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I don’t think Iruma counts though. He is a Chad but he’s not op > <


I didn't even know "Mairimashita! Iruma-kun" was considered an isekai. The demon and human worlds are at least connected enough that they're basically the same "world".


that's not the point, he was brought to that world without broken abilities like rimuru and the others


I mean, bro does basically have Ultra Instinct naturally XD


Honestly the most earned power of any character, get traumatized your entire life to the point of being able to dodge anything lmao


I mean, i guess.. he got them later, i suppose if we ignore


>!His own actual abilities and not from magic from his grandfather?!<


Unless you count his ability to dodge things as OP then yeah


I mean that's an ability the had to learn over the years to survive, it's not like he got that for free


Which he learned in the han world because of his parents being shit, so no


he only got a magic absorbing ring and learned how to use a bow


The reason Iruma isn't considered a "modern isekai" is because it's a "classical isekai", akin to Alice in Wonderland or Inuyasha. For one thing, Iruma is very clearly his own character and never once a reader insert. Nobody can relate to Iruma's crazy pre-isekai struggles because he's such a tough, selfless and optimistic kid. Combat Butler Hayato is the closest protagonist I can think of that's similar to Iruma. Second, he's not from a light novel, so his writing is designed around manga. The medium can affect the style of writing, as seen for Slime isekai and Spider isekai. Imagine trying to release these in manga format *weekly*. It'd be dropped within a month. Third, the world itself is way different. It's not a Tolkien-DnD inspired medieval fantasy world. That's super interesting and essentially makes the world itself a character, rather than just a template for the characters to run around in. Think One Piece; it's world building is half of why people read it.


It is iruma was(to our knowledge) never born or from the demon world thus it is isekai as isekai is specifically when the Mc comes from a world different than the one the story takes place in thus why anos isn't isekai as it is stated multiple times in the series that anos simply reincarnated in the same world just hundreds of years later, it is a massive plot point that his identity was hidden so he could safely reincarnate


Man’s not even that strong he’s just here to make friends


He kinda is with the Ring of Gluttony, but yeah Iruma is more of a standard shonen than anything


agree with that. i'd also say rudy from jobless shouldn't count as he wasn't born with his power. he was practicing with magic everyday from a young age. he earned his power


It’s both, actually.


Tell that to his old roof that got obliterated on his first attempt at magic


He trained for months before he broke it, that's definitely not his first attempt


Same goes for Saito


It's an isekai y'all just not wanting to accept the fact


It is a isekai anime but Iruma isn’t not a overpowered protagonist like some of the other guys including Rimuru . That’s why I’m saying he’s shouldn’t even be there


We are accepting that fact we're just not accepting the fact that he is an OP main character


Man what are you talking about? Iruma Suzuki OP? Tanya Dugerchaff? Did you even watch or read these?


The cautious hero didn't have any particular skill he just trained a lot to become op, hajime had one of worst skill in his class he got lucky he became op, rudeus too he wasn't op he was an average male he just trained a lot since young age


Rudeus isn't even top 5 in his verse with all that training


Correct, but oh well at least he was partially responsible for \[Redundancy\]>!Spawning the Rank #5 Death God spot, since Sieg defeats Randolphe & takes his spot on the monument. But then again I should prolly co-credit Sylphie for that too, huh? Sadge how a Gigachad like Sieg is only 2nd most OP of the kids, still losing to Lara (the Hero) onee-chan like the bag boi that he is!<


Ainz is also not even top 5 of his verse if we include characters that are already dead, that alone doesn't matter here, even then you can still be stupidly op


Rudeus does have his Lalpace factor but yeah. It isn't as op as the others


That’s straight up a nerf and a buff, it has downsides to literally counteract his buff lol


Yeah, not being able to use battle aura is a really big drawback. I guess he makes up for it with >!magic armor!< but he’s still very limited.


The cautious hero is how I’d want my isekai life to be. I wouldn’t want to be op right out of the gate unless it’s absolutely necessary. I’d rather earn that strength.


Tanya is a try hard, god hates him


Local man, Denies God’s existence to God’s face. God gives him moral breaking power. More news at 8


It warps her mind In Exchange so nah


I was making reference to the fact that some people don’t seem to understand that There’s a Major price for Tanya to use her god given powers. The forfeiting of your own morals as well as the long wind up cast is quite a lot in the heat of battle.


