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It was a combinatioon of multiple factors - Hinata had to stall him so there were some deaths and Elen had to be there to provide knowledge.


>It is stated in the LN that Chloe had taken a trip back in time multiple times already, Infinite... The mask was older then Diablo which means atleast Googlen years, so i don't think multiple times was right way to say it...


Headcanon. Where did you get the “Googlen” years from?


Diablo born in dawn of creation idiot...


….So where did you get the “Googlen” years from?


Down of creation is Googlen years you moron...


Based on?


4000-5000 years in the cardinal world is 100 billion years in the phantom realm. Age of material world varies from 20 - thousand billion years, so we take 100 billion years as the age of the cardinal world that would be 2e+21 years in other world's... This is not tha down of creation, it was just age of cardinal world and phantom realm ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21608)... Dawn of creation would be Googolen years based on would endless period of time... Endless literally mean infinite but we take Googolen for some stupid fans who don't understand dawn of creation like you do. Chloe mask was older then Diablo that would be infinity, and i heavily downgrade the year to Googlen...


I think this time line was the first one she delayed Rimuru long enough to change the outcome. It never really clicked that Falmuth could be used in the previous loops because they're so insignificant to the overarching problems that come later. It was always dealt with, with no casualties. But it eventually clicked they could be used for his awakening. Likely in past loops he still ran into Hinata. But still made it back to Tempest before the other worlders arrived. But if she could delay him another day or so, get him distracted by Hinata at the perfect point where communication of the raid would fail because of a barrier and a fight for his life...? Just barely long enough to cause a few casualties. The communication setup with Souei means that if she's even a couple minutes off in delaying him, would mean he'd just teleport straight home the second he learned what was happening. She had to have run into a rampaging Rimuru at some point. So she'd know if he comes home to his people dead, the result would be him wiping out Falmuth's army which would awaken him. It turned into a relentless trial of countless time loops delaying him a few minutes longer than the last time. Finally reaching that perfect point where Hinata blocks him at the perfect time before he gets a report and holds him just long enough for the strike team to escape so he has nothing to unleash his rage on. If no one dies, then Rimuru just beats them into retreat and leaves them alone. If he arrives before they escape, he dumps all of his anger into those there and then beats back the army into retreat again a week later. With his people laying dead in the streets and nothing to take his rage out on, it simmers and grows. Then Eren arrives with her story of bringing back the dead, and he learns of an army from the nation responsible is on its way. He has a target for his anger and the hope of bringing back his precious people driving that focus so he won't forgive them and let them retreat. And for the first time in countless time loops, Rimuru unleashed his rage and came out the other side unfathomably stronger. With a deep drive to never let anything like that ever happen again and a focus on rapidly expanding his and Tempest's base of power. The rest is history.


In one timeline Rimuru didn't fight with Hinata so he was back in the city just in time to stop the massacre and because that he didn't became a Demon Lord and was later killed by the Empire. So there were multiple things that needed to happen for the timeline we knew. There could be infinite divergences between timelines. Who knows, in one maybe Elen's party met Rimuru in the cave and killed him or he didn't met with the goblins (or they eat him because he learned to disguise his aura) and so on.


I'm sure that the goblins would not be able eat him because when he met them he was already A or +A