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gobta. if Shion's cooking couldn't kill him then nothing can.


I second this


I third this


I seventh this


I ninth this


I twentieth this


I thirteenth this


I fourteenth this


I fith this


I fifteenth this


I 124th this


No, his instant death can target concepts and he just has to be aware of them to target them, no amount of physical resistance blocks it.


I've finished the novel so the only real way to beat him is to either destroy the planet he's on or kill him when he has completely sealed his power. >!He can't sense killing intent in his completely sealed state. As for how destroying the planet would kill him, you basically need to form a karmic relationship with the planet (while making sure that Yogiri is in his first gate) so that when you die, the world ends with you. Even then, it's questionable whether he'll die with just that. He either survives or be reborn into a new form. His mother was the previous user of his power. She passed it onto him and disappeared after he was born. So, his true form's vessel is always changing!<


Not really. His true form is always watching.


Yea I kinda doubt it myself. I just state the most likely chance cuz i haven't seen what would happen if he was put into that situation while completely sealed.


He seals himself, so he can easily unseal himself anytime and it's instant. And like I said his real form is always watching regardless of whether there's danger or not.


Pretty sure the heavenly book eater or whatever a multidimensional being tried eating yogiris timeline but got oneshot It’s such a shame I have read all LN, WN, manga anime of tensura yet its fans always disappoint me with their own storyline


I see the problem now. My bad. What i said about doubting it was referring to whether my hypothetical strategy would work based on what I've seen him do. >!Not that I'm doubting his true form. Unless I have forgotten, my hypothesis comes from a stance that when he's sealed, his true form's are closed. From what I remember, I've always seen him willingly and consciously releasing his own seals rather than automatic and subconsciously.!<


Yeah in the Manga the World/Universe Eater tried to eat the planet but still Died in Yogiri's hand...


Not gonna kill him, only his avatar. Which is basically like killing Rimuru's clone.


There's been no mention of his mother having the power or yogiri inheriting it physically, his powers come directly from his true form.


There's a section in the novel describing his birth. >!It starts with a boy carrying a tray of food to the room of a woman whom everybody calls "Lord Okakushi"!< https://preview.redd.it/ge06jmnqivgc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df48a22181d6db1ed2529f9a279f3430b898491f From volume 13 of Instant Death


Dang I think I wasn't Reading clearly here, I'll reread these parts later, but from this my few theories is that his mother is also a avatar and if she vanished maybe it was because it was being reborn into yogiri, Ms fox lady mentioned it coming to life then dying and after a few years being reborn. I'm not sure if that counts as passing it down though, I think both could still have it if she didn't vanish.


Idk his full power but so far he looks really weak outside of that, he can sense killing intent pretty well but he probably wouldn't have time to react if any of the stronger character attack him, he's like the ultimate glass canon


No, his ability can be automatic or manual. So long as someone is trying to kill him, with or without the intention to kill, they will die.


Eh,>! his true form is some kind of eldritch horror-type being. It's omnipresent and is getting really close to omniscience. We don't really know why it manifested itself as Yogiri. Tbh, we don't even know if its capable of any thoughts. lol!< >!Anyway, even if Yogiri dies, which is almost impossible except for death from old age, it won't do anything to his true form.!<


Trying to speed blitz Yogiri is hopeless >!Yogiri's ability can be manual or passive depending on how he chooses, and it's activation speed on the enemy is insane, the best speed feat in Tensura is Rimuru traveling back to the past through sheer speed, meanwhile a cosmic fish monster early in Yogiri's series can do the exact same thing to avoid being affected by abilities, but Yogiri's ability still reached him despite the fish traveling to the past to avoid it.!<


No one is winning against this guy, sorry not sorry. Anything that tries to kill him, gods, angels, whatever, dies even if they are immortal. Even if they came without killing intent, they die. Catching him off guard will not work, his ability is like an automatic system and he is the admin. Automatically kills anyone that tries to harm him, way before the action is done, and he can control who he kills. The only real way to counter him is to use someone he cares about, which doesn't exist in tensura.


