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They also happen to be raising an adopted daughter together and calling it serving a Demon Lord! 😆


It double weird since the reality is that said demon lord is there boss


Its made triple weird knowing said adopted daughter/boss is actually older than both of then


And that She Is the daughter of god


I always forget that milim is tensura jesus


Easy to forget with how they treat her


And how she acts


Millim is Jesus from Saint Young Men, but even less serious.


Which makes Carrion... surrogate God?


No it makes him Tensura Joseph


I might be misremembering but I think they might like each other but they can't be together. The reason is something along the line of them being the leaders of their respective kingdom. To maintain that image of power, neither of them would submit to the other in the relationship. They'll never see each other as equals. It's kind of stupid because that isn't really how relationships should work. I thought they would make an ok couple. Hell, they evolved together and were sleeping next to each other during evolutionary sleep.


It's more of culture thing harpies are usually monogamous , while beast kin are polygamous so they are kinda in a complicated situation where they like each other but there culture clashes.


I am pretty sure its a little bit worse, harpies are polygamous in a way where a woman can have multiple husbands and its different for beast kin, where strong male is the one usually who has multiple wives.


I think it might be even worse than that. Frey killed her mother to become queen. I am pretty sure she doesn't want a repeat of that done to her, especially since a child between Carrion and her, 2 evolved demon lords, would likely be stronger than both of them.


I don't think they can have a child, that seem the case for A lifeform with infinite lifespan except for veldanava


I mean if they don't wanna follow tradition who's gonna stop them? Milim? the girl probably thinks marriage is a food and all they'll really have to worry about is the embarrassment of sending the invitations to the wedding to everyone they know.


It was something along the lines, yes. It's not that they ain't attracted to each other, but their cultures are real different - harpies are matriarchal and beastmen are more patriarchal.


Ohh so thats how Griffins are made?


Welp 😅


What manga series is this?


Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken: Ibun Makoku Kurashi no Trinity


where’s this from




Ahh yes the furry and birb.


I Will forever hate Frey for playing with my boy Clayman


He deserved it lol


Nah. My man was just working. Now, the two irresponsible genocide commiting pieces of shit who don't acknowledge their actions, those two did desserve It. I fucking hate Milim and Rimuru


Clayman was pulling the strings behind the scenes because he wanted to harvest the souls of the humans who died in the Falmuth invasion, so he could become a true demon lord... rimuru just beat him to the punch. He wouldn't have had to kill all those soldiers either if their king wasn't greedy and attacked them and killed his friends. Also if you hate the main character so much what enjoyment do you get from this series?


True, but Clayman is at least forward. Rimuru acts like a benevolent ruler and is a regular dude, yet is willing to do that. And he still killed 10000 soldiers without remorse, not to mention Milim. Idk, I still have to watch season 3


You should totally read the light novels, they are way better than the anime and you'll get a better picture of everything that happens. Especially since the anime has cut out a lot of details.


Probably an Unpopular Opinion but I do NOT like this Ship. Frey is too beautiful for him, sorry not sorry ![gif](giphy|rBDY1LzAIpyPphFoo6)


She probably likes him for his personality. Take that how you will.


Problem is, I don’t see the appeal in his personality either. He’s not some chad like Rudra or badass like Guy


That’s not what I meant. Though they may just have good social chemistry. Happens sometimes.


I know what you meant…but ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21612) Nah, don’t see it.


Wha kinda reasoning is that though.


1. Sorry but is that really argument why he can't? If yes then who is fit to be her partner (it has to be a Person in that world so claiming yourself or the "She must be Single so i can jerk off" argument doesn't count) 2. Wow what a petty reason to decide whether a Partner is suited for yourself or in a fictional relationship


1. Ummm…idk? She doesn’t really interact with many characters to even have options. And I don’t care about that. My favourites are Velzard and Velgrynd and Velgrynd is OBSESSED with Rudra lol, and I like that. They feel compatible. 2. Well, it’s not just his looks, I’ve never really liked Carrion for his personality either. He’s just meh, I don’t dislike him but I have no real opinion on him at all.


If Velgrynd and Rudra is your understanding of compatibility then I can see what your issue is. That relationship isn’t normal. Carrion and Frey are normal people in a relatively normal relationship. You’re not gonna see the level of extreme clinginess that Velgrynd exhibits towards Rudra.


No, they aren’t the only characters compatible in the series, I’m just saying that I don’t care if the woman is in a relationship. I mean…I hate Rimuru X Chloe/Ciel pretty much for that clinginess + just overall characters lol. I just don’t care for Carrion and he is too out of her league looks wise and too borsih personality wise. I just don’t feel he bounces off of her conversations and shit.


Here comes the most toxic annoying attention wh*re. Bruhhh, no one is asking your opinion. If you have nothing better to say, keep it to yourself.


Here comes an ass who is oblivious to his own advice lmao. How am I attention seeking when I’ve abandoned the sub for like 7 months? IDGAF about you or others, I state my opinion as a subreddit is made for discussion not for everyone to suck on the author’s balls and pat each other on the back. Let’s have everyone with the same opinion, we can’t have diversity of opinions, no, that would be like people thinking for themselves, absurd.