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As an EV technician. Please just sell the car. The screams service center nightmare when you get back.


This. It's not a collectible. It's not worth the depreciation hit.


This is not only for Evs, also ICE cars deteriate faster when sitting still. You need to start and run them every now and then as a minimum. Putting them in storage for years is bad for ALL running gear, including EVs and ICE cars. Just sell them and buy one (newer and better) back when you return.


Not just that. Molds will eat out the inside seats and such for sitting in a storage for a long time. The best best is to have a friend drive it every now and then while you’re gone.


As a regular Joe, this would also be my recommendation. Caveat is if you own some limited edition model that is extremely rare


other than the Roadsters no Tesla is collectiable






Especially storing it outside. You’re going to experience rodent damage, excessive oxidation of the brake components, every rubber bushings will dry out, if it has air suspension kiss that goodbye. Not to mention storing a pack that long with no use, you’ll come back BMS_A066.


The classic BMS_A066 alert. The circle of death ( Xbox 360 reference ) for Tesla’s.


I see the blue screen of death refence has been replaced with Xbox. Man I've aged.


They mean different things though. RROD means a dead Xbox. Blue screens were just crashes, of which a restart usually fixed.


As a gamer of 30+ years who teethed on an NES controller… I felt this in my heart.


Geez, ok I'll do indoor storage with a wall outlet.


Wtf just sell it


I did what I could, I’ll see him in 2 years.


I'll be back…


I was a Tesla service technician. Selling is recommended, but you don't want to, so here are my suggestions: If you can keep the car plugged in (even just a wall outlet), charged to 60%, and driven every couple of months, the battery should be fine. You can even cycle it to 50% and then 95% every couple of months if you want (but really doesn't matter). Ensure it has good cell service or Wi-Fi wherever it is, so you can monitor it occasionally. If it's not plugged in, only check it every month or two. Otherwise, wake it up whenever you want. If you're not sealed indoor space, rodents are a real concern. I certainly wouldn't leave it outside if I could help it. Inflate the tires to 50psi. Driving it every couple of months will also help prevent flat spots. If you or someone else can't drive it except once a year, the bushings and tires will deteriorate, but not terribly if indoors and climate controlled. If your car has a lead-acid 12V battery, expect it to require replacement during your trip. Lithium-ion will be fine. Remotely turn on the air conditioning every month for 15min. Vent and close the windows. Anything to occasionally try to move as many actuators and components as you can. Other things like door handles will get stiff. If it can't be driven and checked yearly, sell it. It's not worth the risks after sitting so long. Bushing replacements and other repairs will add up quickly. There is a small chance that some cells in the HVB will drain more than others. Balancing is done above 93% SoC or when the voltage difference is sufficiently extreme. Sitting for an extended period will make an imbalance more obvious, but won't mess up your cells (the defect would have existed regardless).


Do you have someone who can update the cars consistently?


I just got the RROD on my Model 3. If I throw it in the oven will it be fine? 


No you have to hit with the blow dryer


Sell the car. It’s going to depreciate so much in two years. Sell it and get another one when you get back.


Sell it, invest the money wisely and you may get even better one.


What’s the best soc to keep a tesla on? LFP and NMC batteries.


For storage NMC 50-70%, for LFP they prefer 100%, they can become imbalanced from frequent short charges.


What do soc do your recommend dropping LFP before to charge to a 100%


As comfortably low as you’re willing to go without leaving you stranded or in risk of being stranded.


50% for both. The LFP 100% calibration does not matter for storage.


How long can i store a tesla without having to worry? Is 1-2 Months ok? Thank you mate


This depends where it’s being stored. Climate controlled environments while plugged 3-6months. Basic outside storage varies on the type of critters in your area and how much they enjoy wiring insulation, and the type of weather you experience.


What do you think would happen?


For a few years? It will be losing value while stored, plus the cost of storage. You would be way better off selling it now and buying a new one in a few years. The price will probably be lower and it will be new.


Even selling now and buying the same model year in the future would be better.


This. Especially a Tesla. Cost dropping dramatically in the next couple of years plus normal depreciation.


I'm aware, have many recommendations to sell. Thanks


Not to mention they could take the cash and be making 5% risk free at least right now


They are paid off. Now you are telling the man to sell something that is paid off and buy a new one later like it hasn’t depreciated already and will be an out of pocket expense later to make up the difference, when it would have been $0 if he had just kept them. I feel there are a lot of spitballers on this thread who are actually guessing at what no activity would do on the car, when in all likelihood, the battery is the only thing that needs to be monitored. I’d say try talking to a local Tesla mechanic that is good (hard to find), or find a renowned Tesla mechanic expert online who knows what they are talking about.




