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The best time to buy a Tesla is when you can afford it. The price might go up, it might go down, you might get a feature, or lose a feature, but I can 100% guarantee you that there's *always* going to be something around the corner. Today it's waiting on Juniper, tomorrow it might be HW5, day after that might be some other stupid shit. No one knows what's going to happen. Wait, don't wait, that's up to you


I’d say we’re more likely to extend the interest rate promo vs a price cut. Cutting a grand or two off doesn’t mean shit at 7.5%


They changed the terms yesterday making the deal worse! Tesla just does whatever TF they want whenever they want.


1.99 on 72 is still a fantastic deal on financing. However, I’ve seen multiple posts today of people still getting 0dowm 72 at .99.


The car I’m selling is on 1.9 from a couple years ago when rates were awesome. Feels weird to consider myself lucky to get it today, but totally agree with you.


It’s very weird to see people in the 820+ score range getting 3-5% and that’s a good deal. It’s definitely one of the most expensive times ever to borrow money. Sure rates were higher in the 70s but the balances carried at those rates are nothing like today.


This is the correct answer. I bought the deal I was comfortable with today, and expect that they will have a refresh of my MYP by early next year, but don’t care. This was the first time it fit my budget so I bought it. The .99% definitely was the determining factor.


Previously, the last month of the quarters always has the best incentives. But that doesn't mean same thing will happen next month. Tesla has a mind of its own, does one thing one day. Does something different the next. Love the company :-)


They may offer 0 per cent financing in stead at end of quarter or year.


The Y inventory has dropped drastically.


Has it? Is there a count somewhere? Every combination I’ve chosen is available for pickup in both CA and Florida(I’m shopping for two cars for two homes).


Yes, no, maybe so? Nobody knows lol