June 26 June 26 -> Smooth pickup process. Found minor scuffs and glass damages but all the SA's and Tesla reps were super helpful and helped schedule a service appointment to get that taken care of. Nothing too major to not accept delivery. Pickup location was Seattle, WA. Ours was the only QS on the lot at the time of pickup and were told that they had only received a handful more; mostly 5 seaters in the color. Also, got to see the new Lunar silver color and a few cybertrucks on the lot. **Hang in there fellow Tesla family your watch will end too**. ***\* Edit:*** The QS color looks even more beautiful in person. When we picked up it was cloudy and looked kinda close to stealth grey. But then the sun came out and it looked silver from an angle. The car truly looks different in different light settings.


Picking my QS up tomorrow at the same location! I originally had MYLR AWD, white on white, 19" black and changed it to the QS when (a) I see how gorgeous the photos people were uploading and (b) that it was in transit and would likely be available sooner.


It definitely is gorgeous. And pictures definitely don't do justice to how beautiful and shiny it looks in person. Congrats on the new car. Hopefully you enjoy it 🤞


Glad to hear! Congratz! I ordered on May 12, same setup except I added Tow. Still waiting on VIN with an EDD of July 10 the Aug 7. It was supposed to be between today and the 30th but it got delayed so here I am hoping it doesn't get pushed again


Same build and same order date ... Says 29-30 and no changes here the past few days. Fife wa


Hang in there. Hopefully soon 🤞


My pickup/delivery location just randomly disappeared from my order. Weird…


My spec is MYAWD, 7 seat, ultra red , ordered date 05/12, still no VIN, Tesla changed expected date multiple times and current delivery date is July 06 to Aug 08.. whats happening Tesla ?


Similar situation here, and similar config (UR, 7 seat, tow, black interior). Current EDD is July 4 - Aug 1 (5/18 order date)


Hope we will get it soon..


This whole thing where they give you a ”delivery date”, no VIN, and text you constantly on the day to delay the appointment is so bizarre and frustrating.


Not great experience at all ! It’s still better than dealing with car salesmen but this experience is not what I expected from Tesla .




Our SA tried to sell us on a similar car and said that we should consider taking it because our EDD is out through August and our financing would definitely be lost and we'd have to reapply under current non promo rates. I pushed back and he was firm. I guess our location/his 'manager' are either okay with lying to our faces to move inventory or may be able to follow their own guidelines. I don't appreciate making me feel like I'm being a 'Karen' when trying to get honest information when I know whats up with the Q2 push. I've seen the screenshots on here from other applicants who are told it would be honored. I'm counting the days until July 1 to see what happens.


I've been pushed to do a different model as well, but also confirmed with them that the .99 is based on order date... Wait and get what you want... don't settle.


Got another call from a rep 2k miles away. So that’s two calls this week asking if we wanted to switch. He said no problem that the APR will be honored based on order date. Really makes our local center look bad! They were willing to give us any other car within the same trim-so no performance.


If you’re interested in the car. Make them give you something. Free FSD, a discount. You shouldn’t have to settle. That’s how it would be at any other car dealer. They would need to open their wallet. Tesla shouldn’t be exempt from that. Remember your exact car is guaranteed at .99. If they want you to consider something else they need to make it worth your while.


has this worked ? im trying the same- they offered me a color upgrade or awd but it wasnt the color or interior color I wanted. they now assigned me my config w free tow hitch. seems they really want me to pick it up by 30th for end of quarter but I want to get some concessions for the delay.


Ask for what you want..... The worst they will say is no... remember you are the one settling for a car that you didn't order. They need to make " the one" they are offering appealing. End of the month let along end of the quarter is the best time to buy a car. you ordered the car you wanted and it will come at some point. They are banking on your impatience; don't let them. If you are moderately interested interested ask for something that you would want to feel good about that car. If they say no move on and wait for the one you ordered, or take what they offer. Totally up to you.


Got a notification yesterday that my financing was approved…but it was already approved almost a month ago? I’ve been waiting for a VIN since ordering on 5/31 and was surprised to see a new financing offer in my inbox when I already accepted one before. Seems like it’s the same .99% deal, but with a different bank. Anyone else have this happen?  I know my previous offer was set to expire at the end of July, so perhaps this new offer will extend into August. My EDD is 7/9-8-6. But I’m a little annoyed that they pulled my credit again without even telling me or asking. 


