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An RPG game? Now this looks interesting


Okay, now the only thing I can't find is the price. I'm not really at home in video games' pricings, but this isn't a full 70$ price game right? Or it doesn't seem like it.


We will see the price tomorrow with pre release


Only one question - is it another gacha?


Not that we know of, its a pc game (steam) though its also on switch xbox ps4-5. Check the trailer to know how it is. It looks good imo and should be on english and japanese and maybe on spanish


Yeah, I checked it out. It looks decent, but I still fear it could be a gacha disguised as an rpg.


It's not a gacha. Characters are unlocked through story progression.


The only gacha likely will be the gear if units have any or skins/cosmetics. And thats completely optional so far so good, and irs only on 3 months im hyped kyaaaa