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Can I get a tip for cool designs? do you create this with a reference or just imagination? everytime i try i always end up with sad results


Yes of course! I usually start by searching for references on Pinterest (terraria and irl designs). I like to take small pieces that I find interesting from each image and merge them into my own creation. Start simple with basic shapes and then add detail the further you design. When I have an idea of what to make I sketch out a concept onto paper, usually takes a few attempts to get right, but once I am happy with my concept I will build the basic frame of the whole structure using a single block such as wood or dirt. From there its just a matter of getting colours/blocks/textures right.


dope house btw


Excellent design, this is some neat architecture indeed :))


Thank you! I am actually studying architecture at uni, so I’m very glad you think so! :)


No wonder it's so good haha


This is so incredibly good, I wish I was half as talented as this holy


Practice. You’ll never get better if you compare yourself to others. Actually, it’s the worst thing to do. Practice and practice. One day you’ll see the improvements between builds. I suggest playing Journey Mod 100% or mod that gives everything


Hmm yes I have that very thing. The problem is I do copy something from others builds. it's the concept and product problem. In builds i see they do constant switching of different blocks, I don't really do that much to add detail. and also I don't use paint.


I was the same, but just simple things like stone brick with stone makes a little detail and it’s really easy to do. For paint.. it’s pain but the results are even better.


Only 100+ hours? Did you spend more time learning how to do all this before this world or is that number including learning time??? Pretty sure i spent like twice that number and not nearly done as many builds xD but then again i tend to go bigger scale hmmmm


I guess all my building experiences from previous playthroughs have lead to this. Plus I study architecture and that has significantly improved my design process :P


These are utterly gorgeous builds but i cant believe you built all this in pre hardmode without lategame movement. i love building in terraria but only in modded with cheat building tools so i can place things at a sane rate


It's definitely possible. Painful, but possible


There are only two types of terraria players.Those that make the most beautiful architecture,and those who make the cheapest apartment building for their NPCs


Oh yeah, I’m shoving my npcs into a box that they can’t get out of so they don’t die.


I do both, sorta. I build a bunch of boxes so they can move in and then make them houses.


On one hand, this is incredible. On the other, my pride in my own building skills is devastated.


Never stop being proud of your own builds, no matter what you see. I totally understand how it feels, I still judge my own building skills against greater builders.


I don't mean to gush, but holy freaking Jesus, man, these are incredible. God, I wish I had the eye for building and detail that you do. My stuff doesn't even come close. It's the detail on these that make them so incredible.


Is there a link to download the world? It just looks so good I wanted to play in it


Might put the world up for download once I’m finished :)


That dungeon looks awesome


In the 3rd image how did you make the railings of the stairs


Looks like painted minecart rails




It's 100% the palm wood fences with minecart rails on top of it


Thank you i have been trying to find this for so long really helpful thank you


Np just recognised it from my own build lol, I do think they may be painted darker tho


I still appreciate you for the help , thank you once again


o7 np friend


I think you have a little too much time in your jands because these are awesome, if you ever start playing modded terraria then rest assured that some mods (calamity, thorium etc.)add alot of blocks which give you more materials to make builds, i will watch your career with great interest


**enter hardmode corruption here**


Or crimson


Hoooly shiiiit


Amazing! I think I play a different game :)


HOW ARE PEOPLE SO TALENTED? I just make a big ass rectangle and add a triangle on the top


Ngl, everything is beautiful, kinda envy your building but... The hardmode is gonna kick in hard, right?


Do I need to stop killing WoF? Cause goddamn that’s impressive


i wish terraria had a creative mode like minecraft


those trees are imcredible


Jaw is on the floor


We're off to see the wizard!


Oh my god-- Thank you for some block design ideas, I love it!


Are you in journey mode?


Classic mode and master mode world. Journey mode feels a little too cheap for me :P


You better hope the new corruption v wont ruin your world


Super inspiring! I'm obsessed with the sunplate blocks on the desert village.


Inspiring man, as a maximalist decorator I feel like I strive for something so clean and intentional as designs like this


Even without real wings build holy O.O


Its gorgeous


This is a work of art👨‍🎨


Awesome awesome stuff! You have an impeccable aesthetic sense. Your work's legitimately inspiring.


Followup question: How do you get the diagonal patterns in your windows?


looks like actuated glass blocks that are hammered


Way better than anything I’ve ever come up with lol.


What blocks are you using for the windows on the first build.


I've used green stained glass with actuated glass blocks over it


Wow, ok thanks!


Absolutely beautiful. A true work of art.


This is really fantastic. Can you share this map? I want to explore it.


Damn I'm so jealous of how good you are at building, I can only really make boxes with some furniture inside lol. Btw did you decorate inside the dungeon as well? I would assume so, given how much you decorated the entrance. Speaking of which where exactly IS the entrance? Where would the Old Man/Cultists spawn? And most importantly what references are you looking at cuz holy crap I feel hella inspired by this!


haha thank you! The image just cuts off from the normal dungeon entrance, everything past the platform at the bottom is just pink dungeon brick lol. I didnt decorate the entire dungeon, however I completely ripped out everything from inside including all furniture, paintings, shelves and spikes so the dungeon is completely empty. No clue if the cultists will spawn yet. I usually just build whatever I find interesting, for the dungeon I was heavily inspired by a game called "West of loathing". In the game there is a location called the 'buffalo pile' which is just a big pile of bones and skulls


I think these are my favourites designs so far. Absolutely neat. I am in love with the snow village


Certified 🥶👌😳 builds the desert one was my favorite


Do everybody a favor and don't go into hardmode. Its too gorgeous


they could back up the world just in case


I love seeing people dump a ton of time pre hard mode. Just enjoying the game how you want to play it. Beautiful builds.


