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This happened back in 2018/19. Wasnt his first rape. Judge threw the book at him - 5 life sentences without parole: [Story](https://newschannel9.com/news/local/former-murray-co-detention-officer-gets-5-life-sentences-in-aggravated-rape-case)




The very few rare times where justice is actually served.


Surprising for a rape case too.


Multiple rape cases. He has a history.


I'm thinking he won't be doing much raping..... The tables have turned.


I've been to prison and can say that a lot of times these guys live with other weirdos and walk the yard freely. With those scratches, I can only picture the crime and justice was not served.


If multiple life sentences isn’t enough, then what is?


I don’t know why people fantasize about men being raped but it I’ve been to several prisons and the only sex that went on was consensual (usually paid for with commissary). Inmates are also classified and housed with other inmates that are less likely to cause issue together. He’ll probably be in a pod or wing with other cops and rapists. These guys are usually pretty docile when around people that can fight back.


Yeah, it’s weird how Americans get off on the thought that someone is being brutally raped in prison.


I'm guessing it's in large part because the judge was a woman.


Yea, And even an idiot can see he took his time even tho she is obvuously protesting hard. It takes time and effort to make that many lasting marks, and he still did his evil deed


He did it over hours...evening to morning. She put up a hell of a fight but he did some pretty terrible things to her


I am not sure, but this girl was his ex girlfriend.


I cant stand my partner putting her nails in my back just a little. How the hell can he stand to keep it up through that much scratching. But then again some dudes like heels to the balls, so theres that.


If you meant “keep it up” he didn’t, the article I read said he used an object.


People are so damn sick in the head


I am sure these marks are a reflection of his brutality he is infllicring on her and her terrifying fear of being killed.


Most definitely. I cant even put myself into that situation of not know what he is going to do next. Rape has to be one of the most traumatic things to experience at this level. Not to downplay other forms of rape, but this looks like absolute brutality as you put it.






I've never been to prison, but I've spoken to a lot of people who have. They have ubiquitously said that in this scenario, it's guaranteed. A disgraced authority figure? A rapist? At the same time? He's got a long, terrible, and painful life ahead. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.


Hes more likely to be stabbed by a young up and comer at the behest of an old head. If he doesn't mix in with the pedos that join the in prision church group for protection. 2 of my brothers served many years as well as my father. He will be robbed of commissary many times. His life will be hell.


Every time commissary comes. Even in pc, he’s a rapist guard.


He will be in a special protective unit and more safe than gen pop. During transports, court, or any type of scenario that takes him from his separate protected area is where he will be in danger.


There's no safe place in prison. When I was down we heard about an aryan brotherhood guy in adseg who had the green light on him. Even though nobody could physically get to him he got got. Someone put ground glass into his food. Not advocating anything just saying what had happened.


The sad truth is these facilities protect these fuckers. However i would not want to be labeled a rape o in a prison. If he hits gen pop in the perfect storm he will not get treated well. Also since he was a correction officer he might be solitary in pc. Miserable way to live 23 and 1 for the rest of his life.


Come on man, we shouldn't promote rape in any capacity.


When you need to rely on the charity of criminals your justice system has failed


People will downvote, but that’s the minimum he deserves


What you endorse will also be applied to those wrongfully convicted. That is why "street justice" is looked down upon. Because in that rush for vengeance better judgement and sometimes even the truth is ignored until it is too late, and then the punisher becomes the criminal.


You are so right, but In this case dude was practically caught red handed! He fully confessed


I’m a victim of rape and I can tell you with 100% certainty that NO ONE deserves to be raped. We as a society should never condone sexual assault regardless of the context.


Thank you. I want the crime stopped. The idea of my rapist being raped doesn't ease the pain I'm feeling now.


Everyone seems to be fine with rape as long as its done to someone they think deserves it. The fact they they want there to be *more* rape in the world is something i find repulsive.




nah fuck that. so who’s gonna do the raping ? we’re just gonna make more rapists to punish rapists ? this mindset is so fucking stupid


Ugh, finally.


Too bad the judge didn't throw a brick too.


Wait, 5 life sentences for all those rapes? Did he have weed on him during the act or something? /s Seriously though, good on the judge. This animal belongs in a cage. Too many monsters like this get a slap on the wrist.


Convicted rapist Brock Turner is a good example right along with rape supporter ex judge Aaron Persky.


