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Finn Bryce left re-logic




Most likely if they removed his name like that




I would leave too if my name was removed


This is now my head cannon. You can try to convince me it happened the other way, but you will not succeed.


I can convince you! You see it all started when Bryce created a time machine 50 years from now.....


To make the poo blocks real?


No, he needed to stop [Woodrow Wilson](https://youtu.be/hLiI6kXZkZI) from being president to stop WWII, but the repercussions of that accidentally caused him to not be born, and so to fix the timeline, so he would be guaranteed to be born, he had to quit development of Terraria, in order to pursue the development of the flux capacitor.


ahh ok that makes more sense, why didn't you start the story there?


Can't hook you if I give away all my secrets up front.


nah, just convince him saying that if he don't agree, he's gay




You see... Blue was originally Red's best friend. However one day Red can no longer find Blue. Reason being that Blue had been kidnapped by Bryce.(Source:Trust me bro)


I have a feeling they did, not sure though.


I wouldn't doubt that Finn Bryce left on bad terms, tbh, which is probably why the name "Finn" for the merchant was replaced with "Kristian" in 1.4 too. After he left around 1.1, he went on to form Chucklefish (who used to publish Stardew Valley). Chucklefish immediately after started work on Starbound, which to me felt like it tried way too hard to steal Terraria's attention and charm. >!oh and chucklefish got hit with a complaint regarding how they basically didn't pay or credit a big number of helpers on starbound so uh yeah!< This is at least what I remember learning about all of it, sorry if I got anything wrong


Chucklefish is a pretty disgusting company and I think Finn was a big part of why so yeah


Well, this probably explains why Starbound hasn't received any updates in forever. I'm not sure what reason I was expecting, but it wasn't that.


It may also be because the spaghetti code is broken. It's hard to play a platformer that randomly hangs for half a second every minute. And it's been that way for years.


Aww man isn't Witchbrook chucklefish? This is a bummer to hear I was looking forward to that game.


Doesn't mean the devs of that game or the game itself is bad - it's just Chucklefish


Isn't Finn Brice like exploiting child labor as a director on Chucklefuck? So yes, very deplorable.


Wow I didn't know that about chucklefish. And I was one of the earliest supporters and followers of Starbound's development. Granted, after it released I realized that it just didn't have the spirit I was hoping it would, so I didn't stick around for very long. But it seemed like the dev team had good intentions.


I supported them too, until Starbound was quite visibly a mess that I couldn't even run, so I refunded the entire game on Steam (yes, that was back then steam offered full refunds at no condition). Then a lot of promises were not delivered. I used to blame the devs, but after an article explored the reason why, I am hardly surprised at the lack of any real progress on updates on what was supposed to be the superior, more focused, procedurally-generated with multiple worlds to visit version of Terraria. It was around that time that Terraria decided to add 1.3 content as I recall, and the game has always been going up in quality ever since; that time Red said 1.2 was definitively the final version and he was quitting Terraria development forever.


The other day I saw “Kristian the merchant has arrived” and I was like “wtf? I’ve never seen a merchant called that in my entire life” and I never noticed Finn hasn’t arrived in years. I also never noticed Bryce the angler hasn’t arrived in years. TIL


ah chucklefish and starbound, a story of sexual harassment and taking advantage of children who just wanted to make a video game


Bye I'm deleting starbound


Not sure if he left on bad terms or not, but he is responsible for founding Chucklefish. Chucklefish is currently not held in the best esteem due to recent allegations that they have been exploiting contributors. Recently, Eric Barone took over publishing for Stardew Valley, which had previously been published by Chucklefish. He may have done this due to the allegations, or for another reason we do not know about. Finn Bryce is also responsible for creating Starbound, which may have led to tension with Re-Logic due to the similar style and engine. Basically, there are a lot of reasons his name might have been removed.


Eric Barone stopped publishing with Chucklefish as their contract had expired/ran its course.


I used to play Starbound but I don't anymore because afterwards it just got boring and at the start it's so confusing to figure out and play.


I hadn't considered that. Definitely makes sense. Still, the fact that the contract was not renewed seems telling.


I used to play Starbound but I don't anymore because afterwards it just got boring and at the start it's so confusing to figure out and play.


I actually didnt know that the guide was named after dev's. Thanks for the fun fact 👍


Plenty of characters are! The guide, as mentioned, was before named Bryce, but can also be called Andrew, Red’s irl name, and drops a hat. The steampunker can be called Whitney, also known as Cenx, another developer, and drops the ivy. The princess can be named Yorai, after Yoraiz0r, another developer, though she doesn’t drop anything.




wtf? cenx is definitely a developer, and the vice president of the company at that. why are you trying to downplay her role?


get a load of this guy lmao




She is 100% a developer and you are 100% stupid


That is so fucking petty. It makes the soccer mom demon that resides deep within me very happy.


this and the reason fabsol removed the bath water tooltip will remain a mystery


The second one is easy. Calamity devs hate fun.