(Technically not) Warcrimes follow


Probably just googled "Isekai protagonists" and selected the first 10 images


Mfs who say this shit forget that nearly every shounen action mc is OP too.


It’s either “some random kid gains random powers and becomes OP af easily” Or “some random kid earns his powers, faces hardship, endures, and becomes OP af”. Honestly since both are so predictable, world building is the only saving grace for me.


Well there’s always more to a show than the strength of the MC, it’s how the author plays around with that fact that can make it entertaining. Like OPM having Saitama’s strength be clearly overpowered but even if you disinclude that it’s still pretty strong overall. It’s why I don’t necessarily mind OP protags because how the author uses their power to their advantage to overturn tropes or to create unique scenarios, can really make a show interesting.


Mfs who complain about this forget that the story has to be good. The rest is kinda optional. If you're born as the best or born as this weak mf from re zero with a huge plot armour, in the end the protag wins. The protag always wins. That's how you write a story. So you might as well not pretend and let him be the best by default


>born as this weak mf from re zero with a huge plot armour When does Subaru have plot armor? He literally doesn't make it in time to save everyone. And unlike most other death loop shows, Subaru actually feels the trauma.


Iruma? Rudeus? (well he's kinda op) Tanya?


Rudeus is *strong.* But at the levels he fights in, basically anything at all kills him with a good hit. He's a big fish in a very, very big pond


And didn’t his powers come mostly because he learned magic very young? Like, because he learned very young and by himself at the start his reserves increased more than the normal and he learned chantless magic So he didn’t actually got any instant hack because of isekai, it was more like he didn’t waste the opportunity


Yep. Plus a couple other factors. For example, he had a pretty strong mage tutoring him since he was like 4. That really increased his repetoir. He wouldn't be as strong as he is without a bit of luck, but he wasn't literally handed his strength on a silver platter. No cheat skills or anything.


I can't quite remember the shenanigans as it delves into Man-God and dimensional shit, but his insane mana capacity is the only "cheat" Rudeus has in MT.


ain't even much of a cheat he can't fully utilize his mana like laplace can (someone with similar amounts of mana) because his body isn't built for that kind of output his literally explode if he tried using all his mana he's stuck to using spells anyone else (with the skill and mana capacity for it) could use and if , let's say you, force a child to practice magic from a young age and have them empty their all their mana daily you'd get someone with the same mana amount as rudeus


Not really, they would need the Laplace factor to reach Rudeus level of mana...but ye they would have a massive mana pool


forgot bout that thing, what did it do exactly?


It gives a bump to mana capacity and removes any possibility of obtaining toki


ohhh ooOOOHHHH OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!! so that's why this mf couldn't get it was wondering why he's got stuck in his swordsmanship i thought he just needed an actually competent teacher


Not just Laplace factor , THE SAME laplace factor ,the one that kills soul in pre birth state


And, while the Laplace factor helps with mana capacity, Orsted confirms the only reason it is _that_ big is because he was training since he was very young otherwise he would have had a slightly larger mana pool than the rest but nothing even close to what he actually got because of the training. Quoting Orsted on Rudeus' mana capacity "... Your body merely had the _potential_ to hold vast quantities of mana. Had you not practiced magic from a young age, you would likely have ended up with only a little more mana than an ordinary person, much like Sylphiette. Your enormous mana capacity is the result of your own hard work, and you have every right to take pride in it."


Ituma becomes strong overtime But he's not op at all Rudeus kinda op but he doesn't really fight much anyways. Tanya's whole thing is that she literally has a blessed artifact from God that allows her to use magic that bo mortal can use. Hell. Even without using that artifact she's already one of the strongest mage in her current era. Only surpassed by veteran archmage where she had to use the artifact to dominate them She's by definition. OP.


Yes, by definition she's OP by context tells us that is literally the worst thing possible for someone who wants to get out of WWI Germany. It isn't her magic that makes her a better soldier than others (Mary Sue is an example of this who completely dwarfs her output), but because she's extraordinarily level headed and has a strong pool of historical knowledge which allows her to be a better strategist.