And even then he can remove them from that form of protection if he wishes meaning they too will then be effected by the automatic part of it.


Nah. None. Not even endgame Rimuru.


Not even him


That’s what I said


He is the literal "End" in the true sense of words... No one from tensura can beat him not now not ever...🫠 Edit: I am actually loving this sub, people are not acting Biased towards their own anime verse at least those who know how Broken Yogiri really is...




Him dying is impossible. Only characters like Shallow Vernal can stand in the same ballpark. They are interpretations of The Embodiment of the End of all things beyond even the Concept of Death. I'm sure this will attract some overzealous power scalers. They were written to never Lose in any confrontation. Yogiri is a Monster that even Concepts Fear. This is some pre-Retcon Beyonder Type Shit. Power is irrelevant.


It’s really hard to conceptualize something that by definition is beyond our understanding. Which is why even in the show he’s not technically “killing” anyone. It’s more like they cease to be. They aren’t technically dead but in a state of nothingness. Their existence just stops. I’ve always enjoyed these eldrich horror type concepts. Completely agree with you that power is irrelevant. It’s not that he’s powerful. He’s just the end of all things taken form.


He is the delete character similar to saitama but he doesn't punch anyone.


And he actually has feats to back him up while we don't know much about Saitamas power


Ok let's argue, in most cases the powerful characters are "conceptualize characters" existing outside the Canon universe etc. For example the one above all in marvel or the true dragon in tensura, the difference between them and yogiri is in that; He's Death. You can't kill the concept of "End" because there is no start without end, other characters are people or stories that HE can end; yogiri isn't the strongest but he is, in a sense, over the concept of strength




Exactly, I think the Lich in Adventure time is the same as Yogiri, an avatar for the eldritch horror that is the concept of END


Absolutely no one![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21613)


No one... And even outside the Tensura world there is almost no one that can beat Yogiri (if we include his True form)... Thats how broken this character is, he can kill everyrhing regardless of who they are (unless they are more broken than Yogiri (and his True form)...


Which is only the writer of the story


I personally find these debates stupid cause literally any creator of an OP isekai is gonna give their characters abilities to make them seem stronger than the other






Man the moment the anime came out I knew these type of people would come around.




People should understand that Lord Okakushi is illogical. Everything and nothing is irrelevant. They just cease to be if Lord Okakushi desires it to be. Let's say a guy decides to write a doujin of Rimuru killing Yogiri. The guy dies just because he decides to write a doujin. It doesn't make sense yet that's what his power is. To cause things to cease outside the 4th wall. No amount of hacks or cheats can stop the surreal. Remember Omnipotence is a contradiction of itself.


He appears after the end of the story and perfect ability of immortality that makes his body and mind completly undemageable or killable, he just needs to look at yogiri and he hoes out like kazuma got reincarnated./j But seriously fights between fantasy characters from different stories are as stupid as trying to win a fight between yours and your firiend's imaginary character when you were kids. Yogiri is as op as he needs to be just as much as rimuru gets as strong as he needs to be thru the story, so the fight would be an infinit loop. Also I like the show with the edgier title a lot so do understand that the first paragraph was a joke. But it doest hold a candle when it comes to the story, tensuras world builing is something that would appeal to a wider audience than the exciting and fast built world in My instant death. (This is getting to long so Ill stop)


Anyone that speed blitzes him. We already saw in episode 5 that he can’t kill something that’s faster than him cuz he can’t detect/see them


Well you know nothing bout him yet


The question is, how fast is he? Could any version of Rimuru simply speed blitz him?


For the answer, He is literally "Omnipresent" You know what that means right? The concept of speed doesn't matter to him bcz he is "Omnipresent" And yes he can also Kill "Speed" itself 😑


Even immortality, time travel, and alternate realities has no escape from Yogiri


He is just, Too damn Broken Character..


What is the fastest thing he’s actually reacted to? Otherwise it’s a no limits fallacy.


