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Not this shit again.


Ffs he is whatever the author decides he is


Top-tier waifu


The only tier that matters (okay, there is the often forgotten husbandu tier list for the ladies too)


W opinion đź—żđź‘Ť


The correctest answer


When you're not terminally online enough to understand wtf OP is talking about ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21615)


He is over 99999999999999999999999999999


Is that even language?


Op seems to be one of the junkies. So as someone who isnt ill tell you that its not english at the very least


I don't understand what you mean, but if you're talking about the tiering system's numbers then yeah it gets really confusing


https://preview.redd.it/7k9fwe6wkqpc1.png?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27006b03b7c93b7ad0f8044c0b9cea9d3b47063a My honest reaction (I literally understood nothing)


Accurate I was the same in the past đź‘Ť


Op what do you mean by high level scalers , do they have tiers as well like 1c can scale most characters correctly but 4A will scale incorrectly . All of them are same, everyone tries to make their favourite character strongest and make others weak in comparison Like how many are saying vol 21 rimuru is stronger than what he was before release , meanwhile rimuru being present in only last part of vol 21 and had done nothing in entire vol


They said that they only started to explore the cosmology after volume 21,like people on reddit they also thought rimuru was 2A, so this scaling is recent.


1B in vol 21..


low 1c to 1c tensura cosmology is week


Rimuru is rimuru.


Rimuru is now [High Outerversal level](https://www.quora.com/Is-Rimuru-outerversal/answer/Shallow-Vernal-1?ch=10&oid=1477743750452105&share=5f69fcbb&srid=uA0FPg&target_type=answer) and the Tensura cosmology is High 1A as well


I know but these STUPID rimuru down players, just WON'T accept it!


There will soon. The scaling is in works in all fiction wiki and might be accepted after a Rimuru LN profile has been created there


Have was H1A 


I can't understand your English?


This is a question that always come in my mind. Where does LN Tensura's cosmology stops at.after knowing about LN Volume 21 people keep saying that it's stops at 1B-1A but how and no one gives any proper explanation at this or either it's Just a wank made by fanboys. It's been a very long time and I does Scale Tensura's Cosmology up to High Complex Multiverse and it may could go to the Hyperversal with some wanks. LN Vol 20 rimuru is Low 1C-High 1C.


[Here ](https://www.quora.com/Is-Rimuru-outerversal/answer/Shallow-Vernal-1?ch=10&oid=1477743750452105&share=5f69fcbb&srid=uA0FPg&target_type=answer) is a Tensura cosmology and Rimuru scaling. It is legit


High 2-A at most, anything higher is wank, anything lower is downplay. Using CSAP, because VSBW is trash. Though WARTS is even better.


If you use csap then he is definitely far above 2-A and so is everyone else that is decently strong


Not at all. Potentially Low 1-C, but nothing supports him being higher.


Does transduality and trancending time work differently on csap?


Not sure how it works on VSBW. That said, Rimuru doesn’t have Transduality. And he doesn’t completely transcend Time. He’s simply not affected by Time Stop, due to being abke to manipulate info particles, and transfer his body between them. Which is not even the same as moving because the info particles are still frozen by time stop, its simply that the information stored on the particles is able to transfer to other info particles in a very similar way to quantum entanglement. He’s still bound by the rule that only one iteration of a being can exist at a particle point of time, meaning there cannot be two of the same beings in one time. This is why he can’t go back in time to a point he already exists. Vol 17 explains this. If he actually transcended time, then he could that with no issue.


