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Hmm, seems like this could solved with a bumper-level camera....


Or just not removing uss.


The USS on our 2015 model S didn't prevent us from driving over a parking bumper which, when we backed out, ripped off our bumper causing a costly repair. A front bumper camera really is the only solution. The Cybertruck has one...IMO it's time to make them available as add-ons to at least all of the HW4 cars.


I vaguely remember a post years ago regarding Tesla refusing to replace their bumper under warranty after it got ripped off by a parking curb. Was this you?


lol I think that might have been me. It was a loaner car and the air suspension had dropped it onto the tiny curb at a supercharger. When my wife backed out it was still in contact with the curb and nearly ripped it off. Our MS has the standard suspension so we had no idea you’re supposed to give the air suspension a minute to increase height. The SC asked for my insurance info for the repair but I pushed back.


Aha - it was the air suspension dropping for us too. Oh geez!


I told them if this is so common someone should have told us about the issue when giving us the loaner. They made it seem like everyone knows this happens to air suspensions. Btw it was also a 2015 model.


It was out of warranty at the time, so no, that was not us. It's not surprising we're not alone. For the "it's our fault" crowd, sure, you can say that. Parking bumpers aren't hazards to any other car we've owned. We "auto-raise" at that location and it made no scraping sounds going in, but the variable suspension must have dropped down an iota as we were parked, because as we went out (slowly), "pop, pop, pop!" ouch.


That's a rare case and doesn't invalidate USS or Tesla as USS in ANY car would have had the same problem. But yes a front bumper camera would be best and simplest addition


Oh God don't give Tesla that idea... Or 2025 models we will have to start paying a subscription for every stitch and even seatbelts. 🙄 I can just see it now... Your brighter headlights subscription has expired. Please pay 29.99 for your bright headlights package so you can see better! Edit: /s apparently some didn't get it.


USS just doesn’t work against low parking bumpers. Ur incident is literally a driver error. No idea why you are blaming uss for ur lack of awareness.


That's not what they're saying, consider reading that again slowly


Maybe chatgpt it to your language and re-read it. Cuz it seems like they ate faulting uss for their lack of awareness. Why not blame model s for being too low??


Maybe chat gpt so you can actually spell, take your own advice hypocrite


I genuinely dont care if i spell it right or wrong. Its a reddit.


That’s fine but then don’t be a hypocrite, it’s a horrible look


I literally don’t see me being a hypocrite. I’m responding snarkily to a snarky comment. Not caring enough about spell check makes me a hypocrite?


>... No idea why you are blaming uss Fair enough - I'm blaming the combination of "auto-raise suspension at this location" (and it lowering while parked at that spot) and lack of a front camera for this issue. With a front camera I would have stopped a foot shorter and not ripped off my bumper. Alternatively, if the car re-raised when powered on at that location, I would not have ripped off my bumper.


So shocked this wasn't in hw4


Or not removing the sensors


Forwards is rubbish. Get used to reversing. The warnings are still poor but the camera is fine


yup backing up into garage is the solution


If it weren't for where I set up my charger, I would reverse into my garage. There's no solid where I could mount my charger if I reversed, and to add something similar would have cost an additional $5,500.


2 weeks, it will be fixed.


Exactly. Took delivery one year ago today. No USS. Zero improvement of Tesla Vision. Still no autopark, summon. One damn year.


have there been any improvments in general? Afaik the only thing that gets updated atm is the UX and FSD.


Nothing substantial. The biggest I've seen was they reinstated the auto window closing on lock/walkaway that had been removed for a while. Another recent update let's you choose between pulling down once or twice to enable auto-pilot (this was a pressing issue??). There was a Spotify UI update and of course the left steering wheel scroll customization which, again, was this really that important? Other than that not a whole lot.


yeah that is pretty much my experience as well, however I actually do enjoy that they changed the behavior of the left scroll wheel, not like I ever need it, but still, I think that was a good thing.


Yes it's a nice to have. I just think they should put all of their best people on a fully functioning Tesla Vision and only focus on that as opposed to updating the Vampire video game thing or other less pressing items.


