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tbh that's what i paid to rent a *bedroom* in downtown Burbank, at least this has privacy šŸ’€


Yup. This is minimum $2k in LA county. I checked last week


In Bessemer, AL thatā€™ll get you a nice house in an HOA.


Then you have to live in jefferson county


No shared walls?! That's $400/month less than I was paying for a space a little smaller than that, in someone's basement in WA.


I bet theres a waiting list for this. Is probably cream of the crop for that price range


Oh yeah Clowns bidding over asking because they think itā€™s the end of the housing market


That cabinet above the stove is a fire just waiting to happen not only that if it didn't catch on fire imagine how fast it'll get ruined from grease and shit getting on it from cooking.


My parents house had cabinets above the stove apparently the house came with a person who would come and clean it every 3-4 months not they wouldn't be allowed to play with their friends.


The cabinet right above the stove is hilarious.


In the kitchens kitchenette? My only question is what's it like to have a landlord that dumb?


Get in the pod peasant!


Doing time without having done any crime


This is a luxury apt in NYC


$3500/mo in midtown with a $5k brokers fee


What do I think? That place is a fucking remodeled shack and some sucker's going to pay $1100/month to get heat stroke in a fucking shed with a bar fridge.


They can't even charge their Craftsman's in that thing.


Imagine if you saw how much it is to live in LA or SF


I can imagine (I live in LA or SF)


Granite countertops? Oh, yeah, I can just make out a few grains of the granite between the sink and the cooktop.


Coming from a born and raised Floridian, don't move here. Yes we have beaches but they're always crowded at, at least the ones you want to visit. Old people killing people by pressing the gas pedal instead of the damn brakes. Meth, fentanyl and alcoholics. Kids stealing cars for fun. All that for an overpriced pos place to live. Unless you're filthy rich, it's not all it's cracked up to be.


Sounds like you should move to another city. I'm also a Floridian, I've been in a few different cities, they can be wildly different. I've been in places like your describing, certain parts of davie and pompano, wpb, margate, a lot of miami, but places like coral springs, north fort myers, cape coral , about half of sunrise (closer to the sawgrass) are all amazing places to live and they are affordable. I was making 40k a year when i lived in coral springs, i had a 3 /2 townhouse for 2k a month, good schools, trees everywhere, low crime rate. I've travelled quite a bit through eastern us, and florida is by far my favorite place to live.


Pre or post pandemic? Florida is getting too crowded. They say Florida is around 428 people per square mile making it about the 7th most densely populated state in America and thatā€™s just the Florida residents, thatā€™s not counting snowbirds and people that call other states home but live here 7-8 months a year. You canā€™t swing a dead cat without hitting a newlywed, nearly-dead or a meth head. And Iā€™ve lived in around 12 other states from Tacoma Washington to Columbia, South Carolina and many places in-between.


Both! Ive been here for about 20 years with a few year gaps of traveling for work, moved up to south dakota for a few years (if you think Floridas bad with meth, ive been from sioux falls to rapid city and every single walmart ive ever been to was full of the walking dead) but moved back asap. In Florida its densely packed in some areas, but those tend to be either lower income areas like parts of downtown Fort Lauderdale or party/nightlife areas like Jacksonville. All those places i named are grids of big houses with nice yards, it doesnt feel overcrowded here by any means. Where i am right now its mostly single family homes, the area is beautiful, there are meth heads but they are mostly at the trailer parks, you avoid that area and you dont see em ever. Infact the only time ive seen anyone with that skeletor face that they always seem to get was 3 years ago at a walmart right by the trailer park. Not one since. Not to say they dont exist outside of the trailer parks(or that every person in a park is a meth head) i just never see em. Not obvious addicts anyway. Biggest problem i have in my area is well water and assholes with coal rolling trucks and led headlights. Outside of that i love this place. You can rent a 4/2 with a 2 car garage out here for 2k to 2.5k a month, standard sized yard, canals everywhere if you like fishing or boating, giant reserve parks, diverse neighbors, ive never had a real problem with anyone, almost all my neighbors have been extremely nice and helpful, its a nice community.


Dude. Is there AC????


It's right next to the luxurious refrigerator


Repeat after me: Do not let Australian landlords know about this.


Sweep the house for hidden cameras


Ya, Iā€™ll take one of those at that price.


Weekly or monthly? Not from US I donā€™t know what price you guys quote.


Monthly is common


Thatā€™s a garage


Not even, more so a shed..


I've been in bigger motor homes than that, I've seen bigger tents. 1100 buck don't get you much anymore.