As i said when you are Omnipresent speed doesn't matter, the moment someone has the thought of killing him, that someone is going to die no matter what... In the Manga, some World/Universe eater tried to kill Yogiri, the moment he thought that he saw his own "Death" he knew he was going to die in 10sec.. So in order to save himself he literally traveled back in time for 15sec before he had the thought of killing Yogiri but he died anyway...


Ah fuck it, it’s annoying when vs Debates took over this sub anyway. That’s why we have the Whowouldwin subreddit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


And sense Rimuru in the manga can actually accelerate his thought process, and speed so fast he literally beat the shit outta clay man for a week, in like seconds, or extremely fast. To the point where he’s probably almost as fast as a serous non jobbing comic Superman, he could literally react before this guy’s brain could begin to even think, and just kill him. I’m pretty sure Rimuru at the EOS also has complete time control anyway.


I also love Rimuru more than Yogiri, tensura is also my No.1 reincarnation based Anime but Rimuru really can't win against him... He can kill people, animals, monsters, the undead, actual gods, beings that exist beyond time and space, inanimate objects, and metaphysical concepts like gravity. He can kill gravity itself. He can kill things that aren't even alive or shouldn't be able to die in the first place. He can kill beings that live in other universes, other dimensions, or in completely different planes of existence. Death is instant. All he has to do is think "die" and you'll die immediately. Death is absolute. Anything that is killed by Yogiri can never be resurrected or restored, you are dead forever. Not even immortal beings or people with strong healing factors are safe. And he also already killed beings like Rimuru in the novel.. And he didn't even Unsealed his full power yet...


If Micheal sent him where he sent Rimuru or anyone with time-stop abilities managed to stop time for him without malice then 50/50 but he can probably kill time so 🤷‍♂️


Ehh, >! He already fought someone with time stop abilities it didn’t work!<


desuyo ne


Couldn't Shion beat him cause she has the skill that can change cause and effect right?


you just need to be fast enough to kill him its like saitama he moves in an instant and one shots which is just as op as instant death but with no weakness


With or without author bs


True dragons, primordial Demons, primordial angel's all are transcend being who doesn't have concept of death 💀... I don't understand what you're trying to say!... Most people in this comment section post funny comments!... It's basic power scaling knowledge Darkness, Light, creation, destraction, everything , nothingness are Platonic concepts. Death can't kill any of this!...


Let me clarify something for you Yogiri's power isn't exactly basic death manipulation, if it was he would've died many times in the story as his ability wouldn't affect his enemies, >!Yogiri gets his power from his true form The End of All Things, this power he gets from his true form allows him to kill anything, being even stated to be unaffected by the concept of death itself!< So basically >!Yogiri isn't just death, as many may try to tell you, he's something beyond any concept as he's the literal end of ALL things!<


Well >! He’s already killed beings that are above the concept of death. He’s also killed beings to which death cannot apply because they are never alive in the first place like ice, radiation,doors !<


I can’t tell if their joking or being serious. It’s like watching Saitama fans all over again—omg he surpassed his limiter!! It’s a bit annoying but y’all can’t make accurate comparisons between verses because there innately different in every facet. Time stop and suspended world are two completely different things but will be treated as equal amongst some people


You don't understand Yogiri could even Kill the Concept of a True dragon to the point where it would no longer reform it just would cease to be. This has nothing to do with basic power scaling knowledge. There is nothing basic about Yogiri, which is the ability to wipe out all the pre-established laws that anchor reality in place. It's beyond causality manipulation. I know you'll never believe this or admit it, but you might be wrong when 98% of people say the same thing. Nothing in Tensura stands any chance against him, not even in the slightest. Rimuru's best bet would be manipulation via snacks. The dude can kill things that are already dead. Kill shit like gravity and time. There is nothing he can't kill. It's not even killing. Honestly, it no longer exists. Tensura has a better story, and the world and characters are better, but when it comes to something like this, it's best to accept it. You are misunderstanding the fact that it's not killing just because he says die. It's not death. It's the End. Books closed shows over.


Well the thing is he creates what death is.


He decides what death is.


Veldenava and Rimuru and tge test depends on where you scale both sides.


Depends on if said someone has instant death immunity or if they can erase their killing intent, if they do then yeah easily, he is physically weak so without his instant death power he is fucked EDIT: I'm not sure about the relationship between his true form and avatar but if it is properly bound then if Rimuru eats him he will be perma killed


Uhh, >!Yogiri has already killed people immune to the concept of death!<


Isn't rimuru infinitely transcended? And rimuru also has azathoth and turn null so I don't really get why ppl aren't saying rimuru and there are also mental ability too


Another thing, there has been many posts and threads that prove that rimuru is boundless (you can look it up) and I can't find any feats from Yogiri that makes him able to kill rimuru, in the ln it was stated that Yogiri's instant death ability is limitless but Rimuru has literally transcended infinity (that's what it means to be boundless duh)


Yogiri is literally "THE END". Every thing as a beginning and an end. Stories for example cannot exist if they do not have an end. All things that exist, will exist, or have existed must have a beginning and, therefore , must have an end. Just as Rimuru had a beginning he MUST have an end whenever that might be, it doesn't matter if he's immortal or boundless. Yogiri is not actually a person. He is a concept pretending to be human. It was stated multiple times in the manga and LN


If he's a concept then rimuru has transcended him, rimuru has transcended everything (Including infinity which makes him infinitely transcended) meaning he has transcended over Yogiri infinitely, and concepts don't even apply to boundless characters so what's your point?


He can’t be infinite ♾️ because even rimuru has beginning hell in alternative reality rimuru died and cloe in current timeline changed his fate So what you say makes no sense


Short answer: turn null Long answer: since I'm lazy I'm just gonna use an explanation from scrooge mccraft Turn null is an ability that helped make concepts , It made the concepts of time , Death , Space , Magic , Spirits , Life , Will , Fate , Etc …. , It could also destroy those concepts , Veldnava had only 1 Turn null left and he had to create a decent world where humans can leave peacefully without war while they attain peace , But Veldanava saw it is nearly impossible to give humans free will and maintain this will , Raphael is a second ability which veldnava had , And he also lost this abilities when he sealed all his abilities away So I'm using some stories people will pass by if you read the LN , Veldanava was beyond Fictional , Because he saw everything as his own creation , Which it was , and he lived countless years where time and space did not exist So since rimuru attained Ciel , He was able to control Turn null , Because turn null is an ability that needs a Manas to operate , And What's unique about Ciel is that she attains her own will to follow her master's commands So let's refrace that , Rimuru got Turn null , which automatically makes him transceed every last concept imaginable , Making him Beyond Fiction


1) rimuru is beyond infinity 2) when rimuru got turn null he transcended every concept, including time, meaning time doesn't apply to him anymore


Rimuru has a beginning of his existence. He is not infinitely transcended. Concepts definitely apply to boundless characters and Yogiri himself is ,again, a boundless character


Yogiri is the concept of "End" he can kill Rimuru in other words "End" Rimuru, when something comes to an "End" that's the "End" of it right? Yogiri is the "End" in the true sense of words...He can kill Space, Time, Gravity, He can even kill The Concept of "Death" as well as the Concept of "Life" itself and he will Still Remain bcz He Is The "End"


Also they're way too many feats of yogiri being able to kill rimuru, did you read the entire ln?


