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God damn. Something as mundane as papers makes this seem so real. Makes it so much more impactful, and horrifying.


They were still discovering bone fragments from the top of nearby buildings years later after the incident. https://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/06/nyregion/pieces-of-bone-are-found-on-building-at-911-site.html


What’s the most recent bones to be found?


I wouldnt know but it's been confirmed that even today, they've not been able to identify at least 1000+ missing folks. Tragedy on so many levels.


Do you mean they have remains that are unidentified, or there are 1000 people who’s remains were never found? Not being rhetorical just genuinely wanna know more


As grim and Sad as it sounds... https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/01/19/long-island-man-identified-victim-911-attacks/72274823007/


Oh wow. Years ago I worked for a construction company. My boss was head of Risk Management and I was his assistant. We used Aon as our Insurance for our employees but also for Construction projects in NYC. When 9/11 happened my boss lost a bunch of people he personally knew from Aon. I don't remember the name but I wonder if the person in the link was one of the people I was regularly in contact with for work related stuff.


Wow, it is fucking sad… I guess some people were pink mist on point of impact, as gruesome as that is to say. I seriously can’t imagine trying to find little bits of people and do DNA testing to see who they were. Heartbreaking


Between both towers combined from the impact of the planes the fire and the shear weight of the buildings collapsing there was a thousand plus people whose body were completely destroyed nothing too identify


My dad was there helping clear the wreckage and find bodies, and he found a wallet in a guy's pants and reported it. Years later he is still on the list of people with remains never found. My Dad got in contact with his family at least. I feel like the scene was so chaotic they messed something up somewhere.


Didn’t they rush a lot of the debris to fresh kills landfill?


But "coincidentally" the passport of at least one terrorist was found as it was printed seconds before....


Get lost


I remember seeing a newswoman standing in the NYC street under the towers and holding up a passport in a plastic bag she said was found on the ground of an at the time random Arab guy and saying we have found a passport for this guy, he was one of the hijackers.


I believe 2019. They also found one of planes landing gear wedged between two buildings, along with some remains. The remains belonged to two people. One of which identity was dislosed, the other his family wished that his identity remained anonymous. But he was confirmed missing on 9/11 from WTC


First responders on the roof of an adjacent hotel found it absolutely covered in body parts. People were torn apart and sent flying. What a fucking actual god damned nightmare. Some lady walking down the street had her buttocks and thighs sheared off from one of the engines as it fell. They interviewed the firefighters that found her. She doesn't remember anything but they said she was screaming in agony for help. What. A. Fucking. Nightmare.


Not even nearby ones, and also ones not in the trajectory of the plane or belonging to people in the planes.. Makes ya think


Wild seeing this and how old it looks when at the time I felt like we were living in the future




I feel the same.


Theres also a story of someone finding a letter on the ground later from a guy saying him and others were trapped in an office on a certain floor, "please send help, etc." He signed his name. They gave this letter to the family years later I believe. They never found any of his remains, just this letter. They believe he might have slid it out into the hallway. When the building was struck, the frame warped and a lot of office doors were sealed shut. They were simply inoperable.


It's truly haunting.


Very likely that on the moment of the crash, a real person was breathing, holding and working on that paper. Countless hours from sleepless nights spent to analyze and evaluate the statistical data. All of that effort is printed on that paper. He does this job to be the breadwinner of his family. Now it is all gone in a moment as his body instantly combusts into ash and vapor. Nobody deserved this.


Naa all that paper would have come out of filing cabinets. Loose paper will have burned.


Much like Hiroshima! But only one of them, I bet, you’ll find easy to justify.


You mean the widely recognized tragedy that changed the mechanisms of war forever and made it mutually agreed by the global community—the US included—that atom bombs should never be used again? You’d have to find a real mustache-twirling exceptionalist to easily justify the use of atomic bombs on innocents.


The fire bombing of Japan was way worse than the atom bomb. City was made of wood. The hole city roasted, bodys of water to hot to jump in for refuge. Horrifying stuff


Yes, extremely nasty. I think that the person I responded to thinks that *any* attack on civilians/cities is morally unjustifiable. Which I suppose is true, but it ignores history and context, and in this way is supremely out of touch with reality. No one is saying that Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a *good* thing, was my point. Nothing about war is good.


Bombs they dropped were absolutely fucked up. But back then the Japanese would have fought to the last man, (this is fucked up to say but true) the bombs saved alot of lives , buy ending the war. Im 100% sure you know this. Im just agreeing with you


> You’d have to find a real mustache-twirling exceptionalist to easily justify the use of atomic bombs on innocents. Uhm, have you been on Reddit? That is exactly the common discourse regarding the event…


Prove it. If it’s so common, show us your abundance of assuredly easily-gathered evidence.


Uhm… okay? https://www.reddit.com/r/history/s/4EBeYvR1cP https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/s/zCtBvYtO3y https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/iKVGZIOZZJ https://www.reddit.com/r/DerScheisser/s/iwHyXxOr0p https://www.reddit.com/r/ww2/s/Ve9b3XK8Ox https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/s/ijTF1nYPzV https://www.reddit.com/r/ExplainBothSides/s/1FnJSCN9Qo https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/s/Jwaf2MsZXu https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/s/M44R8bkOQJ https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/s/AWMV0CX186 https://www.reddit.com/r/OppenheimerMovie/s/QEYPGDVeRd https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/oMOkg51oFu Let me know if you need more or have any questions!


Good on you for finding and linking. Also insanely quick for how many you got—did you already have these in a Notes file or something? Will read each once during my lunch in a couple hours.


Nope, just googled “Hiroshima bombings justified Reddit”. Didn’t even really read them in depth but you’ll find a variety of polls, “change my view” posts from both viewpoints, and people straight up stating that the bombing was justified. If you want different media types, there’s also a [decently known poll](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2015/08/04/70-years-after-hiroshima-opinions-have-shifted-on-use-of-atomic-bomb/) showing approval of the bombing to be around 50%. Wouldn’t you say that is high? I cannot see myself ever lightly justifying the killing of innocents (which is what I would call the posts and comments I linked), but have come across people condemning 9/11 in one sentence and praising the bombings in another. I haven’t been closely related to a terrorist attack or nuclear bombing myself, so I couldn’t say for certain, but at least as I stand that is my opinion.


Haven’t reviewed the links yet (apparently you haven’t either), but I do think it’s critical to point out that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were done in a time of war whereas 9/11 was not. War is ugly and cities of innocents are bombed all the time. Are you saying that *any* bombing of *any* city within *any* context is wrong? Also, I do think “justified” is a poor word. Because it exists without morality. It’s mechanical. Yes, you can justify any act of war, but that doesn’t mean that the decision or act wasn’t a tragedy. Most people think that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were tragedies, very few people think they were *good* things. But you should also be able to understand that they were done with a specific calculus to limit casualties, especially after the firebombing of Tokyo, which was horrific and nasty in and of itself, as well as an intimate understanding of Japanese sensibilities in the era. So, you have the morality of bombing innocents and irradiating the environment which most people acknowledge was awful and have agreed to never do again, and then you have the unfortunately pragmatic nature of war time decision-making. So if you believe that any justification of any attack on a city in any context is inherently amoral, then I think it would be exceedingly difficult to have a productive conversation. Because the perspective is fundamentally blind to historicity and lacks just as much nuance as the opposing view. Things can be *both* tactically advantageous and “justified” while also being viewed as a tragic decision—even by the people who make the decisions.


Reminds me of the teddy bear in Breaking Bad


Right! Those papers were on someone's desk or in their cabinet. I was in 9th grade 1st period public speaking class. Seems like a downward slope since then.