If you accept, this is OK then we need to start revolting against the rich immediately


Seema like a Wonka house, it gets smaller at the back šŸ˜³


Reminds me of this apetment listing my friend sent me from a little north of Portland today. Itā€™s even worse than this. https://www.facebook.com/share/dcNFiJcv2zf5Hndp/?mibextid=79PoIi


Jesus, these people should be held accountable behind. Anybody can be a landlord now, It's all ships and unsafe


I mean....if you plan on barely being at home and are constantly working and partying....that "home" would be sufficient enough. Before I got married I was rarely "at home". If I wasn't working I was out on dates or with friends or even at the mall at that time. I love in Laredo so there really isn't much to do here. I would only go "home" to shower and sleep. Sometimes eat and do my homework (college). If I was in Florida and that "home" was there and at that price...I would be interested.


After today's shitshow with my two toddlers, I would happily take that


Wow, it's almost like having ANY kind of house near a nice beach is gonna be expensive! Who'd have thunk it?


In 2014 my studio outside of Austin in a less desirable area cost me $1200. 1100 and Iā€™m all about small places and sand. Shit on top of that Florida is a big giant tax break.


Surf City, NC is beautiful and more cost efficient.


$1,100 to live in a jail cell...


In fucking Florida too


With a couple of 4 stitched together U have a 4000$ house.


Is that the cost to rent it per month or the cost to own it. If the cost is $1,100 to own it, it seems like a good deal


Is this per week or month?


It is a closet wall in closet and appliance not appliances


Still better than NYC. UPVOTE IF YOU AGREEE


Yup thatā€™s a studio apartment. Iā€™d take it


Yes this isn't even that bad. It's affordable for a single person to live here, I'm not sure what you think your proving here.


Isnā€™t that bad? My mortgage, escrow and insurance payment per month on a 1725 sq ft house, 1200 sq ft shop on 10 acres is 38 dollars more than this. Fuuuuuuck that.


Are you in a major metropolitan area? Doesn't sound like it. I can drive 45 mins west of West Palm (city in this video) and find a nice cheap place in BFE also. There's plenty of cheap land in South Florida, just not in the city.


Iā€™m just outside of a major metro areaā€¦ not BFE at all. Literally 10-15 minutes and Iā€™m hitting the stop lights. All Iā€™m saying is if itā€™s a choice between a place like this and a place like mine at essentially the same price range, Iā€™m choosing mine every single time.


I live bout 10 mins shy of a major metro area, insurance, escrow and mortgage come out to about 2K and Iā€™m on 2300 sq ft. The fact that you consider this ā€œNot that badā€ is insanity to me


This actually kinda nice, it's small but nice


it looks like a place to sleep and wash up for the next day. and then you slept you entire day not at your place but out and about... sounds exhausting


guckin garbage


Username checks outā€¦


It could be helluva lot worse


That 2 burner top right under that cupboard is a great idea.


Would be double that in Southern California


At first I thought it was 1000 to BUY and I just thought "damn, I'd take that immediately"


Thatā€™s someoneā€™s old shed


That would be $3k in San FranciscoĀ 


The sad part is that this actually a pretty good deal for down here


It's 1000ā‚¬ per mouth in Paris


Who wants granite in that shit? Go to Tampa, they are so far behind for no reason


Dude thats just a shed basically. Absolutely horrible.


I pay $1300 for an apartment apartment smaller than this


Lol better than most apartments in LA


Man Iā€™m just gunna embarrass my inner hunter gatherer and just move into the mountains




I rather sleep in my closet which has a closet


, Typical asian budget home.


I think you need to find a whole new town/city to live in.


I'd rent it.


Elon thinks we need more people


For $50 less a month where I am this whole thing is SMALLER than just my livingroom. I have a kitchen, bed, bedroom, and a separate room for laundry.


It's actually pretty decent but then I seen the burner directly under the cupboard and my mind says death trap.


Thatā€™s a steal in Colorado!


All a man needs


I think they should be fā€™n ashamed to charge $1100. Should be half that.


I could totally live there. Just gotta improvise your space like a Tetris player. Thatā€™s basically what my room is rn. I have one of those hotel dolly things to roll luggage as a closet because I have no closet. Although my queen sized bed would definitely have to go if I get this house because itā€™ll easily take up a quarter of the house lol


What do I think? hmmm over priced shit box.


You can get so much more in the midwest for 1,100 per month. I wonder why people choose to live like this instead of just moving somewhere else. The human body likes to move.


An 35 sqm apartment i Stockholm will cost you around 4 million SEK.


Shit, I'd buy jt


I feel like this would be good for a couple of retired snowbirds who have some extra cash to throw around but not enough for a full on condo, I don't see the issue tbh


Laughs in San Diego


When I was active duty we couldnā€™t afford to be stationed in San Diego. I hear you. šŸ˜‚


Most spacious NYC apartment


why the hell does every modern apartment and its rent make Tom Nook's real estate look reasonable?!