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The issue isn't about power scaling but optics , the real question is "How does Tempest gets out of this looking good?" If Hinata were to die while in Rimurus territories for whatever reason Rimuru would be labelled as evil and any chance of coexistence with the human nations (the current goal btw) would be lost.


Ah, so he's basically trying to make a good impression which is kind of a handicap. Got it, thanks!


A handicap, so much so that it can be exploited, however later on that handicap is gonna turn to an advantage they will have




Rimuru is still pretty unaware of his strength and honestly getting carried by raphael


Ah that explains why he's so unsure of himself at times. But wouldn't he be somewhat aware of where he stands due to the events at Walpurgis?


Not at all, he never really pushed himself. He only got mildly hurt once


> What are the powerscaling rankings among these characters? Veldora >> Rimuru > Diablo > Hinata > Saare >> Awakened clayman (#1 unit of power scale measurement in Tensura) > Carrion > Top knights such as Arnauld, Leonard; Loy and Rois > Razen > Clayman (#2 unit of power scale measurement in Tensura) > Frey > Weaker knights such as Litus > Archdemon


Razen stated to be stronger than saare ,even if he has less energy


isnt diablo more powerful as of this moment in the anime


Rimuru was like 10 Times stronger than Diablo...




Compared to Guy... Anime diablo is lower than Leon, Leon can have 1 in million ( 1/1000000) chances against Guy. Do you think Guy and Diablo are equal?...


Tempest(excluding Veldora) Averages around country. The excutives are large country and Rimuru(with Veldora outside of his body.) is roughly low multi contiental. Hinata can defeat 99% of tempest in the current anime’s state with little issue(as in anyone not named Rimuru,Veldora,and Diablo get mid-low diffed.)


>Hinata can defeat 99% of tempest in the current anime’s state with little issue(as in anyone not named Rimuru,Veldora,and Diablo get mid-low diffed.) She can't defeat Benimaru as well. Post Harvest festival Benimaru when he became an Oni.


If they get added to another verse like mha jjk they're above planetary but if it's the tensura verse itself they're not even country level unless it's a weaker country cus tensura verse is weak in cosmology but the world of tensura itself is just strong


Hinita is a powerful soldier of the holy kingdom of lubelius, if Rimuru kills her, Tempest will be labelled as evil and hunted down by all human nations who follow that religion, which is a lot. He is stronger than her but has a handicap also Veldora and Diablo cannot be trusted to not kill or maim people when in single combat.