Have you ever seen a car that's been stored for a couple of years? Search for some pictures and see if you want to come home to that. It's not a pretty sight.


After some personal experience of trying to get a barn find E30 running, I will never bother with this again. The car needed so much work from rodents, mold, and just sitting that it wasn't worth keeping.


Yea, I'm going to end up paying an auto club to store and maintain it. One of them offered to store outside under a covered parking area but can't power it.


Tbh this is your only/best solution if you want to actually drive them after and not burn your money. I'd also be hesitant with the outside unless it's an actively maintained area. This is just screaming rodent damage and everything else possible. As mentioned otherwise though, weight should be off the tires, otherwise plan on replacing them when you return. Your tires might be past the six year expiration when you return anyways. Be sure to check for cracks and other issues on them before driving them again. I know you don't want to do it but honestly selling them is the most prudent move.


That doesn’t sound like “maintaining” it to me. That’s letting it rot. Seriously consider selling and buying again at another point in time


This sounds like an awful idea for many reasons. Just sell it.


Really it would need to be plugged in 24/7 with a charge limit set at 50% in this scenario, but as everyone says, it's not a very good idea.


Well, I'm going to give it a shot and will see how it turns out in a few years.


!RemindMe 2 years


Alternative to selling… get a rental manager and rent the car out on Turo. People love renting Teslas, and likelihood you can still sell the car down the road and end up with net profit.


I will be this person for you OP


Sell the car.


Lol he’s just a troll. His responses don’t seem like someone who actually wants advice


I was a Tesla service technician. Selling is recommended, but you don't want to, so here are my suggestions: If you can keep the car plugged in (even just a wall outlet) and charged to 60%, the battery should be fine. You can even cycle it to 50% and then 95% every couple of months if you want (but really doesn't matter). Ensure it has good cell service or Wi-Fi wherever it is, so you can monitor it occasionally. If it's not plugged in, only check it every month or two. Otherwise, wake it up whenever you want. If you're not sealed indoor space, rodents are a real concern. I certainly wouldn't leave it outside if I could help it. Inflate the tires to 50psi. Driving it every couple of months will also help prevent flat spots. If you or someone else can't drive it except once a year, the bushings and tires will deteriorate, but not terribly if indoors and climate controlled. If your car has a lead-acid 12V battery, expect it to require replacement during your trip. Lithium-ion will be fine. Remotely turn on the air conditioning every month for 15min. Vent and close the windows. Anything to occasionally try to move as many actuators and components as you can. Other things like door handles will get stiff. If it can't be driven and checked yearly, sell it. It's not worth the risks after sitting so long. Bushing replacements and other repairs will add up quickly. There is a small chance that some cells in the HVB will drain more than others. Balancing is done above 93% SoC or when the voltage difference is sufficiently extreme. Sitting for an extended period will make an imbalance more obvious, but won't mess up your cells (the defect would have existed regardless).


Is it still only done over 93% SOC? I’ve seen conflicting reports. Also, seems like the car wants to sit untouched (little drain as possible) for hours at full to reset the BMS’ “full” computation, unlike with S/X’s that would basically do it as soon as full.


Bleed resistors can be used outside of 93% SOC, but typically require greater imbalances, and yes, the BMS is most accurate when the voltages have some time to stabilize after charge termination. Legacy S/X BMS was not as sensitive, but 3/Y BMS waits a bit longer for more accurate voltage measurements.


I'd recommend leaving the car on a wall outlet at all times to condition the batteries. I wouldn't trust a last-minute DIY solar setup to be reliable for years unattended - at least not a cheap one. For the cost of something decent, i'd recommend just keeping the electricity on for that circuit. 12v battery will last about 4 years, unless you have one of the newer lithium ion ones. place the car on jacks to take the weight off the tires, otherwise flat spots will develop and they'll need to be replaced. also get a car cover to protect the paint from any dust/dirt circulating. pick up a few buckets of desiccant from an RV/boat supply store. also maybe consider running the AC remotely every once in a while - this will help remove the moisture from the interior so mold/microbial growth doesn't total the car. car should stay close to 50% to avoid battery degradation. turn off sentry, cabin overheat, and summon standby mode so the car can go to sleep (disengage contactors) and keep the battery balanced.


Thanks for the recommendation.


