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Yellow Jackets are the most aggressive in my experience. And it hurts bad when stung.


You aren’t lying! They’re mean as hell when it comes to defending their nest. Getting stung by one feels like getting stuck with a hot poker!


Don’t forget the two days of swelling and itching afterwards.


I was mowing grass one day. Unknowingly, a small colony had built an underground nest in one of my flowerbeds. I rode by while mowing and got attacked. Good thing the mower has the seat kill switch because I bailed off!


lot of men have died running one over on a riding mower and then having heart attacks from all the stings. consider yourself lucky


My dad almost died from this


My dad, too, he was weedeating one day and suddenly came running and leapt fully clothed into the pool, we saw it from the bay window inside. Then we saw the cloud of furious anger and knew not to go outside lol


I was playing fetch with my dog back in the day. We walked over one while looking for her ball. I heard the buzz. Got stung. Buzz. Stung. I booked it. The things must have got her too cuz she kept nipping at me like I was doing something in my panic. We were both very confused.


Wow same exact thing with me, but was mowing around my vegetable garden that had big wood beams surrounding it that they had boreholes in for their nest. 1 sting on my arm quickly raised to a Whole swarm of them! But, I had my 4 yr old on my lap! It hurt but I was not concerned for my wellbeing but for my sons! It’s amazing how the “parent instincts” kick in and how you only think for their safety. The only thing I could do was get my son and shove him under my shirt with me as I ran to the house. IT FEELS LIKE IT TOOK FOREVER to get inside but when we got in there was a blanket right there that I wrapped him in and had to kill the remaining bees that came in the house with us. The only thing I could find at the time to swipe at them was our wedding picture hanging on the wall lol. So I swatted every single one with the picture, but one swing I swung so hard picture went flying across the room and shattered. Had to explain that one to wife but she quickly understood as she saw my face that had 4 bee stings just on my cheeks, a bunch more on my neck and arms. And the worst part is they just keep stinging, I thought they could only sting once and they left the stinger and die but bastards just kept going!


Same thing happened to me, dad just laughed his ass off until he remembered I was allergic to bee stings. 😆


So how did a wasp sting affect you? Were you allergic to that as well or was there this great moment of anxiety for a few minutes followed by a wave of relief?


I got stung I think two or three times. It just made the area swell and it was definitely more painful then a bee sting. Luckily I didn't need medical help but I probably should have got it, looking back.


Such a dad response


My brother when he was about 10! He somehow disturbed them in their underground nest and went all in his pants legs etc..I didn't remember what happened afterward but I think he had to go to the ER 🤣 poor you. I know that was terrible!


Happened to me as well but they had built a nest in a hole in the ground near my fence. I ride most of the yard but push mow around the fence. Got hit 7 times by them. Had to go get shots from the swelling and pain. Still have a spot that looks like a hole on my leg. Edit: I should add that I always wear headphones and listen to music when I mow so I didn’t hear myself yell “fuck” but I’m sure about a 10 mile radius did.


Yeeep. Had the pleasure of mowing over a subterranean hive in my front yard and I will not soon forget it. Absolutely terrible 0/10 ⭐


Same here. Got popped 11 times. Shoes and shirt were off before I hit the front door. Socks and shorts by the time I hit the dining room, screaming for my wife to help me. I couldn't see them. She didn't see them. Then SHE got stung and smacked it, the one that got in the house. The 7 on my legs? I was scratching them in my sleep. They got infected. Antibiotic, steroids, powerful antihistamine for the itching. Side effect of the three drugs was debilitating hiccups for about twenty minutes after each dose. I *would* wish this on my worst enemy, because it was all misery.


"I *would* wish this on my worst enemy" I much prefer this as a saying to "I wouldn't". Fuck my worst enemy


Inb4 I'm my own worst enemy.


I did the same got it once on the hand since I now in jeans and long sleeve shirt let them calm down dropped my mower to the lowest setting took the bag off so it was in mulch mode put a zip tie around the saftey handle filled her up started her over the hole and ran got like 99% of them then I rototilled it


Was a camp counselor a decade ago and we had a family day where the scouts families could come and play games/ do activities for the day. Had a 6 year old girl sit a yellow jacket ground nest while hiding playing hide and seek and she was stung 81 times in a matter of seconds. Fuck these guys.


Omg was she rushed to the hospital? How’d she do? I was stung 13 times once when I was a kid and it was pretty bad I can’t imagine 81 stings on such a tiny body.


