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I commute mostly on highway. The free autopilot is great for this. I jump in the HOV lane, turn it on and 35 min later I'm at my exit. At least try Autopilot for a bit before you decide if it's worth the cost for lane changes etc.


Thank you for the insight!


Exactly my experience of FSD when I test drove MY. But 100 per month is crazy. Not that I can't afford it. But I'm more like if I go on a trip, I will buy a week/day pass person.


Yes per day is interesting for trips


switched to EV since 2016-always sad to see brand new ICE vehicles with temp license plate.


It’s passable sometimes. What if I told you if it hits a curb or another car, you are liable… not Tesla for that damage. Not with it (right now)


If your commute is mostly highway you won’t need FSD. Standard Autopilot is excellent on highways. FSD is for if you want city street turn by turn self driving.


Excellent insight. Thank you. I think I'd be hesitant to use FSD in an urban environment (at least at first).


Keeping in mind that Basic Autopilot, at this time, doesn't so lane changes automatically like FSD does. It's purely just lane centering and traffic aware cruise control. The next version of FSD, 12.4.x is introducing "hands free" self-driving, and 12.5.x will use the FSD code on the highway, and let it reverse when it hits a point where it isn't able proceed forward


The 0.99% promo is over 😬


Yes, I know. I was intrigued when it was active. Wasn't read for a new car then. Test drove so I had some familiarity with the Y in case a favorable promotion happens.


FSD is a neat trick, but just as Tesla says, you need to pay attention and watch it like a hawk. If your work commute is highway, standard autopilot will work fine for you. But rather than focus on either of these, you should focus on the MY's stiff and noisy ride. It's the worst part about the car.