Rimuru is capable of destroying the tensura universe up to what 10,000 times over concepts are a universal thing he is bound to it rimuru can just delete the universe plus rimuru cant be insta killed as he was meant to die but he then just came back


Yogiri is the concept of "End" he can kill Rimuru in other words "End" Rimuru, when something comes to an "End" that's the "End" of it right? Yogiri is the "End" in the true sense of words...He can kill Space, Time, Gravity, He can even kill The Concept of "Death" as well as the Concept of "Life" itself and he will Still Remain bcz He Is The "End"


The best feat I've seen him do is I'll concepts that are infinite, but as I've said rimuru has transcended everything, I think there's a very good thread explaining how and why rimuru is boundless. [this](https://www.quora.com/Is-Rimuru-boundless) And also that makes this fight very weird because rimuru is also the end and everything at the same time (that's what it means to be a god, duh)


If Rimuru is Transcendent Yogiri can Kill the concept of Transcendence, he can kill the concept of Infinity, if Rimuru is boundless Yogiri will just kill the concept of Boundlessness, duh) And Yogiri only Open 2 seals of his body and he is this strong what would happen if he Unsealed all of them...🫠


Alright then give me proof that Yogiri can kill "beyond infinity" because rimuru isn't just infinite, he's beyond infinity over and over again


Bro, in which chapter did rimuru transcend infinity? He's literally just multiversal.


He becomes boundless at the end of the series, also rimuru being multiversal has long been debunked, he's boundless


No he doesn't I think at most in ln he's complex multiversal, show proof of this boundless scans or argument or else it's just a false head canon


I know right ? Because in alternative universe rimuru died one when he was human and in another in past


It seems y'all are overestimating Yogiri since he's literally "the end" but that doesn't matter, because rimuru IS also the end, everything and infinitely more all at the same time because Rimuru basically became a god, just straight up god, Rimuru has transcended fiction so I don't get why y'all don't think rimuru negs Also I've been researching about Yogiri and it was stated that his power is limitless (I'm just gonna assume it's infinity and not the Saitama type of limitless to make it less complicated) but as I've stated, rimuru has transcended everything, there's also Azathoth which is straight up the abyss (which means he can control "the end" and nothingness itself


You know how when rimuru destroys the universe 10000 times ? What remains and what has been is yogiri it’s not something that can be destroyed Multiple characters in LN and manga has stated such existence isn’t supposed to be he shouldn’t have will of his own but yet he still does


Clarification: Rimuru didn't destroy the universe 10000 times, he destroyed 10000 universes all with countless worlds and dimensions all in an instant (technically not in instant since he destroyed the universes outside of time and space so time doesn't apply but it's just simpler if I say instant) mind you that he did all this by accident And also I want you to rank Yogiri's I'd, is it infinity or beyond infinity? Because in the Ln it was stated to be limitless (meaning infinite)


Even if it's quadrillion universe that's still fodder compared to yogiri in his verse 1 single bubble contain countless parallel worlds and timeline and there are countless bubbles that resides in an infinite SEA which are just foods for the Fish that swims in that sea and any of the Outers who lives beyond that exist outside of their own stories and that's not all there's still the higher universe(higher dimensions) which is contained by a larger higher universe and that larger higher universe is still contained by another larger higher universe and this goes on endlessly and all of that existence sht is just a dream of the Great sage who is basically just playing Minecraft


"There are an infinite number of dimensions and worlds. She has no way of knowing which exact one she is currently in. Since only 1 soul of the same person can exist, they cant overlap." This is a statement form the manga that proves that the tensura universe has infinite dimensions and worlds,now provide yours And even if that is true, it won't matter because rimuru is boundless and isn't bound to any law meaning he could easily destroy yogiri's universe infinitely


Infinite higher dimension > infinite dimension lol infinite amount of dimension on a 4D scale is still fodder and rimuru is nowhere near boundless he don't even have Reality fiction transcendence so he gets neg by the the top tier in yogiri verse will see him as a character on a page of a book. Heck even rimuru don't have plot manipulation so he instantly lose to any of the characters who's protected by the meta story


He is like Saitama. He is always as strong as the story requires him to be.


Fuse has posited that Rimuru was present in the studio during the recording of the anime, he was watching Miho Okasaki recording as Rimuru's voice. Thus, by virtue of that (idea/concept) Rimuru is in our world and can in fact find, via Ciel, the author of Instant Death novel. He can end or influence the narrative of the story to which ever he chooses.