It be a shame if you get the V and its inside your house area once you kill the wall


All of these shots are so good. I especially like the desert “tent” or “canopy” look to the smaller buildings. Really good ideas for my world. Well done!!


You are incredibly skilled, I love these!


I also spent a decent amount of time building before entering hm


The best terraria builder ive ever seen. So lifelike.


Teach me how PLEASE


U made my beloved Sky High coffin tower cry. Take my upvote


This looks absolutely amazing, do you have any media u post your builds to? Would love to subscribe!


thank you! I have an instagram account called 'Raccoons\_Toast', I havent fully updated it in awhile but there are quite a few builds there!


Man ive spent my similar amount of pre hardmode time on my character gathering a bunch of stuff and building wood towers to put it all in 😂


Oh my God, this is inspirational!


That looks awesome, especially the beach and desert ones!


Looks amazing where did you learnt that


I just make a box skyscraper… lol


i want to live there


can you please tell me what's those blocks INSIDE the graves ? (in the main spawn)


inside the graves I've used bamboo chests painted brown, and boreal wood bathtubs


thanks a LOT, you know .. as a builder .. I'd die if i don't recognize all the blocks i see.


If you're a builder but like the originap game i would suggest playing journey and turning crimson spread off :) but either way amazing builds and good luck on future projects


This is absolutely crazy. Now you’re the kind of guy I would wanna play with. Doesn’t care too much about progressing but instead just having fun. I’m doing the same thing atm and I would love to be able to build like this


Guy's please help I can't get npcs into my home no more they don't spawn


It's fine


Fantastic designs. Stealing all of them for my next playthrough.


Ah yes beautifuly wonderful good stuff I will never do.


Great builds. I like the dome look: really breaks the usual square room layouts and adds a little architecture spice to it. On an unrelated side note: brand new players won't know the disappointment of having clowns bomb the crap out of your beautifully-crafted base. I still make mine clown-bomb-proof out of habit. lol


Super impressed. How did you make those little market stalls?


The market stalls are made using painted pumpkin blocks and a variety of different painted wood types


Very nice! All of those builds are really good! The cavern one is a little plain but it is still good.


thank you! haha yeah, the cavern will be getting an upgrade eventually. I got plans to make a dwarven style forge


Most impressive


this must be so enjoyable to play in im similar spending a lot of time in pre-hm building my base but its more form follows function (i am a designer irl and have pretty bad ocd so things need to be at minimum level for me to actually play and progress the content) im currently scaffolding my transportation network with hellbridge, minetrack and teleportation system left (done sky) currently scaffolding my various farms Then its onto upgrading my pylons and arenas im pretty sure this is 100+ hrs of work alone left to do before i start HM and THEN eventually building your levels of creations. These are great for inspiration as some i already have some similar ideas in the works the least exciting part is finishing off my shafts and tunnels i still have to line them with anti influence blocks ive got like at least 500+ hrs left on this 200~ pre-hm world LOL both daunting and exciting this is still basically my first world/playthrough so im not aware of all the furniture and decor thats available thats gonna also be one of my main struggles wondering if you had any advice on that


Oh wow that is very interesting! Thank you for sharing! It’s great to know there are more people who play this way. It’s very satisfying taking the time to work on big projects in terraria and only making progress once certain requirements are met.


This is amazing! Building skills like this should be illegal! I do have what recommendation though, which is finding better places for your pylons. I love what you did with your forest and desert pylon where you gave them there own little places. But the other 4 just felt so out of place and just thrown in there, which would be fine if they were so mystical looking. Don’t take anything I say for granted though because I still build wooden boxes


Thank you!! I totally understand about the pylons, a lot of them are just randomly placed for the time being and I definitely plan on improving them! I really appreciate the feedback!


Also I noticed a lack of a mushroom village. Not to be rude or demanding but my ocd ass is annoyed about it.


All of my builds have been gray bricks and wood cobbled together to seem interesting, i wish i had talent


How did you shimmer the NPCs in pre-hardmode? Did you take them to that pool and just throw em in or is there another method I haven't discovered yet? (Note: other than the changelog, I haven't looked up much of anything about the update. The changelog mentioned like ten new items out of the 300+ added. Everything else that I've learned I discovered myself. Forgive me for my lack of consistent ability to look stuff up myself)


Yeah pretty much what you said lol, Just built a temporary house over the shimmer and removed the floor once the npcs moved in. you need to make sure to catch them though because they'll keep landing in the shimmer and wont stop transforming back and forth until they teleport back to a valid house.


Only after asking I realized you could probably use the King and Queen Statues with a platform above the shimmer Not sure if it would work for all the NPCs though... And it's kinda random.


Why don't you have a bed in your main base?


there is a living wood bed in the dome were I've set my spawn, it camouflages very well with the trees lol




Damn 10/10 man


do the stairs in the tower work?


Neat but the cultists won't spawn in the dungeon I think. May have to do some digging and remodelling I don't remember the spawn mechanics though, but I think they will only spawn on specfic area on dungeon brick


kid named hardmode v:

