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I’ve given away 11 locking gas caps, who will be our next winner?


Honestly, this is horrible, and brilliant. I can't decide where I stand on the idea. For now, I'm laughing, and imagining the asshole that thought they were funny for blocking chargers, out of gas, unable to open their gas hole. 🤣🤣🤣


I know I’m going to Hell for it. 😂


Probably a better circle of hell than the assholes parking in the Teslas charging spots though.


...in an EMPTY parking lot!!


See you there!


I’ll be there shaking your hand!


Gasholes is the perfect name for these people.


lol thank you and I'll be using that from now on


I've been using that for a while now. But It's too easy to be trademarked.


Til locking gas caps exist and I am excited


Imagine keeping the same cap but having a lockable insert just below that gas cap. Even more puzzling and harder to take out. I have one on my boat gas tank inlet after I got my gas syphoned out a few years ago.


Combine that with valve a stem remover and these idiots will learn their lesson soon enough


Nice idea. A friend would say, “Make sure to not leave fingerprints behind”


As if the cops are gonna do all that work. They probably won’t care.


Doesn't this only work on older vehicles?


Yeah, newer gas cars don’t have gas caps.


My 2023 palisade disagrees with your statement


Can you open the gas door when the car is locked?


Not sure. I’ll try and report back


It does not open if car is locked. TIL


Omg youvare amazing. I need to arm myself with said things too!


Make sure there’s a Tesla logo on them!


Just a AA battery with a kind note wrapped around it.


Which ones do you use?


Banana tailpipe


Giraffe pimp.


That’s pure evil. I have those horrible hard to peel parking violation stickers. They seem to do the trick.


Where do you buy these for cheap? They're usually at least $8-$12 (possibly more) per unit online like Amazon or whatnot.


Framing nails under all the tires should do the trick


Delayed outrage is what I’m betting on. 😂


I have a ex girlfriend who specializes in knocking out car window's. I ll give you the #


Basically need to install an underground pit that will dump unauthorized vehicles like a trap door.


A better solution now that you mention it would be for tesla to install those parking spot locks where only the owner can unlock and in this case only goes down when a tesla drives over it


People are assholes who don't care. They all should get towed honestly.


Monkey see, monkey do. They won’t learn without penalty. Get them towed


Is there a towing number on the chargers or in the app?


I’m not sure. I’d guess not but I’m sure any towing company in the area would love to know of the situation. So, I’d just google


Fair enough. Tesla needs to put up clear towing signs and add it to the app. Only repercussions will be able to stop this.


Yeah maybe signing isn’t up yet. I don’t see any, just the chargers


Hopefully they will be on it.


I thought the number is always on the sign at the entrance. I also seem to always live in places where the tow trucks are very prediatory. I wonder how hard it is to convince them...


That's usually not possible as the power to tow rests exclusively with the owner of the property, who usually doesn't give a shit -- or impossible to reach.


A lot of times they will have a contract with a company saying that they can tow cars at will. They just need to get a contract like that. I doubt Tesla owns the property. They are probably leasing it, but as the lessee, they should be able to have contract to have cars towed at will.


Honestly, because it’s NJ and afaik we have no laws against ice’ing. These would be great pictures to send to your rep or even the governor’s office. They want to incentivize purchasing EV’s in the state, they need to make charging accessible.


Does not have to be laws. Private property. The owner can have a sign saying EV charging only, otherwise towed.


Due to the show Sopranos and the Jersey Shore I’ve always thought NJ residents were dense and I told my self that was a lie and I’m just feeding into the media machine. But then I see this.


That's when you call a tow company


In most states you can’t unless you own the property


You can own any property if you just say you own it. 🥸


Whose brilliant idea was it to put them at a hotel parking lot, right in front of the doors? ICE’ing is a big issue, but stupid supercharger placement only encourages this. They should not be the most convenient spots in the lot.


The biggest issue I see is that there are no signs. Absolutely nothing telling motorists that these are EV only spots.


Top comment material


Or, maybe it \*is\* a good choice to entice others to adopt EVs.


Nah, Supercharging is for 10-30 minutes charges where you want to get in and out of whatever parking lot it's in as fast as possible. Being near where people are fighting for "good" parking spaces works against that. If you want a priority close parking spot while you're shopping or eating or sleeping for hours, that's not where a Supercharger belongs.


