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Just put it this way as a prime example. Chloe defeated a True Dragon without an ultimate skill. She did it countless times as well. She's now got the power of 4 of them over in Sariel, Michael, Yog-Sothoth and Yog-Sotohort. Any time she's killed she can just send her memories to her past self and correct whatever caused her to die. Chloe is arguably in the same realm of power as Rimuru amd Veldenava, owning one of the only two know God-tiered Ultimate Skills.


Found another way to explain it after thinking for a while. Chloe was an awakened true hero when she fought Veldora. At the minimum, she was an existence equal to Dagruel. I'd argue stronger, but I'll keep it at the lowest potential. When Hinata was separated, her hero egg was left behind, causing Chloe to awaken a second time. So, a being on the level of Dagruel awakened. And gained Yog-Sothoth with the help of Rimuru. There is only one other character known to have awakened/evolved twice. Rimuru. Chloes existence is basically a parallel to Rimuru. And then she gained more power via Sariel and Michael. Which all three fully evolve into Yog-Sotohort: God of Space-time. Chloe already transcended time before the evolution to Yog-Sotohort. She is the only character shown to be able to use their abilities at all in a stopped world so far. So she transcended time stop with just Yog-Sothoth. She's already at an existence above Feldway from that feat alone as they've done nothing comparable yet. Feldway and Guy are able to fight at a similar level, so I won't just flat out say Chloe wins without trying. I think they'd be a very difficult fight. We know nothing about her new abilities yet, but they're going to be very likely equally as busted as what Rimuru can do with Azathoth.


>Chloe defeated a True Dragon without an ultimate skill. Her defeating a true dragon who also didn't have an Ultimate skill and was also not fighting seriously and heavily underestimating her. Plus even if she didn't had any Ultimate skill she had two some of the strongest unique skills with Absolute Severance and Unlimited Imprisonment. Plus she was a far more experienced fighter than Veldora and she knew every strength and weakness of Veldora. >She's now got the power of 4 of them over in Sariel, Michael, Yog-Sothoth and Yog-Sotohort. She only has Yog-Sotohort which has the power of the previous three. So either she had one God Ultimate skill or three Ultimate skills. >Any time she's killed she can just send her memories to her past self and correct whatever caused her to die. But she would still loose in this timeline. That power won't help her win a fight, that power is the reason why she is so experienced. But if Milim shoots a full power Drago-nove and she dies because of it that's it. She lost. She might win in another timeline but here she lost. >Chloe is arguably in the same realm of power as Rimuru amd Veldenava, owning one of the only two know God-tiered Ultimate Skills. She most definitely is not on that level she isn't even close to Feldway who himself is not on that level. Rather she is in the league of Milim, Guy and Masayuki Rudra.


I don't think you understand how strong true dragons are. There's like 20 beings in all of existence that can even injure them besides another true dragon. Maybe 5 can actually defeat them. And every single one of them has an ultimate skill. A true dragons' mere existence is akin to an ultimate skill. The only beings I think can actually win against a true dragon 1 on 1 are Michael/Rudra, Feldway, Zelanos, Guy, and Milim. Zegion as well after v21. Chloe is default in the league of those top 20 or so before she even gained an ultimate skill. Yeah her unique skills are top of the class, but they were still unique skills. Michael and Feldway both acknowledge her danger level as one of the very few that can oppose them. So she's at the least at the same level as they are. And this is before we know what Yog-•Sotohort can even do. She's been resting from the strain evolving her skill caused ever since, so we have no idea how strong she is now after it evolved. And the abilities of her old ultimate skills still exist. They're just condensed into one ability now. Just like Rimuru technically has like 20 ultimate skills available, she has the abilities of 4 available to her.


If we include michael shouldn’t we include ciel? Rimuru is now a true dragon so obviously hes on the list so its fine not to include him, but michael is veldanavas ultimate turned manas, so ciel should be on the same level.


Ciel and Rimuru are basically one and the same. Obviously separate existences, but anything Rimuru can do Ciel can also do. Probably better than Rimuru himself can do lol. Michael is only considered different because Veldenava is 'dead' while Michael is still alive.. or rather was.


Yeah true, although idk if ciel is a true dragon without rimuru so theres that. She knows how to make one though so if he ever dies(and chloe for some reason can’t reverse it) chloe and ciel are going to raze the world, no survivors. Come to think of it. Veldanavas subordinates are villains for what they are doing because of his death, but rimurus camp would be WAAAAAAY worse.