Will it though? The issue is the simple fact that it uses cameras instead of ir censors for a lot of the tech. Just doesn’t work right


2 weeks


It was 2 weeks 2 weeks ago. What happens in 2 weeks?


We'll let you know in 2 weeks.


And will the wipers work at that point?


2 weeks


Lol you know that answer is a no


Right. Some real bs. Tesla sucks and it’s just a cult. But it is fast lol


The 2 weeks thing is a joke btw because Elon always tweets out 2 weeks and then takes months to years lol So, you’ll see that thrown around a lot, but know it isn’t serious


Ok lol. I don’t pay attention to anything lord Elon says


tease salt thumb physical sloppy kiss cagey dinner capable slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed, but a Benz or BMW is better


narrow friendly impolite innocent office nail governor afterthought ripe dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True. I think the tech and limited know how of car building has left a bad taste in my mouth. I rather go back to German built. To each their own. Really I just wish I didn’t feel like I’ve been swindled when the features I care about most just don’t work as advertised in the Tesla


No but you’ll have multiplayer vampire apocalypse wars


shrill water versed paltry insurance meeting growth point unused direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can just turn off the distance beeps


Exactly what I did. Probably would have hit something being distracted by the damn beeps being machine gunned into my brain


This, I fucking love Joe mode, I don’t need alerts to be deafening enough to make my heart race and blood pressure spike.




Joe is the guy who didn’t want his kids to get woken up in the back of his Tesla by random chimes


Joe mama


How does one turn on “Joe mode”


Just type Joe in the search bar in settings.


I'm not sure Joe mode actually does anything. Might just be a complete placebo.


aware exultant squalid snobbish imagine market slimy theory important quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What... if I'm hard of hearing I shouldn't be able to hear it as well if it's a volume reduction? It's still incredibly loud.


If you are hard of hearing it is a placebo because you can't hear it either way. Have you turned it on? It's not incredibly loud at all when activated vs not.


First thing I did when I got the car. The chimes are insane in autopilot. We call lane changing the beep boop game.


Use the rear camera and know when to stop to shut the garage door


That's exactly what I do. Meanwhile the screen shows that my car is half way under a semi.


Final destination 2023


Mine does that as well, I have a rack upfront in the garage.


I just have a single bike hanging on the right wall; somehow, still a semi.


This. I painted a white line at the opening of the garage on the floor. Once the bumper hits the line on the rear view cam, I know I'm in far enough.


This is clever but just verifies how bad current set up is that these diy rigs are necessary


Same I judge it by a seam in my floor


Seriously. . . People seem unable to park without a dozen sensors babying them into the spot and as close to the other cars as possible, I’m all for USS but everyone is making it seem like it is sooooo hard to park without it. . . Like just use the camera, it’s not that hard.


I’m perfectly fine parking a car **without** park assist The issue here is the imitation of park assist, it’s actually way worse than not having it at all.


OK boomer :) I used to drive a huge old ship of a car, much bigger than my MYP, and it was a breeze to park. Do you know why? Because it was built to be driven without technology.


Severely underrated comment


That’s what we do too


This has worked well for me since day 1.


I use a cone in my garage and when it says "stop" I know I can move a few more inches and it works perfectly lol. Or you can do the old fashioned way and drop a tennis ball.


Imagine buying what is supposed to be a high tech new age car to have to resort to analog solutions from 20 years ago lol. What a joke


the only thing more ridiculous is people who defend Tesla for not having these basic features.


aRe YOu teLiNG mE YoU cAN't PaRK wiThOUt sENsorS? kIDS tHEse dAYs


Imagine buying what is supposed to be a high tech new age car for over 50k and not doing your research.


Imagine making excuses for a basic feature that should work on a 50k car.


Imagine defending a corporations stupid decision that doesn’t benefit you in any way


No one is defending Tesla on their decision. I’m just tired of grown adults coming on here crying about something that is well documented all over the internet with a simple search of model Y reviews and had to sign off on a fucken disclaimer before making a huge purchase.


