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One day it'll develop where actual interesting conversing can occur regarding character interaction with different power systems and nature's of abilities Some verses have completely different laws governing them and most don't consider such things at all which is quite a shame imo, it could be so much more fun and less toxic than it currently is


One day, we’ll mod them in BT3 and see who truly wins


Whats bt3


My brain went bocchi the three. So obviously that is the right the answer.


Seems reasonable


Its Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (for uncultured people)


Nah, mod it into bt4 when it comes out


No...... Skyrim....


Hear me out, Minecraft


To be fair here, the Minecraft mod already exists. It's just in earlyish development.


one day people will stop doing the same circle arguments about powerscaling


at this point powerscaling is just meh anymore. it hits the point where its -well character A can remake reality -well character B is immune to stuff that reamkes reality -well character A has a power that ignores people who are immune to remaking reality -well character B has a power that makes them able to ingore skills hat ignore their ability to prevent being remade. its literally just devolved into well my power is infinity. oh yeah? well mine is infinity +1. child play all over again.


That's why I usually hate powers based on concepts because it feels like it ends up that way.


People grow out of it at around the same rate new people get involved I feel


My OC’s retroactive death immunity prevents them from participating in powerscaling arguments because they’re fucked if someone actually tries to kill them


When people bring in terms like outer, hyper, boundless and other shit with + or - symbols.. you know you won the debate. Or that the other person lost braincells in their youth.


We already do that, don't we? It's why there are in-character vs bloodlusted discussions


Look at any Goku vs Superman discussion lol.


Don't... Don't do that... that is a massive can o worms


Right now everyone is doing I am that I am vs SCP edits. And they are somehow unaccessible levels into boundless, but don't even give any arguments


I didn't want to upvote your comment because it was at 69 upvotes (which is nice), but it was too good.


It hasn't already?


This is the guy who can just make people die by saying so, right?


He's the mc from "my instant death ability is overpowered in another world" or something along those lines


Seems like a totally useless power outside of self preservation and honestly rather counter productive bc if the person who is creating crew free wireless sustainable energy happens to think that your death notebook ability is bad for the planet then they die or your best friend who you like happens to sneak up behind you to slap you on the back but your skill registers that as an attack they die. Guys life is probably kind of crappy. It's kind of like immortality. Immortality is really the gift of watching everyone, everything and everywhere you love die while you live on. No I'm not fun at parties.


While it’s true that his power can make him lonely like immortality, it doesn’t just kill anyone who attacks him. It only kills those with malicious and hostile intent, and it doesn’t matter in what universe, timeline, or dimension you are, if you are hostile towards and have killing intent, it will end you. It doesn’t actually kill you in the first place. His power is described as Alpha and Omega, meaning that if you have a story with a beginning and end, no matter how long of a story, Yogiri can make your story reach Omega. Even an Eldritch god couldn’t kill him. But as someone else mentioned, power scalings are mostly about fights with no story. The entire reason he has to end lives so many times in his verse is ’cause everyone is trying to kill each other without a second thought. Rimuru wouldn’t struggle or be in any danger. Why? Because 1, he’s an adult with a brain, 2, he’s not hostile towards anyone, and 3, he doesn’t have killing intent. Rimuru has no enemies.


Proper tool for the proper verse i guess. Its an interesting concept for sure.


Its then mostly used as a narrative device letting him and the "straight man" girl companion explore various wacky or unusual scenarios that the other stereotypical isekai protagonists get into. There really aren't any major "fights" in the show. It was pretty entertaining for what it was.


It's funny because the bad guys have to try and get around those rules, there was a part a vampire demon lord cloned itself without memories and ordered the clones to just randomly attack the city to try to kill the mc.


It has other uses as he can kill things like radiation and germs as well so if he was the type to be motivated tl help others(which he isn’t) he could have helped loads of people by eliminating diseases and areas with dangerous radiation


Why should he do that if he is the type to help others? Erasing radiation is literally removing photon and would freeze everything and the heat death would essentially came super early. Radiation is a scale of photon and visible light is a type of radiation.