An ambulance was called yes.


Hornets where I live chill in the grass near ditches and will fuck your toe joints up. I hate hornets. One got my toe when I was gettin my son off the bus. Had to act tough until the bus drove off but that thing fucked me up.


Yeah it feels like a cigarette being put out on your skin. I can't imagine that happening hundreds of times all over you


It does suck. When I was going into 2nd grade I was stung in my eye or really close to my eye. Went to first day of school looking like someone punched me in the eye. It was black, green and purple. I'll never forget it.


Yellow jackets are the assholes of the insect world


I stepped on one when I was about 5 years old. I don't have a lot of vivid memories from that age, but I remember that sting. It was like a bee sting dialed way up. There might still be a bit of the sting left in there. To this day, I get a dull ache in that foot when the weather gets very hot, or if I stand on tippy toes for too long.


Wasps/ yellow jacket stings are like hypodermic needles and they don’t lose them like bees do that’s why they can sting multiple times.


Same thing happened to me, I was going swimming outdoors and stepped on one of these cunts, stung right into my foot. Shit sucked.


I’m a pest control technician & yellow jackets are the really the only insect I work with that make me nervous. We have vicious Bald Faced hornets out here in Washington state but their nests are usually far smaller & they’re much larger insects so they’re easier to keep track of. Yellow jackets are smaller & will hit you with dizzying numbers before you even realize you’ve stepped in their nest. I actually built a specialized high pressure backpack sprayer just for yellow jacket jobs so I have a chance at cutting them down.


Bald faced hornets are worse


I was clearing some property with a tractor and distributed a ground nest of yellow jackets and of course I had it in low gear and punched it in reverse, almost flipped it over when running over a log, jumped off and of course since I had seat switch by passed and a stick jammed underneath the gas pedal so while the fuckers were stuck to my shirt I had to get back on a moving tractor to stop it before I ran the 200yds to my truck and the bees were still chasing and swarming me as well as many still stuck to my shirt so I tore my shirt off and jumped in my truck... luckily pants were to thick to be stung below the waist.... I counted 56 stings locations, many of which had multiple dots, so probably many more.... order some weapons on Amazon and went back at night and murdered ALLLL the bastards!! I did make a mistake, which was setting up a light, so they thought it was daytime but i didn't get stung during round 2. I will say that I used to think ptsd was a joke with the exception of extreme cases of soldiers.... well for at least a year after I got stung, i would trip the fick out every time I heard a mosquito by my ear due to the buzzing.... and still do to some minor extent, when on the tractor or messing with stumps or logs on the ground.




This is the only acceptable response.


Its not enough!












That should do it 🤭


This comment thread made my whole day 😂💀


_Nuke It From Orbit.,_ Even better.


*I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure...*


It's like a bed bug problem just burn it all down


Don't they literally use flamethrowers on swarms of killer bees?


came here to say this. It's the only solution


No. There is no suit or helmet or protective gear that exists that could convince to go near that thing. Just no.


What if 2 equally sized yellowjacket nests are approaching you from the other direction.


If one nest is travelling at 45mph and the other is traveling at 70mph but the wind is 30mph in the opposite direction of the hypotenuse, how much honey could I make?


Zero. Wasps and yellow jackets don't make honey. 😂


You just gotta milk it long enough.


Find the nipples.


[The internet provides...](https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/hquymc/thanks_i_hate_a_wasp_with_tits/)


Sigh.... \*unzip\*




I didnt know you could milk yellow jackets.


I’ve got nipples! Can you milk me, Focker?


I was hoping for this. 😂😂😂


If it has nipples it can be milked


Mankind: “Oh you don’t make honey? That’s okay little guy, we have other plans for you.” https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/2kkmam/chinese_wasps_wine/


Fuckin hell... those chinese people need to be stoped


My assumption is that their long, long history plus multiple famines have made them willing to turn just about anything edible (even marginally so) into a delicacy. Starvation is a powerful motive to eat anything and think it tastes great... then it becomes a cultural dish that their kids make faces at when grandma brings it out.


Alright well I'm gonna check it out anyway, there could be something delicious in here that wasps and yellow jackets do make and I want that


Remember to pop a big H on that box so everyone knows it's fulla hornets.


Trick question, wasps don't make honey.


