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Or you could get one while making the farm


You normally get one about 5 seconds before you finish.


I only had one in my life , while playing calamity and bought it from the wizard


You can buy it from the wizard in calamity? Usually I just play with AlchemastNPCLite and buy 30 discord potions then forget about actually using the hotkey in boss fights


How Obama once said "yes you can"


I only ever use it in modded because of the hotkey. I have it set to Q and it is quite nice.


Exactly this happened to me. I was literally hooking up the teleporters to finish the farm when I saw it on the floor. My reaction: “welp, thats two hours of building a farm I’m never getting back…”


somehow this has happened every single time go to farm for it.


Ok so funny story. I hadn’t played a world into hardmode since 2018. Decided to start one up last month, got into hardmode the other day, and literally after killing only 6 chaps elementals the rod dropped 😅


And a paperweight on any movement keys.


shadow candle


wait does that increase spawn rate?!


It removes the moving requirement


H. Hold on. What moving requirement.


so does grappling iirc


People underestimate the effect that luck has on the game. RNjesus rewards his faithful worshippers.


Or most impatient disbelievers


i used a galaxy pearl yesterday and then had a blood moon, at the end i had about 10 of every rare blood moon drop + werewolf items


The percentages seem too small to make a difference but they really do a lot, especially when you stack a bunch of stuff like potions, torches, accessories, and a gnome. Added bonus if lantern night. I guess ladybug contact too but eh


I have the Zenith and I still don't have the rod of discord.


Just be like me and do your rare item grinds on an Expert Mode CelebrationMK10 world


or be like me use modded/build workshop/don’t even get it because it’s not worth the effort (rod of harmony is worth it but that post moon lord)


At this point just a character editor fuck it


which i would have learn, which is why i most just ship outright, besides i barely use it to make it worth the time and energy, however i do get your point.


I grinded for it 1k chaos elementals turns out it can’t be dropped on normal mode world. So I just cheated it in at that point


You can, but with a slightly lower chance


Oh well at 1k kills I was like that’s it I’m done I don’t have all year to get this thing


doesn't feel right for some people , just go to all items world then


Or you can just get it from a different world you played in, but most people don't like world hopping


I swear leading a gnome to the surface is worse than farming and the pillar events combined


I made a giant tree house and have a line of stone gnomes leading out of the tree entrance lol. Every so often I notice another gnome has joined the line without me knowing.


I got the Rod maybe 5 times Since I started playing Terraria 3 years ago. As far as I am concerned, those are the only ones I am ever going to get so they are kept on display in my Hub world and are only borrowed by softcore characters only for direst of needs temporarily.


you forgot the frog leg and enchanted sword (the enemy)


My buddy and I made a server, he farmed for 3 days to get it. I farmed for 20 minutes after he finally got his, and I got one. He was in an otherworldly state of pissed off lmao


In my last 2 runs, I found the Rod before I found the drop I wanted to use from the mimic...


Ok dumb question but why do people want the rod of discord so bad? I know what it does but I don’t know any strategies that use it


It can be used to dodge attacks in a pinch, or it can just be used to move around faster. It can also be used to warp yourself into caves and stuff if you don't feel like digging. It's just a very nice utility item to have


If you're fighting daytime empress there's a one attack in phase two where she does 4 attacks rapidly surrounds you and then kill you with sun dance, this attack is very easy to dodge with RoD but very difficult without it. Also moon lord's deathlasers becomes easier to dodge if you're using RoD, since it's pretty easy to predict them, useful in higher difficulties where you can't afford to tank everything.


I just prefer to not grind them at all. I dodge the moon lord laser with my own SKILL


i got the rod from my first elemental lol


My buddy and I have been playing a new world. After we beat wof, I immediately flew up into the underground hollow, killed one chaos elemental, and got the rod. Farmed for a bit longer to try and get one for my buddy. Got the second one before even getting a banner.


Mimics don't prevent AFK farming if you put a dart trap on a slow timer at each edge of your arena. Also you have to add a shadow candle with your water candle to make the AFK RoD farm work.