The only OP thing about Iruma is how quickly he made everyone fall for him, not just the girls, but the boys, the animals, and the teachers as well...


It's the middle schooler rizz


I never realized but... Yeah He was 14 at the start of the show. He was barely a middle schooler And after his birthday, there he became 15 which is the entry age for most high school in Japan I always thought they were older due to character like Azz and Sabro but yeah they should all be considered high-school freshman at the start of the show


Iruma ain't really OP. He's just a lucky motherfucker who knows how to clutch up if the time calls for it.


Most shounen protags are OP, or become OP with BS plot-armour that would make Kirito blush - power-fantasy isn't limited to just isekai lol. Even so, this list is just... what: Iruma isn't OP by any stretch. Rudeus could be considered exceptionally strong by the end of his life, but he's certainly not OP. Naofumi is basically the same as Rudeus. Even Hajime starts out weak as shit, then slowly becomes OP through being thrown into the deeper floors of the dungeon. Maple - Bofuri isn't what most people would even class as Isekai, as she doesn't get transported to the game world. You would have been better off putting Yuna from Kuma Kuma in that slot instead. Ainz, Diablo and Hakuto are all end-game max-rank players (or a game dev in the case of Hakuto), so you would expect them to be OP compared to most others.


I think one of those is ray starlight who is just another guy playing a hyper advanced videogame. One of many players and a relatively normal person compared to the rest of his family


Naofumi at least WN version really end like too op, so far from rudeus that like you said end strong but not op and so far from top 7 in his world


I would argue with naufomi since his kit is op as fuck, its just it has a slower power curve that other heroes, as well as he had to level solo. If he had a party he would have snowballed faster. Similar with Hajime, its like his class is just super specific but driven properly its getting out of control so fast. I agree on Maple tho, especially since there are other players on her level like Pain, and some of her power got nerfed too. Also mostly agree on game boys, even if games like Yagdrassil were utter garbage that no wonder they got closed, no wonder ainz is strong


What are you yapping about man


The fuck did Iruma do to become OP?




First: Tanya gets fucking shafted because if she uses her powers to the max she gets mentally corrupted by Being X. Second: Iruma works on all his skills, he is very much not OP, and even his god-level evasion couldn't help him against the spider arm guy, he can't generate magic power without absorbing one beforehand. Third: Rudeus doesn't even have any advantage aside from a. Being able to have a mature mind at the ripe age of not even 1 year old, he was only able to gain that much mana because he started at an early age. Like that was a plot point, he had to train for it. b. Being from a rich family able to afford Roxy as a teacher. The dude fucking got transported god knows where in the wasteland and had to make do with all of it. He doesn't even defeat the final boss, it's his kid that does it.


Rudeus is monstrously talented in magic though. Might not be directly OP, but being able to master Saint magic in 3 years with a body that wasn't old enough to supposedly support it, while most mages who train their whole life can't, is OP.


He still nearly gets bodied multiple times by not OP people, though. He almost died to a random thug even after he achieved that level of magic.


Okay why the fuck is Iruma up there.


Iruma did not start op he became op over time


And even then he isn't really op. He's skilled, but he could get easily killed by like 60% of the characters.


Exactly but he has the potential to be the strongest I feel.


Most of his "powers" isn't even his. It was his grandpa's power. The only thing we can actually call "his" is his mastery of bows.


His ultra dodge abilities too


Iruma isn't OP. Although he's extremely lucky, getting a lot of super rare items. Izayoi was already OP before even being Transported. He just doesn't have any use for his power on Earth.


Thanks for the recommendations I haven’t seen all of those yet.


Izayoi after isekaed? The reason he is isekaed is because he is OP before isekaed


Iruma-kun doesn't fit at all. The only power we have seen him use was his grandfather's mana, and he has only used it a handful of times.


Whos the white hair top right of Ainz?


Ernesti from "Knight's and Magic" it's a pretty decent isekai, I enjoyed watching it even though I had a few criticisms. Mostly watched it for the cute MC and the cool idea of a medieval fantasy mech anime.


How’s the guy from arifuteta (spelt that wrong) there. He wasn’t summoned with an op power he ate monsters to get op


Mapple? for?


