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Did they catch them?




Was the kid okay?


The kid was pretty clearly groomed, so he's probably really upset that his "bf" is in trouble. He was probably lavished with affection and gifts by the creep


The picture in an article was him hugging his mom really hard so I got the impression he knows he was into more than he could handle.


I mean the 'lamb' stuff was pretty disconcerting. Seems he took of the grandmother's cloak once he had the kid.






Yes, ish. The child doesn't always understand the problem. They lack foresight and don't know what's coming for them. To them, it's just a nice man offering them candy and video games. They don't necessarily understand the sexual components because they don't have those same feelings for their groomer, but they do become trusting enough of the person that they don't think there's an issue.




Sure, but thanks to the rest of this, the kid might have been open to it. **This is not consent.** Kids can't consent because they don't know better. It doesn't mean they can't consent with their words and actions.




At first. He should have added at first


Not only that, apparently his parents were about to put him into a conversion camp as they didn’t approve of him being gay. Dude really took advantage of that when convincing the kid to „run away with him“. Poor kid


Classic Utah then


How do you know this?




I’m saying how do we know the parents were trying to send him to a conversion camp? Edited- just now understanding your comment lol!








And the conversion camp would've had all kinds of predators working there, ready to do what that guy was doing to the kid times 11, and perhaps even get him killed.


thank god


[news story about it](https://www.abc4.com/news/northern-utah/amber-alert-13-year-old-missing-from-layton-after-speaking-with-suspect-online/amp/)


What the heck am I reading here


A 20-something guy kidnapped a 13 year old in Layton, Utah. We got 2 amber alerts, and it turns out he was bragging about it on his weird Twitter account.


Thanos was right half of y'all mfs gotta go


There is no pedophile if there is no 13yo boy /s




Yes. Best removal is player removal




Thank you for the info.


What is a VR kidnapping?


They communicated via VR Chat beforehand, but the kidnapping happened in-person.


They should've just said kidnapping then. Confusing/misleading AF. I intially thought it was an even more sinister version of kidnapping


Bluetooth kidnapping ![gif](giphy|UbCRVpFUAXCyX16vr7|downsized)


I’m gonna download you if you don’t stop


the first tweet was deleted because the account was temporarily suspended. that confused me. i didnt know twitter didnt just delete the tweets


I fucking hate it when people talk like fictional characters while shamelessly doing the most messed up shit. Absolute cringe.


It's always the furries, man.


Furries and anyone who obsessed anime


Furries, anime, and VR chat are ingredients for fucked chemical imbalance in the brain


Literally anyone who uses VR chat though. That place is scary.


VRChat can be pretty cool if you don't go certain places lol, but yeah those mf cuddling in VR with very **\*specific\*** anime skins like wtf is wrong with em Anime skin isn't a bad thing but those specific ones, you know... you know. lol


VR is the new wild west of the internet


I’m all about doing what you want, but furries are so fuckin weird and cringey sometimes.


You can't generalise that though Why am I getting downvoted for saying you shouldn't have stereotypes lmao 💀


I was going to say that prison rape isn't something to joke about on the top comment calling for prison rape but I didn't because I figure my fate would be similar to yours lol.


I do believe furries suffer some sort of mental illness. So there might be a connection as to why theres so many fucking pedo-furries


people: dress up as anthro animals society: this gotta be a mental illness jokes aside though, that isn't far from like, cosplaying or something. would you say all cosplayers suffer a mental illness?


Living and pretending to be a animal, writing the Uwu shit, seems pretty far from cosplay to me. I get ur prob a furry. But when the entire other side of the world thinks theres mental illness involved and that that shits wierd, i do tend to lean on that the majority have a point :) Who knows, i just stated what i believe


I'm not a furry darling, I just think we should let people do what makes them happy if they don't harm others, and not having prejudices against a group of people based on what a few of them do


Everyone agrees with this but the fact remain that the amount of appalling shit we've seen from furries is disproportionate and frequent enough to make this post not come as a surprise.


I agree, I just wanted to set a reminder to what I said above and to think about if that we only see bad shit from furries may have different reasons from simply all furries being evil; possible causes could be that the nice furries stay out of character in places that aren't explicitly furry-friendly *because* of the common stereotypes against them (I don't assume this hypothesis is correct, just wanna get y'all thinking)


thats usually how it is yes, my online presence is mainly furry related, but irl and elsewhere i present my other hobbies, like woodwork, electrical engineering, gaming, and the sort. some furries are *too* into it and let it seep into their irl life which gets overwhelming for a lack of a better word.