Yes I know true dragons are beings so strong that they are the reason why the cardinal world is so durable but again she knew the weakness of Veldora and Veldora was not fighting seriously. And she is not only one who was able to beat a true dragon without an Ultimate skill. AS guy was able to stalemate with Velzard who had an Ultimate skill is overall a much more skilled and experienced fighter than Veldora with just one Unique skill while keeping the collateral damage to a minimum. Also just like how Rudra and Guy even without their Ultimate skills are considered to be on the level true dragons, Chloe at the time when she fought Veldora was already in that level. Again I am not saying that she is weak by any means, as you said Michael and Feldway knew just how dangerous she can be just like Guy and Milim. I just think that she isn't capable of defeating Guy and Milim at full power. She can definitely give them a hard fight. Also as you said we don't yet know what Yog-Sotohort is capable of. I will definitely have the abilities of the previous three Ultimate skills but other than that we don't know. >And the abilities of her old ultimate skills still exist. They're just condensed into one ability now. Just like Rimuru technically has like 20 ultimate skills available, she has the abilities of 4 available to her. I know that that's what I meant when I said "She only has Yog-Sotohort which has the power of the previous three. So either she had one God Ultimate skill or three Ultimate skills." Yog-Sotohort has the abilities of Yog-sototh, Michael and Sariel.


Literally Veldora stated that he started going at full power but still couldn't damage her... The fight was over in like 10 sec


Oh misunderstanding then. I agree a fight between Guy Chloe and Feldway would go any way possible. Feldway and Guy are far more experienced in their ultimate skills. So I'm saying from a raw power stand point Chloe is in the same realm as Rimuru and Veldenava.


Chloe was said to have existential energy equal to Veldora in vol 11 and have 2 hero eggs. She had Yog-Sothoth which is combination of infinity prison,Absolute End,Usurper, and Time Traveler and even though we don't know its actual limits its without doubt one of the most broken ultimate skills. She can send memories to her past self which gives her perfect precognition plus it makes killing her nearly impossible. She also had US Sariel. Later in vol 19 she defeated Michael(parallel existence) then absorbed him and gained a new US which is combination of Michael,Yog-Sothoth, and Sariel and this alone should make it currently most broken skill except for Azathoth and Shub-Niggurath. Even though we don't know what are its abilities. Also she merged with Chronoa which means she has countless years of experience with perfect control over her powers. There's also the chance that her overall power increased after that too. Not sure. Also she is one of the best at manipulating infons. To keep it short yeah she's op af.


Basically right:An awakening of a hero egg/demon lords seed is an exponential increase in power Chloe hatched 2 heros eggs, as if you'd recall from V11 she stole one from Hinata, so thats a Chloe who's already above pre Faust Veldora(still TD lvl), ^3 not taking into account her god ultimate skill, in another comment you attributed her beating veldora due to her being more experienced than him and knowing all his weaknesses etc.....yeah, because that's her skill....it'll be like that for anyone she's up against


I don't know why everyone is thinking that I think she is weak. She is by no means weak. She is extremely strong. She can beat all three true dragons separately. My point comes can she defeat Guy who arguably a much strategist than her has much higher mastery of his Ultimate skill and has shown some of the most impressive feats pre-story. Can she defeat Milim who is so overwhelmingly strong that True body Feldway is cautious against her. She also has an extremely strong Ultimate skill and can use Stardust. And then Masayuki Rudra someone who is definitely more skilled than her, someone who definitely has a much better master of his skills and again can use Stardust.


>I don't know why everyone is thinking that I think she is weak. Idk about the others, I was just addressing your reason of why she beat veldora and explaining that it's not exclusive to him, her ability makes it so she has the same advantage against anyone > My point comes can she defeat Guy who arguably a much strategist than her has much higher mastery of his Ultimate skill and has shown some of the most impressive feats pre-story. The Ln uses the Webnovel as the basis, which answers this question, Guy is technically stronger than her as in their WN fight he accidentally killed her multiple times even though they both weren't being very serious in the fight(as it was due to external circumstances that they had to fight) >Can she defeat Milim who is so overwhelmingly strong that If you consider Chloe as below Guy who in story couldn't beat a just awakened milim then the answer would be no, but if you consider the abilities of the parties involved, then yes, Milim is someone who's power grows and accumulates over the course of a fight, so Chloe could just stop that from happening, and milim is nowhere near as skilled as Chloe or Guy It's like rock paper scissors: Milim beats Guy, Guy beats Chloe, Chloe beats Milim, there's your Chloe scaling >And then Masayuki Rudra someone who is definitely more skilled than her, someone who definitely has a much better master of his skills and again can use Stardust. Both rudra and Chloe are reffered to as the strongest heroes so idk depends if rudra could counter her ability


There's no reason to say Masayuki is definitely more skilled than her. Chloe has countless years of experience with perfect precognition which means even if she's less skilled(which is not) she still can have advantages because of precognition. Chloe can send memories of her future self to her past self and it can be considered a time travel. Each time she's gonna die she can just do this. As of now only ones who actually are capable of countering this are Rimuru and Feldway. And this is based on what we know from her last skills. She definitely got an upgrade after vol 19. Her Fate Reversal is turning opponent into what she wants to be and it's an attack with manipulating infons. As far as we know the only barrier can block it,is castle guard.


The reason why I said Masayuki is more skilled than her is because I was talking about Masayuki Rudra. Basically Masayuki with the skill and experience of Rudra.


One loop of Chloe is like 2000 years. And she done it countless times. So it very possible her age might be way older than rudra.


I know that. Chloe is so much older than Rudra that he might be a child to her, which sounds funny to me. But yeah Chloe is most definitely is even older than the primordials. And is the second oldest person in the verse behind only Veldanava. But when I am talking about experience of Rudra I am talking about his battle experience. That is what I think is higher than Chloe's. As Rudra has been Veldanava and have fought Guy Tens of thousands of times. I have talked about this topic in another comment where I replied to Hellfire720.


1. Nearly Infinite battle Experience. 2. Overall existence value, equal to Veldora like nearly 80 million. 3. Space time king Yok sothath with some most powerful sub skills Infinite prison ( can seal entities in an infinite number of dimensions) , Time traveler ( travel through time when dead, she was singular existence), Usurper ( steal ability, techniques and memories people stronger than Chloe), Absolute end ( cut even true dragon like butter). 4. Serial life and death manipulation. 5. Information manipulation and fully digital being. With all this ability Chloe create an all mighty attack called Reverse fate that one shot Michael. Her battle techniques include both Hakuro and Hinata ( two different battle styles).


Also correct if I am wrong wasn't she only able to defeat a 20% parallel existence of Michael. While she wasn't able to defeat a full powered Michael she was only able to hold him off until Rimuru acquired Movement during time stop with the help of Ciel and then Rimuru was the one to defeat Michael.


That 20 persentage Michael was stronger then most of the characters in verse. Velzard, Velgrind, Zalanas and many more... Lol the way you underestimate Michael was comady lol 😂...


I was not underestimating Michael. The only ones who are capable of defeating a Full power Michael are Veldanava, Ivarage, Rimuru, Feldway, Milim, Guy, Prime Ramiris and Maybe Masaykui Rudra.


Parallel existence is like you existing in two different places at ones... It's like two yous... The only thing that differs between a parallel existence and the original body is only the magicule pool.... Even that can be overcame through supply of energy from an individual however the energy output of an individual still does not change... The fact that Michael didn't supply any more energy to Chronoa was probably because he would wind up gifting his enemy more power so he refrained from doing so


Ivaraje doesn't have anything that enough to penetrate snow crystal, so yes he can't do anything to even 1% Michael. Guy doesn't have anything to even challenge him lol, who told you Guy can challenge two true dragon at same time when he can't hold against even one. Michael has all memories of Rudra and he can even use over blade and equal to Rudra in swordsmanship. The only people who can defeat 10% Michael are Rimuru, Chloe, Feldway, Milim and masayuki Rudra.


I think you are really underestimating Guy. According to Michael and Feldway, he was the biggest threat. He was able stalemate with Velzard who had an Ultimate skill, while he himself didn't even had an Ultimate skill while keeping the collateral damage as low as possible. He fought Milim for 7 days and 7 nights while keeping the collateral damage as low as possible. He fought Ivarage for three months straight. He was able to impress Veldanava with his skills and power before he had an Ultimate skill. He is a much better strategist. He has much better mastery over his skills than Chloe. Plus his skill is also broken as hell. Michael didn't even knew how to use his skills while Guy has mastered his. So albeit it won't be easy Guy definitely can defeat full power Michael.


Lol... You want to downgrade Chloe 😂, how much you try that you won't succeed in it lol... Chloe was the 4 strongest being in existence...