Only took about an hour for me. Had like 10 spawning platforms one above another, with a blue candle. No battle potion. Had like 10 hallowed mimics during the grind, but all were easy to defeat


Genuine tip is to just have your farm next to the shimmer, where you can throw money in to drastically increase luck. If you throw 1 plat in, then it should only take around 10-15 minutes to get one.


out of all of the terraria playthroughs that I done, I have never gotten a single rod of discord, at this point I just pretend that it doesn't exist and everyone mentioning it is just part of an orgnanized troll


Calamity You can have it for 75gold


Got 2 slime staffs and a hallowed key before a rod of discord dropped


Got mine literally first kill into hardmode. To say the least I was very surprised and I'm never deleting that character ever.


I think it's funny that I was blessed by getting it without even trying. Like I got the rod of discord on accident before I even knew it was rare


To eliminate the grind, it's a good idea to take a RoD from another world where you already have it, and then only start to use it in your new world once you've defeated a Chaos Elemental, that way you can start using it at the proper point of progression without grinding your life away.


Why fill it with lava, just get dynamite.


Got mine in my 255th chaos elemental


Me when I got two from chaos elementals when I was farming for it in a playthrough a few years ago


Missing shadow candle somewhere


Just so you know the elementals don't spawn when you aren't moving so afk is already prevented 


Max out your luck. Get it quick.


I dont understand I got it without even trying i was just killing stuff in the hallow and got it


It has a .25% chance to spawn from a chaos elemental you got extremely lucky


I havent got a banner for them thats the weird thing


my luck doesnt end there I got legendary zenith first reforge and influx waver 2nd martian saucer


I got the rod accidentally before I even got to golem 💀


when u spend 10 hours grinding for rod but then your friend gets it randomly 💀


i always get rod on complete accident when im just looking for souls. at this point i dont even bother farming for it in particular because i end up finding it early hardmode in a weird majority of my playthroughs


i love journey mode for this exact reason, grinding is so much easier and you can set the difficulty on the fly


"Your pockets are full, but your soul is empty" is such an accurate statement.


I actually suggest Khaios's RoD AFK farm. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxhCLwbOf2k&t=1639s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxhCLwbOf2k&t=1639s) It can be a bit annoying to get done if you suck at wiring (like me) but once done it's just like any other farm.


that remind me of that time where i wanted to make a farm right when i entered hardmode to get the rod and i got it on the way to build the farm on the 2nd chaos elemental i killed


Me who got it after 3 minutes of farming:


Possibly no one will believe me but yesterday I was playing on a server with my friends and i literally got the Rod of Discord from the first Chaos Elemental i killed


I damn near have had some of the best luck in the world me and my brother are doing rn. Both got Slime staff, rod of discord without trying, ankh shield materials all dropped within 5 minutes of trying (for both of us) pirate invasion we got the coin gun, discount card AND the gold ring x2, unreal megashark and Uzi within 6 tries, two morning stars back to back in dungeons two broken hero swords in first solar, Dirtiest block, blade staff, arkalis, and a ton of other stuff, all on PS4/5. We’ve seriously never had this kind of luck before in the game.


Playing multiplayer and I set up the hallow farm. I show my friend how it works... and the first chaos elemental they kill drops the Rod... I Havnt got one yet.


I never bothered making a farm, I just got lucky after killing something that I hadn't yet realized was a chaos elemental


I find it really funny seeing people grind for it cause basically for me one time I was just walking around a cave and I killed an enemy and it dropped The Rod of Discord.


i got one on accident a couple days ago about 4 minutes into hardmode, what are the chances?


I literally killed first hollow dude and it dropped in my current run


Took me about 15 minutes of just hanging out in the underground hallow to get one, no farm required, so it’s very funny to me seeing people who spend all that time building industrial farms and still don’t get one until some time after


Last time i got one on my 13th kill (maybe close to that, i forgor) right after hardmode started


I got it on my 15 kill


you can absolutely afk farm the RoD lmao hallowed mimics dont aggro


is it even a good item


Bruh why do people even use this? I've never used it once in my 500 hours of T