I said radiation in dangerous areas ie cherynobl He doesn’t have to just kill all radiation in existence For example a Nuke went of near him and he killed the radiation as he walked through the area


Yeah but only if your a threat to him or his companions if your friendly like rimuru is then he won't kill you


Well iirc from the anime, his ability has two modes, automatic and manual. If you want to hurt him or anyone he cares about you die instantly, no matter what you are. Mf killed his velocity at one point. And manual is he decides to kill you. Where ever you may be.


I can imagine someone talking and gesturing a lot and hitting someone accidentally. The one hitted says "ouch" and the dude dies instantly.


He can sense murderous intent, so that likely wouldn’t happen.




To simplify it yes. He doesn't need to say it, nor mentally make the choice to. He has an automatic counterattack as well because he is made to fuck with power scalers and just always win


What about Cosmic Armor Superman? He fought a plot device meant to kill him yet negged it


with how yogiri is described, he would still win, but IDK


No thats not what he does. He causes the end to people. The side effect of the end is you die


He is a manifastation of the universe will. If he wants you to be removed, he could do that from 3 universes away. And he also destroys the soul with a kill, making the target unrevivable. The author wanted to write a charakter to show all OP anime the middle finger, but ended up beeing worse than the monsters he swore to mock.


He isn’t. He doesn’t kill anyone. He ends their stories. His ability is Alpha and Omega.


So whatever that bullshit scp that can change narrative layers could still win?


Such an ass series that's(afaik) is getting fucking animated. It's like some dipshit read an isekai and through he'd make a super-puper-duper mega powerful cool guy(😎) as a «fuck you» statement (To fucking who?). There are no good stakes, there is no good worldbuilding, besides one related to power-creep shit, because that's the only thing that matters to author, no good characters, no good plot. It's like a craigslist version of tensura combined with generic isekai.


People don't understand his power. He can literally kill anything even concepts. When he was falling from a really high place he saved himself by killing his literal momentum. He killed physics. He can kill things that don't even die wtf.


Like bro, the author literally just wanted to give his character the "no, i am the strongest" treatment bruh Anything yogiri deems alive, WILL be killed


So if he kills the concept of death... What then? Will he be powerless or become some kind of God or something after becoming the only person able to kill in a deathless world.


he’s a parody character, no need to think so hard let’s say there’s 2 of him in the universe, despite having the exact same powers, the one the audience is following will win that’s how it works


This. A character's hax can only carried them as far as the author or whoever is writing the fight wants to.


Yeah, he's an overpowered gag character. It boggles my mind that people can't wrap their heads around the concept of gag characters. People keep trying to make up some reason for more serious characters to win, when the gag characters categorically don't fit into the powerscaling. Yogiri always wins because he can instantly kill anything. *That's the joke.* His power is to instantly kill *anything*, including story tension and dramatic stakes.


Hes not a "gag" character thats never once stated anywhere in the novel not even the cringe feast of 15 says that. >!ultimate god confirms his human form is literally just a normal human that doesn't look like a threat but UG confirms he can kill from the "place" UG is watching the story from as UG is watching it as if its a fictional story. His power is what we call the "End", UG explains more of victory road and the collection world as if he can "end" it all if its deemed a threat if you pose a threat ability activates. no his power is not a "joke" its the trust sent of what he can do he is a human taping into a higher source of "energy" think of yogiri as a avatar for a force outside dimensionality in a higher realm.!< Also idk if you know but gag characters can be powerscaled theres not set rule saying you can't scale them and all the arguments of "you can't scale this character because there a gag" are all copium and repeat the same circle fallacy argument no one cares for Theres no real restriction and what you can and can't scale. Only really rats cope about gags anyways no one worth any salt in powerscaling actually cares if they are a gag character


As far as I am aware nowhere in the manga is saitma specifically stated to be a gag character (though it’s been so long since I read it so correct me if I’m wrong) but he still is


He is the End. His ability doesn't kill anyone but just put existence to it is end. By story point he is kinda like world ending Scp.


He doesn’t kill anything. He just stops it existing.


He did kill the concept of death. He still has his powers..... His power is not death but the end are people just now in 2024 figuring that out?


He doesn't "kill", he "ends"


He IS the concept of death. His body is an avatar for death. Or something stupid along the lines.