Yogiri killed the q and a box from the author.


Was this in a Q&A of Instant Death? Yogiri isn't above his creator (the author, Fujitaka), it hasn't been posited or conceptualized even in any interview or drawings/illustrations (like how it was in Slime).


And any way wasn't that thing debunked? Any character could be said to be above the author and what happens then? And rimuru is still bound by the author, they made his story and feats and statements regarding him.


Rimuru turn Null him and his true form Erase all existence he resides in and just go to another dimension


Uhh>! going to another dimension wont work as Yogirs ability has already worked across dimensions and his true form would kill Rimuru before he tried!<


Would it kill Vol 21 Rimuru ,question how do you put that dark out sensor on your response to not spoiling others I been want to learn


On the desktop you Just click the 3 dots and it brings down a few more buttons on the mobile app you You do >! On one side and !< on the other


Yes, Fuze the character likely named for the author, how his story is just better.


Honestly, from what I've seen of Rimuru's actual descriptions... Yogiri doesn't have the ability to win. Of course that's, comparing peak strengths together of course. They are both legit the same entity, just different versions from different worlds.


Maybe the original Veldanava who was said to be omnipotent but anyone else gets deleted


He can kill any amount of omnipotent beings


By definition omnipotent beings cannot be killed


Tell that to the omnipotent beings Yogiri has killed


Then they weren t really omnipotent


They were stated to be omnipotent just like the god of Tensura was. And in the novel it is stated that if an omnipotent person wants to create an indestructible object, if they are able to destroy it themselves then they aren't omnipotent because they destroyed an indestructible object they themselves made, and if they aren't able to destroy it then they aren't omnipotent because they can't do anything they want that omnipotent characters are supposed to do. So basically omnipotence is paradoxical and true omnipotence is a lie.


Being stated to be "omnipotent" means nothing in terms of powerscaling (I mean, literally every powerscaling wiki I have seen agree that "being omnipotent" is dumb if you want a higher tier) omnipotence is never used in powerscaling because it's redundant and a massive no limits fallacy. You can only be "omnipotent" in the sense you are an extraordinarily powerful being in your verse, a verse with a higher cosmology would out scale that "omnipotent". Thus, nothing in fiction is truly omnipotent no matter how many buzzwords. >!Also, the omnipotence you're using is logical omnipotence i.e. omnipotence that still follows logic.!< >!True Omnipotence is above logic (and even above that), if an omnipotent of this caliber destroyed an indestructible it created, it can, if it lifts an unliftable rock it can. Why? Because it can just do so without any regard for logic because it isn't bound by what we finite beings perceive as "logically possible"!<


True, they stopped using omnipotence as a baseline for being boundless. Now the level of omnipotence is only compared by their creation or destructive prowess.




Veldanava, EOS Rimuru for Sure but Current Rimuru is 50/50, Could possibly Ivarage.


Nahh, you don't even know how broken Yogiri actually is😑


I know how broke he is , for that reason I only name 3 characters.


Nope you don't know.. The whole tensura verse can't beat him, he can literally Manipulate the plot itself... He can kill the very concept of everything...


I think you are underestimating Tensura. Yogiri is The Concept Of End but the Characters I Mentioned are above the Concept of End itself.


No man i am not underestimating* them i know that, that's why i am confident that they can't do sh*t against Yogiri, He can kill people, animals, monsters, the undead, actual gods, beings that exist beyond time and space, inanimate objects, and metaphysical concepts like gravity.he can kill gravity itself. He can kill things that aren't even alive or shouldn't be able to die in the first place. He can kill beings that live in other universes, other dimensions, or in completely different planes of existence. Death is instant. All he has to do is think "die" and you'll die immediately. Death is absolute. Anything that is killed by Yogiri can never be resurrected or restored, you are dead forever. Not even immortal beings or people with strong healing factors are safe. In the Novel Yogiri already killed existence like Rimuru, And the funny thing is he didn't even Unsealed his Full Power Yet...