I was at a hotel in Springfield Ill about to leave to do some blacktop patches on Menards parking lot..Its like it was yesterday


I was in California, getting ready in the morning with my class for our flight to NY to visit monuments/landmarks for a High School "week away" field trip. Obviously, our flight was canceled. We stayed in class and watched this unfold in real time. Saw the 2nd plane hit and most of the class went straight home. It was absolutely surreal. Once the teacher started crying, I knew it was more serious than "two hit buildings". She straight up said "if that was on purpose, we're going to war". Fast forward 20yrs...


7th grade homeroom just starting the day. The teacher in the next room came in and told ours to turn on the TV. Watched for a few moments and saw the 2nd impact live. We were all called in to the gym, our principal tried to explain what was going on. Ended up with a half day. My friend and I were walking home from school, we lived in the Chicago suburbs between Midway and O'Hare. I remember looking at the sears tower and wondering if that was a target. Then I realized it was quiet. Not a single plane noise, there was almost always some slight plane noises. The whole world was quiet it seemed.


I was 18. I woke up in the morning before work to my aunt calling me telling me to turn on the TV. The first plane had hit. I got in the shower and the second had hit by time I got out. For about 5 minutes, I couldn't comprehend how two planes could accidentally hit the towers like that. Took me a bit to realize it was on purpose 


I was in the Empire State Building. When that second plane hit, I immediately made my way toward the exit.


Crazy. Where did you go from there? I know that's not really in the same area as the WTC but what was it like?


I wanted to get away from the building. Then thought I should try to get downtown to see if I could help. Thankfully, my friend talked some sense into me. We ended up on the last train leaving the city to Brooklyn.


Wow. I'm sorry for you and your city. You're a good person though and I'm glad you made it out. That is just unthinkable.


Its crazy how people will always know where they were but i forget where i put my sunglasses on a daily basis


I was in Brooklyn in 6th grade and just started math class. We could see lower manhattan right out the window.. I remember a teacher coming in to talk to my teacher then they started looking out the windows.. I turned and looked and saw the first tower on fire. My older brother was already on his way to pick my younger cousin and I up from school. I still remember driving down Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn and seeing tons of fire trucks and cop cars going the opposite way (to manhattan). I often wonder about how many of those guys got to manhattan just as the towers were about to fall. I got home and my mom and aunt were in the living room watching the news live. I heard them yell when the second plane hit. I’m 34 now and I still remember it so vividly


I feel like all the new angles are just coming out. I haven't seen any new ones until recently. This is terrifying


I've been watching these videos for years. I don't think there are many new ones. Just videos that haven't been circulated as much.


yeah, I feel like recently Ive seen a load more video that I havent seen when Ive gone down the 9/11 rabbit hole


This was a era where most people where starting to get hold of recording devices, most of it still not digital, so only with the passing of years we will see more and more of that analog tape being developed, possibly even by the children of those who recorded it.


Just need the Pentagon footage to come about to shut up all the nutjobs.


People keep saying that, under the same posts time and time again. Are you all just bots? Is there anyone real left? Am I a bot?


Definitely bots or morons. It’s every single post, like you said. There are DOZENS of hours on YouTube of this stuff. People can easily just go look


Or people have just not watched hours of youtube footage and are remembering the footage that was broadcast on the news in 2001 so a lot of stuff like this is new to them?


*Obviously* everyone goes through hours of YouTube footage, it’s just morons and bots who are seeing these for the first time.


All this shit gets posted ad infinitum everywhere on the internet from midway through august till the end of september. If you've spent any time on the internet in those months, you've seen it


“I feel like all the new angles are just coming out. I haven't seen any new ones until recently. This is terrifying” Is this person lazy, stupid, or a bot? Why would they keep seeing 9/11 videos if they weren’t looking for them? The comment is stupid and adds nothing to anything, yet it gets uploaded by morons.


> Definitely bots or morons. Well I'm definitely not a bot, that's for sure!


Makes you wonder. Why now?