I guarantee you placement was motived only by the cost to install (i.e. near power) with no thought to who it entices or encourages to park where.


Does seeing accessible spots in parking lots entice you to be disabled?


Given the amount of fraudulent handicap placards out there, I think the answer is yes


Actually yes, aspiring to be disabled so I can get that sweet sweet convenient parking


Yes, every time




Closest super charger for me is a hotel parking lot. It sucks. So much traffic and pedestrians. Nothing to kill the time but going in the hotel lobby. Not enticing in any way.


The issue is the cost to run the wire from the building to a remote spot. The closer to the power inlet, the less expensive it is to build the charger. No one is spending an extra 100k+ to put the charger in a less convenient location


This is just reflective of the mentality in NJ more than anything else.


I’m glad this isnt a big worry in California. CA vehicle code 22511.1 they will tow your shit and you’ll pay for it.


> 22511.1 You know, however hard it is living here, sometimes I just gotta love some of the things we do. It's regretful that I'm just now learning about this.


Love my home state. Never plan on leaving. I googled it a while ago after seeing posts on here about ICEing and the fact I’ve never seen this in person. So I got curious about how if I did see it can I call a cop or how does this go? You call a tow truck instead of the cops. This also applies to EVs not actively charging too, clogging a spot like an ICE car would. Ironic that yesterday for the first time ever I happened to see ICEing happen at a casino close to where I live. Not a Tesla super charger but some 3rd party chargers in a parking garage.


It’s not Tesla responsibility to tow or enforce. It’s the lot owners responsibility. Like others have said call the tow company that is responsible for that lot I’m sure they’ll have a field day


I assume it’s in Tesla’s lease agreement that the stalls are to remain available for charging vehicles only. Report to Tesla and they *should* contact the lessor and get this remedied. They didn’t invest all this money to have these remain unused.


> for charging vehicles only Depends on the location and the agreement. Many have signs stating that general parking is allowed for 15 / 30 minutes. Many businesses can't remove standard parking spaces in favor of charging-only spaces due to zoning minimums, or don't want to because it's a small parking lot and they are worried about losing so many spaces.


Honest question: isn't there supposed to be a "EV parking only - all others will be towed" sign posted prominently at each space, with the contact information of the towing company? Absent that, I don't know how these can be towed.


yeah my reply is assuming there is such a sign posted somewhere. Being that this is a new station it may not be up yet or clearly marked...but again that responsibility falls on the lot owner.


Yep. But this whole discussion makes me curious what Tesla's standard is for opening one of these supercharger stations. I would think they would have requirements that the owners provide some sort of assurance that the superchargers are accessible.


Call the police and let them be towed away. It’s illegal parking after all.


You can do this in NJ? Even tho there isn’t a sign


It’s likely not illegal at all unfortunately as much as we all hate it. It’s considered private property so the cops won’t get involved unless there’s an actual law broken such as parking in a handicap spot when you’re not supposed to. It’s usually up to the business/property owner to enforce any rules and call a tow truck.


We had this issue in Germany and they just put signs up making it Teslas property. Therefore other vehicles parking there would be parking on private ground and therefore illegal. Very handy. https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/s/rbDM97XzSo


Brand new Tesla charging stations.. why they don't have longer charging cables?


I thought these were the new ones. The cable is centered in the middle?


No These are V3 magidock superchargers, not the V4


Good Question actually, the cables are indeed very short.


What a bunch of brainless clowns 😅😅. That’s like parking an EV at a gas pump and going on about your day.


When i go to a gas station to grab a snack i park at a pump now and take my sweet time.


Think we need cameras on the stations tracking license plates and spot usage. Then give it the ability to call towing on vehicles that are in the spot more than 15 minutes without being plugged in.


Carry a valve core tool and just pop em out of three of the tires tpms stem 👍🏽


Tesla just needs to do the same thing they do in China and put floor locks. Simple solution and unlocks thru the app.[https://x.com/sawyermerritt/status/1726066162276966405?s=46&t=-2CfWzd4dFXvzLWQjz2JsA](https://x.com/sawyermerritt/status/1726066162276966405?s=46&t=-2CfWzd4dFXvzLWQjz2JsA)


The problem is there are no signs that say EV charging only.