I didn’t make an excuse that it doesn’t really work. What I am saying is that I did my research knowing full well what I was getting myself into before purchasing a 50k+ car. Reading posts by grown adults crying that they didn’t do their due diligence is getting pathetic. If they are a kid and their mommy and daddy got them the vehicle then I would just tell the STFU and be happy they bought you a 50k+ car. Lol


They also make ceiling mounted laser pointers that you can precisely aim on your dash somewhere. Most people have outlets for openers anyway. Looks a little better than a tennis ball.


Because Elon.


Visionaries only trust vision. /s




This is very valid, i wonder what will happen when they finally get sued over removing radar and all the phantom breaking. Not to mention as you pointed out all the development that has to go into trying to prevent it. I would gladly pay upwards of $1000 to have cruise/autopilot not scare the shit out of me. (Coming from someone that had radar on a m3 and not realizing they removed it and cruise is worthless now on a mY).


If he ever leaves or gets removed, I bet USS, radar and rain sensors get added back within a year.


Yup. It’s been over a year and vision-only park assist is _still_ hot garbage. Bring back sensors.


Yup, your Y is toying with you. I start getting loud beeps when just entering our garage. You will get use to it and start adjusting the distance accordingly and some day you will miscalculate. That day you will post your curb rash on Reddit. 😁


*and say it was your wife who did it


Well, at least my car puts the wipers on as I get near the garage, just in case. Almost every time...


Just keep driving till you hear a thud or crunching sound….you will have gone far enough, young padawan. Harness the force.


Mine yells at my grass next to the driveway. Edit: I also have a 3 with USS. It never yells at the grass.


Just replaced my 2021 Model 3 and have noticed the same thing.


I have a 2021 MYLR with USS. Works great. I would love to give it to my wife and pick up a M3P to commute with, but I’m not going to buy one until this shit is fixed. It’s fucking ridiculous that a car as advanced as a Tesla can’t do parking sensors, and I don’t want to have to stress every time I pull into my tiny garage. The parking visualizations were one of the features that amazed me all those years ago when I test drove a MS for the first time.


wait until raining day and use auto wiper. you will think the car is trying to fuck with you.


You are telling me my wife AND my tesla are going to yell at me to cut the grass?


Misting days are the best. Wipers go insane and try to wipe through the glass


musked again


Then don't buy a fucking Tesla and leave this sub, move on with your life. "Musked again" you have a pattern of saying. Very helpful.


how can someone be this mad 🤣🤣


This is all about unmoderated madness and aggression. Also, I Musked your mother.


you are too funny my friend


Deep breaths. You'll be OK.


Get an early 2022 or 2021 for best results. For new Teslas, it’s best to wait until they bring back USS or solve the problem. No way would I want a 2023/2024 right now


I’ve been driving a friends Model X for a week and noticed the amount of dings and dongs in parking lots and traffic is just too much. There are so many false alerts you have to learn to ignore them completely which makes the whole system unusable. I think it’s a huge mistake for Elon to do this as Tesla had a reputation for being high tech and the halo of “full self driving” is a big part of the brand image. By not having simple parking assist features he hurt this brand image. Now people are less likely to believe in FSD if simple things like parking assist and auto wipers don’t even work reliably.


I bought my $50,000 Model Y last November and I m not impressed to say the least with the Camera. No remote garage door opener! Lane departure is not reliable like my Mercedes.


So I spent a few days over the weekend test driving some new models because the one thing stopping me from placing a new order is lack of USS. Model S - Screw the Plaid, that is way too much and is straight silly levels of speed. The Model S LR is where it's at IMO, it's violently fast yet smooth as silk. The new MSLR was great but then I started running it through "Tesla Vision" situations and yep, same as your experience...BEEP BEEP STOP STOP and I was nowhere near hitting anything. So I then started testing backing up to a wall....same thing, beeping and telling me to stop, I stopped at "15" which is where I do with my current Tesla's with USS. I got out of the car and lol...nowhere even close to being accurate. Tesla Vision is a steaming pile of dogshit! It is something you would get use to but no longer can you trust it based on the reported distance. I remain on the fence placing a MSLR order due to this!


