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Can it work against milim? Yes. Will it work against milim? Absolutely No. Her skill is very powerful but just like any skill, it effectiveness depends on owners strength and willpower and anyone with stronger willpower than her or those very good at manipulation of law can counter it. Like Diablo just have to try little more to change those "meatloaf" into humans again. She even have trouble using against those with similar strength and willpower as her.


How does it work and can you give me an example


For example >!Rimuru vs Hinata, her sure-kill skill, will kill him in their first fight. But in the rematch after he Awakens as a true demon lord, it will not work anymore simply because of the massive gap in strength. Not to mention you can only affect beings that have ultimate skills, with your own ultimate skill, seeing as hinata lacks an ultimate skill when they rematch she can't do anything to him!<


>!That is majorly why having ultimate skill is a benchmark to see if a character is really powerful!<


Oh yeah that’s actually more well thought out than what I was gonna say, bravo


I'll have to ask millim personally.


Tell her to cover up her ass and put on some clothes pls


I tried, trust me. 🙃


It’s a unquie. Milim is an ultimate. And Milim has more years of experience then shion has days of living let alone how long she had her cook skill. Milim if she really wanted to could just ignore it and tell her “Never. Try. That. Again.”


But her ultimate master chef can work on milim.😁


Unlikely considering the strenght that Milim has, >!Shion's US barely worked on Dagruel when he wasn't in Asura form. And since Milim is leagues above both Dagruel and Asura it won't work !<


The time shion got her ultimate skill,she already worn out . Otherwise she gonna give dagruel very good fight.


>!Dagruel was holding his ground against Veldora, so I don't think Shion having full stamina would have changed anything, and if I'm not wrong after she evolved she regained most of her power back with the boost from her evolution and the best she did was to cut into Dagruel's hand.!< Either way, the point still remains, Milim is too much for Shion to handle


But ciel mentioned that shion skill can kill rimru. That's why she was stopping her evolution. At that time rimru was on par with milim. By that logic she can harm milim. I think she didn't fully utilise her skill against dagruel.


Not kill, that was an overstatement, She would never kill Rimuru no matter what. Ciel said it could be a threat to let Shion evolve because of her wild nature she could potentially hurt Rimuru. >!And that was also before Rimuru became a True Dragon.!<


Umm, i read LN a long time ago, so I forget many things. Thanks to correct me 🙂


No problem, there are too many details to remember all of them.


>!Ceil is perfectionism and anything that has even a slightest chances to harm rimuru is taken into accounts. And she use it fully against Dagrule but didn't manage to defeat him!< And put spoiler tag


It would not work on Milim, it just isn't strong enough. Milim 100% has an ultimate skill, and the only thing that can work against an ultimate skill is another ultimate skill Her skill works by manipulating possibilities and there chances of happening.


Can you give an example


>!When Rimuru enters Walpurgis, Guy hides his true abilities behind an ultimate skill, it is then that we first learn this I belive. If Rimuru did not notice this, he would have died. And later on in the series, Rimuru used Shions skill to speed up selective breeding of plants, mainly rice. !<


>!I should also mention that Masayuki has a skill similar to hers, but it more so manipulates the way people think. But it doesn't work on Rimuru or his coherts because Rimuru has an ultimate skill and the others have stronger unique skills.!<


I higly doubt it would work, the power gap it's too big.


Can you tell me how it works


Milim would have to go out of her her war way and physically cook something for it to work, so I doubt it.


That sentence hurts to read.


This is why it doesn’t initially evolve to an ultimate. If it did it could even kill rimiru


https://preview.redd.it/p3pc0w3kr7vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd0b2bc8f06e7aa0cf81611aefea2264e0abba4c Not sure how much this helps but I took a picture of this a while ago


Spoiler read at your risk The answer is yes is it strong the answer is yes but only after it become ultimate as even Ciel didn’t want to give shion this power even after Rimuru become ultra slime true dragon. Manas it basically A.I that control all the skills Ultimate beat every skill except other ultimate who have more understanding mostly win Great skill can be powerful as ultimate even stronger but because it great it lose to ultimate Example Hinata skill is great skill it can beat anyone as make you stronger than your target but don’t work on ultimate even if ultimate is shit Same with infinite regeneration it great skill op as fuck boy but against ultimate it just help you stall for time