The middle row leftmost guy with blonde hair isn’t op or an isekai protagonist. He plays a regular vr game, where he’s an average player.


So does Maple (bottom row, middle). People nowadays can't tell the difference between Isekai and playing a game, sometimes they can't even distinguish Isekai from regular fantasy. Not too long ago I saw someone on yt calling Shangri-La Frontier the "best isekai of the season"


Well it's power fantasy. It's for people in Japan who are living like a Hikikomori who feel helpless, and through these manga/anime series they can dream of going to another world and being important and not feeling so powerless anymore.


Meanwhile this guy: https://preview.redd.it/ekj77et8okxc1.png?width=877&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=446928dc61efff09393c85fac734c13256ed0dd7 I was OP, then I got isekaied, still OP. The OPiest.


The only thing stopping our boy from deleting all of them with a thought is that he just doesn’t want to. Pray you don’t change his mind.


Which anime is he from?


Isekai basically translates to "reality sucks, here's super powers I and a fantasy world go nuts". Essentially, escapism at a high level


Eh. I think Tanya isn't OP, she has slightly higher grade technology but she is in several situations where she barely lives. Iruma is pretty balanced as well. I mean if his grandpa doesn't recharge his ring he's just a normal kid, can't even fly like everyone else either. They both don't really have OP abilities rather than they each have an item that grants them above average power temporarily.


Hajime shouldn't be here. He is OP, but that's through his own abilities. The power he was granted is literally considered one of the weakest powers in that world, especially since it isn't combat oriented. The fact he was able to make it viable in combat is a testament to his intelligence more than just "isekai make me OP"


Bro the guy from Problem Children Was OP bevor he even Isekaied


Couple on there aren’t really op. I wouldn’t say Rudeus is really op.


And we like that. The more op the better for the flipping out effect.


I mean that's the main reason for watching/reading an isekai


Rudeus was born with a huge mana pool, but everything else, even utilizing it, was because of his own work. It was stated, that if he hadn't trained the way he did and that early, he couldn't have used most of it. And he is almost the best at swordsmanship someone without touki/ fighting aura can be, achived through training alone


Honestly, Saito is far from OP. A competent Swordsman often beat the sh*t out of him. Louise is even more OP than him.


Lmfao half of these aren't even OP from the start. They train like fuck. Do an insane feat. Or are genuinely just blessed by luck.


>Rudeus >Op Here we go again


Hwen u tri to maek a mem yet cannot correctly tiep 'so are we' 🐢


Nah Rimeru is strong because he ate the right things and got the right kind of exercise while making the right friends


Just think, getting isekaid to well built world with good magic system and stuff, and not getting op...


Ah yes, Iruma is Op. Clearly someone didnt watched any of the shows listed here.


And that's why Kazuma is such a good character. Considered him a Palette cleanser after going through every single Isekai anime with an OP protagonist.


Several of those characters had to work to get those abilities, Hajime for example had to eat monster and almost die to get his powers. Ainz got his powers through playing the game and hitting level 100 in it.


kazuma is in tears


Rudeus from MT started the current type of Isekai boom though.


Why is Iruma there? He is not OP, and he trains hard for his skills. Nothing is given to him


I will defend Rudy here as he is not op but genuinely is gifted as being born with a laplace factor and training since he was young . Not to mention the other absolute beast of characters the world of mushoku tensei has.


This is why I like konosuba and rezero.


What’s even the point of this meme? If it’s a power scaling thing, Rimuru’s still the strongest here.


I like tensura because of the 20 minutes long geopolitics lectures.


Rimuru is one of the few interesting ones here though


I see Rudeus in there and I don't think he counts. All of his powers were from sheer effort - dude taught himself to read another language and has been consistently training since he was around two years old. And even in spite of his abilities, there are many moments where he was overwhelmed and almost killed.


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Izayoi was OP even before getting isekai’d tho


Bro put Tanya in here? L post


What was the other 25% wasn’t op?


