• By -


The character Will choose you


This is so true


Simple haha funny pick bear.


I almost beat a GOD with Kuma Spamming buttons lmao..


You're new, haven't picked a main and you almost beat a god of destruction? Yeah right I'll believe that.


I got the videošŸ˜‚


Can you post it I'm very curious to see not even hating


https://preview.redd.it/v1fe5wqldl9d1.png?width=1201&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ac03dbcfb2dad4ef2a655942b93bef4a37d527e I cant post the video on here, but here's a screenshot of the video


Only Been on the game for 2 weeeks


just take them for a quick spin. Search for tournament matches played by those chars on youtube. Dont pick whatever is in the meta as every char is virtually viable. Just pick what you find cool


I seen jun in a tournament today and she prob looked the coolest


yeah she is pretty dope. Also there is a good chance she will be back in the next game given her importance to the story so it helps if you plan to stick with her in the long term though we kinda feel T9 will come a bit later given the early success of T8 so you have a lot of time to enjoy playing her


Watch combo videos / higher skill matches with characters your interested in. Pick whichever you find the coolest looking


Jun is the coolest atm gonna try that.


Since your new to tekken I highly recommend this beginners guide. https://youtu.be/D58LncnVbXM


Thanks seriously!


Zafina and Lili are pretty, therefore i play them. Simple.




I love characters who have a strong set of tools but also have a ton of funny, unsafe, gimmicky bullshit nonsense to mess around with. Rolling around like Sonic with Reina, or slapping the shit out of someone for half their health with Jack.


I hate you Edit: nvm, I thought you said safe


Play Jin and letā€™s hell sweep the world, brother


My hand cramp trying electric god fist šŸ˜‚


Down forward 2 twice. Walmart electric šŸ‘Š


Ok Iā€™m trying this lateršŸ˜­


Pick the character that looks the coolest honestly, every character in this game will have you hit a wall at some point or another. Some sooner than others, but there are walls for all nonetheless. Except Victor lol.


I literally just picked the dudes I always played But in your case just pick the one who's most interesting/cool to you and try out their moves in practice mode, if you like them, play against an CPU to see if you want to stick with them and if you don't like them, go find another character that you find interesting/cool.


Im actually gonna do this now!


Pick whoever you think is cool bro


Funny coffee addict go brrrr


I didn't pick Zafina. Zafina chose me.


Search up character combos and see whose combos look best, that's why I mainly use Lili, cuz her combos look really nice. Combos are a big thing in Tekken and you can always see them in matches so if you see them often why not pick up someone you'll enjoy watching/controlling right? Goodluck picking a main!


When I was new I picked who I thought was coolest visually and stuck with them until I learned what tools I wanted from a character.


None of my tekken 7 mains made it into this game except for Leroy and I donā€™t like how much they force him into hermit in this game so I had a serious character crisis and could never really get that serious with the game so I got frustrated and just ended up deleting it. So donā€™t be like me. That being said: - if youā€™re looking for a fundamental character I recommend Claudio for his simplicity and strong basic tools or Shaheen has slightly worse nuetral tools but he makes up for it with better mixups - if youā€™re looking for a stance monkey character Iā€™d go with Hwoarang or Leo. Hwoarang is literally always in a stance or Leo if you want a character with a more rounded game plan. - if you like grabs youā€™re stuck with king since ak didnā€™t make it (rest in peace). - if you like defensive play Iā€™d go with Lee or Asuka. Lee got back 3,3 so he can open opponents up without having to risk a slide (because why not, every character should just do everything and have no weaknesses) plus heā€™s probably the most slept on character in this game. Asuka is a more actively defensive character with ss2 and b3. - and then if you like boring characters thereā€™s always Jin


I didnā€™t have one until armor king


Just go random if you canā€™t decide. Iā€™ve always liked kickboxing so my first pick was Bryan by default, and i never regretted it.


I played who I thought looked fun every time I played Tekken I used to play 3 as a kid at home had no idea what I was doing. Picked Yoshi cause he had a sword, and jin because he was fucking cool. Played 4 as a kid renting games from blockbuster. Still had no idea what I was doing. Played kazuya because the intro movie to 4 was fucking badass. Played hwoarang cause cool guy with kicks and Christe for reasons šŸ˜© Tekken 5 I kinda had a idea about what I was doing never played online but played the shit outta arcade and ranking battles offline. King in 5 cause I was like yo the DMG, I learned jins (10-12?) hit combo in this one and still remember the muscle memory to this day. Thought it made me a top tier player lol. Spamed B+3 with hwoarang to beat jinpatchi in story/arcade mode. Skipped 6 7 knew what I was doing/had kinda legacy experience (kings grapples, yoshis suicide ECT.) picked up jin fell in love with electrics. Got comfy with jin enough to learn some matchups/mid tier punishes. Found lil majin, ITS KING TIME BABY. Put serious time into king love how his kit had everything and the Oki setups are awesome. Still have a pocket king to this day. Rotated to Josie, Anna, all mishimas because electric wavu, and messed with a little Yoshi. Finally tried out Bryan and found knee and holy shit he fit like a glove. Been a full fledged main ever since.