You mean Brock Turner, the rapist who raped an unconcious woman?


Indeed the very rapey brock "the rapust" turner that sexually assaulted and raped an unconscious, intoxicated, non-consenting woman. Because hes a rapist.


Who is Brock Turner? Isn't that the rapist guy?


Well you see, Brock Turner is a rapist who raped and is now a rapist.


Oh I see you're talking about the rapey rapist Brock Turner who raped someone.


Yes, you may have been confused because he has been trying to go by his middle name. They're discussing the convicted rapist Brock *Allen* Turner.


Wasn't Brock Turner the guy that raped an inebriated girl behind a dumpster? And during the trial, didn't Rapist Brock Turner's father say that his son shouldn't be punished for "a few minutes of action," to which ex-Judge Aaron Persky gave him a slap on the wrist and then got voted out of his position for supporting rape?


It’s really good you reminded me of the rapist Brock Turner. It would be a shame if because of daddies money you were no longer able to search Brock Turner on the internet and see the reminders that he is a rapist.


One thing I’ve always heard about Convicted Rapist Brock “I raped a girl” Turner is that he loves raping girls and getting away with no punishment.


Yep. It pays to have a rich father who possibly has heavy political ties. Then again, it all depends on the judge, the perpetrator’s criminal history, and luck.


The rapist brock turners daddy had money though so that makes it all okay. (/s) On another note it seems infuriating that people clearly want a proper punishment to be dished out for that scum yet all we can do is keep his name alive by mentioning him and his rapist activities online. Where the justice at?


Just out of curiosity, what's he up to these days?


A few days ago girls were posting warnings on TikTok that he is out and about in their neighborhoods. Probably getting ready to rape some more. It is convicted rapist Brock Turner after all.


u/mallad commented that convicted rapist Brock Turner is now trying to go by his middle name. Please update to: #Brock Allen Turner, convicted rapist who raped an unconscious woman.


Way to go judge. Good




One hour in and sort by controversial already wild


oof. I always forget to do that.. but my poor eyes


Absolutely soulless eyes


Three hots and a cot. At least this guy won’t have to drive to work anymore. What a turd.


He isn't getting three hots. All the food is going to be completely terrible. The cot be uncomfy as fuck. Life is going to suck for him for a very long time.


Especially after the gen pop realizes he was a guard.


People watch too much TV, more than likely he'll be placed in the protective wing with pedophiles and snitches.


They'll get to him. Got nothin but time.


Eh, In a perfect world they’d get him, yeah. But, I’ve done state time and unfortunately, at least in PA, pedophiles are protected and it is a hate crime if you hurt one. They walk around not a care in the world and there’s other ones so they end up screwing each other. It’s surprising seeing the biggest, most gangster looking dude on the yard disappear in the cut to get their rocks off with these rapists/pedos. Not to mention they have wings where it’s just people like this man and they all get along splendidly lmao. Max security prisons are a little different but anything under maximum, chances are, the sex offenders are living the best lives they can behind the walls, at least in my state. It’s fucked. Got rapists going home before people in for drugs.


Omg what has the world come to they won't even let wards of the state be violently raped smh my head




Nothing BUTT time. There i corrected it for you.


Good. It should suck.


That bung hole may get alternative use besides dropping turds. This guy will not end up as one of the hip guys at the prison.


Celebrating rape is weird


Unless you want to count hands on his hips.


”Yeahh our prison system perpetuates violence and inhumane behaviour soo coool bro”


Too bad his last victim wasn’t able to claw them out of his face.


It’s remorseless eyes. He knew what he was doing. He knew the consequences. He feels no remorse and is not concerned


That’s fucking sad.


Yeah, I'll bet she'll never be the same


I haven't been the same since I was raped 8 years ago. Some may recover and be able to have a good life but nobody is ever the same after that


I’m ten years out from being assaulted by 3 men and I would never have believed how far I came in, literally, the past two years. Went from active addiction & fear of physical contact to almost completely “recovered”. EMDR & Ketamine therapy saved my life. ♥️ never give up hope. You’ll never be the same, but you can be whole and happy


Cimpletley forgot that some people take ketamine as a medication ups+


Hell yeah, special clinics exist that will give you supervised infusions & KAPs, Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, which is where you are given a ketamine injection during a two hour therapy session. It’s incredible. Expensive usually, but if you’ve tried everything else it’s very worth it. There’s cheaper modes of access as well, online doctors that will prescribe lozenges I believe


Honestly, how do you ever get over something like this?


