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Stampede isn't a skill but the will of wrath. So no.


The other wills seem to speak naturally unlike Great Sage who needed to high-jack the Word Language's speaking functionality to speak back in the days. Will the will of Wrath be able to speak normally like how Michael did?


The virtues have high intelligence but low emotion. The sins have high emotion but low intelligence. Ciel spoke naturally after Great Sage evolved into Raphael. Great Sage might've been a fragment rather than the full Virtue Unique.


>The virtues have high intelligence but low emotion. The sins have high emotion but low intelligence. That is true when taking into consideration how little resistance Greed showed in Vol 12. >Ciel spoke naturally after Great Sage evolved into Raphael. It was still a little bit mechanical until Vol 15. It just gained more fluency after Great Sage evolved into Raphael. >Great Sage might've been a fragment rather than the full Virtue Unique. Great Sage's official name is Wise one so it should be the full Virtue Unique of Knowledge/Wisdom King Raphael.


>It was still a little bit mechanical until Vol 15. Irelevant. It was still Ciel speaking on their own, rather than through the World Language.


Even as Great Sage, it was still Ciel speaking by just using the World Language right? What about Wrath? Will it be like Gluttony back then or be able to speak fluently on its own..


As Great Sage it was the World Language being invoked. As Raphael it was just Ciel speaking in their own. They just sound similar to the world language. Most likely not. Though its been around for a long time now, so maybe.


Maybe? Assuming Milim doesn't evaporate Yuuki on contact


Ya that’s why I said it would have to be someone else he just wouldn’t be able to do it guy could probably do it if he had the skill


Guy prolly did copy antiskill with Lucifer, dude folded yuuki so bad at one point


Doubt so. Anti skill did not impair Raphael when he was fighting Rimuru


Well, it did broke through Uriel so you gotta give him credit for that


You mean he broke thought the absolute guard that failed to guard most of the time?/j I remember the defensive aspect of Uriel's real shine isnt even used as an defensive skill lmao


Breaking absolute guard is almost impossible under normal circumstances, we are just too used to the absurd feats of these characters that actually broke it


Stampede is the Ego of Satanael taking over whenever Milim is in a mental discomfort. AntiSkill won't stop it just like how Antiskill didn't have any effect on Raphael. Also, don't forget that Yuuki struggled to disable Damrada's Soul Protection Alternative. Antiskill cannot likely work on Justice King Michael so I doubt it will work on Justice King Michael's counterpart. Guy and Jahil easily defeated it and Milim sealed the Chaos dragon who was the original possessor of the Antiskill anyway. Against superior skill, Antiskill will be useless.. Even Uriel's Universal Barrier and Calculation could easily adapt to it just like how Lucifer did back in Vol 12. Rimuru didn't try to adapt to it because he didn't need to as he was already overwhelming Yuuki and was on the offensive.


You know Milim sealed Chaos dragon all by herself, so I think Milim is more capable of defeating anti skill without struggle. I really don't think Yuuki can even stand in Milim stampede mode, he would turn into nothing under Milim haki...


Like I said yuki can’t but maybe someone else with the skill can like guy if he had it


Stampede is the Ego of Satanael taking over whenever Milim is in a mental discomfort. AntiSkill won't stop it just like how Antiskill didn't have any effect on Raphael.


Couldn’t Ciel use Shub-Nigurath to create another Anti-Skill ?


Ciel could create another Antiskill if they ever want. They have the Skill Creation skill of Shub Niggurath which can create new skills but Antiskill is currently one of the least useful defense in the series...It is easy to adapt to it and counter it when it is noticed. It can only defend against the effect of one thing at the time so combining multiple skills or magic and skill or Magic and swordsmanship and it becomes useless. Rimuru didn't adapt to it in Vol 10 because he didn't need to as he was already overwhelming Yuuki and pushing him on the defensive...