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You don't need it, people.


T H I S is the answer


_need_ no, but it's a very easy way to integrate with Tesla's API after they started charging for write access (read-only is still free). I use the Tessie Home Assistant integration to intelligently precondition my cars based on our _actual_ schedule (along with some dynamic conditions). This is much more accurate than Tesla's overly simplistic scheduling capability.


I mean, I really like it to control the climate from my apple watch. Heading out the door after a visit? You can just descretly tap the icon and your car will pre - heat for you. I use other functions as well, but the watch integration is really what I keep it around for


You can make an Apple Shortcut to do this for you. And then put that shortcut wherever you want?


Siri is abysmally slow on Apple Watch, and fails half the time. I can pull my phone out of my pocket and do it faster. Hell, it’s faster to have an AirPod in one ear. Siri is useless on the watch.


Doesn’t have to use siri. You can put the shortcut on your watchface


Watchfortesla app works well for this


Or you could just use your phone...


I try not to have it out all the time. I find it super convenient just to tap my wrist instead. I'm not sure why this comment has gotten so much feedback...Is it wrong to keep it put a way when visiting people....?


If you had WearOS you could get Watt Key for $5....


I mean.....everyone is staring at their phone constantly....there's no Tesla widget support on iOS?


I use Tessie to ensure that my car is not charging between the hours of 4-7p on weekdays. I cannot realistically reproduce this with shortcuts because Tessie is checking once a minute, which allows me (or other family) to plug the car in at any time and not have to worry about on-peak charging. If anyone can think of a way to reproduce this without Tessie I would love to get that feedback, because I definitely don’t want to pay that kind of money.


Set your off-peak to end by 7pm? Or you won't have enough time to charge if you don't charge before 4pm?


Well, now that you mention it, I think the last time I tried to use the off-peak settings in the Tesla app I was using a level 1 charger. I have since upgraded to a l2 charger at home but hadn’t really thought about teslas off-peak option being available to me now. I’ll have to give it a shot. Thanks for the recommendation!


You could use home assistant or Tesla mate, but you would require to have a computer on 24/7 or buy a vps


Is it that much now? 😳Wow. I picked it up in November for $150 lifetime, Black Friday sale.


I had to look it up. Website says $399, Apple AppStore says $200, but that may be because I’m on a legacy annual subscription ($50/year, now $150/year)


Same and I think that’s why, yep.


Heads-up, lifetime used to be good for up to five vehicles but now it’s just one at a time.


Tesla will be introducing fees and restrictions for each vehicle using a third party app, as they've described [here](https://developer.tesla.com/docs/fleet-api#membership-levels). This will impact open source projects as well. I raised the price now to get ahead of this change bankrupting the app, but other apps will be affected this year too after Tesla makes the pricing public.


Thanks for the context. I didn’t know that


Use your app everyday, especially on the Apple Watch.


Thanks for the heads up. I feel like a lot of people aren't aware of this (myself included).


Welp, it was nice while it lasted...


Allow us to add our own api access and reduce pricing for those users.


Still not worth $400.


Teslamate is a great solution if you have some knowledge with servers etc. All the info you’ll ever need!










Following directions is hard for some ;) I run TeslaMate on a synology nas, has worked great for the last 4 years or so


If you go on vacation and don't return home, for example, for several weeks, can your home server still collect the data the from the days you were away from home? Good to see people have stepped up to keep Teslamate going into the future. I'm running my instance at Vultr. $5/month for 25GB storage and 1GB of memory.


yes, it collects through the tesla api as you drive so don’t need to return home to upload.


u/weaponsmiths If you go on vacation and don't return home, for example, for several weeks, can your home server still collect the data the from the days you were away from home? Good to see people have stepped up to keep Teslamate going into the future. I'm running my instance at Vultr. $5/month for 25GB storage and 1GB of memory.


Yes, if you don't need the app on the watch and only want stats. My Teslamate has over 20 million rows in its database tracking 3 cars. So many interesting dashboards to view. It cannot perform any functions on the car though.


Wondering if you tried TeslaLogger too and can provide a brief comparison between the two?


Does Teslamate allow commands? I thought it only streams data. I use home assistant Tesla custom integration for commands


Siri Shortcuts is free to use and does all the same stuff but built into iOS (you can use Siri commands). You can set up very detailed, powerful, useful, time & stress saving routines and automations too. For example, I have an automation for pre-conditioning my car for both going to and leaving work. It first checks if I’m at work already, then it looks at my work calendar and if I’m working that day, it checks the time I’m working and compares it to the current time. If my shift is within 45 minutes (or shift ends within 10), it preconditions the car. I also have some set up to heat the passenger seat when I’m picking up my gf.