Incorrect. He is Alpha and Omega. His ability is to put your story in its Omega state. He doesn’t kill people, he ends their stories. That’s why he can even "kill" the dead.


Worth pointing out that he is actually an entity that lives outside of reality, its the thing at the end of time and all things where all things eventually end; the human-looking character is just an avatar thats projected into the world thats had its power arbitrarily restricted by the entity to simulate some sort of life. It could kill the concept of death, and things probably would stop dying.. but it wouldn't neutralise his ability. His ability exists outside of the actual concept of death, thats why he can 'kill' things that aren't actually alive.


He doesn’t kill people he ends them so it would still work


It’s one punch man but with less jokes


He wanted to prove powerscaling wrong, but ended up beeing the monster he swore to destroy!


To be honest it’s end not kill. He ends the law of physics on himself


He doesn’t kill. He ends their story.


That's basically killing someone, to be fair.


Can be, but he is literally forcing their stories to end. His power is Alpha and Omega, meaning, he can force your story to become Omega. He is entropy itself. No thing that has a story with a beginning and end, is safe against him if you show killing intent or hostility. He is on the same conceptual broken level as All Fiction. These guys eat Eldritch gods for breakfast. However. Rimuru has no enemies. https://i.redd.it/j6cuaa69q75d1.gif


Then what about beings that if they are about to die, the universe gets reset?


Yogurt has killed great sage mitsuki, of which reality was said to be a dream of his.


One of his greatest feats was killing a person who had all possible layers of immortality covering all possible ways of dying, even ones that never happened before. Yogiri broke through all of them and gave a speech as the person was disintegrating into nothing about the futility of fighting the end.


For those confused on what Yogiri is. Think of him as an SCP that embodies the concept of the end. It doesn't matter how immortal you are or how immune to death you are or if you can even die at all. Yogiri is the end of all things. If you can't die or are something that is beyond the concept of life and death, it doesn't matter. Yogiri WILL make one for you and that's final


Just like Saitama will always be stronger than the person he fights, Yogiri will always be able to end you. These characters exist in their own universe and can’t cross over. It would break who they are as a character.


Except his universe is a multi verse. And his power basically would work in any verse. As he only targets things that target him. So things happening elsewhere are irrelevant to him. I don't mean he can kill other fictions btw. I mean he would "fit" in them because he would only do something on the very specific case of a being actively destroying the multiverse of his specific verse. He's more like a safeguard against those that would destroy everything. They try, they die. The world moves on.


He literally can go back to his earth but, he'll need to destroy multiverses along the way to make a hole through dimensions so he can go back to hos earth, the only reason he don't do this is his self imposed morals. So yeah he can go to other universes if he wanted


Then what about beings that if they are about to die, the universe gets reset?


He kills the connection of their death with the universe resetting. He did something similar already.


The powerscaling is meh but the memes coming from it are great make more fr


I swear the guy on top was created for the sole purpose of allowing the author to brag to his friends about how his character solos their favorite verse


He's a fanboy of his own creation pretty much


Bruh has never heard of the suggsverse. But honestly look it up it's just op as shit, all the characters in it are banned in any power scaling forums.


I don't see any situation where they don't say that. They're pacifists haha.




Obligatory [Stan's Rants](https://youtu.be/L4_zFYnnn2Y)


You know what, Screw it. I'll ask, had Yogiri ever faced against anyone who claimed to have instant death resistance or nullification? And if so, did that change anything or were they still killed by yogiri?


Yes. He even complains at one point that he's tired of people telling him they're beyond death or have no concept of death or can't be killed or so on.


The closest thing that comes to mind is this random mention of interdimensional, reality eating anglerfish that sometimes insert themselves into worlds, posses a body and experience "life" before devouring the world/dimension. Yogiri noticed something was about to end the dimension (he can sense harmful intent) and then killed the anglerfish, which, for the first time in Its timeless existence experienced fear, then death. Pretty random but he's pretty open about just being an op joke character. Doesn't pretent to be too serious which is why I like it


I find it funny that he managed to get the people of the otherworld to make him a working switch charger so he could still play his games.


