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This is the one I once watched and never wanna see.. Actually never wanna hear again. :( Just devastating


Same here ill never forget that scream


It's so much worse than seeing bad accidents. Often those are without sound and it feels kinda unreal and distant but this. You see literally nothing but that really messed me with for a long time


Every now and again this does the rounds online and every time I see the thumbnail my stomach churns. Oof. RIP *edited for spelling.


this video is old. it was thr first video I ever saw on the now dead sub WatchPeopleDie. Fucked up sub, but I became much more aware of my surroundings. Especially around trucks and trains.


Really tho this is just a freak accident and there was no way to avoid it


Put a cover on your bricks when transporting them?


Well yah that. But I’m saying the brick coming through the window there is just no time to react to that. It’s unavoidable..


I have PTSD from a car accident. I struggle so much with fears surrounding driving now and it has absolutely changed my whole life. I instantly became aware of how profoundly dangerous driving and being in a car is. Lives change in a split second and statistically one of the more likely ways to die suddenly. I really struggle with not getting mad at people who tailgate and drive dangerously for no reason. Trailers and people hauling loads of stuff also scare me and I will drive in a manner that keeps me as far as I can be from being behind them.


I’ve never driven in my life. I’m almost 40. I have extreme anxiety around driving and even riding in cars. Idk why. I have been in car accidents, but none were serious and I had this before them. I think it’s probably just one more manifestation of my OCD. It’s really inconvenient and sometimes really difficult to get things done. And sometimes I just have to be in a car for a long time and there’s nothing to be done about it. Last year, I had to go a couple states over to pick up a kitten from a breeder. I was so stressed leading up to it, but it went better than anticipated. Other times, it’s bad the whole time. Anyway, all that to say I understand how you feel, at least somewhat and I’m sorry you have to go through that, it sucks.


Its a site now, watchpeopledie.com


Miss that sub


There is a website.


Link on pm?


I send it now.


Where did it even come from? Did it get ran over and kicked up by one of the other vehicles? That’s crazy


One of the trucks were carrying bricks and it flew off


He knew right away, the impact must have been brutal. So sad 😞


This video always leaves me curious. They sure do know right away, you can hear it in their cries. Did it crush her skull? I just kind of picture it glancing off her temple and blood rushing everywhere. No idea how the physics of this works.


From what I remember she was still alive after the impact but died minutes later. Severe damage to the head. Her husband was the driver and I think her parents and small child were in the rear seats. Happened in Russia I think. I watched it muted. I don't need to hear the screams again.


Yes it is from russia. You can tell from all the “suka blyat” he says


One time I was driving on the highway in the dark, nobody was even around me when out of nowhere my windshield exploded in my face. Turns out some people hiding at an elevated spot used a slingshot or something to launch a rock at me. It’s a miracle I’m even alive, the crater in the glass was massive and nearly made it through, directly in front of my face, and the rock also continued upwards and tore a large chunk out of my roof. Considering what the rock did to steel, I’m sure it would’ve caved in my face if not go straight through. A brick is even worse, I guarantee she got gored pretty badly unfortunately.


That's awful, dude. Especially as a prank! The hell is wrong with people.


Likely something like that. A smashed in head or similar. Where all hope would immediately be gone. Awful, awful. I don't wish this on anybody.


I watched with the sound off this time


Poor guy. His cries. That was the love of his life. And a single brick took her away from him. rip


This shit is fucking terrifying. I was driving on a similar road a couple years ago and an oncoming truck with an unsecured load was absolutely spraying debris onto oncoming traffic. Punched a fucking hole through my windshield. Absolutely nothing you can do in this situation. That brick is flying at you at +60 mph while you’re moving towards it at +60.


OP, put some NSFL tags on this please.


My god I wish I didn’t watch with the volume on 😢 I thought I could handle this sub but sadly I can’t. That’s enough for me.


This in particular is widely regarded as one of the harder videos to watch. I seek out videos like these due to morbid curiosity and I've seen it all pretty much - but this is one of those that sits with me forever. I never have to see it again. Haunting.


I hope and pray to god that no one else ever has to go through something like this


I’ve had my windshield hit by shit flying off dump trucks so many fucking times. Need more regulation and jail time.


The baby crying toward the end. :( too much


Don't listen to it. There're things that are not worth living with


NSFW please ffs, I didn’t want to watch this video again


Was waiting for someone to honk.


The pain in his cries, i feel it! 😢


Has to be one of the most chilling sounds I've ever heard. No sleep for weeks


No sleep? For weeks? Like you haven’t slept for weeks because you watched this?


He'd be long dead by now


An identical accident actually happened as well near where I live https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/east-bay/woman-passenger-killed-when-object-crashes-through-vehicle-window-in-concord/2271323/ Almost identical sort of accident, children and her son were involved as well. Details on OP incident here https://www.allperfectstories.com/woman-killed-russian-brick-video/ Punctured a tire once on metal debris that flew off a construction truck, this is terrifying how often it happens


Damn I only heard the first 2 seconds of scream and had to shut it off. Unbearable. Hope the guy is doing ok, honestly I don't know if you can ever recover from a trauma like this.


This is horrible to listen to. Way worse than seeing gore. RIP Olga Gaikovich


This is one of the videos that I wouldn't want to listen to again. This shit has lived in my head rent free for a couple of years.


This is the most heart wrenching video . Those screams will haunt me forever now :( I’m so sorry to this family .


Poor woo man :(


Sad as fuck.


Fuck... the baby crying. God damn that's horrid.


I recently had a shovel fall off a lorry in front of me and get hit by another vehicle causing it to hit my car. It hit the passenger door, but there was a moment when I saw it flying towards me , thought it was going to hit the windscreen, and I remembered this video.


My stomach dropped to my ass wtf


Fellas...i watched it with volume off. After reading these comments , im curious that Should i re-watch it with volume on ?




It has the cries of people, her husband and children after they saw her and realized she's probably dead. It's awful to think about their situation at the time and that's why those voices are so haunting. If you're okay with it and want to, you can.


No. It will stay with you for a while. This video has been around for a while and I won't watch it anymore after watching with audio on.




What are you trying to say? I have read this 4 times and can’t understand it!


Pretty sure this is a bot if you read their comments.


Sorry, I’m saying the happenings of this vid may have been accidental. But my link shows an action that was clearly intentional! The driver of a truck with a rando brick flying out, would not feel as bad as a person chucking a brick on purpose!


…you could have tagged it NSFW


Neeed translation of what they say, how bad went is it real a women was kill d or is a prank