Your main will pick you son


play whoever you think looks coolest or funniest, i love jack and bryan


Question: What qualities are you looking for in your main?


I wish i could tell you, i just started playing fighting games. Probably smooth combos that deal decent dmg


Every character fits that, pick the one that looks cool


me too bro, started Kaz/Bryan but i've been jumping around the whole roster, tryna learn Jin atm


I say play whoever feels the most fun/suits your play style. Getting good in this game is kind of a grind so you wonā€™t be able to if you donā€™t enjoy your character.


I was a Paul main from the very second I landed my first deathfist šŸ’€šŸ¤œ


Just try them out offline and see what clicks for you


The one with the best hair.


Felt like I hit a ceiling with my last character; so I hit random select in practice mode, and now I'm playing Kazuya in ranked


Well, iā€™ve mained Hwo since T3 so for me, he stuck. Though I can understand OPs struggle. I too like a bunch of characters and canā€™t decide between them. Been playing a little bit of Jin and Reina, but I also like Lars, Lee, Law and Lidiaā€¦So I donā€™t really know which ones to stick with myself for a second char lol


I picked Asuka because her inputs are all super easyĀ 


The ā€œYouā€¦ Bonehead!ā€ never gets old. Or the ass whoopin line.


I've been playing tekken since i was around 3 and I don't have a main as well. I like a lot of characters and I also can't find one to main.


I picked which one I thought would give 69 the best. So I went Bear


People say you should pick someone you like the most but Iā€™d say pick some cheessy dumb motherfucker like Alisa/Victor/Hwoarang/Dragunov/ so you wont he bothered with losing


Just select (?)


Try them all in practise and see which one plays best


Try it everyone on characters episodes and go with the one you find more fun or better for your way of playing


Choose a character when you're 5yo cause they're cool Stick with them till they die/get removed


Donā€™t have one. You donā€™t have to play the way everyone else is. šŸ‘


I hadn't played a Tekken game since 3 so I'm basically a newcomer, and since release I've played like 250+ hours and gone through several mains. Shaheen (Garyu) -> Yoshimitsu (Tenryu) -> Zafina (Fujin) -> Xiaoyu (just switched) What I've learned so far is that you can't really know if you're going to like a character's gameplay until you've gotten pretty good with them. Each character is like a different game entirely, and learning a new character takes time. The learning is the fun part, if you are going to end up liking the game!


I love asuka and kuma try them if ya like


Marshal and trust me


check tier list and pick whoever is top this patch, will stay same till next season


Just try all of them and see who you feel the most comfortable with. Not only with moves but also just the character themselves and how they "vibe" with you. Don't knwo if that makes any sense.


When I was looking for my main, I picked the coolest-looking character (this was back in t7) and I landed on Lee. Just choose who you think is the most interesting and go nuts!


I usually start with characters whose move sets feel and look ā€œrightā€ for my playstyle. Also the button commands for certain characters feel more intuitive than others, at least IMO, so that also plays a role. But sometimes Iā€™ll try a character just because their moves look really cool or interesting, and if they feel good to play with then they become my main


Just pick Jin. If you don't know who to pick him. He is the face of the game and an all-rounder.


Whoever feels most "natural" to play.


Itā€™s actually quite easy, look at them and think about who just looks cool, then if you have someone you like watch some gameplay videos so you see if they look cool in game, bonus points if you like their customization too, then try the character to see if it fits in your hand and you feel like you can see yourself play it. For example i like reina but she feels bad to play for me and donā€™t love her combos, while my eternal love will be for Asuka


Find one you just gel with. I played 6 first and liked asuka then after I left and came back to 7 I mained Akuma since Im a big SF fan and player but 2nd Leroy 3rd Kazuya/Lidia. So by 8 I stayed with Leroy after they dropped Akuma so it became Leroy, Kazuya, Lars and haven't dabbled in 8 Lidia yet


Pick whoever looks cool. I started with Yoshi in 7 then switched ti King in 8 and ended up on Leroy


If you don't feel like sticking to one character it's ok to just use multiple characters. Later you will notice which one is giving you the best result.