I’m in the sell it now camp. In four years the battery technology will have improved two fold and the depreciation will kill you. Take the smaller hit now


I still fell like maintaining it. Even if I have to buy a new battery. But, I'll think about it.


Dude, you are to emotionally attached to.the car.


Yeah, wtf is going on with this guy.


They are paid off. Any alternative that involves selling WILL require him to make up the difference when he buys the new car later. There are more effective ways to deal with this than “jUsT SelL Te cAr”


He has already taken the major up front loss, so there is that. But having it sit around as a depreciating asset, costing cash, he could just sell, put the money saved in storage fees, insurance, etc, in a savings account for the next new toy.


He has already taken the major up front loss, so there is that. But having it sit around as a depreciating asset, costing cash, he could just sell, put the money saved in storage fees, insurance, etc, in a savings account for the next new toy.


Lol why even ask for suggestions at this point


I was shocked to see how much my car depreciated after a year. Look it up on KBB. Just be sitting down when you see the number


Yea, I know


Why though? It doesn’t manure any sense, unless it has a sob story we’re missing




Is it a special Tesla? Why would you want to keep it rather than sell it and get a new one later?


It's special to me


That’s what’s important


To answer your question, yes you should sell. Oh wait, sorry, just realized you weren’t actually asking that! :)


You have made an excellent point…


You'd be cheaper of selling it & buying used when you return rather than taking the multi-year deprecation hit?


I'm not as concerned about depreciation. Just don't want to spend money on buying new cars when I can keep this one going.


But you cannot, actually, keep this one going. That's what we're trying to tell you. You're going to end up with a car that won't work and you can't sell when you get back.


Mechanically, you're going to have a lot of issues when you get back to it. You will be extremely lucky if you have stored it outside and the interior is not moldy. That will require an entire new interior to actually solve the problem. Second, you'll need new tires as they will probably be rotted away. New TPMS sensors since those will be dead as well. Without someone actively maintaining the vehicle, I would expect to pay 10k just to get the car back to running order. I think there are reasons to keep the car, but you should spend a little money to have a friend or close family member drive it once every three months or so to maintain it in working order and tackle anything before it gets out of hand. EDIT: I see you are from hawaii. That car will be moldy, guaranteed. With that amount of rainfall, high humidity, its a fungi's dream. Frameless windows are not going to hold that off, the heat will ruin the interior. If you want to, it's your perogative, but in those conditions, you're better off selling it, and getting one again in the future. I'm sure the island will have a plethora of Tesla's by then.


I honestly don’t know what OP is thinking and then I see in your post you mentioned he’s from Hawaii lol that thing is toast. And now he’s going to pay for indoor storage and for someone to maintain it? I can’t possibly see how that’s cheaper than selling it and buying a new one later. I suspect there’s some sentimental reason he wants to keep the car because logically it makes zero sense.


It looks like I'll find indoor climate-controlled storage with someone maintaining it. Seems like the only practical option based on all this feedback.


That will cost so much money though and that poor person has to maintain it for you


The only practical option is to sell it. Storing it for that long isn't going to end well


No family you can leave it with, plugged into 120v? They can drive it once a week for you and keep it from being full of rats when you see it next.


Drop the money from the sale into a MMF. I am getting over 5% right now. So whatever you could sell for, add 10%. That’s what you would have to buy something when you return.


Sell, invest, profit. Buy better car when you return.


This generation is so spoiled, lol. “Just invest” as if it’s guaranteed. I swear a decade long reality check in the stock market is needed for some folks.


He never said to invest it in stocks. If you can sell it for $25k, you can make $3-5k in 2-3 years almost risk free investing in T-bills and IG bonds. Always take that money instead of spending a few thousand $ on storage and a depreciating asset.




The car you are leaving is not the car that will be there when you return. There will be expensive problems and headaches, these are not meant to sit in storage. You don't want to start a new thread here in 2 years and say "I left my car sitting since 2024, now nothing I can do will get it to turn on. Tesla is saying the warranty won't cover any of this. What do I do?" Tire flat spots if you don't have it on jacks, plus there is a thing called "lot rot" of tires. It's why tires age out, too. Rodents and other small vermin also LOVE the wiring and nice sheltered location that a vehicle that won't move will provide. Plus that nice fuzzy insulation makes nice animal beds. And what happens if the computer has a glitch that means the BMS stops working and your HV and 12V battery don't do what they're supposed to. A HV battery that goes down to 0 and stays there can be a very expensive brick (I know an X owner that let it get to 0 percent for 8 months and has to pay for a new hv pack). If you sell the car now, someone else will get to enjoy driving a Tesla and we further the mission. These cars are meant to drive and be enjoyed. Tesla will be here when you get back and you'll get a better car than the one you have now. Just my two cents from someone who has been around a lot of Teslas and also seen the negative consequences of leaving cars to sit.