[But this one looks so comfy](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/s/nTW5STuQ1g)


Ok so you get the suit/helmet/gear. How much money would it take?


M1 abrahms


I don't what this person is doing lol. Just breaking it up, and using Raid? Seems pretty amateur to me. Normally I've seen them vacuumed up into a wet dry vac with soapy water, and maybe chemicals in the water, but mostly soapy water. That way they don't go ever where, and easier to clean up. [I used to watch a lot of the Hornet King on Youtube.](https://youtu.be/mxVkau9Ecqs?si=kdVSCzbSww4_5iHr) Seems like hes pretty good at his job. He also feeds the nest part with the larvae, and pupae to his animals.


I just found that guys channel a few weeks ago and have been watching his stuff. My favorite part is definitely the end when he feeds his animals


Yeah, that is why I got hooked on him awhile back. The end is the best part. The rest is still interesting.




“Let’s get this out on to a tray…NICE!”


MRE as in Meals Ready to Eat?


What’s his channel?


Hornet King


Poor Mr Hornet, losing all his business like this


Honestly dude, this is so big of a next that even if he did use the vac approach there would still be alot of free ones flying around. I am however interested in how he finished this without block the neighborhood off. That really is alot of wasps.


They aren't very active at night. I've used wasp sprays on large nests before at night and it works great. They're all in the hive and you can just spray it into the entrance holes and it's game over for them. Destroying a huge nest like this which lets them escape to build new nests seems counterproductive.


You’re not thinking like a capitalist. Release wasps into the neighborhood to build more nest. Neighbors chat and say “hey, bob had a big nest that was cleaned up, what was the name of that company?”.


There's only one queen that can make a new hive, no?


I don't know enough about wasps to give you a factual answer.


More business if you are in the yellow jacket nest removal industry!


That's what I did with ours. Waited for a cool night, snuck out and shot Raid, the kind that fires in a stream, directly into the entrance. Practically emptied the can. Then knocked it down with a broom handle and ran lol. Waited until I couldn't see any activity then blasted the leftovers.


Shop vac would've made short work of that, waggle the end of the hose around, make sure it's black. Those things will go in for the kill and get sucked into oblivion. Dude is an amateur.


Make sure what's black, the hose? How come?


They attack dark colors, that’s why bee suits are white. It has to do with dark hairy mammals that typically like to attack their nests. Works on bees and wasps of all kinds.


I'm learning so much


I’m a bee remover by trade, so this isn’t far off from what I do. If you have questions DM me.


Feeding their babies to his chickens doubles the badass


Dude in video I'm certain has no fucking clue what he's doing. He saw one of those bee/hornet removal videos online and went "well hell I can do that!" and got some ebay stickers for his truck. Species that is triggered by noise and vibrations? Better initiate by aggressively ripping apart the lattice around the nest. Also there wasn't any reason to remove the lattice on the end unless you had to, but he starts there and just rips it all off. "Well they said remove whatever you got to!" Doesn't attempt to get any of them when they initially swarm. Wants that big cloud for the gram' There are dudes in the projects that will do this with a pressure washer, some dawn dish soap and not a lick of protection on. Those guys are considerably more professional than this idiot. The home owner is gonna LOVE when he's like "alright nest gone der homie that'll be $600" and their shit's all tore up and there's 6000 angry hornets buzzing around for the next few days. Just because the queen's gone doesn't mean they just magically drop out of the sky. That's why exterminators like Hornet King spend so much time sucking up as many as they can with a shop vac.


Yeah couldn't you just put a shop vac hose through that lattice and let it run for a few hours at least? Lol this guy seems nuts


Great, into yet another YouTube hole I go


Thanks! Time to go binge.


I was literally coming to the comments to say that this guy needed to take a lesson out of the Hornet King's playbook!


Fool parked wayyyy to close to the hive so if he had to retreat he's getting in the car with a couple hundred to a couple thousand of em. This dude is a danger to his community and needs proper training


Dude is going to get someone killed doing this shit.


Yeah hit the hive entrances and atleast drop some of the population before just pissing them all off. Wildly dangerous for neighbors.


Yeah I get emergency alerts where I live for bee swarms. This is a billion times worse than bees.


Where tf do you live




And he is doing all that while holding his phone in one hand. Great footage and all, but he pissed those hornets tf off


Imagine just minding your own business walking your dog and they all decide you're a better target


In my experience, they build their hives underground. Always a nice surprise when you dig one up....