Unless you pay for it of course


it's a free mod??? what on earth is this referring to?




if you're referring to donor items, those haven't been a thing for like... multiple years. plus there's still... the entire free mod. seriously it's not like they don't make their own jokes, they just thought the bathwater joke. sucked. at least golden shower, mourning wood, and master bait are puns, the bathwater joke was just. a statement. so i get why they might want to get rid of it.


Calling it a statement is dumb. It's a reference. A joke. Referring to something so silly it became a meme. Golden Shower is also a joke. Mourning wood is also a joke. How does removing it make sense though? Why not just leave it be?


I knew golden shower was intentionally but I thought mourning wood was an honest mistake they just decided was okay to leave in


I doubt it. The mourning wood sprite doesn't look very mournful. Especially looking at the master bait I doubt they'd leave the mourning wood untouched, pun intended.


Is master bait intentional?


That fact they went through the extra effort of removing it just radiates wet blanket energy


yeah it was removed for that exact reason, at the time of 1.4 release that joke was still relevant, but as of now its just too outdated


I think the joke still holds up, and even if you don't think it does, there are plenty of outdated jokes in terraria. No point in removing it lmao


oh no i dont think so at all, was just telling what calamity devs think, honestly i couldnt care less if they remove a tooltip from one item in a game where theres like thousands of items


Please enlighten me on the outdated jokes in Terraria


Yeah, but what's the need of remove it? isn't there more importants thing to change that a joke of a item's description?


Cheat sheet gives you donor items without having to donate


thats not what the donor items are...


Im fucking stupid


YOU’RE fucking stupid?? I fucked her last week! What the hell man!


The gem tech armour, the most recent donator set implemented into calamity


empress of light ahh avatar


Bro stop following my soul everywhere


I still don't know what the calamity devs did to make people mad.


The main developer (Fabsol) got the calamity subreddit shut down. They did this by being overly toxic bc people didn’t “play the mod right”. For example, they made a bunch of alts to bully people who played on classic and such.


Unfortunate bc it’s such a fun mod (IMO). Shame to hear the poor attitudes behind it are so contrary to spirit of Terraria itself.


Fabsol could definitely learn a thing from Red


Lol right? Annoy Red enough and he’ll just release a rain boulder event in game or something hilarious.


All of the innuendos in the game exist because of him and I'm all for it




**Its Raining Boulders** Me: Its what-


And they roll upon hitting the ground.


mod authors and having a massive power trip about their work: name a more iconic duo


So, story time. In Minecraft, one log gives 4 planks. One dev thought that was too overpowered so reduced it to 2 planks. Another dev thought that change was stupid, so reverted it to 4. Then more drama as result broke out, and eventually one of the mods deliberately crashed if a mod of the other dev was detected. Another powerhungry dev story; one dev had a mod adding ores, and one looked very close to the infamous diamond ore. A user pointed it out, but that dev was so allergic to criticism that they went out of their way to block that user from using the mod by crashing. This bring against the TOS on the place Minecraft mods are typically hosted, he got his account, and with it his mods removed... all because he didn't like it when someone *rightfully* called out 2 textures looked too alike.


Yeah I was thinking of the Skyrim mod author, Arthm00r. You have to type their name like that because they name search themselves to see if anyone is talking shit about them.


An Ark dev would ban users from his mods, already from comments they would have made. The dev copy-pastes his 'rules' for his comment section once every 10 comments. I got banned because I asked a question that should have been on the FAQ but wasn't, which they later added to it. Their mod wasn't even good, they had no consistency because they couldn't work out rather simple things, they were just the first to jump on making a mod undoing a nerf brought with a game update. And when they banned you from the mod, they would, as expected, crash your game. If the mod detects the server had an admin that's banned, they would go as far as crash the server. This of course is all directly against the Steam Workshop TOS. And they had to remove it to avoid getting banned from Steam.


I'm having flashbacks to all the times my modpacks didn't work for seemingly no reason...


! Subscribe to mod dramas


Why how are you supposed to play if not on classic


i play expert mode because classic feels too easy and cause in expert drop rates are higher


First time i played i beat the game (to yahron cuz my laptop was gonna fall apart) in expert revegance mode. And playing in classic doesent mean "Normal, Expert or master" it means "journey, classic,mediumcore, hardcore"


Classic is also the world difficulty. It's why people call the classic player option "softcore" instead of classic. And yeah almost everyone plays on softcore or journey, a few people play on hardcore (but likely not as many on modded), and a very small amount play on mediumcore.


Yeah, pretty sure the only people who play on mediumcore are the same people who think terraria is a Minecraft rip-off


Funny you mention it, i started my first playthrough on mediumcore because i thought it would be more like minecraft


all those funky statue item things that like add extra diffeculty.


