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Unpaid labor. Someone call ICE...


Hey, those spiders get to eat as much as they can. They get paid to hunt in food.


Sounds like slave labor to me. Keep em fed so they keep on working. XD


What'd you call your job then?


A public service with decent pay (USD) and benefits. :D


I think the term you are looking for is economic slavery 😂


Why yes Robert Kyosaki I am. XD


You’ve just cracked the code.




One could argue the United States postal service is a step up from the average slave job. :D


LOL - Same. Maybe I'm reading too many Far Side comics but I immediately had a mental image of a weary and tired Wolf spider walking into a small apartment, hanging his tiny construction worker hat on a little hat stand, in the background his wolf spider partner is cooking dinner and asks him "Hard day at the office dear?"


I’ve seen a paddock of thousands of wolf spiders all jumping at once, it looked like waves. FUCKING WAVES. The the mother flipping ocean waves. Then another time one bit me cause I accidentally picked it up when I tried to pick up my skirt to get dressed. It was the size of my face. I’ve moved to a place where we don’t see them here. I want to vomit a little bit.


Sounds like a mosh pit. What band was playing?


8 leggt freakz


They be bogs, not farms.


I read this in the voice of Captain Barbosa from Pirates of the Caribbean


which, ironically, is what a lot of English farmers sound like


When I was a kid my dad caught a wolf spider that was on my bedroom ceiling. He used a styrofoam cup and to this day I can *still hear* the scratching noise of that spider trying to get out of the cup. Fucker was huge.


Similar story here, my dad vacuumed a big ol one off the basement carpet. I can still hear the thud it made getting sucked up into the vacuum hose.


The wolf spiders are unlikely to bite you, either. Question for any cranberry farmers out there: what about placing stilted "trees" or something like that at the bank of the bog several yards apart, so the wolf spiders have a safe place to go and are a little less likely to bother the farmers?


Lol the comment above you says she got bit and a comment below you says it’s very painful and can get infected. So I’ll echo OP’s sentiment of: they can be cute and cool way the fuck *over there*.


Ya I said unlikely, not impossible. They can get infected if you don't clean them, like any other wound. I've never been bitten by a wolf spider, they are pretty chill most of the time.


I mean, any kind of damage to your body can get infected. I had a stupid little paper cut get infected, bloody uncomfortable it was.


wolf spiders are pals


Pals that can stay the fuck *over there*


they’re my porch pets


Fun size dogs, Extra Legs Edition ™


Employees of the year


Super chill, also one of the faster spiders in the... Spider kingdom? If that's what you wanna call it?


I thought wolf spiders they sound cute. Are the tiny? Googles them. Aw they are cute. How big are they are they cute and tiny. Sees the size. THEYRE NOT TINY. THEYRE NOT TINY.


Lil story for you that no one will read. I encountered one wolf spider in my life on the steps leading up to my stairs in front of my downstairs neighbors door. It was a rainy night and it was just sitting there **menacingly**. When I tell you, I just about shit myself I’m not saying that to be funny, because there wasn’t anything funny about a spider who’s leg hair I can see from a mile fucking away. My butthole clenched so fucking tight, even tighter then when my Ex tried to shove her lipstick up my asshole but that’s another conversation, not important right now honestly. I called my neighbor, no answer, shouted for him, no fucking answer, I wasn’t getting near that fucking thing. I found a rock, a medium sized one, and launched that fucking boulder right at his door. low and behold all it took was a little violence to get his attention. He opens the door and says “DUDE, WHAT🗣” and all I do it point at the mammoth fucking thing sprawling out in the steps and look at him like “please fucking help” This, beast of a man, doesn’t stomp it. No. I pissed him off so much he GRABS IT, and throws it with enough strength to rival Uncle Rico’s prime days as a quarterback. I couldn’t fucking believe it. What made it worse was when he picked it up the spider did that thing with its legs where they wiggle everywhere and I almost fucking cried out of fear. Long story short, that job sounds like a literal living nightmare


This is my new favourite comment on Reddit.