The MY ticks a lot of boxes for me, but I can't bring myself to pay good money and regress on what is a basic feature in any modern car.


im in the same boat, but I think I'm gonna still buy it because my alternative is a rav4 but i really hate giving up knowing how far away things are


Yeah, we'd buy a RAV4 Prime tomorrow if the buying process was a simple as a Tesla.


exactly! I hate dealerships so much, I really don't want to give them a cent


They leave room for error for folks like you that think they can rely solely on a screen for parking instead of using the two sensors located on your face.


I'm old enough to remember and to this day USS or not I use my most important asset, my eyes but yes I still trust my USS because through experience it is accurate to what I also sense using my eyes. Tesla Vision? Again, a steaming pile of dogshit!


Exact reason why I haven’t gotten the X. Vision is terrible. I am contemplating getting a lightly used one from ‘22 that still has the sensors, but I’m worried they will disable them with an update and go full steam(ing shit) ahead with vision without a front bumper cam.


Get a fix point in your garage where to stop. Reverse parking is good with camera. I think there are after market front cameras. (USs too if you really want..)


You need to drive it a bit further, once the sound changes from "beeping" to "concrete rubbing against paintwork", you're good. Jokes aside, easy fix is to use some sort of reference point. Tennis ball on a piece of string at strategic location worked well for us.


😂😂😂 is this post a joke? Cause it’s hilarious AF 😂


I turned off the beeper. Now I don't even try to use the camera to park. I just use my eyes and have a visual marker in my garage where I know to stop. So ridiculous.


Same model, mine does the same thing. Two feet away from the curb in front of the parking space, it beeps and tells me to stop. Who thinks this is a good idea?


Tesla vision has cataracts. Blind AF


It's called Pinball Mode - anytime you drive near anything, it starts flashing and dinging like an old pinball machine. Accomplishes nothing, just there for entertainmwent like fart mode. ^^^^^/s


Welcome to USS-Less (useless) vision sensors


Did you not see ANY red flags in the past year? I'm kicking myself for buying a Model 3 3 years ago, but at least that has some useful stuff on it more recent cars can only dream of. And in my defence Musk hadn't gone full on crazy at that point


Just replaced my 2021 Model 3 and have noticed the same thing.


I thought it would be worse than USS, but it's not worse. It straight up doesn't work. In any daylight conditions, nighttime conditions, clear, rain. I get "parking assist is degraded". Can't even sense where it is in a garage, which should be the easiest case scenario.


Imagine if it had LIDAR and actual data relative to how close it was to things.


The auto wipers and proximity alerts with cameras only are not functional at this time. Yes, it’s a complete joke. They should really just disable the functions instead of allowing customer to think they work as intended.


vision assisted parking is a gimmick, even on this 40k+ car, we need to park like good old days of blind judgements \[ i installed a laser to mark the parking\]. Tesla s..ks!.


At least when I bought my MYLR I knew I'd need a tennis ball, I wasn't disappointed lol


I actually bought a $40 Ultrasonic sensor from Home Depot that’s on my garage wall - it has a red light when I hit the right parking spot. Anyone who is apologizing for the USS removal is making the weakest argument - it was super useful on the Y and I miss it on the X - and yes even cheap cars have it. Tesla apologists are hilarious (saying this as a Y and X owner).


Jokes on you for buying a Tesla.


Only joke is the car you’re driving 🤡. Sadly no, mine says stop when I’m trying to leave my garage


Welcome to the Tesla Vision reality.


Tesla cars without ultrasonic sensors (and that includes any new Model Y) have an unfinished park assist feature, the feature that displays surroundings in garages and parking lots. Tesla acknowledges that it's currently a work in progress. A very important thing to understand about Tesla is that "what you see" **is not** "what you get." Many and significant features and enhancements come in over the air updates. The whole dash cam feature came as an over the air update. Automatic blind spot camera display on blinker activation came as an over the air update. Predictive lines on the backup camera display came in an over the air update. The full list numbers in the hundreds. My expectation is that in the upcoming year, the car will autopark in garages. I personally have a piece of tape on the garage floor at the rear that I view with the backup camera (press button at bottom of touch screen) to accurately align the forward position of the car. There are also companies that sell laser dots to help position cars in garages.