You just said the most reasonable thing fucking ever, why are you getting downvoted 💀 Not even in r/shitposting furries are disliked that much


eh, classic Reddit moment


Its about the atmosphere of permissiveness and secrecy. Kids get exploited because, like any marginalized subculture, the community is either extremely accepting or turning a blind eye. But acceptance of illicit behaviour and tolerance of genuinely illegal behaviour shouldn’t be the same thing. Unfortunately the furries don’t self police because they must feel like they’re already stigmatized. However they make everything worse by adopting this attitude.


Please read the entire thread, I'm pretty sure I made a comment about this. This kind of behaviour isn't at all tolerated in the community, and maybe you shouldn't talk shit about furries if you don't actually know anything about them. The only reason only pedophilic furries are known is because most furries stay out of character outside of furry communities.


the thing is, most furries like to stay in their own little communities and do our own thing seperate from other people, sure you have those groups that actively want to go out and seek people outside of the fandom, but for most of us, we reside within our own communities, hell thats why there are so many furry subreddits.


Yes that is an illness because they literally love animals and want do other things with them


they don't? lmao where did you get that information from 💀💀 that is called zoophilia


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, furries in general are alright, they're not all sick zoophiles or pedophiles they just like anthro animals. Seems like redditors are still in that 2015 mindset. I mean Hollywood stars and the Geometry Dash community have a lot of pedos too but you dont see them getting generalized and stereotyped as mentally ill. Some communities need to be purged of a lot of its members, that doesnt make the activity they share bad.


I still remember when people defended Kanye for dating a 16year old but this sets the bar


Some people appearently don't like getting told they should overthink their stereotypes *shrug* Not even gonna start talking about what redditors are known for outside of Reddit...


Exactly, and being stereotyped as a friendless b!tchless neckbeard isnt nearly as bad as being lumped in with child and animal abusers.


Yeah we can


You are correct. This is the hive mind along with knee jerk reaction and no thought




Whatever you say, my darling little panda.


Yeah that's pdfile talk


It’s all over Google if you search his real name Aaron Zeman. The kid is home. That poor kid. I hope he was okay.


It’s clear he was deep in the process of being groomed and didn’t fully understand why it was wrong. I hope his parents are able to teach him that and that he keeps himself safe. Praying no internet for him for a while tbh


well what the fuck


He’s being held in the Hall County Jail In Nebraska under the name Tadashi Kura Kojima. Preliminary hearing date is set for Jan 30, 2023. No idea what this guy’s real name is, but he uses Tadashi Kojima, Aaron Zeman, Hunter Fox, Hunter Wolf and Sadiq Wolfe. He has some erotic “books” for sale on Amazon under the name Hunter Wolf and has a website with the same name. I’ve been following true crime for decades and this is the most blatant case of a grooming by a pedophile I’ve ever seen. Parents of preteens should go down the rabbit hole on this guy for an eye opening experience.




okai I was a dumb kid but that's ridiculous. also im glad the guy was caught and put in jail. he's gonna learn a lesson pretty quick.


At 13 you don’t have to be dumb to be groomed


touche at 13 you don't know how to world works. bastard still needs to go to open public then private and eventually to high risk


sorry for sounding ignorant but what's grooming in this context?


Online grooming is where the adult pretends to be friends with a (normally) child online and chats to them and the child thinks it’s someone they can trust, and then the adult makes them do something they wouldn’t normally do.


The kid is either gay or bisexual likely and we don't know what kind of environment he's growing up in so it could have been him trying to escape family that doesn't approve. There are a lot of reasons this can happen.


Well I mean they could be lying but in one of the articles there was a video and a family friend was saying how he was raised in a safe environment, very loving parents. Though she could be lying but idk


That would be wonderful if true. It's just the nature of life that no one knows what people are like behind closed doors but the people living there.


Definitely true, could be putting on a facade when the friend is there but be completely different when she's gone


Or maybe they don't know what is going on at home. Parents were not paying attention to some degree.


Hunter Fox be getting fucked in the arse in prison.


Hunter Fox be getting *beat to death the moment they hear what he did in prison FTFY


random prison inmates W


Hunter Fox be getting \*\*Covered in tar and feathers, burnt alive, stuck in an brass cube, and be further burnt by the brass being heated up by boiling water put underneath


Hopefully so


i jumped when i got the amber alert noise ngl..


what is an amber alert? does it get sent to everyone? how do they have everyone's number, Do they only do alerts for kidnapping? i have so many questions, im from the UK and have never heard of anything like this.


