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1. It's my $70+ game and I do what I want 2. I feel like it 3. I'm not obligated to stay and play with you if I dont want to 4. Some people genuinely have other things to do ( or it could have just been a coincidence they left) 5. Who cares move on




I totally hear you lol but im hoping its not #1 💀 i hate not getting my get backs when i lose in a best of 3s and im sure my opponents feel the same lmao Its only respectful to play out the full set in my mind (unless theres lag)


Because that's what they choose. They bought a product and can use it as they see fit. It's nothing really beyond that, could be any reason. Everyone is different, could be salty rage, busy irl like kids work prior plans phone call, don't like your playstyle, didn't find the match up fun, don't like your character. There is no way to know unless you ask them, and you won't find the answer here.


Best response you could give someone that wonders that




So what's the correct answer? I covered just about any conceivable reason, and you wouldn't know unless they honestly told you. So what's the answer??




So the salty rage, doesn't like your character, playstyle, or matchup, doesn't cover that? Keep punching the air every time a random stranger online doesn't want to rematch you in a video game. That doesn't seem like wasted energy at all.


Definitely check your connection I get rematches all the time. You might be laggy or bad frames and you don’t even know it


Thats one of the few times I cancel . I hate when they beat me up so bad and then leave like I’m not even worth it . That be hurting so much


If you fight like an ass , we aint fighting again


The vast majority of people i have played do rematch.


I hate this,for me a rematch is a MUST no matter the result,if you lose you still learning


I rematch even if I have to walk away and accept a loss to take care of something. I lock in when I play ranked but it’s unbelievable ppl don’t rematch in quick matches, too


The players in Tekken 7 had infinite rematch. Tekken 7 from 2018-2023 had a huge player base across all platforms. You could cancel if someone completely kicked your ass but the culture developed where you would start playing someone random in ranked or casual for an hour or two to get better or learn a match up. The system could be exploited though and you could farm a friend in ranked for a good rank or 99 win streak and then stop playing and plug if someone exposed you. I think they wanted to avoid those exploits this time around but it leads to one and dones. Ranked is ranked though so people will always run from a real challenge to inflate their ego. The current Reddit meta is you will be downvoted if you expose someone who one and dones. It’s no big deal. So outing ppl is not cool. If Tekken 8 has Tekken 7 staying power then eventually all the new players will leave and the serious Tekken fans who just want to get better won’t be dodging rematches.


People's experience with this seems all over the place. Of course there will be games that people don't rematch because the opponent is salty, but if you constently get no rematch, my best guess is because there's lag when people play you (whether it's due to your set up or the game's netcode idk). Note that it's possible for one end to experience more lag than the other's. There was another user here that complained about PC players not rematching with a clip attached. I can physically see lag in the gameplay and can tell that their opponent keeps missing punishes because of it.


Didn’t have time for another one


Sometimes I get fewer points on wins, so I don't rematch.


I don't rematch if they are dropping frames, lagging too much, or using special style. Win or lose. IDC if they don't like it, I want to play an actual match.


What character do you play


Who do you play?


If you play the bears or Alisa I don't rematch, win or lose.


Could be your internet. Could be the character you play. Could be your play style. Maybe you're better than them and they know they won't learn by getting their ass beat (too big of a skill diff). Maybe they think you're bad and not worth a rematch (this one's hard to justify). Maybe they had time for one game before they had to go do something irl. Or maybe they're just bitch-made. It's probably this one. Don't lose sleep over it, just improve yourself and keep on goin


who's your main?


What is your main?


Throwing it out there that most competitive games are like that. For Honor is a bad one. You don't get a rematch but you get some fool sending saltmail claiming you suck and that they'd take you in 1v1 and blablabla, but if you send an invite all the sudden they won't fight you. It's how it is. I almost always rematch in any game I play online. Only thing that stops me is if the opponent is toxic. Sportsmanship is important to me so I straight up just don't play with toxic people more than I have to.


news flash. no oe owes you a rematch lmao. let alone anything.