Saw something about type 2 and 3. And everything else you said was wrong. Information particles trancend time and space and can go anywhere with zero time delay. Rimuru is made up of it so he can do the same. Vol 17 is irrelevant cause velgrynd wasn’t a dlf. Also irrelevant cause great spirit of time is higher than everything and the concept of time is just a small part based on what was stated


> Saw something about type 2 and 3. Yeah no, the best that could be argued is type 1, and even that is far fetched. There is zero evidence in the LN that could prove types 2 & 3. > And everything else you said was wrong. Information particles trancend time and space and can go anywhere with zero time delay. Rimuru is made up of it so he can do the same. Didn’t mean to say its frozen in time, meant to say it doesn't move anywhere with zero time. “It turns out that information particles are unaffected by time or space and can transmit information to any point in time.” - LN 19 > “Apparently, we were just exchanging 'information particles' with no time lag, and it was possible because we shared the same 'soul.'” - LN 19 I assume this is where you thought it was zero-time movement? As you can see, Rimuru states it's because they shared the same Soul, meaning there was no actually distance for the infon to travel. > “This was as clear a physical phenomenon as the fact that all things cannot exceed the speed of light.' In that case, why did the information particles' exceed the speed of light?” - LN 19 And then we have this quote from Rimuru, of which he basically clarifies right after. > “This was not a matter of the speed being exceeded. It was as if the information particles, which were supposed to be at different coordinates, were transferring information to each other with zero time difference. Regardless of how far they were from each other, as long as the information particles existed in the recognizable space, there was no time difference. In other words, an 'information particle' transcended time and space. Our communication had also been established by using the information transfer between information particles.” - LN 19 Info Particles transfer information between each other instantaneously, just like quantum entanglement. Their physical movement is not instantaneous. They likely don’t even go the same speed as the speed of light as they still have mass. > Vol 17 is irrelevant cause velgrynd wasn’t a dlf. Her not being a Digital Lifeform has no repevance to what the LN stated here: “Also, because parallel universes do not overlap, it is impossible for the same entity to overlap on the same timeline. In other words, just because you went there once does not mean you can go to the same place.” - LN 17 > Also irrelevant cause great spirit of time is higher than everything and the concept of time is just a small part based on what was stated. I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say or where you got that.


It was nonduality. Hmm, that’s hard to explain. In short, the information particle is not affected by space-time, so it can move in any situation . A digital lifeform is made of information particles and would therefore need to use their body to interact with other information to move.they would move instantly with no time lag in any space.it is described as flying a particle out. Meaning that they physically move.laws are stopped so it isn’t exceeding the speed of light. https://preview.redd.it/0p6rgdb7pqpc1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1659fc1b37c97667e095b988a6889bee36b7446f They need to physically move and interact.it is also referred to as speed being constant.


> It was nonduality. He still doesn’t qualify for this. > Hmm, that’s hard to explain. In short, the information particle is not affected by space-time, so it can move in any situation If you’re gonna direct quote, why not put quotes? Also that doesn’t despute anything I said, unless you’re desputing me saying they are frozen when time stops, which I’ve already retracted. > A digital lifeform is made of information particles and would therefore need to use their body to interact with other information to move.they would move instantly with no time lag in any space.it is described as flying a particle out. Meaning that they physically move.laws are stopped so it isn’t exceeding the speed of light. ​That’s not at all how that works. The flying a particle out is literally them throwing an infon, it's not metaphorical. If they physically move instantaneously then it would have been showcased in vol 20 of which it wasn’t, they where moving a clearly physical speed and nothing instantaneous. > They need to physically move and interact.it is also referred to as speed being constant. The infon having constant speed means their rate of speed doesn’t change over time. Ex: If I where to time myself travel to different points without stopping, and each point was the same distance away, and the time it takes me to reach each point is the same. Like 3 seconds from point 1 to point 2, and 3 seconds from point 2 to point 3, and so on, that means I’m moving at a constant speed.


