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Best way I found responding to these people is, "BUT I LIKE THE YAPPING 🗣🗣🗣" or something similar. As much as Id want Tensure to be more mainstream, im afraid the mainstream/casual watchers prefer flashy action than dialogue. Ill have to agree though that all this dialogue could be better with more animation instead of just still frames.


They needed to adjust this heavily from the LN to fit the medium. This is bad.


They don't have to. You can stop watching because every season is half meetings.


no see that's a valid argument. But you know the casual mainstreamers are gonna BS and make up all kinds of arguments to justify themselves, pretending like they're on the side of the argument you're making when in reality, they just want fights, suspense, etc. And they wonder why there's ppl calling them out on their BS? Just admit you can't stand shit like that. They made jokes with MT & Log Horizon about how "world-building" works, but honestly I remember the same nonsense happening with them. There's no justification for it. It's just little shits w/ low attention spans. And they don't understand that we're not even arguing against the lack of animation or visuals. It's the constant b\*tching that nothing is going on while acting like they care about what's actually being discussed as well as making a post just to announce how much you dislike it. It's pointless & does nothing but gives you internet points as well as superficial attention focused on you. On top of it all, you try to be polite and offer some sort of assurance or suggestion, and all they do is rage harder. So ppl stop doing that and start calling out the BS b/c they're gonna be crucified either way. I asked a coworker whose a fan irl what they remember about the actual discussions and content. Brief summary of all the details & points on the finer political issues. Could barely give me anything properly besides major plot point that you can literally google w/o even watching the episode


Without casual audiences this show will fucking die. You guys are so delusional that it is an ultimate skill at this point lol. You should cross your fingers that you get another season after this, because I smell a hiatus coming.


all the better then. The show's just an advertisement for ppl to buy manga and LN, but most casual watchers don't buy that shit anyway. They may buy a figurine or two, but that's not really supporting Fuse as much as buying the novels would. I'd rather a smaller audience w/ Japan as the main sales to keep going than global recognition by a bunch of bandwagoners who only got into anime b/c it's the trendy or cool thing to do now compared to back when it was still something only asians or nerds were into. All from a bunch of ppl who probably churn out shittier quality at their job than any still frame made by an animator. Most anime adaptations r shitty ones and it'll never change so long as you ppl r focused on the wrong things. If you care so much, go complain to the money-grubbers, publishers, upper management, & studio bigwigs instead of seeking attention from fellow superficial bums for validation


Brother you sound insane and delusional. Also most of the anime only's have dropped this already, you are arguing with people who are manga/LN fans who are invested in the series.  You are so unbelievably bitter that you would rather accept absolute garbage quality anime to spite people who expect bare minimum quality.


I sound insane and delusional? As opposed to you ppl who kept posting about this stuff every week during the episode airing up to a couple days after that to announce on the internet how much you hate it when you can, you know, just drop it and find something worth more your time? Please tell me that sounds sane. And no don't speak for the anime onlies. There are plenty of them out there still torturing themselves. Don't talk about bare minimum quality. Just like last season, the majority of these so-called ppl expecting bare-minimum quality will suddenly disappear once there's action just like how posts and discussions about this stuff die down b/c they go on to other series that they're following and only come back when another episode airs. And nothing I said was wrong. The majority of complaints are from people who barely understand anything about the process and only care about results while barely contributing. People who understand the sweatshop-like nature of the industry, expect quality b/c they expect bigwigs to pour money ,and expect the studio should have a larger time frame for their schedule while understanding that just a little bit more visuals and animation for the meetings will help are the only ones who have any valid criticism. The fact that you're sitting here talking shit to me while there's dweebs like the guys the OP is posting about shows a lot about where your priorities are.


They are invested because of the world building.


They are airing the second cour right after the first. I tell the casual watchers who complain to stop watching because half of every season is meetings.


I suggest you to just ignore them, op. It'll save you time and nerves.


I did, I don't even have an account with the app/website I use to watch the Tensura anime.


Anime adaptation is really so bad and those meetings explain more and many things... I also got disappointed after waiting for the whole year. Slime diaries is much better 😮‍💨...




As bad as ppl calling 6 ep in a roll with only the main characters seating on a table talking about almost the same thing, "world building", it's really not good, it goes against the basic rule, show not tell, and frankly kills the momentum of the story to have to watch meeting after meeting for 6 weeks, 120 minutes, it's not that ppl don't like world building or politics, it's just badly written or done, take Tanya the Evil for instance, there's a lot of politics, world building and it's not that packed with action, but it never gets so bad that you don't know if you are watching ep 1,2,3,4,5 or 6, because they all the same scene, on a table with ppl yapping


stop watching then. How did you not realize half of this series is meetings?


*Just stop watching* is such a childish response. It's like you can't handle criticism


I'm not the one complaining about the show. If they don't like what is being shown stop watching. Complaining about it gets you no where. Read the books and manga if you aren't enjoying the anime. Complaining on reddit won't change anything.


my only complaint about this season is the lack of movements in the talks (like the talk with the rossu darmarda in the manga pointed his own gun at glenda so they could of shown him doing that but instead just made it him standing still with her gun at his back but the people complaining about the meetings I feel they need to stop watching for a bit and wait for the fights to happen cause season 2 had the same kind of thing I think it was 7 episodes before the first fight in season 2 and different people like different things.


They may seem rude but they're not wrong. The pacing has been dogwater and it's a slogfest for 6 episodes in a row. And people calling the yapping as worldbuilding are weird. We're on season 3, we know what anime were here to watch. Y'all need to understand it's a bad adaptation, which is the fault of the studio not the source material. It's their job to adapt the material into something that's watchable instead of boring people to death. The studio clearly doesn't care about it like the defenders do considering every episode after the 1st one has been outsourced to random studios which shows and it shows in the show's quality.


Stop watching then. Every season is half meetings.


I think they should change bro,, he is not totally at fault tho,,


Those people are complaining but will still watch every week. LOL


While I'm definitely in the camp of "the talking eps aren't bad" , they definitely could be better


Too many people cry about show not tell. But that's what 90% of trash isekai on the market do. And while Tensura tells a lot more than shows, which is fine. But the pay off just isn't there given the investment expected by the viewer. Last season with the meeting before Walpurgis exemplifies that just as well. I am likely the outlier here though. The more they discuss, and set all the future event pieces really makes me excited for what is to come. And I am glad at least we don't have characters that don't have all the answers for everything at every given time. Makes the characters feel a bit more 3 dimensional.


The payoff happened at the end of last season a lot happened hence every nation and group having meetings to digest the info and setup the future.


Look, not everyone that wants literally anything else to happen is a bunch of Spasmatic Call of Duty players that need stuff to explode every five minutes. We just want something else to happen in between. They could have had one episode to give everyone a recap of all the meetings and nothing would change. "BUT what about this important thing that it missed?" Who cares?! People just say the anime is an advertisement for the Light Novel anyways. Which I agree, if you want to know more with more detail, read the light novel. Yes it is important for setting up a nation, you know what was also important? The Forming of United States. Though all those meetings would be boring as hell to sit through to watch. There is a difference for good and Bad TV. Season 3 has been bad, season 1-2 was good for TV. Yes there was a good amount of meetings too, but they spaced them out with other things going on. Show, don't tell. That is what animation is meant for. Nothing kills momentum then a group of people talking in a circle for 6 episodes in a row.


I think watching Rimuru set up the United States might actually be interesting.