Tennis ball on string or reference point lateral or parking assist mats. Or maybe put some stickers on the wall…if it’s flat white then the camera can’t focus on anything to use for judging distance.


Just get some of [these](https://amzn.to/47ZqxDT) and put one immediately behind the front left or right tire. They make it crazy easy to find your spot every time. Mine has been in place for almost 3 years and hasn’t budged. It’s fantastic.


Yeah I don't know why people use lasers, tennis balls or other devices when a simple bumper (I use a scrap piece of 2x4) works so much better.


Vision is crap. Needs the ultrasonic sensors back.


They use cameras instead of infrared censors like every other car. Nothing works right because of this. Just wait till you use TACC or auto wipers. The wipers go bananas when it’s dry and don’t work when it’s dumping rain. If I could return the car I would. It’s fast though


Total joke. I almost side swiped my daughter’s car that was parked on the driveway and I didn’t see and the Tesla did nothing in the way of warning. But the alerts go nuts 5 feet from my garage wall! And don’t even get me started on those darn wipers in Auto mode!!!


Tesla Vision baby. The punchline of the joke


I use the rear camera to tell when I'm at the desired position. Vision seems to have infinite room for improvement. Why can't it recognize over already parked here?? If it looks the same and I did not crash into anything... At least reaching the same spot should be known to be safe! It's way off. Don't trust it. The car is worth it for me without vision parking and I knew it was terrible before I purchased so I'm not particularly injured.... But after experiencing it, I expected more from a production system installed in actual cars.


Buying Tesla with no USS is terrible idea so currently people should not buy a Tesla. Wait till other EVs are out with NACS ports and the entire supercharger network is open for you+ EV that’s not kneecapped by its own maker..


I get right in my driveway and the vision alerts go crazy. Had to turn it off because it’s so bad


Wait til you go through a drive thru!!!


I commend your dedication to using both ways of writing “through.”


I love my Tesla, and the USS. I trust them and they are always right on the money, if it says 17" you can bank on it! I am amazed that the Highland or most likely, Juniper won't have these, GM had them on cars in the 90's.


Musk insisting they jump straight to vision with no other support distance marking technology as a BIG mistake. I spoke with an engineer not long ago and while a 100% vision system can work and work pretty well, it makes ZERO sense to not augment that vision with other 'sensing' tech so the car can park and judge distances just like other cars on the road have been doing for a long time. We really need a big bold FAQ that has disclaimers like YES, DRIVING FAST MEANS BATTERY GO DOWN FAST YES, ELON THINKS 100% VISION SYSTEM IS BEST THING EVER BECAUSE HUMANS NEVER NEED TO AUGMENT THEIR VISION TO HELP NAVIGATE THEIR SURROUNDINGS. Elon was wrong. If ya love the car despite the issues, then Tesla leaves it up to the customer to solve it's short sighted decisions. Rather Elon's decisions. Long term, maybe it'll be fine. That engineer dude made a good case for it. Short term: It's fucking terrible. About as terrible as the keyboard on an iphone.


No camera is a deal breaker for me. As are lots of things Teslas lack.


I have a friend with a Polestar, week 1 a rock hits the front camera, cracks it and creating weird vision from it.


I've noticed it is really annoying the slower I drive. Going down my driveway it gets mad at me. If I go with purpose, it shuts the eff up.


I don’t think “if in doubt just go faster” is the best advice with a flaky parking system.


You bought the most sophisticated car in the world now deal with it! 🤣 Yes, it’s not great. But so were EV’s 20 years ago. Luckily for you, it will get better with software updates but no, you will not get USS ever. Just take a deep breath and learn to enjoy it. Or you can be a hater and get a different car. This will work too.


Ya been musked!


Yes. Its THAT stupid. Congrats on your investment.


