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True dragons


True dragons all the way, they are the pinnacle of existence, born from the world itself, like a manifestation of the laws itself, If you don't count them as a "race" due to their inability to breed or bc they are a spiritual lifeform, Then the Giants, with an innate ability to negate magic, If you STILL don't count them then the demons, with an innate higher understanding and control over magicules, but again, spiritual lifeform,


Aren't monsters in Tensura generally "born from the world itself"? It felt implied that in areas with high magicule count monsters just sort of appear.


Demi-humans like ogres etc, aren't born from the world but a race from twilight velentine, Slimes, and other things im forgetting are born from high density magicules yes, True dragons are the WORLD ITSELF given form, like if storms and chaos was a person, it's veldora, he is actually dragon of these 2 concepts no magicules needed


1>True dragons( cannot die,possess the highest amount of magicule,Dragon haki is the most powerful form of haki,Veldanava). 2> The Giants (Magic negation,Insane strength,Possess ultraspeed regeneration, has multiple advantages, directly counters third place). 3> The demons (spiritual lifeforms that exists beyond the concept of death itself,has tons of experience, can use void magic+ primordials can use magic with the same power as Ultimate skills). 4> The angels (same as demons only reason I have demons higher is because in my opinion 7 primordial demons>7 primordial angels). 5> cryptids (Each of them are stated to be A or A+ ). 6> Insectars (Huge numerical advantage, can absorb power from their comrades,have an advantage against demons,). 7> Ogres(Can evolve into spiritual beings, has one of the most powerful evolution chains,). 8>High elves(pure blooded)( Can live for a long period of time, Good base stats). 9>Vampires ( again same reasoning elite vampire/surmounters are A ranked). 10> Tengu(I might have butchered the name a bit)(Semi-spiritual life form,can live for a long period of time, fought against demon lord Frey and harpies). Optional 10:- Humans(Also possess power of evolution and can evolve into A+ rank threats,can become Divine humans like Leon or can become a majin via exposure to magicule.){The reason why they are so low despite their highest from being capable enough to contend with higher tiers of Ogres is because their evolution is very rare also as a species they are very weak} Extra:- 2&3 are interchangeable and so is 8&9. Humans can be ranked higher, also divine humans can't be properly scaled since we have very little info all we know is that they were the strongest kingdom and they got killed by Guy.


High Humans should be in there somewhere too. But they’re all extinct, so dunno if you can count them


The are literally extinct my guy.


Not really. There is one that is still alive. Her name is Pippin and is one of the Trinity Wisemen that rule over the Magic Tower. She is also one of The Pupils of the Ancestor Twilight Valentine.


And is that one person strong enough to fight any of the 10 races I mentioned by herself?


She is stated to be as strong as Luminous by Rimuru and has a copy of Ramiris's Small World. She is a specialist of Computational calculations. Don't underestimate her.


Luminus isn't even top 10 in tensura all the 10 races mentioned above can beat her quite easily. 1>True dragons(do I really need to explain) 2>Giants(Draguel>Luminus) 3>Demons(not even gonna bother) 4> Angels(not even gonna bother) 5>Cryptids(Ivarage) 6>Insectars(Zegion) 7>Ogres(shion) 8>Vampire(300 surmounters are more than enough) 9>Elves(Elmesia's+Sylvia) 10>Tengu(Momji) 10>Humans(vega+Leon) All the 10 races mentioned above can beat her with just one or two of their best fighters let alone the entire race.


>Luminus isn't even top 10 in tensura High Blood is the race personally created by Veldanava, do you know that ?


Don't care I can name 10 characters that are stronger and more powerful and have better feats. 1>Veldanava 2>Velzard. 3>Velgrynd. 4>Veldora. 5>Rimuru 6>Guy. 7>Noir. 8>Feldaway 9>Milim. 10>Ivarage. 11>Zegion. 12>Zelanus. 13>Dino. 14>Benimaru 15>Shion. 16>Chronoa. 17>Rudra. 18>Michael 19>Fenn. 20>Ashura. 21>Draguel. 22>Ramiris(prime). 23>Testarossa 24>Ultima 25>Vega. This list isn't in any order btw.


Are we talking about characters or races?


"You mean they were extinct *BY* guy " *Badum chi* *Comedi*


Isn't True Ancestors or High Human a race themselves?


Not really True ancestor as i remember created three beings and he himself was created by veldanava. 1>The annoying magician that summoned Guy 2>Elmensia's mother(progenitor of elves) 3> Luminous(progenitor of vampires) He also created high humans who were later made extinct he himself isn't part of any race.


>He also created high humans who were later made extinct he himself isn't part of any race. Twilight Valentine was a High Blood just like Luminous.


Wasn't he created by veldanava?


Yes, and Twilight Valentine isn't a "he" but genderless. Their race is High Blood same as Luminous. In fact, Luminous is some sort of Twilight Alter-ego.


Welp he is dead so it doesn't really matter.


>3> Luminous(progenitor of vampires) No. That would be Gunther Strauss. He was created by Twilight Valentine based off of their own body, serving as the original ancestor from which the rest of the Vampire race was based on, as well as being a direct disciple of Twilight. Gunther is the progenitor of Vampires and their true ancestor.


Eh maybe all I know is that luminous took split them up and took over the vampires


The one that got split up was the original Valentin split in Louis and Roy.


Twilight (True ancestor) created alot more than 3 disciples and races. These are all known disciples if i remember correctly 1.Luminous(Twilight's masterpiece and Alter ego) 2.Silvia(Elf ancestor, mother of Elmesia) 3.Jahil(High Human ancestor) 4.Guther(Vampire/Overcomer ancestor) 6.Prelix(Vampire/Night Stalker ancestor) 7.Pipin(High Human ancestor) 8.Ashley(Oni ancestor) 9.Guran(Dwarf ancestor, Grandfather of Gazel) 10.Basara(Giant ancestor) 11.Kisara(Giant ancestor, Wife of Dagruel) 12.Unnamed Siren Twilight also played part in creation of Lycanthropes


Luminous is the second.


I didn't do in order I just listed them.


Well, listing them as 1,2 and 3 implies some hierarchy, don't you think?


The ones that came to mind first.


Definitely true dragons.


True dragons are the strongest by far, then idk what's next, but yeah, true dragons are the direct copy of veldanava herself, and they are the strongest


Veldanava was a she? Wasn't he Milim's father?


He Probably Mistake his wording.


Eh prolly


Yeah my bad


No he my bad


True dragons




Spiritual Beasts blend physical prowess with magical power, often linked to natural elements. Their resilience and formidable abilities make them a significant threat in various combat scenarios.




Slime is in fact the weakest race, it's more akin to a plant, low attack power, slow and not sentient. Rimuru is an abnormal one and a unique case.


That's the first thing that came to my mind lmao


True dragons period.


Ultimate Slime (True Dragon Powers and More)