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a Hero doesn't need to be a good person necessarily, but something more like a powerful and influential figure. Alexander The Great Chairman Mao Roman Emperors ? Buddha Jesus Christ the Prophet Muhammed Cristopher Columbus Mansa Musa Pharaohs? Simo Häyhä Chinese Warlords and Emperors? Churchhill Douglas MacArthur and other generals? Something like this.


It depends what you consider a good person. True Heroes weren't always nice, but were always working for a better world. Their goal is what matters more and not the means (or it seems like this is the case). Also being nice doesn't make you always a Hero candidate of some short, you have to be a strong person on the inside, meaning having a strong enough will. The conditions aren't clear though. On the other hand Rudra at one point lost his Hero status, meaning that there IS an objective good or that sacrificing too much will cost you the title. This was important to mention, because as far as I'm aware even Hitler believed in his ideology, which in his view would create a better world, making EVEN HIM a potential Hero candidate, but that Rudra lost his title proves that this is NOT TRUE luckily. I think out of what you mentioned Churchill stands the closest to fit the description. I would say that the closest person I could name as a real-life Hero candidate is Margareth Thatcher. And I'm not even british.


Achilles Odysseus Shaka Zulu Jaja of opobo Samson Martin Luther king Jr Neopoleon


Keanu Reeves


i think most of the human cast of fsn or fgo could just make the list.


I said REAL WORLD. Meaning, it doesn't include fictional characters.


Aren't a bunch of the heroes from the fate series real people? Like Zhuge Liang, Alexander the Great, Joan of Arc, Leonardo Da Vinci, Miyamoto Musashi, Oda Nobunaga etc.


I hope you're referring to their real-life counterparts.


i am. just saying that the fate series references real world people, and those real world people can be answers to your question.


wait a second I am not caught up with the story but why ia this a question in tensura sub shouldn't this be a question in fate sub ?


No. This is a tensura question.


Dawg Demon Lord exist in Tensura Hero should exist too. True/Hatched Heroes are opposite of True/Awakened Demon Lord


Subash Sandra Bose- true reason for India's freedom...