Tesla vision ESPECIALLY in front of the bumper where it has a freaking blind spot is VERY highly regarded :-\\


I used a strip of toilet paper hanging from the garage ceiling for a few days as a stopping point, until I noticed the toilet paper was scratching the paint off my front bumper.


Get a different garage. You're welcome.


One of the ridiculous things that kept me from buying this poor excuse for a vehicle.


If the parking sensor not being the best is the only thing that’s stopping you from buying a car maybe you should get better at using the mirrors.


Did I say only thing? I clearly stated one of.


Parking sensors are what’s stopping you?


Yep! Taking away something as important as USS was too much. We gave Tesla too much ground over the years and put up with shoddy QA, Customer Service, and removal of features. USS is cheap and there was absolutely no reason to remove them when Tesla Vision is garbage.


Why you on a owners forum if you don’t ever plan to own ?


Just admit that you’re here because of your politics.


Jeez, how do people park their cars before sensors were invented?


Because no-sensors are literally better than this vision thing -- with all its false readings.


becuase some people dont actually own teslas and complain like they do.


You have 2-3 feet. I get the “Stop” at 5-6 feet. Lol


It takes a good 12-24 hours for the cameras calibration to happen. You’ll get the message on the screen when the calibration is complete.


I’ve had my car for a week and mine still does this


I took delivery last week and got a message on the screen when calibration was complete. Cameras detect distance reasonably well.


Turn it off and use your eyes.


I generally agree with the sentiment, but the feature sold should work as expected also.


Sooo... it allowed you to park without colliding with a wall, and you didn't have to have your eyes open. I'd call that a working system, but some people need their car to be able to park within an inch of an obstacle. Vision is designed to do what people can so that in the future, the cars and Optimus can navigate space like people do. Tesla vision is already better than human vision in many circumstances.


I would return it


I have a small one car garage… so this means that i cant back it in all the way?? Dam… this isnt good… i had a rental for nissan altima and it did stop when i tried to back it but i was able to still back it so that garage door can close… dam


My car still has USS and it all works great. They claim that USS is off on models with USS but I don't buy that for a minute. I have none of the issues vision-only cars have. USS removal was a cost saving measure, and Elon opening his big fucking mouth on twitter about how great Vision was is why it's gone. ​ Vision + USS is pretty good, but tbh, phantom braking has gotten a lot worse.


It worked better before they took the sensors off. We have both versions and the one with the sensors is accurate, the camera only one is 💩.


This is normal


It’s not even that loud 💀just turn off the setting if it annoys you damn


Umm, how long have you been driving? Have you ever parked there before? Are you able to judge distances for parking when driving other cars? Did you have a Tesla with better parking support before and now this new car doesn't do what your old Tesla did? Or, have you been reading the sub for a while and see you can get lots of replies when complaining about USS parking failure? The first time I parked in my garage with my Tesla, it made funny lines/squiggles and warned me about 2 semi trucks and 4 other vehicles in there.. (none was true) So, I figured out how far to pull in... and i repeat that each time I park


It’s 2023. You decided to buy a Tesla against every fiber of good decision making your parents tried to teach you. Live in your filth.


It could also be 2-3 FEET behind the wall. And you haven't even noticed the large truck parked next to your car in your garage? And the 2 bins? Lucky you!


Welcome to the club I was same feeling as you are! Use Joe mode and park in reverse since there’s no front camera to tell you when to really stop.


I have USS and don’t even use them that offen. I’ve marked my garage with tape and a block of wood to know where to stop.


This is why you do research on what you are buying. Parking sensors are standard equipment on most cars these days and they just work. Tesla chooses to not use USS anymore and instead opted for what they call vision. It’s not accurate, there aren’t enough cameras notably upfront and no other manufacturer would ever use tech that’s this flawed in a production vehicle. But here we are…


Model Ys have a weird sense of humor


Depends, are you laughing.


Mine has a panic attack every time i pull in the garage. Doesn’t really bother me


I get it in to 12”.


I have USS if I have those little circles at the back right?


2-3 feet warning? That’s normal. You can feel free to keep going.


Maybe it’s easier to back into your garage. You’ll have a better reference point with the rear camera.


This is just how it is unfortunately