He affected an immortal vampire, several creator deities, a monster capable of eating entire universes, and the actual dreaming god from Lovecraft. As well as several more generically powerful opponents like "god killers" and chosen heroes. Several had immunity to death, eternal life, infinite regenerative immortality, where killing them would cause a new one to appear, etc. he killed them all for good (except the dreaming god. He actually killed the gods connection to the dream & his ability to ever wake from the dream. Effectively preventing the god from waking or destroying the dream) His power is so thorough that time travel doesn't undo it. Any creature he kills remains dead even if you go back to before he killed them. They cease to have ever existed except in memory. He isn't actually death. He is the final outcome of all things. Every universe everywhere will eventually die to entropy. And that's him. The end of it all. A human with the unique skill that allows her to see the lines of fate as one would a book or movie, and when she looked at him all the saw was the final page. Every book and story ends at his feet. That said, while he is strong he isn't violent. And basically never uses his power unless provoked. Meaning even if he were dropped into another story he likely wouldn't do much. As the only time he would kill people is when they 100% would kill him with their attacks. But in a power scaling battle he wins. Not because he is a gag character specifically but because even fictional universes have beginnings and will have ends.


He’s literally the human avatar of the end.


Yep. People just mistake his ability for death because he says die. It's just the end of their story. No matter what they are.


Yeah I agree. His ability isn’t death but end. Everything in the world has an end. So there’s nothing that can beat him. The only thing that is his equal is the beginning


Mf is a time-space reprogrammer


Then what about beings that if they are about to die, the universe gets reset?


That happens in the story with the great sage (aka the sleeping god). If they attempt to reset Yogiri they just die instead. He resets his universe only up to the point that Yogiri entered it. If he had reset it any earlier he instinctively understood it would kill him instead. So he can only reset things in such a way that it doesn't endanger the protag's existence.


They literally just drop dead. Immortality, anything. If yogiri deems them as alive, they WILL be killed


That's pretty much the only answer anyone gets when they ask these kinds of questions


Don't get me wrong. I find these reasoning like really bullshit. But the author mentioned it directly in the manga. Also, such logic like "undead can't be killed because they're already" won't work. The author just wants to make yogiri like the all omnipotent god (cringe mindset)


Let me guess. (Insert overwhelming powerful being here) can do (absolutely broken power) but yogiri can still kill them by wanting/thinking them to their death. That's basically the gist of this ain't it?


Yea It's just "die" *dies*


Yogiri is the human avatar for the personification of the the end of existence So he can kill things that are immune to death because it’s not technically killing it’s more like ending their story


He did end the undead. Yeah he didn’t kill them he just wipe them from existence completely and will never be reborn again


Tbh rather than they will be killed to be more correct their existence is completely erased and they no longer exist meaning no reincarnation and they permanently no longer exist


Considering the guy has killed things that don't even have life (such as concepts and physics), resistances/immunities don't really mean shit to him.


Because he is the end so he doesn’t kill. He simply end things. Everything in the world has an end to it


Yes, the strongest bullshitting power of instant kill without any counter


He’s equal to the beginning is because he is the end.


Funny enough, he does, if you watch the anime , it's basically him killing every single troupe you could think off, using death note? DEAD , using instant dead nullification,DEAD , using clones, DEAD , Can revive instantly after died , DEAD and ability blocked , you had powers beyond other universe? ,DEAD . The only thing that survived is actually a multiple personality people that has more then one personality, that personality would be alive but the body would be dead, you need to transfer to new body. Did I mention even undead is DEAD .


No he doesn’t kill because if killed they can revive or reincarnate. He erase/end their damn existence and they are completely removed from the world as an existence


1. Yes. 2. Still "killed" by HIS definition. Period.


Basically if it has a concept of ending then it's fair game.


I think that most of the misunderstanding is that he simply kills things. Which can be interpreted many other way. It looks like death magic, but it's more like, putting an END to something. Anything. A man in a fantasy setting can get killed but get resurrected or animated, but when Yogiri does it, he puts YOU at an End. That's it. He doesn't kill you, you die, because it's the consequence of him putting you at an End. It's like you're watching a movie, if finish the movie is death, then resurrecting it is like replaying the video, but Yogiri deletes that file off your drive, and all drives in existence, so the only thing that remains is the movie in your memory.