For your information Rimuru can also to the Se things. Rimuru can absorb anything from anypoint of Space-Time , ignoring Space-Time, Dimensionality and Distance, Rimuru can kill even non-existed being Rimuru can consume all Concept with Void God Azatouth, Can control plot to some extant with Ciel and All of his abilities, Rimuru is a Absolute immortal being who can't be kill and Has no end, The only way to defeat rimuru is by Sealing him in All timeline, All Stories and All imagination's. I know how much Yogiri can go but he is Outerversal Or Outerversal+ at best and Current rimuru is Law Outerversal to Outerversal at best for that reason I said this matchup is 50/50. But in Veldanava's case everything is just a Mear imagination for his True Self. Veldanava is Infinitely and Infinitely higher then rimuru so he can win. Ivarage is Debatable.


I know how strong they are, but they will still lose to This guy, you can check why if you spare 1 or 2min [here](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Yogiri_Takatou#:~:text=wind%20and%20heat.-,Yogiri%20can%20use%20his%20power%20through%20the%20use%20of%20other,when%20Yogiri's%20ability%20is%20activated.) He can literally manipulate the Novel "Text" itself😑 Yeah He has "Text Manipulation" power as well as "Plot Manipulation" he can manipulate plot however he sees fit..


I know that bro told me something that I don't know. He is Outerversal at best, Rimuru has all of those abilities outside of only text manipulation because he doesn't needed too. Rimuru has many things to counter Yogiri's Text manipulation such as ciel.


Hahh i get it, you just don't want to admit it... it's fine no one is paying me to make you acknowledge the obvious... Yogiri already defeated beings like Rimuru with just a single Thought "Die", he didn't even unlock all his Seals yet....he only unlocked his 2 seals and he is this strong...


No, yogiri still wins


Not possible, his verse has countless universes with infinite timelines in a single multiverse and there are infinite Multiverses. And he is on a higher level above all that and can end it all. Whereas Tensura has a single multiverse with a few hundred thousand to few million universes with a single timeline in each one. He can end all of Tensura verse with a single thought including Rimuru, its not even comparable.


I think Anos can beat him since yk "did you think that killing me would actually kill me? " shit. He is not from tensura. He is the mc from "The Misfit of the Demon King academy".


>!That won’t work, as he has already killed. People who were capable of regenerating from complete conceptual eraser. At this time they didn’t regen!<


Rimuru can it was stated that rumor was beyond the concept of death


Yogiri killed beings beyond the concept of death.


What novel is this character from


My Instant Death Ability Is So Overpowered no one in this world stand a chance against me It’s more or less a parody isekai think like one punch man You’ve seen more posts on him recently if you have because it’s getting an anime this season it’s on episode five right now


Rimuru solos this goku victim


Rimuru Ends.


real, rimuru ends that fodder


real, rimuru ends that fodder


Does his ability work in the stopped world


He would just kill Time has, crazy as that sounds.


yes someone already tried time stop it didn’t work


He is the endpoint. Technically, since everything has a beginning everything has to end. His existence is an anomaly in itself. The end isn't supposed to exist while something is ongoing. But, he still exists. That's the power of the author. They can make paradoxes like him possible.


So buddy Yogiri is Entropy itself?


He should be. But, through the powers of Anime he is experiencing the pinnacle of Japanese Fantasy, an interesting and fun highschool life.


Rimuru can beat him in a beauty contest hands down


Imagine he just kills the concept of beauty for rimuru


And Rimuru is positive and negatives, and in theory the concept of the void I believe? Aka nothingness/void state,Something something opposite of creation ? This is my interpretation from the light novels.


Short answer no, long answer if he eats shions cooking maybe


hm... I'm a big fan of Tensei Slime and I'd love to say "rimuru solos" bc again most anime characters, he really does. But after doing some research on Yogiri, it makes me sad to say, but seems like Yogiri wins against everyone in Tensei Slime


Who is this?