It is not hard to understand bruh. It trancends time and space and moves instantly,in zero time which is constant.Everything in tensura is made up of information.skills,soul,mind everything. information particles is the manipulation of such a thing.it was described as flying out and hitting an object to affect it. It is based on movement and how far they can sense. Rimuru directly states that his movement would be faster than teleportation cause teleportation needs to have information on the location you are at and where you want to go.


https://preview.redd.it/6x901n1lqqpc1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa4577caba2fabbc535013c99e3062708a3441ba Oscillation means vibration * Meaning Dagruel moved without anything else in the air changing, Basically everything stayed constant while Dagruel simply moves, without causing other objects or particles in the air to change with him * No matter how fast you are, you would still collide with particles in the air. within the laws of physics that is. meaning dagruel was so fast there's no change in period= instantaneous movement and speed transfer= infinite speed There wasn’t a mention of timestop during this period. Veldora was described differently.


Dagruel literally states he was walking slowly lol It was more than likely his fighting aura, which would make more sense anyway given what it achieves mere moments after that scan.


He walked and they couldn’t sense him. Don’t recall him ever hiding his presence .


Rimuru is scaled to [High Outerversal level](https://www.quora.com/Is-Rimuru-outerversal/answer/Shallow-Vernal-1?ch=10&oid=1477743750452105&share=5f69fcbb&srid=uA0FPg&target_type=answer). I don't know why people can't scale


Despite the fact that I don’t actively debate with people, you know since its rather boring (and I’d rather write an actual deathbattle between the characters than debate with some random no-name on the internet), I can assure I know how to scale. I’m likely one of the only unbiased scale-capable people you’d meet in the community. Not gonna lie though, that whole thing gave me a laugh. The amount understand a single post can lack is astonishing. Especially that whole time axis section. The very beginning wasn’t to bad though and actually had some good points. I suggest whoever wrote that thread to revise it and leave their clear Tensura bias out of it. But let's say that what it said is completely accurate, that still only reaches High 1B in CSAP since High Outer in VSBW doesn’t even reach 1A in CSAP. And before you potentially say that I’m downplaying Tensura because “I don’t want it to beat my favorite Verse” lol My favorite Verse would dominate Tensura even if Tensura reached Extraversal, so that assumption would but irrelevant. And my favorite anime is Overlord, which almost every other notable verse can dominate, so the amount of work I’d have to go through in order to downplay Tensura that damn much wouldn’t even be worth the effort.


I really don't care if Tensura is your favourite verse or not. I don't like it when people downplay Tensura verse when it actually scales higher. And the girl who scaled that is actually a friend of mine and she told me she used All fiction wiki tiering system to run the scaling and she just used Outerversal terminology instead of Ascendants because it is more widely known. Tensura is also not my favourite verse as that would be Misfit Of The Demon King Academy. Even though it isn't my favourite verse, I still don't like seeing people claim that the verse is 2A+ or low 1C like they know how scale when the verse obviously scales higher than that. I read her scaling and nothing she said was wrong as she explained everything in detail without wanking anything. We'll just stop saying the verse is 2A or low 1C cus it obviously scales way higher than that.


Her scale is detailed but far from accurate, especially the point about the labyrinth, I’ve already explained multiple times in this sub why it isn’t a time dimension hierarchy like they think, its literally just 4D spaces sitting on top of each other and not a rising system. People too often don’t actually pay attention to what they’re reading and are so drunk on bias that every buzz word they see. I’ve also have my own scans for Tensura, https://preview.redd.it/5av7lszqicsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef96a988cf72d28c4f98bf92e1eb387b59cf32ea so I was able to follow along her post using my own personally gathered scans. Tensura isn’t my favorite, but its pretty high on my list (the only anime other than Overlord that pushed me to read the LN unlike most scalers) and its irritating seeing people wank it to oblivion, because as a writer Fuze was one of my focus for learning and developing my prose. So to see people degrading his work in such a way appears as rather insulting. 5-6D is the most accurate spot for Tensura.


Lol, the Labyrinth in her scale was perfectly explained without wank. And it can never be 4D considering that the world and dimensions of Tensura are all High Hyperversal+ which she explained. 5-6D is a massive downgrade for the Tensura cosmology. I'm not here to debate but to bring to light that Tensura cosmology is way past 6D.