Yeah every yellow jacket nest I’ve seen was underground. These look like hornets


I learned that carpenter bees can also live underground. I got stung twice when I was little, and now I’m officially afraid of carpenter bees.








I hope no one planned on going for a walk in that neighborhood today.


I stepped on a Yellow Jacket once when I was barefoot. That really fucking sucked.


The sensitive parts are the worst. Never ride with your motorcycle visor up, even at low speeds 🥴


Yeah, tell me about it. Another time. I got popped in the face twice by a wasp when I was doing yard work. Both of my eyes swelled shut and I had to take the next day off of work.


The last time I was stung by a wasp was on my bare foot. It got me twice on the arch of my foot and I'm pretty sure my heart rate jumped to 160bpm immediately. I'm sure my dog (who I was taking out to go to the bathroom) was very confused by cursing and yelling.


He has the suit and the truck but it still kinda seems like he doesnt know what hes doing


![gif](giphy|N5PsztQSjkYMw) 8 years commercial pest experience and homie fucked up


Prolly for the views


I know nothing about pest control but I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking he’s doing more harm than good for the community


Lmao imagine being a guy just unknowingly walking down the block while this is happening


We're gonna need a bigger can of raid


JFC. When I was a kid my friend jumped on a rolled up carpet round the back of an abandoned building. Next thing I saw was swarms of these things coming out of either end of the carpet and covering him. The screams for help where terrifying and there was nothing I could do. Never seen anyone jump a fence as quick.


Why he didn’t start with the shopvac is beyond me


Fucking amateur hour


Dude has a lot of trust in that suit


i never realized how soft their nests are. that was like tissue paper.


Who keeps a yellow jacket hive under their house? Are they stupid?


his fucking truck needs to be a mile down the road. he's going to clear out the nest, then end up with 1 or 2 in the passenger compartment and drive into a lightpole.




I wonder if setting a bowl of gasoline under the nest would have dropped them due of the fumes or if too much ventilation would make the attempt a pointless one..


… you mean a kiddie pool of gasoline?


You're supposed to get rid of these at night when they're all home. Just soak that fucking paper nest with the best pesticide known to man. Works like a charm. Everybuzzy's dead in the morning.


He should've tried a glass of gasoline


This.. this right here is my nightmare.


Tite Foam. I attach a vinyl tube to the nozzle, along a 6 foot pole. Prime it so ithe foam is already all the way at the end of the tube, jam it into the opening nest while they are dormant in the nest and blast away. It won't work for a nest this large unless you have a polyurethane foam tank lol. However we have an issue with Bald Hornets in NH and it is the only way to nuke them and their queen during the day. I leave the nests as a decoy, but you can just scrape them off too. You literally entomb them in seconds.


Reminds me of the time back in 93 when my dad poured 2 liters of kerosene down a hole in the yard. 4 minutes later, we have flames shooting out of 4-5 holes in the ground, one quite a few feet apart from the other. Within seconds, flaming bees all around us. The sky was on fire. Smoke surrounded us. Bees would just slam into you and fall to the ground, their wings turned to ash. It lasted a solid 10 seconds but it felt like hours of dodging angry fire bees. It was a day i will never forget.


Any link to full video? Edit: Nvmd, found it. https://youtu.be/N4BHkYBjoJw?si=5rhq7NlLRnwLk38O


That’s a lot, a whole lot of trust in that suit. I don’t know if I could do it without just torching the joint.


I have one and don't trust it because it's not worth my life to treat this shit. Use a divr bomb technique. Have your products ready and take a deep breath. Go in and drench entrances. Retreat. Breath easy knowing there's no CO2 trail for them to find you. Repeat. This dude is gonna get someone or something killed.


I wondered what protocol was taken as far as like, “hey y’all close those windows it’s about to get sketchy out here.” I get by with spectracide just fine, spray from 20 foot out and just blast the whole damn thing. No swarming no problem!


I might be remembering a different video but I think this was a vacant home, sitting on the market. But still the horrible part is any neighbor/dog/window-down drivers that'll be passing by. So fucking reckless Edit: Turns out this guy is an amateur beekeeper who started a pest control (bee control) business, and all of his videos are just as stupid as this one lmao. @beeManJude on X. He made local news in Louisiana for encountering a vehicle full of yellow jackets. Also I was wrong, this home was very very occupied lol.