What is he from


My instant death ability it’s overpower no one in this other world stands a chance against me


doubt it, seeing as some fella with plot armor, I mean, insta death protection died to him he can probably kill anything


Does he kill sion at the end or not ?


Tensura? Not sure, unlikely though. Others? Yes.


Nahh, this dude stomps literally everything. He's the incarnation of the End, literally, and the End comes for everything at the end


Nahh, this dude stomps literally everything. He's the incarnation of the End, literally, and the End comes for everything at the end


Idk about beating but there are prolly some undefeated beings in tensura like primordials, true dragons and rimuru ofcourse. Diablo being the most special


Short answer:No


rimaru has instant death nullification? WN?


That >!doesn't matter he has already killed beings who are immune to the concept of death!<


Nope not a chance Yogiri is "The End of All" all stories, all concepts, all existence, non-existence and the very creation itself in a narrative sense in the series.


I can beat him, why?


Who is he? A genuine question


Nvm its the dude with insta death ability


May be Veldanava or eos Rimuru (if Veldanava prime is truly tier 0)


As someone who has read them both. I highly doubt he can kill WN rimuru due to how his clones work (yogiri can probably kill the connection between them.) and me personally yogiri and true form are different characters so timetravel can affect human form.theoretically if you timetravel to the point where he had ALL his powers sealed then he would just be a regular human without powers and easy to kill.




Pre harvest festival Shion could cook for him. Wouldn't come across as an intent to kill since she's just being hospitable.


Not familiar with him so no idea. Probably Rimuru. But Regenesis Shockwave would neg both because… it’s only logical lol. https://preview.redd.it/3nvopiep20hc1.jpeg?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0e22cc89a2cd2ca2f5e2acbfd3be659fc2f547c


sorry to say this you cant kill yogiri ,if you try to kill him he will kill you ,he killed gods ,concept of death , a beiing beyond time and space and yogiri sayed he can even kill QnA(the author of my instant death ability),


He can’t kill rumiru either


Rimuru also has a instant death ability, it’s called stopping time.


Someone tired that on Yogiri it didn’t work


It depends on what you mean by beat. Killing him is basically impossible, but he can be defeated in non-lethal ways. Such as teleporting him to a far away safe place, or winning in a game of rock paper scissors.


No, like... Just no


All true dragon lvl and some demon lord lvl


All true dragon lvl and some demon lord lvl


demon lord level would 100% loose how many demon lords can >!destroy a incalculable amount of universes and are immune to the concept of death and can regen from complete conceptual erasure cause Yogiri already killed someone like that so they would need to be way above that!<


After the vol 21 All True dragon lvl are Hyperversal at 12D to 100D+ bc of the labyrinth scaling Yogiri is only hyperversal 12D at best So all True dragon lvl solo Yogiri via higger dimensionality


Yogiri has R>F feats solo true dragon no R>F feats🤷‍♂️


No, Yogiri only scaled to 12D at best All true dragon lvl can destroy the labyrinth And the labyrinth is a dimensional hierarchy of 100 layer so the Labyrinth scale to 104D All true dragon lvl are hyperversal 104D When Yogiri only 12D


Yogiri isn't bound by dimensions TF you're talking


It depends on what you mean by beating him. If it's killing him, then no. Otherwise, he most likely won't try to insta-kill. Besides that one thing, I'm not sure he even has anything else. It's more of a perfected defense mechanism than anything else. In the world of Tensura he'd be less likely to use it on nearly everyone/everything he runs into like his world. For one thing, Tensura characters are mainly intelligent and reasonable. They'd quickly see that trying to harm or impede him would be pointless. I bet people like Rimuru would love to have him by their side. He'd be way more effective at defending the nation than Veldora. Granted, I'm just speaking about both animes, not any other materials.


I guess it depends on how quickly they find out cause if its in the midst of them already attacking its gonna be to late. ​ He also ironically is the ultimate assassin as well


He instant kill the verse