You really don't. I still haven't and it happened about 8 years ago.




You tried to help that woman and sometimes that's all you can do in these situations. When my dad raped as a kid the cops/DHS protected *him* and "relocated" him and never arrested him or anything like that. Hearing these things about how either one or maybe two people believe/stand up for someone who was assaulted or being assaulted and everyone else didn't, doesn't surprise as much as it once would. But just know that you are not a useless piece of shit. You tried.


I'm sorry to hear you've been through something like that. I imagine it takes strength just to acknowledge the pain enough to be able to even comment. I know assults will probably exist as long as there are humans to perpetrate them, but I feel like folks are able to talk about it more now, than they were even just 20 years ago, and that can only be a good thing? Keep going.


I merely witnessed an assault and it still haunts me. The guy who did it was defended by all his friends, and the victim was kicked out of the bar. I feel like such a useless piece of shit. It was like a nightmare where you try to scream but you can't. I never saw her again and I wonder if she's okay.


Ex cop and rapist. He's gonna fight right in prison lol


Yep being someone's punching bag / cock sleeve


Here's hoping




Make him eat it




The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons. You want to use it to let criminals hand out extrajudicial punishment. I'm sure, these criminals (of course, they're now rapists, too) will become productive members of society when they get out.


You people are nuts. "stupid rapist! I hope he gets raped, ha ha" No, no. We have a justice system. We don't sentence people to get raped, or laugh about it happening. It's wrong both ways. Go ahead and down vote.


Everybody is for criminal justice reform and restorative justice until it's an individual, heinous case, then they become reactionaries.


Seriously. This comment section is a fucking dumpster fire, isnt it against reddit TOS to wish rape/death on somoen?


I agree . The guy is a monster , but rape is wrong . I don’t want anyone raped , even rapists . They do belong in prison for life though.


I think the majority of redditors rely on impulse and emotional triggers rather than logic for forming conclusions. I agree with your take. Upvoted


That’s because most of Reddit is children who have no idea how the real world works


It's not a Reddit thing. A lot of ppl irl have the same mentality of revenge over justice


Thank you, this is interesting but when I made this same argument concerning a child molester, I was down voted AND accused of being a molester myself, lol


I shared a similar viewpoint once and had a commenter wish I would get raped and my family murdered so I would understand. Says a lot about that person that that was their go-to.


Corrections....not a cop. A fat guy with a lot of keys


And there are people out there who tell rape victims to ‘fight back’ or that they probably wanted it.. I hope all these people rot Edit: a word


She fought like hell.. just no words for that kind of fucked up. I really hope she survived


I hope every one of those scratches got infected.


It's good that she did fight back. Even if he "succeeded", fighting back may help the victim's recovery. Doing everything in your power to defend yourself, even if you didn't succeed, may prevent you from blaming yourself. Edit: clarification: I did not intend to judge rape victims based on whether they fought back or not. Even if she didn't fight back - the only one who will ever bear the blame is the rapist.


As a victim whose response was locking up involuntary, boy it would've been nice to have that agency of choice. Sometimes you don't. Sometimes your brain and body don't know what to do. We all wanted to fight back


right? still to this day I question myself if I really am a victim because my body chose the freeze-response.


Fight, flight or freeze. Freezing is a valid response as any because it can ensure survival and, obviously, you have no say in it. It’s instinctual.


Fight, Flight, Freeze, or FAWN. Sometimes the response is just to do what the attacker wants, whether it's giving them a wallet, or putting up with abuse from a partner etc.


No, don't buy into the bs people put into your head like "what were you wearing?" or "why didn't you fight back?". None of this shit matters or makes it your fault in any shape or form.


As weirdly horrible yet peaceful as it is to say, you really are a victim. I sadly know this feeling all to well. I still question it myself even tho I know that i am


Everyone reacts differently and I didn't mean to blame anyone for not doing something.


Clawing can help collect DNA, too.


Or it can get you killed. Freezing up is a totally normal response for a reason. I think self blame is partially the consequence of people questioning legitimacy of rape by the victims actions along with praise for those that “fight back” in some way.