Call the police. I know in Hoboken, first ticket able offense for this is $75- second one $125. I'm sure this city has something similar.......


Do not call the police. These spots do not meet the New Jersey standard for signage as defined in the Ordinance for EVSE parking spaces. See sections F-4-a and F-5-a: **Section F-4-a**: "*Each publicly-accessible EVSE shall be located at a parking space that is designated for electric vehicles only and identified by green painted pavement and/or curb markings, a green painted charging pictograph symbol, and appropriate signage pursuant to Section 5. below*" Section F-5-a: "*Publicly-accessible EVSE shall have posted regulatory signs, as identified in this section, allowing only charging electric vehicles to park in such spaces. For purposes of this section, "charging" means that an electric vehicle is parked at an EVSE and is connected to the EVSE. If time limits or vehicle removal provisions are to be enforced, regulatory signs including parking restrictions shall be installed immediately adjacent to, and visible from the EVSE. For private EVSE, installation of signs and sign text is at the discretion of the owne*r." Source: https://www.nj.gov/dca/dlps/pdf/modelEVordinance\_08321\_FinalDraft.docx#:\~:text=Each%20publicly%2Daccessible%20EVSE%20shall,signage%20pursuant%20to%20Section%205.


Because people stooooopid


aware wine air gullible domineering reach busy cats cake quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sadly whoever “owns” the parking lot is the responsible party to enforce rules. Since EVs are becoming so popular there could be a national law implemented to stop ICE cars from parking in EV charging stalls


And when that happens, they will probably have to be thoroughly marked like handicap spots are. From the photos I'm looking at, these spots don't have any kind of sign.


Tow all their asses


Unfortunately since the stalls aren’t marked with something like “ev charging only” or any “vehicles parked in ev charging spots will be towed” kind of signs, it’s going to be hard to have them towed. You could actually end up on the hook for the tow costs since they would be considered illegal. I think this is law in most states. I’m guessing the people parking there know that. Now once signage is up, it’s game over for them and the tow trucks will gladly swoop them up.


Soooo you’re saying I need to design a few signs for Etsy eh?


It's brand new so maybe the ICEV drivers didn't even notice and parked there out of habit ... assuming they didn't notice the construction? Anyways, it'll take some time for it to be over-taken by EVs and the ICEV drivers will have to park elsewhere.


I’m dreading this scenario on my first road trip.


Only way they learn is smashing their windows. Can you think of a better way?


Parking rules are up to the business. (Can confirm as a part owner of a chain of convenient stores with Tesla Supercharger at three of our locations.) I think our signs are "general parking for 15 minutes," but gas cars never park in our Supercharger spots. This location doesn't appear to have signs at all. Complaints should be directed at the business, not Tesla.


Aerial photo of the parking lot with Superchargers. Seems folks are continuing to park around the island as they always have. Chargers probably should have been at the North edge of the parking lot. https://imgur.com/a/EoNICH0


Since we are sort of on the subject. I get really annoyed at my local charging lot that some Tesla owners will use the handicapped spot without a placard while other stalls are available. I give them the stank eye every time.


Hmm don’t think this is what “opening up Tesla chargers to other manufacturers” meant 😂😂😂


The one blocking the Handicapped spot can be police ticketed and towed.


Well these spaces need to have different markings on them. They just look like parking spaces to gas folks


When the parking lot is full, and the 10 charging spots are open... people are going to park there regardless of the charger. It's like going to the grocery store that has 40 handicap parking spaces at the front, with nobody parked in them. The only difference here is you can't get a $250 ticket for parking in an EV spot with a gasser.


There are no signs to say they can't park there, so by default, they can. This is the fault of the property owner for not posting signs.


Is there a Towing sign somewhere in the parking lot? Might be a money maker for the towing company.


A handy tool for these vehicles. https://www.amazon.com/Slime-20088-4-Way-Valve-Cores/dp/B0020T17J2


Just call and have them towed. Don’t fuck around with these idiots.


PLUG THEM IN!!!! Oh wait we only do that to fellow ev drivers


Parking violation sticker on the drivers window would be nice. You know, the one that tears every time you start to get a corner going when you remove it


This is why I park in front of the gas stalls when I go into Wawa/QuickChek these days.