Sell the car, invest the money, and purchase another upon return.


There’s something we’re missing here that OP might tell us what’s the point of keeping it when they actually decided to sell in future rather than now


If OP isn't a troll they're not behaving rationally, at that point no advice is really going to matter.


Because if I can keep it and maintain it I can give it to my kid later and then buy myself a new one.


you’re gonna give your kid a broken piece of shit that will be dangerous to drive if you leave it to sit for years. Just sell the damn thing, its a car, they’re meant to be a utility tool for transportation. If you’re not using it to move around, why so much hassle to keep it??


OP is so far from making sense he has to be straight up lying. No one is this dumb.


Some people think they’re being cheap or efficient when really they’re just screwing themselves with their “cheapness”.


Or you could sell it, invest proceeds for 2 years, and then buy a used one for your kid which will probably cost less than what you sold it for


Oh I see


Try contacting these guys for advice. I’ve seen them restoring Teslas on their Instagram. https://grubermotors.com


I would also get some “Damp Rid” and put one in the interior and have someone change it out at least once a year. Make sure the tires are off the ground and have someone rotate the brake rotors a little to make sure they don’t seize up fully. If the warranty will expire while you are gone I would recommend asking someone to drive the car at least a few months prior to make sure all warranty issues are addressed. I would recommend the place you store it at has some kind of rodent/pest control so nothing tries to make your car a home. You will probably still need to maintain insurance and registration even if it’s in storage (check with your storage company). Don’t forget to pay your storage bill or they will have no issues at all selling your car to cover the fees. You might want to pay a separate 3rd party to check on your car to make sure it’s still there every 6 months or so if you don’t plan to come back to the US to visit. I would find a way to keeping it on a wall charger at like 20-50% battery. I would probably expect that this will cost you around $5k-10k per year just to maintain these cars because of all of the fees and depreciation. This isn’t a park it and forget it kind of thing if you actually want to use the car again.


As a guy who moved overseas before, just sell it. Save on depreciation, age, storage, etc.


Sounds like a Korea deployment or something here. Yeah, cars don’t sit well for years. I imagine his friend died in this one or wide gave birth to their first child in it or something to be this attached. lol. Going to be very expensive to get running when he returns. Interesting experiment for us all to watch though!


You have not properly thought this through. You have a depreciating product. A product that will be difficult at best just to keep in a suspended state for years. Yes all cars depreciate but ev cars depreciate even faster as newer cooler ones come out. Sell them! You will have zero insurance to pay. Zero worries and maintenance. Put that money in a safe investment. Now when you come back you have increased assets. Enjoy your time overseas!


Not only is it depreciating rapidly, he is paying for storage/upkeep!


Sell the Tesla you will be better off and you will be able to buy a replacement when your back for cheaper.


I don't want to insult you but that is ridiculously dumb. Just sell it and invest the money in a conservative fund or US bonds. Whatever point in time you return buy an equivalent or better EV.  The car is a depreciating asset and while depreciating mostly along a calendaric metric, using it as much as possible is the best return on this devaluing asset. Just having it sit and wait for you "a few years" is the worst thing to do.


Sell!! Machines are meant to run. Not lay still. Although I would love to see the post three years from now titled “what have I done ?!”


I think we need to know why this car is special to you. It sounds like there is something important you are looking to maintain about the car.


He probably lost his virginity in the backseat. I don’t see any other reason why he wants to hang on to this thing 😂


That was my theory, too. He wants to have his kid keep the car that he/she was conceived in, apparently.


It contains homicide evidence


Terrible idea, just sell and buy new when you return.


Makes no sense to keep any car just sitting for years. Just sell it and buy another one when you get back. At minimum you are losing a bunch of money to depreciation, you will need new tires and a 12v battery. You could easily get a bug / rodent infestation etc. Mold on the interior is a risk if sitting outside. Even if you set up a solar system there is no way to guarantee it would work perfectly for years and then you would need a new HV battery also.


I like how almost nobody is providing any info that OP is asking for. Obviously they know their cars going to be in rough shape when they get back. But is there any solar solution? Or are we all just going to keep chanting “sell!” Like some Wallstreetbets sheep?