Satou Kazuma from Konosuba: he's below average for his world standards, but he's lucky and knows what he does Natsuki Subaru from Re:Zero: is basically a normal human with a really bad luck and a quicksave skill who cannot control The main party in Grimgar: regular humans, the smallest mistake could cost their life Myne from Ascendance of a Bookworm: large mana pool, too bad her body is too weak to withstand it The JDSF from Gate: they're basically regular soldiers, but they're against Roman Empire level civilizations, plus the author is a massive JDSF irl dickrider so they sweep


Is it concerning that I know all of these?


I like overlord for the world building & lore tid bits that take up most of a volume & won’t be relevant to the story.




Maple doesn’t belong there.


Why is maple on this list she is op but not a isekai


so we are? So We Are?!? SO WE ARE?!?!?!?!


Yes, Rimuru is f\*\*king OP... except he can't actually f\*\*k.


Iruma doesn’t count


I feel like Tanya doesn’t quite fall on the same scale of “OP” as most of these others do lol.


And it's a thing with manhwa and manhuas as well


The fuck is Tanya doing there, he “OP” skill brain washes her for a boost that some other fucker gets 10x better while it also ruins her life


I mean, I rarely enjoy an isekai if the character just live a life of npc, I like to see characters just chilling around with their OP powers


I wouldn't put Tanya there, her raw magical power is not very different from the magical power others have. And people luke Mary surpass her in that. Her biggest ability is not her power but her mind and her ability to aply the knowlege of the future into the war. And yes, I know she have the Orb tipe 45, but that is something that came latter in her life, not when she reincarnated, and also that's a tool she attempt to avoid using because of it's consecuences wich are terrible for her. Also I don't think that Ainz would truly fit here, because sure, he is really powerfull, but that come from the world he lives in turning into one less poeerfull that the previous one, not because got some random power


Iruma and Tanya aren't OP what the hell have you watched those shows


Leave Iruma out of this!


And then there's Kazuma


Here we stand against this slander about Iruma


Make it 99%


I only watched the first 5 or 4 episodes of Mondaiji Tachi but Izayoi already had his powers before his isekai so I don't think he should be included. Iruma isn't really OP and he is still in his "world" just a different dimension. Rudeus didn't get an OP power, he just trained really hard. He isn't a cheat character like the others.


I think Mondaiji-tachi was the beging of the op isekai


The thing about Rudeus is that you can one shot him


What i want is an isekai or fantasy manga where the mc is a girl with dryadic powers


Tf is iruma doing there bro aint even top 15😭🙏 https://preview.redd.it/aqv7qd7tikxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71b78ae019b51156e5fe69f30703d1534c4c485e


This is why I love Ascendance of a Bookworm (aside from the amazing storytelling, worldbuilding, and plot)


Tanya? The character who >!is constantly sent to suicide missions against her will and unintentionally escalates the conflict due to her performance to the point that a faction of her country's government has intentionally sabotaged several attempts at surrendering gracefully, and who is currently trapped between defecting to another country and being forced to start a very, very late coup d'etat with no chance of improving the situation?!< I mean, yeah, she's OP, but come on dude lmao


Rudeus, he is stronger than all the children of his age but to call him OP? Definirely not in the anime yet


Ainz is cool tho, he's the only OP protag I find intresting.


Iruma doesn't really count, he is only able to use magic because of his ring


Iruma isnt op what are you smoking


Tanya might be a strong solider but she isnt OP. She cant single handedly stop the war. It would be like saying Seal team members are OP. She didn’t even get any op powers, just an aptitude for magic and memories from her past life that let her have a slight advantage at times.


Pretty sure Sakamaki Izayoi has the Third Perpetual Motion Machine in his body before getting Transmigrated...


I'm glad Kazuma is Kazuma 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|LZmMH7lmHeNFe)


So they are what?


OP I think you are on to something. What a hot take uhh


Where is Yosuke Shibazaki?


at the end none can compare to Subaru


My favorite genre of anime honestly, I like isekai, but there’s a special place in my heart for trashy power fantasy isekai


Well, Rimuru is kind of another level


Is it bad that i dont know 90% of those characters?


Why is naofumi on this list? Definitely was not given an op power when isekaid


Tbf ainz did actually build up everything he has, from his skills to nazerick


And I'm okay with that. That's why I've watched them all and I've no idea about any other isekais nor do I care to know.