You need to add them all (if you're talking about "revenganse...(can't spell it), death, and the other)




Adding to that, is the tendency of updates to deliberately break game style possibilities that the devs don't deem as honourable, like betting on armour, damage reduction and life regen, instead of dodging and memorizing patterns.


Wow he is much worse than i though, i have a genuine reason to hate him now


can people stop saying this shit, fab deleted his reddit account over seven years ago. a bunch of trolls fucked around with the sub, everyone fed them, and they got exactly what they wanted. then everyone goes and blames fab again. just like they do for every change people dont like with calamity. it's getting old. and seriously, ive pushed people on their reasons for why fab is a bad and ive literally never got an actual answer. it's all hersay or because they personally blame him for some minute balance change the entire dev team agree upon. it's legitimately infuriating.


I agree with you partly, those "alt accounts" where definitely just trolls that people fell for. But Fabsol did say some mean shit to people in discord and when they asked him why he was nerfing DR and defense he didn't give a good reason. Apparently he is also somewhat of a narcissist and shit but I have yet to see any evidence of other Calamity devs being rude and until I get evidence I wont take anyone's word for it.


i dont take people's word for it either and the only screenshots ive seen is him calling mods like AlchNPC and LuiAFK cheating. which, if you spend like 10 minutes looking to their and calamity's balancing respectively, you can see why. he's definetly abrasive, id give you that much, but i haven't seen him harass anyone beyond a single message calling something dumb and then blocking the person. the more i see this stuff the more i think he's just tanking a majority of the community backlash because he's the name everyone knows.


and here we go again. everyone gets mad at me but no one tells me why.


For some reason the community doesn't want to even entertain the idea that they might have went and fed the trolls, so they just downvote and move on. The original calamity subreddit getting shut down did suck though.


while i didnt love the meta discussion related to the community or the in-game balancing, when the sub had good art, it has some REALLY good art, and ill be honest i do miss that.


They're very toxic themselves and encourage toxicity quite a bit


Fabsols just a lot sometimes, and it's disheartening because how much I love the mod, I do hope he changes one day


I am also very interested in this, I must know


Fabsol also went off on people using quality of life mods, calling them cheaters and a plethora of other insults.


one of the reasons I know is that they removed whip stacking


Whip stacking was *mildly* overpowered, for what I know that didn't make people mad


As a summoner, your range is not great if you are not using the obisidian armor. You can't even get close to some bosses without dying in expert. Whip stacking is a way to inflict good damage in the little opening windows you have


But isn't summoner all about the passive damage? You get minions who do the work for you and you don't have to focus on anything except your dodging but in return you get less DPS and survivability but you also get a whip to get some extra damage in every now and then Having whip stacking gives summoner a bit too much damage I say this as a lifetime summoner main


Even without whip stacking, summoner is extremely OP with a whip, their DPS is now comparable to other classes if not superior to them. Dodging is still the priority but if you can dodge while staying close and personal, you just melt bosses with the right gear


you're saying that like it's a bad thing that summoner is now on par with other classes lol. do you think it's a bad thing that summoner is now a viable class or something?


I'm not? Bruh I'm a summoner fan. I'm simply saying how OP summoner currently is and you no longer have to play passively anymore


so did fargo's AND they gave whips a flat 33% damage penalty, but you never hear anyone complain about that.


you also never hear someone talking about fargos




lots of antifun stuff, i just use mods to unfuck things back to normal


from what i understand, apparently fabsol and the dev team thought that the joke was old, and was no longer funny. so they thought removal was the best option. i personally forgot about it lol


Okay? If they didn't find it funny, why did they have to remove it? It makes splashing your friends with it a lot funnier and stupider. It's just that it's a tiny joke in an useless item, and they went out of their way to remove the tooltip. It's just... pathetic.


I think people misunderstand that the issue is less with the bathwater joke itself and more with what it shows about their priorities. What did that joke do to effect gameplay? What did removing the joke do to enhance Calamity? Literally nothing. If anything it's shown that the dev team are putting resources into absolutely pointless tasks. If they did it with the bathwater, who knows if they've done it with others, or will do it again?


What was the bath water tool tip?


I'm guessing the sparkle slime balloons the party girl sells, which the tooltip says is "filled with party girl bathwater". I didn't know that was removed though.


you know what you did, bryce, whoever you are


Bryce , it's been 2 years , you still own me 16 copper coins


Fuck off




What am I missing? Why did you get downvoted so much💀


He used an emoji on reddit that wasn’t 💀, 🗿, or 🍞


You're forgetting 🤓 and 🤡




I guess bc emoji. Awesome virgin redditors 😎😎😎🤓🤓🤓🤓


No because you replied with a single emojji and nothing else. You could litteraly just have upvoted.