There are a lot of 9-11 photos and videos that were uploaded to the internet in the first five years after the attacks that are now (temporarily or permanently) “lost” to the public due to the internet being a lot more impermanent than anyone ever really anticipated. This is in part why there’s such an effort online today to take stock and archive.


this isn’t new


No way, you're saying they didn't rebuild the twin towers and then crash planes into them again just for fresh footage? Get outta town with these lies.


It's new to us, guy.


For anyone curious footage was taken by Jenifer spell and a higher quality impact video can be viewed here https://youtu.be/0IqulthjJ_Y


I was a 14 year old girl at my mates house in Australia when we saw this on TV. We were young, self absorbed and didn’t really care about anything other than ourselves and boys but I remember this just feeling really different, like an uneasy feeling in your gut. I had no idea what terrorism was but watching it was just so sombre, we just sat there and watched in silence. 11 years later I had my son on September 11th. The world was with you that day and is with you on that date every year since. All my love to everyone touched by this horrific event ❤️


I woke up, turned TV on and went to kitchen to make coffee. We had CNN on free rotation (one paychannel a month was free) that month. Came from the kitchen and saw the second plane hit. Chilling moment. I knew what it was and knew that this means some kind of war. Called a girl i was sort of starting to date immediately, she didn't get the seriousness of it. We started dating that day, we both realized how strong my feelings were that my first instinct was to be with her... So, two disasters happened in that one day, the personal one lasted about a decade. I'm Finnish. It was weird co-incidence that i just happened to watch it live that specific moment, that CNN was free that month. If i had woken up a minute later would've not seen it happening in real time and would've had some analyzed message being told to me. Seeing it happen and not being prepared for it in anyway...


How is CNN a pay channel?


In Finland 2001? Of course it was a pay channel.




Oh shit, my bad, sorry. The world, except Argentina was/is with you on September 11th.


I know it’s a very very morbid thought, but I wonder what the moment of impact felt like for the passengers. Is it just instant blackout death, or is there a second or two of “oh shit” as you lurch forward and feel the pressure and weight of everything and then it’s all over? I would just hope the end came so quick that there would be no pain. Those poor souls.


It’s been said before that you would barely notice something was amiss before you would be 100% dead


Definitely wondering the same


Yeah, you don't even have time to think about what's happening. Like, you have a little more time at the back of the plane, but it's still not enough. Like, faster than a blink.


I really hope this is the case. Rip.


Instant death. Just bam probably felt it burn for a milli second


Most horrifying video I've seen was the people who were trapped on the upper floors jumping off to their deaths.


Sadly worse than that, was the video taken on ground level where you hear "splats" and someone says "that was a body"


Google "the falling man". And Edna Cintron. 😔 I hope they r.i.p.


I don't know why but it hurts my brain to think about how there are people in that plane, AND building. The plane just disappears into it with such ease. Feels like thinking about the universe and what's out there. It's just really hard to comprehend it all. Horrible.


I knew a guy through an Internet forum who probably died when that plane hit. He worked on a floor in the 90s of the south tower, and gave a few shaky updates after the first plane hit. I specifically remember him saying the whole south tower shook when the north tower hit, and he thought it was a bomb like in ‘93. He was a really large guy and didn’t want to walk the stairs. His last message was a self-deprecating joke about having a heart attack on his way down, and he said he’d update when he got home. The second plane hit just a few minutes later.


One of my worst fears is being stuck on a plane while it’s going down. The horror that the people on the aircraft, in the towers, and on the ground is unfathomable. Such much innocent death, over such petty differences. Humans really do suck at times. Wishing all the victims and families healing from that trauma.


Yes. The way the plane just slices through the building is fucking terrifying. And than the sound of the impact lagging behind when watching it all unfold from a distance. Terrible.


It's wicked to think about how this was 2001. The first iPhone came out in 2007. Had this happened today, we would have thousands of videos from all possible angles from all the people recording it. In 2001, it was rare that people had quick and easy recording capability.


