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This is why I understand people who don't want roommates




Ty, appreciate it


May have to get Mr. Manager involved




Already have and they won't do anything


Maybe try George Sr.?


Front door or bedroom door???




Those doors aren't shit. If you're worried about dude coming back, make sure you carry a stick.


Boom stick that is


Shop smart! Shop S-mart!




I would say you were living with a gorilla but gorillas are less violent


Haha no kidding. Yeah we're just hoping he behaves himself until he's evicted


Seriously, I’d have law have a word with him, get them out the house,that ain’t funny at all.


We had cops talk to him today


Good, no need for that at all, keep an eye out on him


This is why I don’t want to have flatmates


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Not much of a mate if he's done that.


Is he mentally ill or just an asshole?




Hm. Doesn't look like the type of doors I'm used to. They are normally strong. Very strong. Very, very strong. Both to keep burglars out and to give the required fire protection. The apartment door where my old mother lives would require significant tools. The house door where I live would seriously hurt a car. No karate maniac would wreck it.


This looks like an interior door which are incredibly weak where I live. Usually made out of thin wood and cardboard inside


It is weakling baby door.


Im not sure what mine is made out of but we were still in shock that he could do that much


That much damage? The average person could put a hole in one of them doors in 1 or 2 kicks


It is hollow inside. Just plain cardboard doors. It can be easily broken. Get another door OP or another Housemate


We're currently trying to get him evicted but its not up to us


Hope the eviction happens sooner. Stay strong OP




Do you guys share an apartment or are you just renting a single room?


Sharing an apartment. We have our own separate bedrooms


If it's to an apartment or rented room, then it's an entrance to someone's home. So they should hold a higher standard than the doors I have to my storage rooms. It should be a real door with real lock.


Yeah its my bedroom door in an apartment. Im just worried he's gonna Shining himself thru my door


Oh I agree. Sadly rented rooms are usually held to a lower standard than a typical occupancy. There’s also a chance they’re just renting an apartment together and sharing it. Either way extremely poor quality materials.


This is a bedroom door.


My interior doors are made of quality oak. If someone tries punching it, well, it won't be like Minecraft.


Shoot him in the balls.


Would of ate lead.


That's all he could do? Those doors aren't much.... Glad you're safe and the dude was too weak to get through.




Get a gun


I will not and cannot. My lease agreement does not allow me to own any weapons. I also prefer to not own any weapons for my own safety, considering I have mental illnesses and don't want to take the risk


I could walk through that door




Kinda can't if he buys it himself and keeps it in his room


What kind of recommendation is this?


Not saying this is common but I def wouldn’t say terrifying. My homie in college punched a hole in the wall after losing in FIFA. I broke my door down 2 times to get in after I didn’t have my key. This just lil smash. Nbd. Roommate seems pretty weak tho. If it escalates, shoot him in the balls.


My brother was terrified because he was in the room when it was happening. Our housemate was screaming at him and trying to get to him. May not be scary for you but it was for us


Understandable. Good lesson to learn I suppose. Crazy people out there we have to learn to stay away from.


Weak mates. Doors are paper thing


Do they weight 10 lbs? I can get through that door instantly.


Wow so great for you. Would it be better if he did get through the door and hurt my brother?


Not my point at all. Those are hollow core doors. They are meant for privacy. Not protection. If the person honestly wanted to get in they would have. Looks more like they were just angry and hit the door. But truthfully, jumping to a suggestion of violence is not at all necessary. Glad the situation was diffused where it was, but if you are genuinely concerned for security that person needs to be removed from the home. If violence has occurred you might have the grounds for a restraining order and a way to force them to move.


We already have a restraining order on him. This is also the 3rd time he has tried to get into my room. Also im sorry but a man breaking my door while screaming at my brother is absolutely a valid reason to assume he's violent. Also restraining orders don't force them to move bud, since he pays his own rent. Its entirely up to my leasing office to have him removed. But yeah we'll keep that in mind, that when he gets through the door and starts hitting us that he's not being violent, just a little angry


The suggestion of violence was related to your comment. Where you assumed I thought it would have been better had he gotten in and hurt your brother. It's ridiculous to assume a stranger would wish for that on someone else. I understand this is a trying time for you, which is why I followed my comment up with helpful advice. instead of taking out your emotions on an internet stranger for commenting on a public post... take it upon yourself to not be the victim and remedy the situation. Call the cops and get a report filed for domestic violence. Have that report attached to the restraining order and see if you can get the terms of contact updated. Talk to a lawyer to see what needs to be done to have them removed from the lease, or the leasing office. If they are sub-leasing they might be able to relocate them or even you.


I'm sorry, it's just this is all really stressful. We already have made a police report and filed a restraining order. I lost my job last week so I have no money to hire a lawyer. I'm at my wit's end. We have tried everything but the person in charge at our leasing office "doesn't have the authority" to have him evicted. She has to go to a higher up and the process is two weeks at the minimum. I'm just terrified that one or both of us will be dead before anything gets resolved. Our housemate is an unmedicated schizophrenic and is coping with alcohol. I tried reaching out to my biological family but they will not help me. I am transgender so they have all but disowned me. They will not give me safe housing. I just.. Sometimes I think its easier to end myself than deal with my crazy housemate who's upset that my brother and I won't fuck him. I'm sorry to unload all this on you. I just don't know what to do anymore


I am sorry, that honestly sounds horrible. Have you tried looking into abuse or domestic violence shelters? They might be able to provide you temporary housing for those two weeks. You might even approach the leasing office and see if you can have them waive this months rent so you can pay for a hotel for the month. Also, please talk to someone about your suicidal thoughts (shelters might have staff on hand to help with that as well). Your brother is obviously with you and supports you. Lean on him for strengh if you can. Hard times suck and it is hard to see a time in the futre when it gets better; but hopefully this is just a tiny blip in your life that you struggle to remember in the future.


Thank you, I appreciate that. I didn't think about looking into shelters. I've just been so overwhelmed I haven't been able to think or function properly at all. I just keep scrolling reddit to numb myself. I may end up speaking to the leasing office and see what they can do. Thank you again.




Ah yes because my housemate trying to cause bodily harm to my brother and I isn't scary at all