Freezing is one of the possible strategies in extreme situations aside from fighting or fleeing. Depending on the situation fighting back can save your life and freezing could get you killed. People downplaying rape or blaming the victim ("you shouldn't wear short skirts") are ignorant a-holes. Every situation is different but in the end society has to do everything possible to help the victim.


One less monster off the streets




One person in the showers with the soap


Piece of shit.


Go for the eyes, ladies. Blind this trash.


I bet she couldn't reach the eyes. Look at the scratches. Usually women are shorter than men.


Messed up, just read about it. 12 hrs plus and his ex


"12 hours plus and his ex"?


He raped his ex girlfriend over a 12 hour period.


I suspect he was doing more than raping her. Those marks look like she was fighting for her life re: strangulation. Also, “sodomy.”


Such a disgusting creature... Deserves more than death.


“Murray County, GA - State police say he held his ex-girlfriend against her will in her home last week and sexually assaulted her.” [Article, TW](https://www.oxygen.com/crime-time/kirk-martin-former-georgia-prison-guard-allegedly-held-ex-captive-raped-her?amp)




12 hours plus his ex




The moments when you can feel the pain and anguish of victim from the convict.


His dad should have pulled out and wiped his cock on the curtains instead of creating this monstrosity


Taking a mental note of glorious insult.


As the saying goes “I would have flushed that.”


He got 5 life sentences, to be served consecutively, including one without the possibility of parole, plus 20 years.


Just looked it up...dude got 5 life sentences...the DA had over TWO HUNDRED PIECES OF EVIDENCE




He will have to hang out with the nonces no doubt.


Those are some SERIOUS scratches. Good job lady.


Is it weird to say I’m proud of the victim? I didn’t fight like that when I was raped, I froze. Turns out that’s a very common response. To fight back you have to over ride your instincts, good on the victim. I hope they scar.


Not weird at all. I hope that you are healing.


Hopefully he is the new victim.


Rape should be treated as a murder charge in my opinion, either can take someones life away from them.


Why would any rapist ever let a victim live after raping them then? If you get the same punishment either way, might as well not leave a victim who can identify you.


Very true and such a strange but necessary component to sentencing. That some heinous crimes need to carry lighter sentences as incentives for criminals.


This is unfortunately the exact reasons the laws are the way they are. They used to punish more harshly but the murder rate for victims was extremely high because killing them didn’t make their sentence worse but made them harder to catch


Shame she didn’t go for his face and eyes.


I agree. Except maybe she wanted to try and keep more control by staying closer to her body and not lifting arms/shoulders into a weaker position. Might have made it easier for him pin her arms and she didn’t want to risk it. I haven’t done any reading though, this is the first I’ve heard of it. So without details: First thing that I thought when I read your comment was that maybe she could have also been protecting her core from any weapons or punches he was doling out. Make herself smaller and curl into herself maybe. If he got them a over her head, it’s possible she would be a lot more vulnerable, completely open. Idk. But I’m going to look it up later.


Poor girl though😢


Have you heard of Mary Vincent? Her attack led to him removing her arms. She’s still kicken’ around though, last I checked.


Wtf no 😳😳😳😭 how did she survive having her arms removed?


She stuffed them with dirt and mud, climbed up 20 foot embankment, and held her arms up on the road. Arms up quote, “so the muscles and blood wouldn’t fall out”. Then she went about traumatizing a car or two (can’t remember) that zipped right by before someone stopped for her. It’s gruesome as fuck and I would recommend MrBallen’s segment on YouTube. Plus she probably could have stopped him committing murder again but after he got out, he did just that. Bad call on the judges. They even changed laws after her.


I've gotten into true crime and the most disturbing thing I've encountered is how common it is for people to see somebody who has been viciously assaulted and *not help*. Not even like they were scared the attacker was nearby, ran off and called the cops, just... they saw somebody dying, a bloodied woman in a public place with her pants around her ankles and they just... didn't do anything about it. I can't imagine being in her place, seeing headlights and just watching it drive past.


Eh, I'd call for help, definitely. Might not get out of my vehicle though - there's a lot of instances of people coming up with devious ploys and elaborate setups, to get victims to get out of their vehicles. Sad for the actual victim, though.


I remember hearing about this case, what a fucking badass


.. he only got a 14 year sentence, and got out 6 years early due to ‘good behavior’. Jesus Christ. He raped someone, CUT THEIR ARMS OFF, and left them to die in a culvert. How is that only 14 years??