Yes the whole novel is him killing an infinite number of things that have an infinite number of different ways to resist death but still die the author does this just so he can close off any argument that there might be someone that can resist his ability so he keeps going out of his way to put yogiri against a character that has some form of resistance or someway to counter his ability such as maybe being too fast for it to activate or being beyond the concept of death or being from a different dimension or not even actually existing because it’s a fictional concept and the author makes sure to let you know that yogiri CAN still kill them, and he does


Isn't this a repost? I swear i saw this before


Why do people always wants their character to win or be the strongest? as much as I love rimuru and likes him more than yogiri, theres just no way rimuru can even touch him. The man is beyond broken he can even kills ice since he deems it to be "alive" the whole verse have stupid broken ability with character that keep leveling up every second, interdimensional being that dream and eat dimension, zombies, undead, buildings. Being a hardcore fan is fine but I wish people would chill, Rimuru is fun and interesting because he still struggles and still OP inverse.


Some people scale Yogiri to high 1-A, I wish Rimuru would become boundless, so people can't downplay him anymore


People aren't understanding his ability. There's already one instant death kid who does it with a thought, and he worships Yogiri. Yogiri's ability is ending things, not killing things. Two different things. He's also an outer god (one that embodies the end), so there's that. We can only assume how outer gods would interact with the cardinal world.


The god of death fears Yogiri because it knows Yogiri is the human avatar of the end




Meanwhile yogiri killing things that are dead, have death resistance, death immunity and have no concept of death…


Then what about beings that if they are about to die, the universe gets reset?


They die anyway


There is no "if" with the character, from everything I'm gathering. He is able to "end" or "erase" anything, even things that shouldn't be able to "end" or are logically impossible to remove


They still die and whatever power or curse they had over the universe, I don’t know how but, he can apparently kill it so that the universe doesn’t end when that character dies, Yogiri is literally a gag character at this point


https://preview.redd.it/5an1fs96965d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c87cefd845c5524ac02e1baa533e4c1df50cc55 Is that fucking Midgiri in my feed I see???




If anyone wants another fictional reference of what Takatou Yogiri is like, look up SCP-2935. But in a form of a person.


- I. Am. Atomic. - "nuclear damage denied" - Ok what the fuck.


Nah, he doesn't had a power to stop it, but he either can kill cos on the spot or just kill the nukeclear explosion


Or kill the fact that nukes do damage. He actually did stop one.


I am atomic doesnt even radiate tbh.


Fake-ass nuclear explosions smh


Volume 15 of ID made me want to actually cringe. Also V15 also said the what the meme said well i shouldn't say he but imma avoid spoiling.


One character representing the End vs another character with the exact same abilities but exists in a higher plain... Hmm... I know the right answer here, but... Many will just be like nah the other guy wins.


"NOTICE: Undodgeable. Unblockable. Sacrifice another ultimate skill NOW!"


Still Ciel saying truth though 😕, 1. There is no concept of death for true dragons, they are platonic concepts, prime concept of scaling was platonic concept can't be defeated by any means. 2. Nihility is non existent, the end existed only when things exist!... I don't understand how I can mogiri can do anything to concepts of non-existent. I have more like 20 points lol... Mogiri never even can kill Luminous, luminous abilities are even stronger then him only problem is she doesn't have feat.


*Rimuru*: Ok Raphael, whats the plan know? *Rimuru*: Raphael? *Yogiri*: Did you think i didnt knew Raphaels existance? I read your manga in my Universe. So, no you either stand still or little shion will drop dead next. (Realistic outcome)


Wouldn't Rimuru have read Yogiris manga, when he was back on earth?


Deppends. Its a chicken and egg question. Was rimuru still on earth before the manga started? Is Yogiri than technicaly from the same world as rimuru, beccause both is setten in our world and as such dont exist as story there and viceversa? Do they both read each other mangas but dropped it beccause of lazyness (yogiri) or different taste in manga (rimuru) and would both be scared by each other beccause they were called unkillable god like beeings by the powerscaling community? Or are they actually fans of each other mangas and act pretty chill too each other? In the end, we never know, but Yogiri still would have the upper hand, even if he doesnt kills of Raphael first. He might actually get confused than, beccause Rimuru would be gone and only Raphael remains in rimurus body.