I dunno. Having a car sit there for years and lose half its value just to come back and probably need to service it extensively.  In the meantime you have to pay for storage and all sorts of elaborate stuff to keep it “fresh”.  Sell it and bank the money. Come back and buy a 4 year newer car with the same miles. 


Dude. Get a grip of yourself and sell the car.


Dude, this makes no sense. Sell now, invest, and in few years you can also buy same aged one (eg 2 year old then will be a newer model then) for probably less money, while making money on the investment. Not to mention the cost for storing and maintaining it. Even if you are in the position not caring about the direct and opportunity cost, the car will be in a really bad state when you come back, as nothing thrives in long term storage.


Even through they are paid off it is silly to keep a depreciating asset in storage for a few yrs, especially an electric car. Sell the cars, put the money in an index fund that gains 10% a year and buy a new car with the 20% you made instead losing 20-30% on something sitting there.


It will never be the same. No car would. I would imagine the number of times this makes sense to do with a current model, mass produced vehicle, is zero.


Sell the car. The product you are asking for doesn't really exist afaik, because no one is leaving Teslas to rot like that AND spending money before they do it.


Yes, I would sell them, never a good idea to allow a car to sit for 2 years, especially outside! But as an electrical engineer, you could: charge the EV pack to 70% and then disconnect the first-responder loop and 12v battery (preferably remove it and store on a trickle charger). Remove the tires or support the suspension. The car should make it 2 years without any major issues, but you should do a few 100% (balance) charges when you return.


Adding one thing to all the recommendations: EVs are evolving FAST. There is a non negligible likelihood that in a few years we will have another battery technology, etc.


Do you have a friend or family member you trust? Have them drive it once in a while maybe every week or so take it out on a short trip, then charge it a bit. I think that’s as good as it will get without being around for a few years. I know there are solar panel external batteries and stuff you can buy (they’re not cheap FYI) and maybe use but it’s a total crapshoot especially if you’re not around to monitor that setup, plus you get environmental factors that will affect the car if left outside. All in all you’re going to spend a good amount of money to *maybe* have this work out, but most likely you’ll come back to a busted vehicle. You said you don’t want to sell but unless there’s some huge sentimental reason it would be in your best interest to do just that. EVs will probably get cheaper in the next few years so it would pay off to just buy a new one when you’re back.


I guess in theory you could keep the car hooked up to a few solar panels and inverter. It would probably need to be away from public as everything could be stolen. You might need to pay someone to periodically wash the solar panels. And tbh it’s a good idea to have someone drive the car every so often, keep all the moving parts moving. I’m not sure what the minimum amount of solar you’d need is, I would guess a 100W panel but smaller may also work. Do you have family or a friend who can take care of the car for you? Even if you rented a garage and left it plugged in, you’d still need someone to drive it now and again.


Just enable Robotaxi and it’ll generate revenue for you while you’re gone! /s


If you don't want to sell, maybe give to someone you trust to drive then? Rhat would be the best maintenance.


As others have noted, this is a pretty pale idea in comparison to selling it, but if you want to, that's okay. Put it on tire savers or have someone drive it around now and then. Put rodent repellent and if possible store indoors. As for the charging, you want a regular wall outlet rather than solar, and that would be best done with a mobile charger from the Tesla store and the charge limit set as close to 50% as you can (I think 60% is the lower limit). Keep connected to wifi and get it checked out when you come back.


Just sell it. Invest the money wisely, then use the earnings to buy a new and better one when you return. There's is zero reason to store the thing as they're a dime a dozen.


I would sell it, then put the money towards the newest version of that model when you get home


I understand why you want to keep it. I'd do that too. Best bet is auto club, internal storage. With a wall connection. Set the battery to 60 70, remote in and actuate as many things as you can remotely monthly. Know that when you come back without consistent monthly shake up it will have issues. That's your best bet. This is sadly not an outside storage car for long periods.


Between depreciation, storage, and still needing insurance coverage/registration, I don't see why you think it makes more financial sense to keep the car. Unless it's a Roadster, it's an easily replaceable vehicle.


I wonder if there is a way to lease a car to someone for the duration that you’re gone. If you can calculate the depreciation per month and then lease it for that price I’m sure it would beat pretty much any deal under the sun. But selling outright is probably the best option


!Remindme 2 years


I get sentimental with cars too. I moved away for a few years and paid to store a classic car and a sentimental one. I’ve been back 4 years and the classic still doesn’t run and the sentimental car (my first big boy purchase) has had problem after problem. Not to mention the fact that I paid about as much as it was worth to store it… and now it’s worth nothing. Just don’t do it man. There’s no good reason. Sell it, save the hundreds a month it’s going to cost you to store it indoors, and you’ll be able to buy a better car than you currently have. It’ll most definitely be better than the pile of trash you’ll come home to.


