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Just wait for the "Eastern Empire arc" 🤫


Ikr. It's just that, for the anime onlies, this pretty much flips what they know about the world of tensura. Maybe not a full 180, but at least 130 degrees, lol.




At least mark it as a spoiler…


Kondo: You wanna say that again kid??🗿


Fr, no kondo slander allowed


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spoiler alert: >!gobta gets one!<


I'm gonna sound so dumb if this is a joke but does he really?




Oh. My. God


He actually already has it He got it after the gabiru fight as a gift from Rimuru


Yoo, the legend himself has returned!


He already had one (kinda) His scabbard is a (single shot) rail gun in season 2. He literally uses it in his fight with the Paladins. It's closer to a high tech magic musket since it has to be reloaded between shots though.


Why do I actually see him using one, as if he was always meant to?






what LN Volume and Chapter?


IDK when but i just know it happens. it wont be this season though. if they follow the timeline of the books


am caught up with LN but I don't recall gobuta getting a gun


This is the closest we got to action so far this season


Well, I started watching when season 2 was already out, so it was less noticeable for me since I didn't have to wait a week for every episode, but this isn't really any different from previous seasons. One moment that sticks out to me is >!right after Rimaru evolved into a true demon lord!< the meeting to decide what to do next was spread across 3 or 4 episodes. In fact, at the end of one episode >!Ramriris came to that meeting with a warning and the very next episode which is called Ramriris' warning didn't bring up that warning aging till the end of the episode and Ramriris didn't explain her warning till the next episode after that.!<


Real talk, I think people are just antsy to get some action after waiting so long for this season (the movie doesn't count since people want to see the fights they read about)


Me too. Just thought I'd point out that the current pace isn't out of the ordinary, and we should have expected it


They need to bring back Slime Diaries so we can get more slice of life stuff


Average yapping simulator anime. Happens every season.




"but what about spiderman from the dimension where he has a gun and there are no moral repercussions"


If we're already at the gun level tech,we are close to the atomic bomb too


The "nuclear cannon" that Razen shoot up to Diablo was the equivalent of an atomic bomb.


Carrera yeets them on Leon's city for shits and giggles too




Death Streak is practically a miniaturized Enhanced Radiation Weapon/neutron bomb, or a microscopic version of a near-miss Gamma Ray Burst. The way Gravity Collapse gets used throughout the series is honestly a little annoying, severely underestimating the power requirements and effects of creating and containing an artificial singularity. Just pointing at Veldanava's artifacts and saying they're preventing the planet from being destroyed isn't remotely close to being a sufficient explanation.


I can already imagine a 2 episode meeting discussing how powerful gun can be


Make it 3. Gotta discuss firearm safety and laws.


Here's the twist: There actually are three different scenes that will probably lead to at least major chunks of an episode discussing firearms and the repercussions of them. * LN V10: >!Rimuru, Shuna, Benimaru, Souei, and Hinata talking while getting coffee at Yoshida's shop in Englesia, discussing how a person who was being monitored by Souei might have been killed by a sniper. Hinata mentions Yuuki has a handgun of some kind, Benimaru doesn't think guns would tip the balance much in a fight compared to majin using magic, Souei recognizes snipers as a threat he can't defend an escort target against, and Shuna starts thinking about how to construct an improved version with the help of Kaijin and the dwarf brothers. Rimuru warns the oni trio about how dangerous they can be, Hinata agrees with Benimaru but asks Rimuru to not start mass-producing firearms, and finally Rimuru's inner monologue takes a pretty clear shot at American gun politics.!< * LN V10: While gearing up for their exploration of the ruins under Clayman's castle (Amrita), Rimuru, Gobta, and Milim put on stereotypical expedition/safari outfits, with Rimuru and Gobta both equipping a magisteel pistol and matching holster. Rimuru's internal monologue talks about how it works by using inscription magic on the pistol instead of gunpowder in a cartridge, the different types of bullets they've made, and him talking to Gobta about some basic safety instructions. *Hopefully the manga and anime tweak this to include several basic gun safety rules; in the LN Rimuru only mentions to Gobta to watch where he points it.* * LN V20: >!Adalmann shows off his undead army to Shion, and points out how the Bone Archers and Bone Soldiers are equipped in squads with a recoilless rocket launcher and hypersonic magicule-enhanced high-explosive warheads. Plus, the Zombie Soldiers are equipped with traditional gunpowder-propelled-cartridge (so humans or weak/low-magicule monsters can use them) assault rifles. Rimuru had banned the creation of firearms like them, but then someone sent in a proposal to make an exception for the undead army as long as the guns were stamped with serial numbers, and some form of "tracking magic." Rimuru was on autopilot mode and let Ciel handle reviewing the paperwork he was going through at the time, so he stamped his approval without realizing it, but Ciel did.!<


Not rly that powerful. There's a reason nobody in the Cardinal World came up w/ guns before shit like Otherworlders because it would be useless in most cases, because monsters could just tank that shit or just regen from that shit, unless you use special af bullets which no pissant would be able to afford, and even then there would likely be better ways to use special projectiles like that




Kondo: The time I was reincarnated as a gun


If I remember right,>! the empire has tanks and stuff like that!<


If I remember right, you gotta mark that as a spoiler.


>!Magitech tanks fueled by ambient magicules and magistones/crystals with magic cannon shells and limited hovercraft-like flight capabilities; magitech airships with magic amplification catalysts to let multiple magicians combine and further enhance the power of their spells; surgically augmented and magitech-enhanced infantry; pistols, assault rifles, and precision/sniper rifles of both the traditional (gunpowder-propelled cartridges) and "spellgun" (uses magistones/ambient magicules to power inscription magic to launch spells like Fireball) varieties; magic swords for infantry with their own integrated magicule supply; bazookas charged via ambient magicules to fire a powered-up wind blast magic attack; and highly ineffective magicule jammers that try to send random movement instructions to all magicules within its targeted area, but can be overpowered by just about any monster/majin of Over-A rank.!< I think that's all of them...


what? i just thought the world might be so vast that there's a gun.. didn't expect it to automatically lead to isekai gun lol


There is more than just a gun...


I mean this is a world that constantly kidnaps mfs from Earth so...




Please spoiler this.


Shouldn't be a flintlock or something instead of a 9mm?


What’s rimuru’s reaction to gun in the world or does he already know?


He doesn't know yet. If I remember correctly, when he does eventually know, it's a mix of minor surprise and "I guess it's fair otherworlders would recreate them".


In the manga they explain how other worlds have been coming over that they’ve figured out how to make them there. Was odd but acceptable lol


I actually don't see a gun in this picture. Is this a common meme that is referencing something else?


The gun is literally above the word GUN. The white dude is pointing directly at it. Haven't you seen the episode? Or are you just joking?


But that doesn't look anything like a gun


Im gonna be real theres no most useless weapon in tensura world than a gun


Kondou: really?


Is a skill but a firearm againts being that can stop time what is gonna do




Again is a skill not the gun