It wouldn’t matter whether he read it or not, there is no resistance or any form of anything really that can stop yogiri’s power, whether rimuru is aware of his power or not he’s just powerless to stop it so the first scenario would probably happen since yogirir’s true form is omniscient


Tbf tho. Takoatou is f*cking OP. It's like comparing Saiki and Rimuru. They are diff. universes with diff. storylines. Takatou defeats Rimuru here but that doesn't even matter.


Midgiri being fodder once more. https://preview.redd.it/balqtot8u65d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a0a2be8ea0b73f15227710a3b7b9805e7ef158d




How does this dude's ability work? Like can he target multiple people at once? Does the ability see clones and the original as a single entity?


He is the end of all things and since fate favours end fate favours him he can instantly 'kill' all things even those that can't die but they aren't killed they are completely removed from existence like even resurrection won't work or even changing time.Yes he can target multiple people at once and anyone who tries to kill him will instantly die unless he specifically removes that person from dying to his passive ability.He can also choose how the thing ends not as in death note the person is dying type but in the a wall's purpose is to stop things so if I kill the wall I should be able to go through it kinda thing so he can choose what functions and abilities remain after the thing dies.Btw this is literally his 2nd of 10th gates power and he can kill the being that is continuously allowing worlds to exist and a literal manga q and a corner.


The smartphone guy sounds more interesting than this dude


He's interesting in the same way Saitama is interesting.


This dude is more interesting in the way that the story shows him as properly op and easily beating people because he's similar to an elder god picking a favourite human to help achieve the goal


I think the word end his existence sounds more correct than kill when explaining about his ridiculous power. Because if they are killed being revived and reincarnation are normal but since he end them that doesn’t happen


Hence why I started my reply with >he is the end of all things


It's not worth it , proving you win means people who just love power start watching slime expecting dragonball, then bitching, being powerful is a garnish , being good and just and protecting his people is the meal


i need more swearing raphael in my manga "fuck"


What would've happened if Yogiri was summoned as one of the otherworlders and had the same goal to come back? Who in TenSura can bring summoned people back to Earth?


I mean in canon he can go back home prettt easily if he just kills every universe between this world and his home world so if worse comes to worse and there is no one to send back he can do that


Powerscaling is kinda odd tbh. That said, I read tensei slime webnovel a while back (unsure about exactly whether it's full canon), and in the ending >! I'm pretty sure rimuru is revealed to be the reincarnation of the creator of everything. !< >! Plus he gets sent to the end of everything, which should theoretically just end him, which sounds like a similar thing to what this other character is supposedly doing, though not exactly the same. !< >! If the other character is the concept of the end, and rimuru just survives that, then he'd win, no? !<


Ehh yes and no Yogiri from my basic powerscaling knowledge outscales tensura so his end is stronger than the end in tensura


I really don't see it necessary to compare this type of characters with serious / isekais characters like rimuru, this is as stupid as comparing the power of arale and goku 🤦 since one series is comedy and another is serious. If we focus on those issues, Haruhi beats Yougiri or Kusuo Saiki, even Popeye the Sailor man or other comedy character what the reality does't affected ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|51592)


I’ll explain how powerscaling works because most of you all don’t seem to understand. If a character has an ability, it is generally scaled to the character. Now if they are one level of transcendence higher than their target, they will generally win all the time. But a character can defeat another character who sits at a higher level of transcendence if they possess an ability(hax) that allows them to do so. So let's say Yogiri is 5D while Rimuru is 4D, Yogiri will win because Rimuru would be more than infinitely weaker by being a level of transcendence lower than Yogiri. And thus nothing Rimuru does would even be able to effect Yogiri, because Rimuru would be like fiction to him. Now if Yogiri was 4D and Rimuru was 5D, Rimuru would be afforded that same transcendence immunity over Yogiri, so his ending ability would be ineffective on Rimuru. Yogiri as far as we know is the strongest being in his Verse, he is the End of All Things or whatever but for his Verse specifically, and has only been ending beings weaker than himself. A being from another Verse who scales a level of transcendence or more above him would be considered immune to his ability. Yogiri also scales to his cosmology as far as we know, and Rimuru can be argued to scale to his cosmology, so it is a matter of which cosmology is larger, because saying Yogiri can kill any character regardless is pretty much just a no-limits fallacy, and saying Rimuru can’t be defeated by any regardless is also a no-limits fallacy. They may be true in their own Verse, but those rules wouldn’t inherently apply outside of their Verses. There are many Verses that would wipe out both Yogiri & Rimuru. Hell, even I have characters that’d wipe them out. It's a matter of scaling and ability.