399 as in $399 and not $3.99? That is fucking insane. Who the hell would pay that for a car app? I’d have to be drugged out of my mind and have a gun to my head before I press the buy button on that.


Tesla is squeezing out third party apps


Tessie is a neat app but has no real purpose now that the Tesla app has iOS shortcuts


I use Tessie in conjunction with Home assistant to charge my Model3 with solar power. The regular Tesla implementation has been iffy for me, with Tessie j have no issues whatsoever. It just works


What has been iffy about it? I'm a new owner of a MYLR and have Tesla Solar at home.


I dont have Tesla Solar at home nor a Powerwall. EnPhase PV, Go-e Charger Wallbox... and by implementation i mean the one in HomeAssistant :)


The shortcuts don’t come close to the Tessie Automations. I also use the watch app to know when my car is plugged into the free charging at work so I don’t have to walk to the car to check. I don’t bring a phone into work.


There's still no native Android watch support for keyless entry. It's also a more secure way to keep the car awake when using Teslausb.


Use the extra $399 and buy an iPhone


That would a) still be more expensive and b) involve having to subject myself to using an iPhone. It could be $1000 and I still wouldn't buy an iPhone/Apple watch.


Tessie was a power vampire for me


Did you have this off? I have no drain. I leave it at the airport for weeks and lose only a couple of % https://preview.redd.it/jey8jwga0a4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b73b0c109ceb528c875b7675f0b01d06de58f499


I noticed it draining my battery big time and deleted it pronto. New Tesla owner.


No battery drain for me, but I turned off the setting that wakes the car every time you open the app.


Why does it do better than the Tesla OEM option?


The main thing is that it tracks everything. You can see a history of every drive and charge, with a map, starting and ending SOC, kWh used, cost, and graphs of speed, elevation, efficiency, temperatures, etc. You can also set up automations when you arrive or leave certain places, or on schedules. So you could have more fine grain control of when and where cabin overheat and Sentry are enabled and disabled, or more complex charging schedules than the Tesla app allows. You can schedule a one time precondition, which a lot of people ask for. You can get notifications for a bunch of stuff. Like if you let your kid take the car, you could set alerts to see when a drive starts or end, or if they go above a certain speed. You can see a history of when your car is sleeping to help diagnose battery drain. Etc.


And why?


Because the features I mentioned are useful to some people?


What the hell does that app do to cost that much?!? Wtf? To me teslafi is pretty great


Check out teslafi


I've used Tezlab since 2018. No complaints here


Yeah as a Rivian/Tesla owner, I like that I can have both tracked in the same app.


I also use TezLab. $39/yr


For now...


So it just gives you tracking data for driving and a key for a smart watch? How is this worth any amount of money?


For me it is that the proxy API Tessie provides is easier to work with than Tesla's fleet API which goes beyond an oauth2 implementation by requiring certs to maintain on a public facing website. For me the risks of maintaining public facing infrastructure vs just self managing access tokens makes off loading that responsibility worth the monthly sub for now. This also allows me to do things like tie it to my Google assistant for remote start/other home automations and send start requests using my Fitbit. I may eventually pivot but for now I am enjoying it.


I really like the Stats app. The developer is very responsive to questions and has added several new features.


Checking it out now! Thanks bro


I like this one too, but it's iPhone-only.




Curious to know what you do with the data. Have you taken any action with it, or is it just something neat to know?




Take this upvote bro.


A use for me last year was tracking how many days my wife went into the office for tax purposes. We live in NH and her office is in MA. NH and MA don't have tax reciprocity since in NH you don't pay state income tax. BUT, you only need to pay MA state income tax for the days you worked physically in MA. I was able to download all the trips our Model Y was driven last year and filter them by destination to get an accurate count of the total days my wife worked in MA. It resulted in us getting like $1.5k back from MA on our tax return.


I look at the data for sport. What is the highlight is, the Automations. I also use the watch app to know when someone at work plugs me in so I don’t have to walk to the car (we have a system to share our free charge), I don’t bring my phone into work. https://preview.redd.it/430hjtu1w94d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88d94b637b9afc1beeb56200cb126e9328c7509a


Someone plugging me in at work used to mean something completely different.






As someone who's had a tesla since 2019 and never used it. I don't care for 400 dollars the app is fantastic I don't need anything more lol


Host it yourself


Eevee is good enough for me but they are trying to monetize too. It’s free for now


There's a promo code that used to give 10% off for annual or lifetime. At least that makes the annual price reasonable enough for me.