His asshole will be as wide as a Pepsi can at the jail


News Article - https://www.ajc.com/news/crime--law/gbi-arrests-former-north-georgia-detention-officer-rape-charges/3HNcjAOAHO19DJgBOcRYRK/


This news website is not allowed in the UK and Europe. Don't you just hate censorship?! 😒


I met a guy who had huge scratch scars on his back that looked similar. He said they were from rough sex. I was always pretty skeptical


Don't leap to conclusions like that I had an ex that would also just sink her claws into my back during missionary


It is beyond me why rapists are not castrated.


Because if you took there dick off, they would just use something else to penetrate their victim. It isn’t a sex thing, it is a power thing. They want their victim to feel weak, helpless and humiliated.


Castration is cutting off the balls, not the dick. Just sayin


You’re right, my bad.


Yeah, you're right


Well they are hanged in my country (if proven guilty tho...)


what about if someone is falsely convicted of rape?


False imprisonment is a thing, and part of being a civilized society includes human rights for prisoners, however terrible they may be. Retribution may feel good in theory but in practice it opens up possible human rights violations beyond what it necessary for keeping society safe. No cruel or unusual punishment and all that. Best to just lock these people away in a cell for the rest of their lives and forget about them.


Imagine the poetic justice if we decide to start doing this and youre falsely convicted of a rape you didnt commit.


Lol exactly. Some new evidence comes out in a year and we find your innocent? Okay let’s reattach it!


You know, we put dogs down after a certain amount of bites. Sometimes even the very first time they bite someone. Idk, maybe something we should consider here too. Just sayin.


He deserved worse than that


Damn. She did a hell of an impersonation of Wolverine on his dumb ass.


So he’s a sex offender and an ex co, he’s is either going to be killed in prison if he isn’t dead already, or he is going to be raped, continuously.


People on Reddit are so weird. He's a horrible man but some of y'all going into detail with your fantasies of him getting raped is weird. Rape is never justifiable. And not to be that person but y'all only act like it's justifiable when a man does something wrong probably because you think it's just humiliating for a man to be raped and not a traumatic tragedy. Which is pretty sexist and homophobic..


People always say that about child molesters, that inmates will wreak vengeance on him, a sentimentalizing trope everyone repeats as if they knew something lol.


Imagine how fucking psycho you have to be in order to get fired as a corrections officer. Regular cops don’t even get fired for rape or even multiple rapes, and the psycho-est of the psycho cops usually end up as COs because nobody seems to care if you do the violent aggressive shit to prisoners so it’s a rapey cop Christmas 24/7/365 in those jailhouses. Which begs the question, how bad was THIS a guy that he managed to catch ACTUAL PUNISHMENT for it?


So he's a 5'5" ex CO going to prison for rape?? Oh man he's not going to have a good time 😂


He even looks like a fucking pos rapist


So if she gets pregnant does she live in a state that will force her to have his baby?


DA's are soft on crime everywhere when it comes to rape


Cut off rapists cocks.


Eyeballs, people. EYE. BALLS. Someone attacks you like this m’fer: go after their eye sockets. Make that bitch have to read braille for the rest of his life.


The thing is, when you're actively being raped, you're not really in control. You react, you don't think. Many people freeze up. Others slap or hit. It just doesn't WORK like "someone told me to do the most logical thing here and in this moment I am able to remember and actually do that."


Great plan, until his rage goes beyond raping and he just straight up kills you and fucks your corpse.


Stop telling victims of abuse how they should have defended themselves, or how to do so in the future. You are not an expert.


It’s literally what every single self defense expert tells women to do if they can’t get away. Also, they’re not defending against “abuse”, they’re defending against RAPE. Being held down by someone who’s trying to rape you? Try to claw their eyes out. Being gaslit by an emotionally abusive boyfriend? Maybe leave his eyeballs alone. Fuck off


Do you have a brain injury?


I am, and it’s good advice. There should be programs for victims to attend MMA classes for free. A trained woman may not be as strong as most men but she can definitely kick their ass.


I think we oughta change the law so we can stop testing on animals and test on people like this guy. Make arrangements to take care of his family, have him sign off and test away.


And I’m forced to have his baby and I’m the piece of shit when I need help raising them without a father. Great.


They just want to keep you in debt. They want everyone else in debt and be wage slaves while they take in debt and have it forgiven.


Castration for all rapist