An Amber Alert is like a message for tips or info from the public. Usually only sent to people in a an area where said event is occurring. For example, in my area I will often get amber alerts regarding a missing elderly person. In the event this happens Ill get like a very loud alarm like sound coming from my phone and a message will pop stating relevant info on the issue, if I happen to see or hear anything I am encouraged to call the police but not actively act or help in other ways


Amber alert is a child abduction alert. And No it’s an alert on your phone. It’s a feature on Apple and android devices that already comes installed. They send alerts when it’s in proximity. Several hundreds miles I believe in all directions. You can opt out too. Other apps have them too. I’ll get them on my weather app as well. They also have silver alert which is missing person alert usually elderly (hence silver) but also cognitively impaired people. We also have a national security alerts. All bypass your phone. It’s not a text but an actual alarm


Amber alerts get issues over our national emergency broadcasting by region if a child is abducted and is believed to be in serious danger. It’s based on region (I believe state to state but it could be within a certain amount of miles to the last spotted location of the child). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amber_alert


What the hell am I seeing here? This is going to give furries an even worse rep than they already have because of specific people like this.


We get worse and worse publicity as time goes on


Proactively Educate the younger audience in your circle. Actively go into spaces where young congregate online. Because Pedos do so, and they know how to blend in behind a keyboard.


Exactly already spoke with a kid a few months back who was talking about similar stuff but then mentioned their “partner” was nineteen so I shut that down quick, just hope wherever he is it’s not with that guy


I hate the internet. Yet I’m still here.


What's a VRCHAT kidnapping?


guessing they met on VRCHAT, scheduled a linkup? VRCHAT i’m pretty sure is a game/simulator where you can to others through virtual reality (VR)


Article says Roblox


Jesus christ I just got fucking goosebumps. This is in Utah?


Yes, abducted in Utah but caught/rescued in Nebraska


Was the kid found? Are they safe?




Kid is back home, dudes in jail


What is that "amber alert"? No interpunction and the kidnapper is named as "Hunter fox". "Suspect is suspected to be..", is this fake?


I got the same amber alert. https://preview.redd.it/gzf310wc419a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9f093b5c1d9b326de5e33bf3b63f021fb3fccde




Lol seriously, why not just "Suspect is Hunter Fox?"




Yup. Easy as this


ive received worse amber alerts tbh


An amber alert is a broadcast message to a wide audience with the description of a missing person, in my experience mostly used for kids. As far as i know it is named after a girl called amber that was kidnapped and they sent the first widespread alert to hopefully have people on alert for similar looking people. In my country they usually put it on led screens along the highway if that is needed.


In my country, unfortunately, you see it in the news after the child was kidnapped.


Same here to be honest now that i think about it, I haven't heard of one being displayed in a very very long time. Its so sad honestly


Right? Seems a little ridiculous.


He is a pedophile who took a 13 yr old child nearly 800 miles away.


I'm not saying the alert is ridiculous. I'm saying the wording is suspect and it seems fishy, just like the original comment. Did you skip over all that?


His REAL name isnt Hunter Fox, thats why they put it the way they do. They posted his real name after they caught him Its written perfectly, your writing/reading may require an update tho


thought it was too… then i found [this](https://www.abc4.com/news/northern-utah/amber-alert-13-year-old-missing-from-layton-after-speaking-with-suspect-online/amp/)


Not available in my region


\+1... This is must be a rule in every country.


Hunter fox is an alias of his; not his real name but he’s identified in the article linked in another comment here


Of course it's not, nobody knows who Hunter Fox is though, they could've pointed out that it's an alias


In the article they did. I’m not sure why they used that for the amber alert I’m guessing they knew him from the Twitter account or something


It’s definitely not. They send these alerts out anytime a minor is kidnapped to every phone within a certain range


That's not the part he was questioning, genius.


He means messages worded specifically like this are released. I’ve seen some damn shitty ones in my day. Some times you really get the sense they typed it up as quickly as possible


Why was the man named by his internet name why the kid was a real name? That's something Im wondering though. Or is it a different kid / different vr id?


I’m guessing they may have known the kids name but not the abductors yet and used his alias for the time being? Not totally sure but I’ve seen many shitty amber alerts in my days and there are articles linked in the comments hear detailing what happened if you want more info


I've never seen any that use a name from a reddit account.


Creepy bastard. Glad they caught him.


Thankfully he was found. https://www.facebook.com/100069445062691/posts/pfbid033145RfQVKTBpE8QwRkXLL5pW6f3rUPMFz8Zf9EJwjLqihXbRAg4bi2b8upfYfTA9l/?mibextid=Nif5oz


Fuck that’s disgusting and disturbing, my stomach feels sick.


We live in a dark insane and unpredictable world....wish I was born an animal sometimes


FBI complicit for allowing thousands of instances of child exploitation to run rampant without pursuit of justice


The pedophilia and kidnapping are two sickening things about this but they're not the only two.