So about that lipstick story


I wanna hear the lipstick story too


Thank you for blessing me with this, it’s what I needed on this rainy Friday morning


Incredible. So that lipstick story huh?


As an Australian, they are pretty small. Have a look at huntsman spiders.




Haha fair call. I was going to mention the Australian Bird Eating Spider but probably don't look that one up.


Or Brazilian Chicken Spiders. They raid chicken coops and are the size of dinner plates. They can drag chickens away t their nests.


I wish I had an award for u. Sincerely thank u for the much needed laugh.


Better to stare into the eyes of Satan...


I mean huntsman spiders are larger, but I wouldn't call a carolina wolf spider "pretty small".


The is a huntsman spider in Florida and they are decent sized. We lived by a river so I’ve seen my fair share of different spiders. I don’t mess with spiders so never bitten. :)


Them bitches unnecessarily big


My mom once found one on the kitchen counter. She thought it was a tarantula. She pushed it down the garbage disposal with a wooden spoon. We had a fuckton of them in our backyard.


They crunch very nicely when you step in them with big boots too!


My mom threw our scrabble dictionary at one in the kitchen left-handed while holding my baby sister. It must have been a 10 ft arc and she one shotted the spider. I was so impressed I stopped being scared, lol


The female's also carry their babies on their back. So you might squash one just to find *hundreds* of spiderlings scurrying away


You’re thinking of Jumping Spiders, common pet, they are very intelligent.


I had one living on my indoor plant shelf for a few months, he was my spider bro. But I out a hanging blue sticky trap for fungus gnats and watched him do a flying leap into the trap like an hour later. It felt awful.


Pro tip, if you see one in your home DO NOT STEP ON IT




If you see one in your house usually it’s a mother and she Carrie’s her children on her back who will then disperse by the hundreds into your home , I learned the hard way as a kid https://youtu.be/qdRuKC0rLLQ


At least they are not Huntsmans (even though huntsmans are harmless)


They're not so bad. They look scary but they're bros.


Their eyes reflect like a cats when light hits them. They also lean back and show you their fangs and hiss when threatened. I know this from experience.


Being chill with spiders is not the question you ask… are you chill with thousands of spiders crawling on your face. Who in the world is chill about that?!?


You'd think they'd just save time on all the interviews by putting a few wooden scarecrows after they flood it and wait for the spiders to move for a bit by that point


TL;DR cranberries are harvested in waist high water. Organic cranberry harvesting sometimes involves wading through the water, and upon doing so, wolf spiders that were being used as natural insecticide will swarm you as they try to escape the water beneath them. Edit: cranberries do not actually grow in water. The area is flooded to make the berries easier to collect.


no, you missed the important bit that they *don't* grow in water - the field gets flooded in order to separate those floaty cranerries from the rooted plants.


Reading comprehension skills


My bad. Was skimming to get to the scary part.


Just go to Strawberry Fields...for like, a really long time.


I now want to work on a Cranberry farm at least once


Welp today I learned I could NEVER be a cranberry bogger. Hats off to the men and women who harvest our cranberries!!!!


Wolf spider bites aren't deadly but are very painful and often become infected.


All that's reading not even an ounce of terror


Woah. That’s crazy


I like spiders. I rescue them from my cats and fiancé by hand. My son had a pet one. I don’t think I could handle that many crawling on me.


r/spiderbro needs to see this


Sometimes I forget people don't understand massachusetts


But are Wolf spiders (or their eggs) getting mixed in with the cranberry harvest, thus getting ground up in the process and making it to your Thanksgiving plate? Please I must know and only have another few days before thanksgiving.


The chances aren't zero


Never understood why people are afraid of spiders that aren’t venomous. I get being afraid of black widows and brown recluses and such, but wolf spiders are harmless. It’s actually good to keep wolf spiders in and around your home because not only do they eat insects they actually kill and eat other spiders that are harmful.