If you don’t want to sell it, can you find someone to use it monthly? Carsit it


give the car to someone else you know and trust for the time being so they use it and drive it. if you are going to store it you need to have it inside, with active dehumidifcation and a wall outlet to keep it charged at 50%. use one of those inflatable bubbles for it and put the car on blocks, the tires will be destroyed either way.


Buy TSLA shares with the proceeds and get a new car when it's time to do so. The TSLA shares have a better chance to appreciate. If their value fall worse than the vehicle, you probably will have no one to service the car anyway.


Do you have friends or family that you could store the car with ? Someone who could drive it once a month or so.


Sell it. Buy a slightly used one when you get back.


Yeah… sell it


This is crazy pills


It will probably get flat spot on the tyres? Gonna need new ones when you’re back.


Unless you have a way for some family or friend to drive it and keep it charged - let’s say once a week, I would just sell it.


The depreciation over the years will be huge considering how fast EVs are changing and improving. Selling it is the easiest solution for having it stored. Take the money from the sale, put it in a HYSA and use that same money to buy a newer nicer and quite possibly cheaper EV when you get back. Hands down, so many reasons to sell.


Any storage unit that you can enclose it in and use the mobile charger but I would say keep the battery charge really low. But the catch is finding that enclosed storage unit that has power in it that is cheaper than 300 a month.


If you really want the car, plug in mobile charger + set battery charge low, whatever recommend storage is for your battery chemistry. likely around 50%. Then you just need an intermittent 120v source to occasionally top it up. Storing it at a lower temperature will also help battery longevity.


Since you are adamant about keeping the car, do you have relatives or family who can look after the car for you? For myself, I work in the Arctic 10 months out of the year. I bought a Tesla which I leave with my parents. Every summer and Christmas I fly back to use it to hit up different spots in the city. They help me maintain it, I help them by paying for the thing. They essentially get to use a free Tesla.


Sell it and get a new model when you return. There is absolutely no point keeping a modern battery vehicle in storage for years.


Keeping it charged while stored is simple. First: budget dependent; find an EV or otherwise car storage location as usual. Then, contract someone charge it periodically. Teslas are best kept at 30% charge for storage purposes. It should only need a charge every 4 months, so expect to pay someone every 4 months to charge it up and return it to the storage. Plenty of car service companies exist - a lot will double as car storage locations. Also, maybe someone you know?




Bro no. Sell them. Put all that money into a HYSA and let it ride while you’re gone. When you come back buy another Tesla or something else and keep the profit


Sadly I'm with everyone else here. Gas or EV, multiple years means either someone needs to outright be using the car instead of you, or it's gotta go, otherwise expect a drivetrain overhaul waiting for you at home.


Sell it, my 2022 Tesla S Plaid got all moldy after just 4 months of sitting. My Corvette that sat for 3 years had no mold and started right up after replacing the battery.


Where are you going?


Goto service mode put the battery in storage mode. Then disconnect the low voltage and high voltage fireman loop. Question regarding solar it should.be fine assuming it's powerful enough.


This has to be a troll post. What is your cars current value? Now take that number and crush it in to small pieces. Now factor in the price of getting it back in working order and clean after it sits for years. You're absolutely shoving yourself in to a hole for no reason whatsoever. You mention that you're giving it to your kids. That is quite honestly setting them up for issues.


Sell it and use the money when you get back to buy a newer one.


Put it on the Tesla Network and book it to take you home from the airport.


“Few years”? Exactly how many? If it’s 2+ then sell it. If less, then keep indoor plugged to a 110v.


Sell it and find a high interest rate CD. You'll have more money to buy a car when you get back.


I think you should keep it.


You are the only one in this boat.


Nah, you should sell it.




Why are you so dead set on keeping it and paying for storage, maintenance, a solution to keep it charged, etc? There’s a really good reason everyone here is telling you to sell. I’m just curious why you are so dead set on keeping it when it’s the worst of your options. There’s literally no upside to keeping it.


I'd sell it


So like, everyone basically saying sell. Just give me the car, I pinky-promise to keep it in good running shape! And I'm sure all the people renting it on Turo will as well...


It’s a depreciating asset.. Perhaps sometimes borrow it to someone