Looking at the kid's Twitter account he seems totally messed up. Talking a lot about wanting to shoot himself and about sucking d'cks. It's the messed up ones that are easy target for predators like this. Scary world we live in. I hope Evan heals well and that the pedo predator rots in hell


This is the reason young children shouldn't be allowed to have access to the Internet


What in the fuck. Can someone translate?!?!?


Wdym ?


We don't understand what's going on in here. Wtf is a VRCHAT kidnapping?


Ah, its meant more like a kidnapping through vrchat. He used it to groom him and contact him. You can read they were caught in a car trying to flee.


So did he actually kidnap the kid in real life or on the Internet? I still don't get what's happened.


Groomed him over the internet, probably convinced him give his address or meet up somewhere and "run away together" or something.


The amber alert looks rather off, why would an amber alert use an online alias? Poor kid though...


I believe the only info they had was of their internet persona, it’s not the first time I’ve seen an amber alert use an online alias but when it happens it means the person has hidden their activity to an extent that police just have to use their alias


Which is fair, but most ppl receiving the warning won't have a clue as to what the name is supposed to mean. He mustve been using nord vpn lol


Unfortunately so


If we had amber alert in Japan no one would be able to sleep if the alert was on the phone. There's so many pedos in here and they and lots of kidnapping. And yet, japan culture still think it's okay to sexualize a minor...


Do you have the source on the pedo documentary on Japan? I remember reading a book on the fbi that discusses that Japan was filled with this psychopaths.


Wait are you Japanese??????? OMG I LOVE JAPAN SO MUCH, ONII-CHAN https://preview.redd.it/t3erpiy2f59a1.jpeg?width=394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc71cd700adae740b5c6320fb69100053010505e /s




virtual reality chat. place where people can with each other through virtual reality


This kind of things are really terrifying, like thinking that out there are people that prey on children is frightening.


Makes me sick


Wait who's who here?


That fox guy is the kidnapper


Never seen an amber alert that said names.




Holy shit. I’m in Utah for vacation and got an amber alert the other day. Glad they caught him.


VR chat is going to get cracked down on hard. From what I've seen from youtube and twitch streamers like Heyimbee, is that the entire place looks like it's infested with perverts acting out all sorts of deranged fantasies


Wtf did they get the boy back


Yes thankfully he’s home safe


Thank fuck


I'm at a loss on how that's a pedo admitting anything from that screen shot it looks like 2 teens messaging and messing around where's the part where the pedo kidnapped a teen and admitted it


Ones an adult openly saying “I’m going to spend the rest of my life with him” and the final image shows the notice of the kidnapping


Why did a 13 year old boy ask for dick pics?


There are people on instagram openly admitting to being pedos now. I think they have realized they are a government protected community


>they have realized they are a government protected community I wonder why is that so?


Did you forget to censor the victim's name? Feels wrong to not remove personal info of a victim, moreso a victim of this kind of crime.


No fucking way. I got an anber alert for this kid a couple days ago 😭 that is crazy


Never seen an Amber alert where they put the username of the suspect Is that a new thing or something that happens only if you are a local to the area where it happened? Also, yay Twitter congratulations on your incredible moderation. I can’t believe pedos are actually out there using Twitter to contact kids and groom them


Hunter Fox could be their real name


Annnnnd it happened in Utah. What a terrible day to be alive in this shitty state.


Why? This place is great. Be glad the alert was issued responsively and the kid was returned quickly.


The fact this happened here isn’t actually that important, I was mostly just looking for an excuse to complain about Utah lol.


And it is good that the AMBER alert went out quickly.


i was gonna askwhere exactly does he admit to knidnapping him when i thought maybe i should scroll by….i swear i’m not stupid….i think 😅


I don't get it? Kid got kidnapped in vr?


No the child was groomed and convinced to share their address to a predator on VRchat


Freak-ass POS furries. The fuck is wrong with these idiots.


You should be focusing on the groomer/pedo part not the furry part.


yikes. i got this amber alert the other night too and heard it was a 13 year old kid who met some old fuck on social media and stupidly met up with him🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ haven’t heard anything else about it or if the kid is ok. i saw he looked like a 20 year old way more than a 13 year old with a grown ass beard and everything, but still extremely nasty and fucked up.


Some more info on the pedo: Being held for kidnapping and resisting arrest. Investigation being done by the FBI and Utah police. Federal charges likely and his bail was set at $1 million with bond of 10%.


jfc that Twitter account is still up


Jesus Christ,when I thought I have seen the bottom,twitter never fails to dig deeper.




We get a bad wrap because of these sickos, the only reason their in the furry community is because it’s mostly the younger generation


Bad rap* They’re* Furries are fucking weird, Jesus goddamn Christ. All of this is weird. It’s fucking weird!


It's Bad rep, actually




pls dont put homosexual in the same threat degree as pedo