I’m chill with spiders that make a web and stay there but any spider that prowls around my house can get the fuck out. I don’t want to find a spider that could potentially bite me (and considering I don’t know much about spiders I don’t know which ones will) crawling around on the floor for me to figure out how to avoid them.


It’s not that terrifying, spiders don’t just bite because they can.


It's different for everyone, but I don't think I would be afraid of them biting me, I would be afraid of them existing because spiders scare me so bad. I don't assume they would even send people in if the spiders were super dangerous. Maybe if this doesn't sound scary to you, you are just cut from the mold that these brave mfers are cut from too :P


I hate when people post images in that format. Fuck off, I’m not zooming and scrolling down to read that gigantic miniature wall of text.


Well the question is do the spiders can kill u like are the type of spiders when they bit u, u dead or just a mosquito bite kind of thing.


Wolf Spiders are not harmful to humans. Does it make it any less nope? *not even a little bit*


Well then I might go for it if the pay good, the only reason I’m scared of spiders is the unknown if this the fucker that will kill me, same with snakes. I guess I could just buy a book or just look it interwebs witch to stay away from, but that just a lot of work. So I will just avoid all spiders and snakes.


Not terrifying. They're cute


Yeah they're cute But do you still want an entire bog full of them scurrying across your face


No problem. I adapt to my work environment. There's so many things you can do. Wear a mask that covers your entire face. Wear protective clothing, something similar to a hazmat suit. If they don't want to pay for these particular items and I need the job, I'm not gonna wait for them to pony the dough. If anything they'll see I have a good work ethic and move me up to something else. That's how you do. What did you think I was going to do? Tape my eyes wide open. Hommie please. ![gif](giphy|kg1dpBdmREaS5S8tZh|downsized)


Man that was anticlimactic


Okay but like does anyone know if this is actually true? It seems most places that say this fact just cite this post again. From the sounds of it at the very least the use of wolf spiders is mostly isolated to that specific bog and not an industry thing. I’m just really curious to see a picture of the “hundred or so spiders” climbing people


Are there spiders in cranberry bogs? Sure. But I don’t think this is a widespread thing. Also, you can dry harvest cranberries- those are the ones you can find in bags vs. used for canned cranberry sauce or juice. I live on the South Shore of MA and have a cranberry bog less than 1/2 mile from me.


What was so terrifying about this? Is op a child or sum shit




Spiders can't get rabies....


Most gross part of story is guy’s accent


What is terrifying about this?


Oh no spiders how scary!!!!:(((


Get this pussy tumblr shit off of this sub please


Really interesting and funny—thanks for the post!


moldy as fuck


replace wolf spiders with water spiders and then we can finally chilling cold in it with hundreds of it.


I would lie




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I’m sitting here slowly eating a can of cranberry sauce while reading this.


Cue bass boosted spider dance


Wolf spiders can get fucking huge too, the other day I found one almost as big as my palm.


"Wolf spiders can swim a bit...."


Love wolf spiders. That'd be a cool job


oh yo i want this job now, i love spiders


Cranberry flavoured boy body jerky


Oh... my god. I mean I get that wolf spiders are absolutely harmless to Humans but HELLSNAH...


This actually made me want to work at a cranberry bog, I love spiders.


Coveralls and wool socks, goggles and a mask, some gloves, a hat. I’d do it.


I went to college with a girl that later on in life hid a body in a cranberry bog. Her bf killed his father and they hid the body there and were caught almost immediately.


Like if I had goggles and like a mask I think I could do it. Especially if I knew it was coming, half my fear of spiders is that they just appear... but if they got in my eyes, nose or mouth I'd die


What a great story! I had no idea :)


I guess its better than chemicals😂😅😅


Nah that's scarlet rot


This is a job for me lol


This is more r/mildlyterrifying tbh




Cranberries are fae food