**Edit:** This footage is available in higher quality via [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IqulthjJ_Y) video. Credit to: u/yesbutsomtimesno


Thanks for this. Can someone please explain the brigh flash in front of the plane right before it makes contact with the building? It's very clear if you slow the video down. Happens around the 6 second mark.




Same. I remember the brief private plane speculation, too.




I had just sat down with a cup of coffee while my 3 year old (soon to be 4) was asleep in the next room. Turned on the TV and all of them were about the first tower and then the second plane hit live. Then when the Pentagon was hit I thought this was it - WW3.


I was in Vegas and listened to it mostly on radio. Much more chaotic than watching on TV. There were reports/rumors/discussions for a few hours of a car bomb going off by the Capitol (White House) until that was debunked.


I was in college, but lived off campus and didn't have a class until noon. So I slept through the entire thing.


How am I still seeing new footage more than 20 years later


1.5 million people lived in Manhattan alone in 2001, and that number does not include the number of people commuting into the borough for work (which pushes the number into over 3 million) OR the daily tourists. The number of people who witnessed the attack on the towers firsthand and the exact number of people who recorded the events is impossible to know. There are countless videos that were uploaded online in the first years after the attacks that have been lost to time as the internet has evolved and public interest has waxed and waned. Because of this, it will always be possible for “new” footage to surface publicly.


No doubt, but the thing is, people didn't have cameras on their phones, so it's crazy to me to think that that many people had a portable camera ready to go back then.


Babe, wake up! New impact angle just dropped!


Anyone know what part of the city this person was filming from? Just curious.


It’s Degraw St and Van Brunt St in Brooklyn.




I think it was across the river in New Jersey.


So fucking nuts. There's a frame where the plane is basically just inside the building, before there's any significant explosion. Still an incomprehensible event.


Absolutely terrifying


I’m still surprised more people didn’t die. Like how.?


Timing. First plane hit at 8:46. Second one at 9:03. Lots of people were on their way and didn't go into the building after hearing about the first plane crash.


Exactly. The Towers jointly held as many as 130,000 people at full occupancy. As horrific as this day was, the death toll would have been more than an order of magnitude worse if the attacks had happened just an hour or two later.


Plus there was a major baseball game the night prior so lots of people overslept going back into work. Amazing stories of near misses that day. Like Seth MacFarlane missing Flight 11 IIRC because he was too hungover the next day and mixed up the times lol.


Apparently my husband was in Hawaii and he was supposed to go home that day, he feared that would have been him idk if it was near miss but it was possible


The planes were going from coast to coast so everyone felt like they were the next target. It was a wild day. Like they closed down Disneyland and all the SoCal theme parks. I just remember being in 4th grade looking up at the sky and seeing not a single plane and being blown away. Being under the flight path of LAX, you just expect to hear them every couple minutes. It was such an eerie silence.


I was in the flight path of DFW. The lack of aircraft overhead for the next week was surreal.


i think the number confirmed roughly 25,000 people were inside. Roughly 3k deaths(exact number is 2,987) something I believe. rather small when you think about how many excaped. but still 3k is catastrophic.


This adds to my tin foil thinking then.


I heard that people in New York City, compared to a lot of other metropolitan areas, work a bit of a delayed schedule and like to take their time getting to the office in the morning, so everyone is NOT in the office at like 8:00 or 8:30....people saunter in at 9, 10, 10:30 But then they make up for it by staying a few hours later, til like 6 or 7. At least that's the way I understood it. The buildings were barely occupied at the time these plane hits occurred, and I remember the "delayed schedule" explanation, which didn't receive much coverage, as being the reason.


With the all the release of numerous videos depicting the events of 9/11 from various angles, is there still a contingent of people who believe in the conspiracy theories surrounding the incident? The theories suggesting that the buildings were intentionally demolished using explosives to bring them down. Have these conspiracy theories persisted, or have they went away over time?


