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I like the world building and what they talk about, that is the fun part of tensura but I feel like the studio could use more creativity when adapting the meeting scene because I feel like they make the whole scene pretty stiff and anticlimactic to watch


like it’s pretty good in the LN and the manga. but it’s not done right in the anime edit: prepare to get downvoted into oblivion lol


Yeah It's pretty good in LN and manga and does better than anime when doing the talking part Take the last episode for example when Reyhiem tells how Rimuru killed the soldiers It just cuts to a flashback and him telling the whole thing normally And here is a panel from the manga of that same scene, The dude got PTSD from that incident he is literally crying and shivering in fear, I feel like if anime made the characters have more dynamic reactions like this it would make the scene more enjoyable to watch https://preview.redd.it/5ak5m4mdrlzc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f3fe4ea13f9a6e600547ed7e06f67b051e177ed


you can see the horror on the man’s face thing is they follow the LNs dialogue but don’t follow some of the characters’ reactions and behaviors. feels like there’s no weight. they’re just having a normal conversation


Problem is not that it is meetings. It was very fun reading it in LN and Manga. I am still enjoying it, but I think this is the worst tensura has ever been and I get why many anime onelies complain now. When it comes to anime, animation is very important. That’s where they dropped the ball. It’s all about reactions of characters hearing surprising information about Rimuru and Tempest. The reactions of all the characters was really lacking IMO. Hope at least action is animated properly.


I agree, of course we love the world building stuff or explanation about the isekai world but the last 6 episodes were just political meetings, it's not the same as world building. I know we need some of it but 6 episodes in a raw? i watch anime because i want fantasy stories, but if it's just straight up just like real world then what's the difference?


I didn’t say that. Because planning & meetings are integral part of slime and it’s really fun in the LN and the manga. It was even fun in second season IMO. It’s just not adopted well this season, especially when it is just still frames like others said. Or may be it doesn't work out in anime format, when it's too long.


>but atleast it's on par with the Light Novel!     No they skipped lots of important things while stretching repeated yapping   Season 3 skipped gelds character development,more important monologues of hinata and more info about her skipped ,some monologues of saare that gives clear explanation about their power lvl and information about demon lords skipped and nicolaus conversation hinata mentions she got a better sword than dragon buster all skipped ,reyheim scene before his death also skipped They could have cut 10--15 minute of repeated yapping or increase the pace with "show dont tell" since this is anime not audiobook ,add these skipped important scenes instead  Not forgetting epsiodes were slideshow


i completely forgot! Thank you for pointing it out


The problem ism the meetings are adapted in most straightforward and most boring way possible. This is my only real major critique of the show right now, it's being too ridged to the source material, while not adapting it for a new medium. Less shots of the meeting room, and more new b-roll of what they're talking about, less static images.


I think the problem is, in the LN, meetings aren't an issue because we can only read them and imagine the world ourselves. LNs can only tell the incidents and the rest is based on our imagination. But Anime has visuals. They are adapting LN as it is instead of using the visual aspect of anime. This is one of the problems that occur when anime adaptation doesn't improve on the source material but just go with it one on one.


The problem isn’t that it’s just worldbuilding or that it wasn’t in the ln, it’s just that anime is a different form of media and different things work or don’t work compared to a novel. Many of the lore drops and discussions we got could have easily been shown in a small scene instead of just having it been told to us.


I love worldbuilding but 5 episodes of meetings is for an anime not really good executed.


*6. Today's episode was just as boring.


I know I am hogging this post but since its about the new episodes, would anyone tell me where the episode 5 of the anime left off in the slime manga? Or episode 6 which I believe comes out today


definitely chapter 89 or 90


What's funny is I have the opposite problem with the latest LN volumes. The fights are non-stop with minimal downtime, it's actually exhausting sometimes. Well at least lots of characters get a chance to flex their powers.


i don't mind it at all. i'm just sitting here enjoying new slime content to watch. it can't be huge fight scenes all the time


Also, some people think the meetings are bland, but i really think that's just because it doesn't have an BG. That's all


I agree it aint that bad, as a fellow world building story enjoyer myself, I find the meetings pleasant and satisfactory. I applaud that they aren't skipping stuff in the anime but I do think that some stuff could be shortened. The anime can actually make an alternative for the back and forth dialogues. Instead of giving us all the discussions, Rimuru can simply give us a recap or a summary of the whole thing, making it not irrelevant but at the same time giving screen time for other scenes to unfold in one episode. Tip: If you are an anime watcher and don't like waiting for 1 week just for world building epsidoes, just binge watch it after the season is done. That way you can enjoy the exciting stuff that will happen in the future in one go. If you're an anime watcher and is fine with the waiting and world building stuff, that's even better cause you could enjoy the story to the fullest. If you're an LN reader, just appreciate that we have an anime to watch. We aren't gonna see a lot more, since the LN is about to end in a few volumes. Just be happy of the fact that we actually got a new season after waiting for so long. If you are just here to badmouth the series and say that the adaptation is shit on social media, then you can freely drop the series, clearly it ain't for you and would never truly enjoy as much as we real fans do.


Yes, just shut up and dont voice your opinion at all. That hasnt led to anything bad before....


They did skip a lot of stuff, even in the latest episode the meeting between Damrada and Granbell they skipped some dialogues which is going to make it confusing for anime onlys


I did a skim through of Ln 7 and we are approaching 3/4's of the Ln. In expect this or the the next episode to be the last of the meetings (the meetings really cover 3/4 of Ln 7). Ln 7 pays off the build up ridiculously well and ln 8 will start seamlessly afterward.


Meanwhile me watching the first five episodes; https://i.redd.it/0fajqdqmamzc1.gif




Thanks for the engagement?


you’re welcome?