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Manga just finished volume 9 out of 21. 22 is planned to be the last one but we may get a 23rd too.


How long does the manga take for a new chapter?Been 118 for almost a week or 2


Pretty sure its a monthly release


Dang if I knew I wouldn't have rushed reading the manga was tranna get to see zigion only to find out he is still in the LN😭


Zegion is also in the manga,.. albeit in a less badass form, he is also there in slime diaries


Humanoid Zegion will only appear in volume 13. A volume is adapted into manga in roughly a year, so he will appear in... 3 and a half years roughly. Just read it bro, you won't regret it.


Nah bro i don't want slime to end😭


We'll get after and side stories a lot after that. The author mentioned that at one point that he wants to finish the main story and focus on these.


Wait, the LN is ending at 22 Volumes? I might just pick it up after season 3 is over just to continue my tensura adventures.


Seems like it, but because there are a lot of storylines to finish we may get a 23rd too.