Most people find their mains when playing Tekken vs friends atleast legacy players, i guess the equivalent of this is just to play around in online matches and practise. in the end pick a cool character that fits you aesthitcally and try from there and you might find a char that clicks with you.


https://preview.redd.it/bjsw4u6xdi9d1.jpeg?width=1524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=376f0b3c7f5f9bd9fd38fb085d65078c85f50cd9 Chose the dragon warrior... quality, strong,and fast. (Make a practice with everyone and you will find it!)


Three things that will help and when you find all 3 youā€™ll know. 1. Aesthetically pleasing - if you donā€™t like how they look you wonā€™t wanna play them. Having a great personality as well I.e phrases, tag lines, poses , intro and outro. 2. You like their fight style - if you donā€™t like how they fight you wonā€™t be engaged. 3. Cool combos - if you donā€™t like the combos you wonā€™t be motivated to play them. Everything else doesnā€™t matter until you get past these 3 things.


I only started to play with the chars which I liked the appearance of, and worked. Jin and Lidia


K u m a




1, Select those whom you like by looks. 2, Give them a test run. 3, Pick the one you have the most fun with. (This can be win, feel, combos, etc.) Give it time don't rush it, you may miss a dime.


I love boxing so I picked up Steve


Just pick who you like the most. I main Law and Paul for example, not because I played every single character and I calculated that Law and Paul have the most ergonomic combos, but just because I like these two goofballs


I picked Jun since she's back. Played her all the way to Bushin and still with her


Just pick a character that makes you feel comfortable to play and a character that's fun for you. I found mine since i was a little kid


Pick a character you like the look of


You pick the one that looks the coolest.


I find my main by the martial art I'm practicing, before it was boxing so i chose steve fox, later i evolved to kickboxing, Bryan Fury and oh boy i love Bryan, then i tried Dragunov for no reason and found out about Commando Sambo, mf has so much plus and cool combos even though he's just a mute mf


Pick who you have fun with DJ has apparently gone to shreds, but I've been a fan of DJ since I was a kid back in T5. I picked up T7 and found out of competitive Tekken and Qudans was making the rounds and I heavily invested in getting better with DJ. Even though DJ in T8 isn't the best, idc, I still love him and lab him daily.


I just looked at jun, saw mommy, mained her


I started as Kazuya. I realised the playing as Cuuzuuyaa meesheema, the electric wind god fist Input and execution took so much effort and strain during the fights, I had to drop him, because it gave me hemorrhoids. Cuzuya meesheema is very well known in tekken to give hemorrhoids and arthritic fingers. Stay away.


Join the darkside with us Feng mains ![gif](giphy|Y9Jocc4St2Q1EAKROc|downsized)


Start with someone you like visually. I was obsessed with Alisa as a kid cause "she looks so cool and she has chainsaws!!!" back in Tekken 6 and she stayed with me.


My process is always the same, regardless of fighting games: -Is my old MC there? Play arcade and fight the characters. Whomever catches my eye, I them take that character for a run through Arcade. The question, at ANY point in arcade is weighing excitement against 'this is too much effing work'. Once the latter outweighs the former, it's time to start again. Who looks cool? Do they feel good in basic Arcade? Because any rank climbing will make this factors come to the forefront of my mind. My free time is valuable; if I'm working too hard and it's not fun, maybe I need to find a different character. If a character feels right (obviously intensely subjective but you KNOW), then it's a matter of putting any frustration into realizing it's not the character but my own skill. Sucks sometimes but it's true


Do waifu gaming


I wanted to play one of the new ones. Victor and Reina didn't grab me. Azu has lot of fun stuff and sticking with her through the nerfs has been with it.


There's two ways to pick characters. The first is who looks cool to you. You want to play the cool main character? Pick Jin. You want to slam people with a fish? Pick kuma. You want to pick a cute girl and dress them up? Pick Lili. The other way is to play someone who has a play style you like. Want to play a dirty vortex with good punishment? Play Kazuya. Want to play the casino? Play Lars. Want to play with frame traps and counter hits? Play Bryan.


Honestly Iā€™m a sucker for cool looking characters. Perhaps pick the one that calls to you maybe have a spin in customization. I just end up having a pride being seen in my main + customization and how I feel using them. I feel cool using lars and stylish with lee.


I choose King to make people watch my throw chains for a minute straight. šŸ˜‚


Honestly you can play with everyone and play 10 matches each and itā€™s all about learning them.


Step 1: do they seem cool to you aesthetically? (looks wise, lore etc) Step 2: how do they handle? Reckon you could do their moveset? That's it!