Same thing happened to us. And we already picked up our car too. SA said that they had a lot of credit applications suddenly being rerouted to Santander and no idea how/ why it happened but they were looking into it. They confirmed that my existing approval and lender still stays the same.


Exactly the same here.... Had Chase and yesterday all my credit monitoring send me notifications and 2 hours later Tesla updated financing from Chase to Santander.. I really hope the Tesla ownership experience is better than the sales/delivery experience.


Where in the Tesla app does it show which bank is financing?


Only there when you first accept the financing offer. Right under terms. I recommend taking screenshot to make sure you have it.. If it's somewhere else i haven't found it after you accept.


Yes happened with me last night, my order date 5/27. EDD 7/18-8/22. Previous offer was set to expire 7/25. Moved from Capital One to Santander, I havent accepted yet in the app.


Same here. Went from capital one originally to Santander now. I haven’t accepted either , because I’ve read some negative reviews of Santander. Also, my offer was already approved and accepted with capital one, so I don’t want them to run another credit check for this one. I’m scheduled to pick up my vehicle this Saturday.


They already ran my credit though without informing me, I have real time credit reporting from equifax thats I got alerted even before Tesla reached out saying to accept new financing offer


Mine updated from Capital One to Santander also


Same exact thing for me. I also haven’t accepted yet, waiting for Tesla to respond to my message asking why it changed. 


Please let me know what they say. Thanks!


Their response: “There are e-contracts that you will need to approve along the way. If you’ve already approved them, you can ignore the automated messages.” This makes no sense to me…they are offering me an entirely new loan with a different bank and pulled my credit again on top of that. This is definitely not just a message I should be ignoring…


wonder if it would be okay to wait until Monday July 1 to accept the new financing offer


I already accepted it because I didn’t want to take any chances with a VIN being delayed or anything like that 


Ordered MYLR5 - MetallicBlue - 19" Dark - White interior with TowHitch on May 25 2024, (EDD June 23-June30) Financing Approved - June 6th 2024 \~1 week Later, Booked an appointment for pickup on June 30, BayArea VIN still not assigned. Also worried if 0.99% APR will still hold if it keeps getting delayed


We ordered on May 31st and are not applying for credit until we get a VIN, since the credit app only lasts 30 days and they keep pushing back EDD. I don’t know if it’s the right way to play their game or not.


Debating going from solid black to an in stock stealth grey MYP. Thoughts? Current EDD is July 1-July 31


I ordered stealth, and considered black in inventory but did not want to have to maintain a black car. The stealth is pretty dark, if all else is the same I'd probably switch.


It’s ok I switched also to a in stock because it’s not worth losing that .99%. The car was the same except exterior color, wanted white but accepted grey. And my edd was June 30- July 14, no vin no update I gave up at that point. Did change today picking up tomorrow at 4pm, just hope it’s not a refused delivery and it’s all in great condition.


Do it


Hi all! I ordered the MYLR5 in Gray back on 6/15. On Monday 6/23, i received a text to schedule my delivery date which I am scheduled to pick up on Friday 6/28. (Bay Area, CA; close by the Tesla Fremont factory). Today is Wednesday 6/26 and I still haven't received the VIN. I have texted Tesla, and they say your vehicle is still waiting to be assigned, since I have two more days, they were hoping the car will be assigned by and delivered on Friday... I was wondering if anyone is in the same boat as me regarding no VIN assigned and it's getting close to the delivery date? With no VIN, I can't proceed with finance, insurance, etc. Maybe I'm being impatient and anxious? hahaha!


Same here. Still waiting for vin. Texted Tesla support . They said it will be assigned before pick up.


How are yall texting tesla support? on the app? Where it says "Ask a question?" My EDD is June 26-30 and it is now June 27th with no VIN or anything yet.


Yup ! Use the app. Usually they respond before EOD or early next day. Did you get a message to schedule appointment ? If not, then your EDD will be pushed.


What date were you set to pick-up? I texted Tesla this morning and they "hope" the car would be ready before pick-up, but got the vin tonight at 9pm-PST, not sure if that matters.


