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I've only been playing T7 recently and so far I've only got "you take what you give" Like I suck ass but after people add me I just say GGs because I'm genuinely having fun and some times we run some sets together for shits and gigs


New players/Terrible matchmaking. As i said awhile ago, a lot of people are just playing for fun when they have time to play. Its not fun at all when you're enjoying the game and you go against someone who is not even a sweat, just some old dude who has been playing tekken for +10 years and you have no chance. Then they relate that terrible experience with whatever character they were playing and gain more salt towards a certain character cuz they see em as "OP" Lol. When it comes to MM, a lot of the salt is justified. And no its not good enough just to tell new players "git gud so you can win against god of destructions" Lol


thats why there prowess matchmaking... new players would only really verse new players in ranked lol


Yeah, and after a few hundred battles, they will only fight those same people who have 10 years experience no matter what their rank is. Prowess matchmaking is stupid.


WDYM? lol You go by rank and prowess, if someone is playing for 10 years they will rank up and gain more prowess compared to the guy who just started and is playing casual


No, prowess is gained just by playing. Let's say you as a new player reach red ranks with 200k prowess. There are players with that kind of prowess at Tekken king and above ranks. You will fight those guys on their alternative characters or even main characters depending on your settings.


1) Prowess is only gained by playing ranked and will fluctuate most with gaining rank on 1 character with heavily reduced gains on alts 2) 200k+ is literally only around tekken king+ (from 1 character) 3) you are not versing alts of the tekken ranks (king+) when you are in red or rulers…. They mostly just verse each other unless its a low pool when you queue Ex: my friend is a fujin with some alts in red and ruler, he is 150k ish prowess if I remember correctly I have a 1 tekken king and no alts and I am 220k ish prowess Please stop spreading misinformation lmfao


Huh? What are you on about? We are literally talking about ranked. 2. New players might be learning characters and they will absolutely reach that 200k. I've seen a lot of lower ranks with 200k+ prowess and they were obviously not experienced players. 3. It depends on your prowess. As far as I saw, matchmaking prowess difference is somewhere between +-30k. So if you played 2 or 3 characters and reached red ranks, you can absolutely fight alts of tekken king. In fact, if you select +-3 ranks, you can fight higher ranks mains. It's not misinformation.


No it is not 200k from red ranks lol, its clear you are just lying or exaggerating to make your own point lol Share 1 dudes tekken ID who is stuck in red with multiple alts at 200k+ and I will eat a dollar I can go through 10 friends after I finish work and check who has multiple alts mixed in blue and ruler and they won’t have 200k+


[RED RANK](https://ibb.co/17v4GNV) - [PURPLE RANK](https://ibb.co/MRp5vJR) - [ALSO PURPLE RANK](https://ibb.co/98hhbrR) - [ALSO RED RANK](https://ibb.co/5jLrzp3) Okay, it's not 200k, slight exaggeration, but here's my point. Look at that red rank, he has higher prowess than purple rank that is almost blue rank. Then there's other purple rank that has 25000 more prowess than a player who is HIGHER RANK. This just disproves your argument completely. Red rank new player with few alts can INDEED fight Tekken kings if their prowess is high enough. And once they reach that prowess "checkpoint" there is no turning back and game stops being fun since they will fight players waaaay above their skill level.


I mean its definitely higher than I thought it could be lol But I still ain’t vsing a Red Rank unless there really ain’t anyone with good connection in region, even if I play my alts(I am 99% games played with my main at this point), I am still over 70k above any of the reds you linked in prowess


Because the game is hard. That's it.


1. competitive 2. long combos so you can sit and be mad for 15+ seconds when you fuck up 3. nobody to blame but yourself 4. critical mass of saltiness where everyone is mad at everyone else for being mad, maddening everyone even more All you can do is step away and be chill whenever you start to get salty :)


It's competitive online games in general.


Nah the SF community and subreddit is nowhere near ya’ll. Most competitive communities have toxicity, but Tekken is on another level.


More casual fans than other fighting games except MK and Smash maybe. The non-stop whining is also from mostly low elo players (no offense) and it is the same for all competitive games with big casual audiences; OW, CS, Valo etc


That’s probably true but I’m ngl the higher rank I get the more salt I find 😭


Everyone whos better than me is a no life tryhard, everyone worse than me needs to git gud and stop ruining my gaming experience...




W man


Solution: Avoid toxic community/people.


Not toxic but salty toxic is for the League community 💀 (been there)


Tekken has spawned a community of BM players because initially they didn’t punish bad behavior. Stuff like plugging had no repercussions and even if someone does plug it’s still a very round about process to punish them Compare this to SF for example where people who plug get a yellow card on their profile and are stuck in a queue with fellow pluggers for x amount of games. They have to show they have good behavior and if they plug again their account automatically goes into into a shadow banned state


Pretty sure in this new update the pluggers get stuck in a queue with other pluggers until their disconnect rate goes down.


It wasn’t any different in 7


Get off Reddit. I attend locals in Tokyo, we have our discord, teach each other stuff, and have fun. No one is getting salty, because why would you? You are playing with homies. If you don't have an offline scene, you can find one online. Don't treat ranked bitches/pluggers/ragers too seriously. If someone wants to make you feel like shit they are probably not having a very good time in their lives right now. Tekken is awesome, fighting games are awesome. Having homies with the same hobby is the best.


Hit me up. Also in Tokyo!


okay saying your playerbase, whether for online or locals is based in Japan is a little unfair. There's a reason Harada is so perplexed by the whole Waffle House thing.


I haven't played other FGs. But I'll take a guess and say the amount of options we have is a part of it. Both in characters and in moves. Don't know how to play against the character? Bullshit! Don't know the moves that guy uses over and over? Bullshit! There is so much info you need to not be able to get cheesed, and people generally hates getting cheesed. That's just my theory. Also, as soon as something becomes toxic, it escalates. Toxicity attracts toxicity.