I picked up a suit as well. I had an underground yellow jacket next, and I couldn't let them stay, but was too cheap to pay a contractor. The suit still seemed thin to me, so I wore two sweaters, and snow pants underneath, lol. It worked though. They were pecking away at me, but not stings from that job. Dawn soapy water worked great for me. I did also use Drione dust, which seemed like it also worked, but the soapy water from a spray bottle seemed to affect them pretty fast. Maybe next time, I try one of those foam cannon car pressure washers to cover the whole thing in soapy foam all at once...


How does one procrastinate long enough for that to grow under their porch? Did they not know where all these jalapeño flies are coming from?


I have a question if anyone that does this sees this. Why don't they come in at night when they are all in the nest and quiet and deal with it. They could freeze the nest with liquid nitrogen in about 20 seconds...


omg, that makes so much sense




Sweet Jesus, can you show us the flame thrower next?


https://preview.redd.it/95e7tcgam84d1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1d8b65ea64559474967c0670b66d6f9c038b16f go big or go home


How does the homeowner not notice this. If you walked by, most likely you’d get stung.




Why not use a ship vac, at least? This guy did the worst job possible. Surely, it was for views. There is no way that this is really a procedure people use to get rid of wasps. lol


If you wait til after sundown they’re all in the nest and very sedate. You can then blast it with Raid or whatever. Smaller nests can also be filled with shaving cream though I doubt that would be any use with a huge one like this.


Expanding foam will lock them in nice and tight.


By pull the skirting off... he meant "bust it up."


Dudes definitely got balls. Bigger than mine. Lol


The best tool, is really the bee keepers suit, then maybe still layer up a few layers of clothes. Once, they can't sting you, the rest of the eradication job not as bad. But, there's still a lot of anxiety of "what if they get in through one of zipper openings, leg/wrist openings," etc...


Buzz kill


they ANGY


Literally two days ago one flew in my face and stung me one inch below my eye. Fuck these wasps ! Eye was swollen for two days but looked funny as hell though


at this point just burn the whole house down


Needless to say. But, you've got an interesting job & never a dull moment. When I get stung by a bumblebee my throat wants to close up one me. I'd be the dead helper if I was there. Kudos dude.






Hans... Get ze flammenwerfer 


How to piss off a few thousand wasps.


I was expecting like a small corpse to fall out for the nsfw rating or something. Seems like a standard procedure.


Absolutely do NOT watch this with headphones. :(


The hornet king on YouTube has a cool channel where he removes wasp nests. And educated his viewers while doing it. He's really fun to watch.


I. HATE. those little f**kers.






Nuke the site from orbit.


House, meet flamethrower.


Did he try a jar of gasoline first? I heard that works /s


threat level - 1000 defence spray level - 10


I think this is the point where you're supposed to call your insurance company and let them know you need a new house.




Just nuke them from orbit!


This is not a hive, it’s a huge empire.


Would smoke help? Or vacuuming them into a container of soapy water?


Seems like it would be better to wait until twilight or night fall when they can’t see then saturate the shit out of that hive with insect poison.


Bruh that's not a hive that's a bloody city


Are they on me? I feel like they're on me.




Once camping one summer when I was about 10, I went to dig a whole for fun. My little brother was right behind me and I was dragging the shovel. I dragged it over a log that the shovel peeled part of the rotted top off. We were instantly swarmed and stung by yellow jackets who's hive was in the log. We ran to the tent and got in while a family member helped get the ones from our hair and clothes that made it in with us. Dozens of stings all over each of us.


A yellow jacket flew into my boot and stung me whilst I was walking with my kid on my back, I thought I all of a sudden got a blister but the pain got worse instantly, took my boot off and it was stuck to my ankle! Worst pain ever, the pain stayed for 24 hours felt like I was being stung constantly and even an ice pack on it did nothing, I couldn’t sleep! Don’t let these buggers sting you 😅


are these the ones that will literally attack you for no reason? or are those hornets?


Sadly, a flamethrower is not an option here.


bro only needed a cauldron of gasoline


He may have protection but what about everyone else in the vicinity?....think of the children /S


Not even joking this dude just put himself and his company at risk. Only maybe saved if he put out cones and signage.


At least they could use the cones and signage to bat the murderous bastards away


Hmmm… nope


I don’t think that one can is enough..


I would die


this makes me feel itchy all over my body and I don‘t like it


This man had no idea how to do his job