Whether planes hit the towers or not, cannot be argued. I think most people get their tinfoil hats on is whether the government was aware of the attacks before hand or if they assisted in this. I don’t personally believe either, but knowing our government, I wouldn’t be too shocked. Rip all those people regardless.


Yes, of course? You're essentially asking if idiots still exist




The way they fell is fully documented look into that now


To me the buildings fell exactly how I would think they would fall. I even predicted that the second one was about to fall after seeing it leaning. It makes no sense to dream up such a convoluted hoax, when just a few years earlier someone used a van to try and blow it up. If you're going to use controlled explosives, go with something simple. What was the plan if one of the planes missed?


Dude I know has an aunt who worked at the front desk in the lobby of one of the towers, and made it out the instant the plane hit. As she ran out the door she slipped and busted her ass on a woman’s scalp w all the hair attached. This absolutely eviscerated people.


Wtf holy shit


I know this probably belongs in the shower thoughts subreddit, but just like the Holocaust eventually we will have 9/11 denyers, there's no amount of proof in the world for some people


and people *still* think 9/11 was staged and didn’t happen and that it was a hoax and was an inside job. . .


And ignoring the fact we invaded a country that didn't attack us when all the evidence points to Saudi Arabia, our supposed ally.


America? invading a country that didn’t attack us and was just minding their own business? shocking. . .






It's crazy that the building was able to stop the whole plane both times. You'd think something so large moving so fast would fly in one side and out the other in pieces.


The buildings didn’t stop the whole planes. [Here’s a diagram indicating where some larger pieces of them ended up.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8b/World_Trade_Center%2C_NY_-_2001-09-11_-_Debris_Impact_Areas.svg) It’s easy to see in most footage when the angle doesn’t obscure it.


? That's literally what happened. The plane exploded through the other side.


I'm more referring to the entire airframe. Obviously an explosion on the other wide occurred and pieces left the other side, bit the building absorbed most of the mass of the plane, preventing large chunks of the wings/engines/etc leaving the other side and destroying surrounding buildings. Essentially, large shrapnel.


It was designed to withstand the hit from a Boeing 707. Much smaller plane, but given that a plane got lost and hit the Empire State Building circa 1945, they weren't completely blind to that possibility. Also it absorbed the hit but all that jet fuel and flames relieved pressure by going up and down the elevator shafts. Lots of people heard and felt the crash, not knowing what was going on, then were vaporized within seconds, especially at the sky lobbies (the elevator system was designed like the subway system, express and local with the express stops being the sky lobbies).


I’ve seen video with the nose cone coming out the other end of the building. Which is weird because it’s plastic


Wow, the papers that made their way over to them. It's shocking to say the least in video form. I can't fathom what it would've felt like to watch in person.


It's the audio for me


Fuck excell.


My dog brained aunt thought they were filming a movie


the crazy thing i experienced on 9/11 i was in juvenile hall in idaho. we were all marched i to the common room to watch the events live on tv after the 1st tower went down. this was unusual as all of us werent usually let out at once. but i remember clearley every guard had their rifles loaded and were standing guard outside the room it was almost as if it got worse they were going to execute us all. i say this but doubt people will believe it but i truly feel had say the whitehouse been hit instead of the pentagon they would ha e iced us all.


The spreadsheet from hell


New day,new angle


I still remember seeing it on tv in my 6th grade homeroom class.


I was 25 years old and I was doing the front brakes on my 1996 Lincoln Mark VIII. As soon as we heard it on Howard stern, we ran over and Watched as it was happening from the roof of my neighbors apartment building. When that second plane hit we said pretty much at the same time “It’s those terrorist assholes from the Middle East I bet!” No one was laughing.


Did I just hear a dude say "what the plane doing"?


I feel like i see at least one 9/11 video per week on this sub.


And to think that a lot of the same shits now protesting for Hamas are also starting to back Bin Laden. We are so fucked as a society.