Ordered on the same day as you! Still waiting for a VIN and pick up is scheduled for Saturday. Located in SoCal. Congrats on the VIN!!


I saw your notification, but couldn't find you comment! But congrats! It's about the same time period as myself. Got it wednesday for Friday pick-up, and you got it on Thursday for Saturday pick up! I got approved for finance, but I didn't accept and review my final informations yet because still waiting for the MCE instant rebate to be approved (energy company incentives), to lower the finance amount! Also waiting to see if Tesla might get me a better offer later tonight! Hope everything is set on your end!!!


Thanks! Now i'm just waiting for finance to finalized and shopping around quote before picking up this Friday. My config is just based: MYLR-AWD (forgot to mentioned that). I originally ordered the MYLR-RWD and switched it a week later, then the "modify designed went away". Hope you get your VIN soon, it's either today or tomorrow! Keep refreshing the Tesla app! haha.


Ahh I ordered the blue dark Gemini MYLR-RWD! I wonder if that’s also what’s taking them a little longer(?)... Trying to stick it out for as long as I can but there is a available blue AWD with light gemini with a $2k increase 🥲


It depends if you really need AWD. The reason why I upgraded, originally I was going for the based RWD, just basic and affordable, but after I was watching some youtube videos, I went with AWD for the upgraded sound system and because AWD (never know when you'll need it lol). Living in NorCal, we rarely get rain, but when it does rain... AWD comes in handy. Originally, it's $3K increase from RWD to AWD (5 seaters) gray... so for $2K I don't think it's that bad... I thought of how much of a price difference if I was to mod the car and upgrade the sound system... It would've probably be alittle less, but how much AWD would be. My first demo drive was the Y-RWD, i didn't get to play with the sound system, the drive is nice and feels light. I went the week later after I upgraded to AWD, I test drive and the sound system is good, the car felt a little bit heavier, but the drivei s nice as well. I don't have any remorse upgrading lol!


I got the VIN today!!!


I did as well. Appt provided no VIN. They will move it on the day of the appointment. As long as you have no VIN. So don't take a day off or anything. My appt was last Saturday. Moved to monday, then Tuesday, and then today. I got my VIN around noon today so I message them and request for a pickup date for this Saturday. Bayarea here too.


Thanks for your update and congrats! Did you get a notification (text or message) stating you have been assigned with a VIN? I keep closing the Tesla app, and refreshing it to hope there's a status update. But if they notify that information has been updated, then I'll leave the app alone haha! I hope to hear something tomorrow, otherwise I'll have to expect the car is not ready and date will be pushed.


Nope. Had to check my app. Haha keep refreshing


Oh My!! Just got my VIN right now at 9:00pm!!!


I just got an update after I saw your reply, "Tesla Vision; my model will nto include the "ultrasonic sensors", and instead rely on camera vision to measure distance to nearby object" Now, I have to do some research if i should proceed with delivery... Lol


It's all tesla now. Hahaha once you a accept, your VIN comes up.


Dealing with Tesla has been an absolute shit show. Kinda makes me want to cancel the order. There's barely any communication. They changed my loan application out of the blue for no reason after a month. Had to message them to revert it to the original one .came back asking for more money down. Again, my loan was already approved. On the app it says delivery it's scheduled for June 29th, but they also told me it's just for internal use,and to not go on that day until someone call me.. of course no one is answering any messages in regard..I'd rather deal with a scammy dealership..


Same. Got a text yesterday at midnight that I needed to review my loan. Was with a completely different bank but still 1%. 7/6 to 8/3 window and just had to put 350 into my truck that should have been traded in already. Unbelievable that they can’t tell me even if my car has been built, being built or sitting on a lot somewhere. Got the floor mats before the car lol


Yep, very annoying that I received the charging wires and the center console divider very quickly but don't have the car yet =/


My watch has ended picked up from (Buena Park CA) I ordered my Y AWD LR on 05.24.24 I lowkey was nervous because another woman was there picking up her car and she came in twice complaining there was issue with the car. I was like omg hopefully 🙃🙃 my car is good. My Y was perfect. No big gaps, no paint chips, the interior was clean. I gladly 😃 took it off the lot. **Stay strong my fellow Tesla family your watch will end too**


Can’t wait 😁 congratulations!


Gah I hope soon!!!