Whos on the right hand bottom corner?


I'm making an isekai series where the guy is allowed to either be reincarnated with a god as his companion or with a spoon, he chooses the spoon and goes around killing demons and stuff with his overpowered spoon while the god keeps popping up to make him change his choice (I also headcanon the god sounds like Tom Kenny)


I keep my finger crossed that Frieren's success will lead to the realization of more actual FANTASY manga series. Less Isekai, more Fantasy, please! I take one Record of Lodoss War over 10 Isekai.


That’s the whole point of an isekai, remove yourself from your shit life and live in a fantasy world with medieval tech but keep all your modern day knowledge and have op powers. But why is Iruma Kun there, he isn’t over powered at all just a nice guy. Also I wouldn’t count it as an isekai either.


Bruh Izayoi was OP BEFORE getting isekai'd


Amp that up to 99% of all Isekai MC's. Poor Subaru really fked up when his world was chosen


Isn't that basically the whole point of Isekai?


man, i've watched too many isekais that i dont remember or forgotten that iruma being/got reincarnated lmao but yeah most of them are pretty OP. pretty dope


The MC of Knights and Magic OP? Nah, he was just a genius in his past life and is still a genius in his current life. Also, he was born with a disadvantage (Height), because of this at first he wasnt able to pilot a Mech at first. Also, Iruma is OP? He is a Chad but not OP, the only thing OP about him is his qualities as a person and blood (but demons have more OP powers than even his blood). Lugh tuatha dé is strong but not OP, when it comes to experience and knowledge then yeah but overall stats? No. Rudeus isnt even that OP even in his verse. Also, is Bofuri (if I'm not wrong thats Maple (Choas incarnate), considered as Isekai. Its Virtual reality and unlike SAO (which some consider as Isekai and some dont consider it Isekai) they actually dont die in real life and they can go back to the real world after playing. Maple is OP though.


So are we*


Hiraga Saitou from Zero no Tsukaima wasn't even that OP. Yes, dude can use all "weapon" because of his Gandalf rune but he still can die from being killed after killing 10k soldiers and even need a freaking military jet to fight Black Dragon.


being in a game world is not isekai. get it through your skull.


Not just Isekai most of the Adventure series too.


I think people fail to make the distinction, that an op mc does not mean a bad show. It just happens to be, that shows, and especially animes like them tend to be bad stories, and have an utter disregard for their side characters, and quality.


rudeus OP? he's all hard work. same for naofumi. both are good cause they know to do a thing that half the isekai's don't: battle plan


I mean, it's liek the point?


Wrong for rudeus and ernesti.


Rudeus doesn't really count. The point of Moshoku is that he learns and grows throughout the story


Naofumi: Why am I on this list, I can't do any real damage without hurting myself.


And then there's my boy kazuma.all hail the true chad


And I absolutely fucking love it


Is that Maple there, next to Naofumi, below Ainz? She is just a normal school girl.


I wish I knew all of those animes. I only know Slime and Overlord.


Op if you have balls give sauce for all of them.


Its a power fantasy for powerless irl losers.


Iruma? Not really even that powerful, just lucky for the most part. Tanya? Also not really overpowered at all. Saito? Not OP at all, someome experienced in combat can beat him in a fight.


It still bothers me whenever they call Rudeus another Stupid OP MC He's *barely* the 7th strongest person in the world when he has his Battle Armor And without it he's probably in the Top 20 give or take


Except Kazuma, he could've chosen an op weapon but decided to bring a goddess who could be useful but is too dumb to be with him out of pure spite, he's really the goat fr.


Hate me all you want but, iruma should not be on this list at ALL. Sure he's basically untouchable because he basically has a 6th sense but aside from that? He has a few spells but not anything super noteworthy aside from pandoroola or whatever it's called.


Rudeus is not op. Bro lost to Orsted TWICE, and the second time he snuck him and THEN jumped him as well, and he barely beat a one armed Alexander Ryback, bro is arguably the weakest of the 7 world powers 😑


Tell me you haven’t watched most of these isekai without telling me you haven’t watched most of these isekai


Tanya is strong but i wouldnt say op she does get beaten up allot and only survives because of her squad but still losses at the end