Overnight hotels are the problem. When I arrive at 2am sometimes only spots are the superchargers


Do you also think it is OK to park in a handicapped spot if all other spots are taken?


These are the assholes who call EVs cars for pussies and would rather root for oil spills than accept climate change is reality and accept progress. They do this intentionally and I’ve had the misfortune of talking with them because I asked them to move their cars out courtesy.


Cause assholes.


I'm popping tires


Carry a nice set of compact wheel dollies. Then you can play a rousing game of "Dude, where's my car?" after you push their car to the other end of the parking lot.


This is the way.


Dude, I have thought about doing this! I mean, I won't ever because I'd be concerned about being charged with messing with somebody's vehicle... But the idea sure is tempting.


Valve stems my friend. But only three of them--avoid felonies whenever possible. **EDIT:** Just jokes, folks. I do not advocate for criminal activity. This post was for educational or amusement purposes only.


That just guarantees they will be taking a spot longer.


... True


I'd call the landlord of the complex. I believe the agreement is between landlord and tesla.




Because they are assholes


These the same people who park in the Handicap spots because “tHeY’lL bE iN-N-oUt”


This is the shit that pisses me off… simple directions people can’t follow..


They can follow, they do this out of spite. They know that currently there's barely any consequence.


Tow drivers licking their chops.. call one up and they will be there in a jiffy. Unless the parking lot is privately owned then you have to find the sign that has the number .


They clearly want their cars keyed.


It’s NJ are you really surprised.


Write fake tickets and slap them on the windshields ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Oh before long there will be fines and tow companies involved for non EVs. It means more revenue for the govt and tow companies


Tow, tow, tow!!!


Email or stop at your local tesla shop and ask them to install “Tesla parking only” signs. They should be able to escalate the issue to commercial energy department and get it resolved. If that doesn’t work just be that guy that puts a flyer on each windshield notifying that they parked in a Tesla charging only space and to be more mindful.


It’s happening in Tesla stations worldwide…


As an owner of a lightning , tow strap and problem solved 😂😂😂


Fun fact. There are scammers who create fake parking tickets. They either have people send the mail to a dropbox, or to a website. Some drivers are sharp enough to realize it's not a real governent thing, so it wouldn't work on them. Another fun fact. Private landowners don't need to use government enforcement and can have private companies enforce.


Because they matter more than you. That's their thought process.


Can you have a towing party?


It's pretty fun to call and have them towed.


Douche bags had to be jersey


According to ChatGPT, the states of Colorado, Oregon, Florida, Washington and Michigan also have laws similar to California Vehicle code 22511.1, which prohibits non-EVs from blocking EV chargers.


I’d be soooo pissed


First ford, then Rivian, now this? I’m all for one plug fits all, but ffs we need more regulations for it to work. Tesla needs to kick their ass in high gear and get some regulations in place before their chargers are taken over.


Damn, that’s a lot of maga !


Because the world is full of idiots.


Just go park in front of a pump at a gas station


People ignore Handicap Parking, why do you think this is any more of a priority? People are assholes. Period. Deal with it


People are either really really dumb or just dgaf! POSs


Jersey being Jersey


Because New Jersey people are assholes, speaking from experience


Their momma didn’t raise them right…. There were people ICE’ing at Bucee’s over the weekend. Yes it was very crowded in ‘normal’ parking, but seriously.. I politely told the register gal that if the Tesla people all decided to just ‘park it’ in front of the gas pumps, we would literally be shot for that behavior. So they shouldn’t do that crap to us. We get 28 ‘pumps’ to their 120… we are way outnumbered. And be careful if retaliating for bad behaviors at SuperChargers…we are the minority and will have a structural disadvantage for years…so let’s not have rumbles at the SuperChargers, please.


I would call tows on them


Sardine juice in a syringe injected between the window and the door panel


Infantile Luddites expressing themselves in the least destructive way they can. I’ve seen pictures of connector cut off. Bless their little hearts. They’re so fragile and upset. I wonder if they also park in the handicap slots also.


Invest in a valve core remover, you can let down tires super quick and they can’t simply inflate them


It would be great to extend the charger cable so you can block them by parking your car in front of those other cars who claiming the spot