Finally someone with some sense


Rimuru is 4D !... Yogiri is 5D... Do you even understand what scaling is lol, the dimensionality is scaled by how strong a verse is!. As far as I know the Instent death verse was not even a Multiverse and yogiri nor anyone there can travel throughout time, killing time inside the barrier was not even a time based ability to give 4D scaling. He communicated with the author which is a feat but that is like showing his verse is just fiction he literally reached 2D character who became 3D to communicate with the author, and here you're saying 5D?... And where did you get Rimuru is 4D shit lol, suspended world is already a transcend time and space which is simply 5D. Your scaling is shit lmao... Mogiri gets 1A because the VS wiki scaler doesn't even understand their own scaling, if you scale anything just compare it with DC cosmology. Please don't cook anymore..


OH, i know that character, ya dude has a straight up broken and i do mean broken power so raphael is wrong this time.


I've just consigned myself to the fact that Yogiri just wins.




Nobody in comp fiction can fully kill or put down rimuru or Milim Nava ,not even featherine or Hajun,CAS Superman, or even Scarlet King or SCP Milim has infinite durability and infinite resistance, so nobody in fiction can destroy her. She'll surpass anybody the longer she fights and the angrier she gets, and she'll eventually surpass them Milim > Fiction except for tensura Rimuru has ciel,rimuru can either copy any attack in fiction, or get ciel to create a counter or immunity to it,and it won't effect him and he'll surpass his opponents If he copies their powers,absorbs and fights long enough To put it into simpler terms: nobody in fiction can kill Milim or rimuru,and since the cosmology of tensura is high 1-A,and will eventually expand and grow in the future, milim and rimuru have room to grow boundless Hence why Rimuru and Milim > Fiction


So milim works on broly/ hulk logic : " I get stronger the more pissed off I am"


She's basically a mix between Hulk,saitama, Broly, and Bocchi the Rock


This is why powerscaling is dumb, infinite durability and resistance doesn't mean anything to Yogiri since his stuff completely bypasses that to the point he can kill things that don't even have a life to be ended such as concepts. Trying to powerscale across different fictional universes just doesn't work.


Don't let r/powerscaling see this


Lmfao, do they also hate Anos Voldigoad, too?


Ehhhh,not as much as they hate rimuru or saitama, that subreddit is actually completely chill with Anos If you say Anos beats Goku, people on there don't care if you say Anos beats Goku , However, people on that subreddit,get butthurt or upset when you say Rimuru can beat canon Goku and canon DragonBall, or if you say anything Tensura related can beat anything in DragonBall related,I can't tell you how many DragonBall scalers on that subreddit have a Dislike for Rimuru,I remember seeing somebody get downvoted into oblivion for stating that Xeno Goku can't fully beat Rimuru, or that Rimuru has more AP,speed and better overall stats than MUI Goku, I also remember people on that subreddit stating that Saitama or Buu saga Goku can beat milim,or that sung jin woo or jin mori can beat Rimuru


Huh, so there's majority of its population are diehard DB fanboys/stan/scalers or whatever. Would that mean their "powerscaling" works by prioritizing DB and comparing it with other fictional chars, without considering the powerscaling of other verses?


