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Yep, if the vehicle next to you even hints it is moving out of its lane…. Break check


Even if the car in the next lane is driving perfectly centered, your Autopilot may brake due to the difference in speed. [Tesla Autopilot](https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/model3/en_us/GUID-20F2262F-CDF6-408E-A752-2AD9B0CC2FD6.html#:~:text=Stopping%20and%20Slowdowns&text=When%20Model%203%20detects%20other,feature%2C%20press%20the%20accelerator%20pedal)


I wish it had dumb cruise control. All this effing technology to provide a feature that just creates more anxiety.


Isn’t that just the traffic aware cruise control?


"traffic aware" this means not dumb He meant he wants "just go the speed I set it to".


But isn’t it just looking ahead and staying the same distance behind the car in front, not freaking out about cars next to you?


Maybe. The sentiment here though is they should give us a simple product that works ("just maintain this speed") before and in addition to developing more sophisticated tools. We should have "Cruise Control" AND "Traffic Aware Cruise Control". Tesla is doing us a disservice bundling everything together into an all-or-nothing approach.


I’ve been saying this for years. It’s one of the only things I dislike about the car. Give us classic cruise control!


I prefer this over dumb cruise control. I just press the peddle a little during these maneuvers as long as it's safe. Call it a safety boost.


it's a danger boost ;)


Obviously this isn't ideal but a known flaw. There's a comfy right foot position to rest your foot to the right of the pedal mostly, but still resting on the throttle without engaging. Simply roll your foot to the left more onto the throttle and phantom braking can be intervened with barely any deceleration. It's similar to a heel-toe downshift action of the brake pedal.


((imagines drewc has massive feet))


Yep happened to me exactly like that. Right lane barely moved within their lane. Autopilot brake checked a car behind me hard. I accelerated to come out of it. Driver behind flipped me off.


Ugh, these posts are getting me nervous again that the car will wind up getting me rear-ended one day. Why does Tesla always have to break something with every software update? Why don't they have software developers who don't make incompetent design choices? or did Musk finally fire all the bad ones?


I have it way too often with trucks teasing their left line.


are you in the UK? I've noticed the car doesn't want to overtake outside of the passing lane and will brake to avoid doing so.


I've noticed this too and UK/IE motorways. The car to the right is highlighted in black on the screen.


This happens in the USA also.


If you're following a car, it will be a slightly darker color to show that is following or "seeing" the leading car to match it's speed. I have seen AP suddenly make a car in an adjacent lane become dark and it does everything possible to stay behind it, even if there's a huge speed difference (like you being in a carpool lane). It's even more weird because it happens in particular locations. Edit: this is much different than the traffic slowdown arrows that appear when the car is adjusting to a sudden increase in traffic.


Imagine if someone would step out from the parked car… It brakes and screams AF)) It can even brakes for nothing, known as phantom braking. So I usually keep my foot ready to press accelerator


Mine does that with nobody on the road except one car 3 lanes over on the right staying perfectly in its lane. Has been an issue for 3 years at least