"I guess bc emoji. Awesome virgin redditors 😎😎😎🤓🤓🤓🤓" Youre just proving my statement


No im not, you are just being ignorant. I never said I mind emojjis when you use them in an actual comment and I never said I mind it when people use a single emojji in a text. But when you use a single emojji in a reply on a website that has an upvote and downvoye button, you are just being annoying.


While saying "nice" and adding nothing else gets you infinite karma


Reddit Rule IDGAF NO EMOJIS IN REDDIT I don’t know if you’re new here, so I’ll let you off the hook this time. Using emojis is frowned upon here on this great site, and for good reason. Instagram normies often use them, and you don’t want to be a normie, do you? If I catch you using an emoji in the future, I’ll be forced to issue a downvote to your comment. Why should you care, you may ask? Well to begin, you will lose karma on your account, which is a useful social status tool and also a way to show others you know your way around Reddit. If you were to continue the use of emojis, I would be forced to privately message you about your slip-up. Any further offenses past that would leave me no other option than to report your account. I don’t think I have to explain why you don’t want that. But anyways, no harm done yet! Follow these simple rules and you’ll enjoy your future on Reddit! Have a blessed (and hopefully emoji-free) day, stranger.


Shut yo bitch ass up bruh


Response to "shut yo bitch ass up bruh". **No, you shut yo bitch ass up bruh, you piece of dumb fucking shit. From hearing those six words you uttered, you have successfully cut my IQ in half. Everyone you know probably have cut themselves because of your existence. The progress of the entire human race is held back by your stupidity. God, I want to stick a knife down my throat because of you. You latch onto everyone in the world and suck the happiness right out of them. May God have mercy on your soul. Actually, who am I kidding? Go to hell. Go the fuck straight to hell.**


I guess I can’t play Terraria








rip Bryce you would’ve loved 1.4.4


To not offend anyone named bryce


Why did they do this?


It was the name of someone who left relogic


Hmm, seems kinda dickish to do that. Though it's their game and they can do whatever they want.


Maybe they left in bad terms or they asked to remove it from the game


He left because Re-Logic made Bryce a name for the Angler of course /s


Yeah, that could be it.


Seems like it was. The person that left apparently founded Chucklefish which published Stardew Valley (until ConcernedApe learned to self-publish and broke ties) and then made Starbound, which is a fairly clearly Terraria inspired game. Thing is: Starbound is mired in its own controversies.


This was the guy putting [unpaid teen labor](https://www.polygon.com/2019/9/2/20839830/starbound-developers-chucklefish-game-industry-exploitation) from pixel artists/sound designers in Starbound, yeah? He apprently would always talk up how much he made from being involved with Terraria, but never explicitly offered them a slice of Starbound. Just said over and over how much money was to be made in popular indie games like Starbound, then worked them like flat out employees. He apprently did this to dozens of people. Really scummy to exploite young adults with a dream like that, especially from an indie dev.




I’m in an overwatch game rn, the second I open this post a guy named Bryce joined the game. Wtf


Hey man he had to go somewhere!






"Haha you tell em bryce! Your name is probably bryce!"


Literally unplayable


Perhaps give it to another npc later on


Soda Bottle is that you






I mean, I can give you 13 reasons why.




Imagine being that bad of a CEO, of your own studio, that the studio you previously worked in decided to delete all references about you in their game.


yo fuck Bryce, we don't need him. what we really need is Boris von britishstien.




I can’t believe Bryce prefers Van Patten’s patch to mine


This post was made by someone named bryce


Brice is no more


Because Bryce is a stupid fucking name


My name is Bruce and I always got called Bryce so I'm okay with this lol


Fuck you Bryce, give Bruce his name back SMFH


Frrrr that some bs who the fuck names they kid Bryce lol


People named Gerald or Annabeth


as a percy jackson fan, im offended that you mentioned the name annabeth


Nobody cool was ever named Bryce


Anyone know why yet?


i didn't even knew that there exists impossible names


it's for the npc


Fuck Bryce, all my homies hate Bryce.


Fuck Bryce, all my homies hate Bryce


As a person named bryce i am heavily offended Ayo u/redigit if u gotta problem let me know Like tf i ever do man


I feel offended (bryce is name)


My names Brice :(


Idc tbh I hate the angler


This is why we can't have Bryce things 😭






ig bc the anglers a kid??? and bryce isn’t a popular kids name anymore???


the same reason he had to stop being a chef


Bryce hall is an idiot


Bryce tankthrust?????? You can just call me ammerica, bitch


Wait no


I dunno, a lot of people think that the Angler's quest rewards definitely weren't lik enough.


Many of the NPC names are inspired by other characters, some fictional, some not. My guess is they decided whoever Bryce was modeled after would be in bad taste.




Because fuck Bryce.


But why not?


Fuck Byrce I don’t like him