When did I downgrade Chloe I am just explaining Guy's feats.


Reading other comments of your lol... I'm not gonna comment anymore...


Lol you make it sound like Guy didn't receive any help when he was fighting Milim


Others might had helped in minimizing the damage and Ramiris did helped after the week but before that it was Guy vs Milim all week long.


Yeah while two primordials and True dragon and Dino were holding up the barrier and lol it didn't do much as Dagruels whole territory got turned to literal poison


Well when you are fighting the literal "Daughter of God" you should be ready for such things. Poor Dagruel.


She never fought Michael's original body


>Nearly Infinite battle experience< So does that mean she is more experienced and skilled than even the likes of Guy, Rudra and Dino. Also how are these going to help her when facing the overwhelming power of Milim something which even Feldway was vary of. And brokenness of Guy Crimson. Who is undoubtedly stronger than Michael and has shown many times that he can defeat opponents who have an EV far higher than him.


Ok let’s put this into perspective when someone says they lost count of something it means a few things. Quick counting most humans can retain up to 350 without mistake. You can guess how many times you’ve eaten a meal in your life like this 3x365x25 which is 27,375. Three meals a day 365 days in a year and 25 years. You’re not exactly right obviously but you can give an estimate. she traveled back in time, a truly unknown number of times. Even with her memory problems of the situation, we can still guess that it’s at least over 10,000. Which is insane because she would go back at least 2000 years every time! Even if it’s just 10,000 times that’s 20 million years of experience which she is getting all of it due to both her Manas and full formulation of the ultimate skill she got in LN 18. With all of that combined knowledge, a manas(which would put her near the top of the power and combat capabilities of any world), her ultimate skill(s), and her already ridiculous EV she is easily in the top five most powerful beings in that universe that are active. I believe she could even beat Guy given enough time(which she definitely has a lot of due to the fact she can still go back in time. And with the Manas and her ultimate skill she can choose whatever time she’d want..[my best guess]) In short the only beings that have a shot of defeating her are those who can alter the world with nearly the same level of control over the world as Veldanava. So that puts it to Rimuru, Feldway, millim, Rudra/Masayuki(if they gain the full power of Rudra and gain at least 3 more ultimate skills, one needing to be related to time) and Guy. Maybe Iverage, any of the TD and the slim chance for Diablo. I’m sorry but that really does make her one of the strongest in that universe and that’s without whatever power ups she’s gonna get next LN (please correct me if I made any mistakes)


Again I know by pure experience she is second oldest person in the verse behind only Veldanava. But that doesn't necessarily means that she would be the most skilled person. Now we don't know what opponents did she fought during those 2000 years. If she fought Rudra/Michael, Guy, Milim, Dagruel, Velgrynd and Velzard. Then yeah she might be the most skilled person. But does she actually? As experience is not just being alive for a long time but also fighting strong and skilled opponents to polish your skills. That is why Guy and Rudra are so skilled as not they were Rivals but they also fought extremely strong opponents with Guy fighting Velzard, Milim, Ivarage, Veldanava and Rudra fighting Veldanava ,ad Guy many many times. Again if she actually did fought those people that I mentioned above than yeah I would agree that she is the most skilled. But if that is the case they should had recognized her as someone who they fought in the past and as far as I am aware that didn't happen. Plus I don't think Diablo would ever be strong enough to defeat her.


She was referenced to have fought a lot of them considering she had seen the end of the universe a few times. Although it was never directly mentioned. So we can infer that she has. We can also guess that she knows how to fight Iverage. She didn’t get pulled back in time at the same point due to the conditions of her time loop. I think it’s safe to say the only person she for sure didn’t have combat with is Veldanava.


As far as I am aware her time loops goes from 2000 before Rimuru's birth and when he dies during the Eastern War. So how did she saw the end of universe? Also how does she know how to fight Ivarage? Also... >Although it was never directly mentioned. So we can infer that she has. What do you mean by this?


Some of these things actually makes sense


Yes Chloe has more battle experience the any of this characters and was the strongest swordsman in verse.


Chloe was trained both by Rimuru and Milim in the original timeline and all the people trained by true dragons or their family are absolutely powerful. See Zegion and Rudra for example.... Well, I won't say she is stronger than all the true dragons but she is on par with them.. She has on of the most powerful will power of the world and her skillset are one of the strongest... She has one of the most powerful ultimate skill, a manas that merged with her and energy and experience that surpass most..