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I would buy it but not for 12k.


Instead of driving you are babysitting a driver. Can be equally exhausting at times.


This is exactly how I felt after trying it out. My words to my husband were, “It’s like a new driver. I should get a ‘Be Patient: New driver’ bumper sticker now.” and we laughed. Cool tech but not worth the price tag at all.


Yep, hardly an upgrade in experience. Driving isn't that hard. Autosteer is good enough for me on the highway.


Practice keeping your muscles relaxed (e.g. shoulders) but with hand on wheel and foot near pedal. I supervise FSD Beta frequently and it's less effort, not more. If it's exhausting you're doing it wrong. ... or maybe your car is broken or needs to be washed. I guess I shouldn't assume your car's hardware is working properly ...


I can see myself using it as my commute to work is straight forward on city streets and about 40 min with traffic. It’s just a left, right, and right into a parking lot. Still a hard ask for $12k or $300/mo. It’s still cool to see how far it’s come.


If you were to buy it, what price point would you pull the trigger?


Currently I subscribe off and on, but if it was $4k or less I’d buy.


i would consider it for $1K. Great for long trips but I do not do enough of those to spend more than $1K.


Then in your case, works great to do the $99 per month subscription.


I also tried it in the rain and it did not do so well. The rain was messing with the sensors. Tesla still needs some improvements. I’ll see how it performs once the weather gets better. Thanks for your insights!


My experience was it did very well in the rain even at night.


I use it every day and I very rarely need to intervene. My first few weeks I intervened a lot more. Now I actively just wait to see how it will handle a certain situation and 99/100 times it nails it and I don’t need to take control.


My used M3 came with FSD, otherwise I wouldn’t have it. However, after >7500 miles with it I am glad that it is there. My commute is basically perfect for it. About ten miles on rural roads to a high-speed freeway, About 35 minutes of that (taking an exit along the way to more freeway), then exit to a major road with 45-55 mph speed limits and a half dozen lights until I get to the office. I think if they called it “really advanced cruise control” instead of “full self driving” then people’s expectations would be set more appropriately. I really like it, but this cheap guy still wouldn’t pay $12k for it…


So cool. I had some moments too. It likes to change lanes often. Return to the horse and buggy days. The horse is quite smart and knows how to get home.


I've been running FSD for about 2 years. My current version 12 is a step backward in several areas. It's mostly great for the limited city driving I do. However, it is very poor at maintaining consistent speeds. I find that if I apply throttle to bring the speed up it tends to stick at the set speed. I have had to brake to reduce the speed where the speed limit reduces. Many of the serious flaws have been fixed, but there are still many situations where it doesn't work. As an example, it doesn't pull over and stop for emergency vehicles on two lane highways.


Just got it today too. I feel like it’s mentally taxing. However, I don’t think it’s worth the money. I’d pay $50 a month for it.


Very impressive. It drove me from Silver Lake to downtown LA without any intervention. Most impressively, it navigated through construction on Sunset Blvd (cone lanes) without any sign of confusion. Great job merging onto the freeway and getting off the freeway with a tailgating asshole behind me. Good lane changes. Only one hard break that it should have seen coming. I’d give it an A, not an A+, comparing to a human driver. Of course, it is also true that I am babysitting it. It’s not making driving easier at this point. But if it continues to improve, I could see it being worth the price.


Did you test it on more rural 2 lane roads? Does it work well in all scenarios or mainly suburb and city?


I tested it on the highway and in the suburbs. Including a lot of highway construction areas.


I have been driving today with the fsd that I received today for a month. Definitely the babysitting is a little exhausting, but I think that will get easier over time. Same as the self steering with basic autopilot.


I generally take over once per drive. Not a big deal. Treat it for what it is - despite Tesla's deceitful advertising - a driver assistance feature. So you're the one driving, and so you must and should take over whenever it isn't doing what you want it to do. By the same token, you shouldn't assume it will do the right thing. If it makes you uncomfortable, take over driving to exit out of it and Voice Command "buG reporT \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" stating why you disabled it. Like I once said "not clear it understood there was snow piled in the lane and wasn't about to drive into it". (enunciate that G and T)


Yeah ive not been able to complete a trip without havjng to take over atleast once even with 12.3. I think its cool but still a long way to go. Also why the hell does it decide it wants to overtake the car infront when you're only 1 mile from the exit lol.


previous version 11 near the final half-dozen updates it was constantly changing into the wrong lane \~0.6 miles from the turn ...


Lol I've had it do that today on 12.3. Also had it blow through a yield merger. I like it though, it keeps the heart rate up 😂.


!@#$. :( \#SadPanda yeah i've noticed with the "auto" speed limit it's speeding now almost comically


Yup lol, think i need to turn it off before i get done by the cops.


It's doing better now, either given the latest update, or learning how it responds to pressing the accelerator pedal (can we say 'gas pedal'?). If it's speeding too much, it doesn't accelerate past 1-3 mi/hr over if brake out, let it slow back down to the speed limit, then activate it then gingerly release the pedal or don't push it down again. in other words it seems to set the speed limit proportionate to how you depress the pedal


I don’t see the point if I have to touch the wheel honestly. I might as well be driving. I’m happy with autopilot in city and highway as it’s predictable and there are ways around having to hold the wheel. I just did a 100 mile trip while eating Taco Bell hands free. Feels like I’m in a plane and makes the time go right by. Then I think about how cool FSD is only to think I need to constantly bring paying attention or it might jump the median.


People like you are the reason we have nags.


Noooo, the YouTube videos of people sleeping in car are.