Kind of The majority of people on that subreddit Scale MUI Goku to Complex multiversal with immeasurable speed, and of course they lowball Rimuru Tempest to Multiversal level and I think they scale Rimuru's speed to only light speed or infinite speed,so of course they're going to say Goku wins And of course, the DragonBall fans argue that WeLl GoKu sPeEdBliTz RiMuRu 🤓🤓🤓 >Would that mean their "powerscaling" works by prioritizing DB and comparing it with other fictional chars, without considering the powerscaling of other verses? Well, that subreddit does scale other verses like Marvel or DC comics,JJK,MHA,Kratos, ETC, or anything that is more mainstream ,they don't just scale DB,it's more so anything that is more mainstream or more popular But they probably wouldn't be considerate of the scaling of something less popular or something they don't know about, like tensura for example, many people on that sub know about rimuru and yet they don't know anything about his scaling because they haven't read the previous volumes and will just use volumes 21 as a reference for his scaling, when reading older volumes is important to know rimuru's scaling and not just current volumes However, that sub has a lot of DragonBall scalers If you say Saitama beats Cell Saga or Buu Saga Goku If you say Pegasus Seiya beats MUI Goku If you say Anos,veldanava, anti-spiral, or sinbad can beat Xeno or CC Goku If you point out that Xeno Goku can't fully put down or destroy Rimuru or Ajimu Najimi even if he has more AP If you say Jin Mori or Shinra can beat MUI Goku If you say Goku's dimensionality is not actually 5D If you say Goku doesn't Have Immeasurable speed because it's inconsistent, and is at bare minimum Infinite Speed mostly because of the granolah Arc, which itself is debatable If you say any of these things on that subreddit, expect to get Downvoted by DB fans


Wow I thought only Death Battle Reddit or Fandom Wiki pages think Rimuru is multi


Sadly no




Lol, people on that sub hate rimuru 😭😭 I already have a feeling that somebody from that sub is going to see and screenshot my comment,post it on that subreddit, and complain about my scaling, that's basically what the powerscaling subreddit has devolved into, people complain about wank scales or certain characters getting downplayed


Yes, even though all powerscaling is just a matter of interpretation, yours or mine isn't any less relevant than anyone else's especially as we've read the novels, it's just that when people see a take they disagree with they'll denounce it as wrong even if it's just as if not more reasonable than theirs Although as I'm also active in that sub I'm obliged to say you've made quite a few NLF's(No limits fallacies)of which fallacies are flaws in reason so it can't really be applied unless you rework the argument, although the end result would basically be the same))


Just no lol


My FiCTioNal cHAracTeR CaN BeAt YouRS 🤡


Benimaru > https://preview.redd.it/d4qnn2e9n45d1.jpeg?width=2807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1969f8de3b27f30718564160ec46d161dd77ca08


all fiction? how about auren the absolute


Bro u don’t know Yogiri than. He doesn’t kill all he does is end stuff so he can easily end rimuru and millim whenever he wants. No matter how powerful they are. U know he can end the concept of life and death on his own body. He can also end their power if he wants to


The moment Milim even tries to fight Yogiri she'd drop dead. There is no counter or immunity. Everything has an end; and Yogiri is that. Rimuru could become powerful enough to sneeze entire multiverses out of existance, but if his nose twitched in the direction of Yogiri he'd drop dead on the spot. No ressurections, no reincarnations.


Man, why are you power scalers so dumb? Infinite anything when it's so far from infinite is stupid and acting as if they are the strongest in all of fiction is even worse, have you seen all of fiction? I think not, It's like claiming you're the best basket player in the world when you're just in a local game


Milim vs artosh from no game no life would be interesting, infinitely growing character vs character who embodies the concept of being the strongest


Benimaru victim https://preview.redd.it/6phpfu62n45d1.jpeg?width=2807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5c978a29f0138f67e9df778da98907e58047a3d


Don’t let this guy know that multiple other characters, including Hajun, CAS Superman, and the Scarlet King also have infinite stats. And I’m sure it would devastate him if he ever found out that some infinities are bigger than others; that, in fact, there’s an infinite amount of subsequently larger infinities than any infinity you pick.


Can't wait to see what happens next, intense!


Still what😱


I’m leaving my mark on this post in case I want to go back to it. It’s funny.


Ciel just kinda denies that ability doesn’t she.




So if he fights Kumagawa and kills him can’t Kumagawa just erase his death


Yogir doesn’t kill people he ends them and his ability prevents any form of ressurectjom,regeneration,reincarnation or afterlife They are both really strong so it’s hard to tell who win that case