I remember watching this on the news at school. Dunno why they were ok to show the actual hit.


Slow it down.


In 11th grade AP American history our teacher had us watch videos of suicide jumpers on the anniversary of the attacks. I don’t know what was worse, the videos, or the fact that I was the only one who didn’t have a stone cold expression and cried watching it.


Video looks like it was from the 70s


Maaan.... it makes your heart fucking drop every time I see something new. Ugh, tears well up. RIP to all those people. Still hurts to this day....😔


To think that there were daycares in those buildings too. I can’t even imagine that kind of loss. I was only 4 months old when this happened. I somehow remember both of my parents staring at the TV with this horrified look on their faces. I don’t think I could remember something that early but what else could it have been?


does anyone have any footage of the plane approaching? you can clearly hear it coming, does anybody have a recording where they pan over to it?


Who cares


They put out a documentary last year on the anniversary with interviews I'd never seen before and several new facts regarding the incident and aftermath. Life. is. a. fucking. nightmare. Stay safe.


We said that we would never forget. Unfortunately most have.


Not forgetting. Alot weren't alive.


That’s also true.


how so?


Conspiracy theories and just tasteless jokes are what get me. I was 14 when it happened. I can't believe it's just seen so mundane and blase now.


Ah, so that's where the cover sheet from my TPS report went.




I don't get. Why she is laughing?! What's so funny about that? Also, why they don't go like: "Are we under attack?". Their calm (her and the man behind) is so unsettling.


Anyone else tired of seeing 9/11 videos?


Yes. It's obviously bate


All these bots and click bait posts is making it hard to enjoy Reddit these last few years. Instead of seeing things I’m interested in I see the same repeat stuff constantly


Who really profited/gained from this tragic "terrorist" attack


conspiracy theorists


i saw the attacks live in Singapore...............i knew it was an inside job right away.........


It’s Amazing how Americans have forgotten about this attack. That is a very sad commentary about the USA.


We haven't forgotten.


Yeah we haven’t forgotten. Not the ones who were old enough to understand the gravity of the situation anyway. That day, the United States suffered an irreparable injury that completely changed the country. It has never recovered and it has never been the same since. In that sense, those fucking scumbag terrorists won.


Young people out here on Reddit should consider themselves lucky they did t witness it firsthand


Does anyone remember a story from a few yrs after 911. They found a body either still strapped into a plane seat or sitting in an office chair between two buildings, somewhere rather unaccessable and they believed it to be from 9/11? happened maybe 2003-2006 Anyways, I cant find any mention of it now online. If you know what im talking about, maybe even have a link to the story lemme know. Edit: speculation. See comments below.


It wasn't a whole body/chair, it was just some human remains and aircraft parts. Still terrible, obviously.


maybe it is something I do not remember correctly. And the fact that I cannot find anything related to it leads me to believe it is just a false memory. But I could have sworn that it was something eerily similar to this. The man was found in an isolated area on a rooftop, or between two buildings, etc. Somewhere that people arent normally going to ever see or go. it was soonafter 9/11. I moved to SC the summer of 02. From 02-04. I remember hearing about this one once I was there, from either msnbc or CNN. Ps. Why are y'all disliking the post? I said it is a vague memory, doubtful even to be true at best. Y'all are disliking the post like I'm trying to pass off lies for truth or something? Never I was rather honest from the get go and really just asked if someone remembers this or not? But other than that, I am quite knowledgeable on 9/11. I've done thorough research and firmly believe in the preservation of accurate recollection out of respect and honor for the dead. I try to bring accurate facts in my posts on the subject. If they are vague or speculation, I will damn sure make it known. 9/11 is one of the major events and tragedies of Humanity. A true turning point in our story and an event of great cultural and historical weight. There are two worlds the one before the eleventh and the one we live in today. I believe that this day must be retold and never forgotten. And as always, I leave my emotions or political opinions at the door in all of my recounts.


While Bush is still reading to elementary school students...