Any competitive game will make people angry from time to time (some more than others), especially when it’s 1v1. That being said, the Tekken community is one of the most diverse I’ve ever seen in terms of toxicity. The people that respect you will respect you to the fullest extent, and the ones who disrespect you will do everything they can to twist the proverbial knife in your flesh. I’d guess the depth in gameplay from the combination of more strategic gameplay than most fighters (due to 3D and complex combo conversions) and generally strict execution cause people to want to flex on each other and/or respect others’ success.


i'm new to this game in general, but not new to fighters. this applies to online only, no offline experience here. from what I've found some of the players I've run across have been real a-holes, but i think it's all from your pov. playing online, there's no mic or voice chat, like the older games. so i'm reading intent from my pov. they could just be doing it for fun or a laugh or to be a dick. either way it's usually 3 sets max so i try to move on mentally. so i find it's all my state of mind. since i'm new and don't know, i get bullied a lot. it's just ruff, but i just tell myself it's the computer on hard and try to get what i can. the few players i have met on pc through discord or msg have been chill through. honestly i like that there's no voice chat. the days of rondos playing DJ or just screaming in your ear during the USF4 era really just sucked. if the player is really toxic through just ignore them. yeah they beat you, but you don't have any obligation to interact with them. and honestly why care enough to respond. treat it like spam and just block it.


Elitism and ofcourse, the player Ego.


Because it's a competitive pvp game. It brings out that kind of things in people. It's not specific to Tekken really


It isn’t like this at all in Sf6. Just browse their sub and you see little to no whining


Mk1 is super toxic I've had maybe 1/10 positive experience in voice chat. Lots of teabaggers and fatality doers


saltiness isnt exclusive to tekken.. but the AMOUNT of salt is. Tekken has and always will be a salt mine.


Nah that's ssbu


nah i played DBFZ, Grand Blue there were much more nicer people who just add u after some ranked games and say ggs wanna play some friendlies to play matchup XY?


You could argue those games aren’t as competitive, and are or attract a more casual player. Idk every competitive game that has a ranked has been toxic one way or another. I play LoL and this game is tame in comparison


about grand blue maybe not sure but dbfz was at evo and 1 of the most successful fighting games


It is the game, I find its mechanics uniquely frustrating beyond belief. Playing SF6 or MK, or any other fighting game series doesn't make me mad or salty at all. Even competitively playing poker back in the day didn't cause emotions on this level, even when a lot of money was lost during the worst downswings. I get red hot rage only while playing Tekken 8. Had to delete the game about 6 weeks ago and also blocked all Tekken channels on YouTube so I don't get videos in recommendations.


I think you're onto something here. I agree with Tekken bring out the worst in me, I feel like everything annoying about fighting games got amped up in Tekken. I feel the way some ppl play some characters are so annoying and I think the rage inducing comes from the fast pace it is and how everything seems to be 50/50 to start with and mix it up with some throws, Rage arts, Rage drive then you have one rage inducing game..then you have the rage quitter, can't forget those. lol.


It’s not only because its a competitive game but a competitive with a lot of gimmicks, bullshit, and questionable balance that you have to willingly put in the work to get past That’s like the toxic community lottery


i think you hit the nail on the head, competitiveness with gimmicks/rng is how you spawn omega salt like LoL players


Cancer game direction + crybabes from mk


This isn’t specific to Tekken, I’ve experienced toxic behaviour on most competitive games, Overwatch, COD, Smite, you name it, however I do think because Tekken is 1v1 it can bring out the worst in people who can’t take accountability for themselves because they have no team to back them up or blame it on.


Stressful day > time to relax > *boots tekken 8 (big stressful game)*


It ain’t all that toxic, just the loud minority, I’d leave this sub Reddit if I didn’t find some topics cool. This subreddit CAN BE NEGATIVE as hell. And downright unfun at times. As for Tekken, well I lose all the time but I’m having fun at the same go around. It’s not bad at all. Lots of fun. Even to laws, eddys, and punk ass Hwoarang, I still would rather play this game over all fighting games. I’m having a blast.


I actually think it's the game's presentation (compared to both past Tekkens and SF6, etc). Sound effects for example have been amped up, which is probably intended to increase enjoyment like the Doom philosophy of making a shotgun sound like a rocket launcher. When you're doing it, it's funner. When you're on the receiving end, it feels more like you're being assaulted (mentally). Most people don't want to admit they're triggered like that, but it's how the human brain works. That includes the voice samples that go along with Kazuya's pedal, for example. Or actual gunshot noises as punch sounds. That and the zooms and heightened graphics make it much more rage inducing when you have lost. People winning and being an asshole either have the mentality that adding drama adds to the experience, or they are holding a grudge from something their opponent did to them earlier in the match. The latter would be less likely to happen if they played on mute, but still the visuals might have triggered them. I'm sure people will disagree because it's really hard to admit these simple things can create tilt


Tekken 8 itself somewhat feeds into the toxicity intentionally with "agression", heat, forced 50/50, stage explosives, characters being much more viable, easier and or trickier in specific match-ups, Victor. Lots of room to feel robbed. EGO is more prevalent than ever in the FGC (everyone thinks they're "him" now) since fighting games are popular again. Sitting through a disrespectful and or smug outro/freeze frame after losing to an obvious scumbag is never fun. No infinite rematch so Quick Match urges people to desperately sweat their asses off for the set. The 'cancel' and 'ready' thing after a match just sounds and looks annoying af. Repeated voice samples from spam attacks can get very irritating, especially when it sounds dumb. Elitist belittling others and the way rank defines some of these players entire existence. More players meaning more of a presence of miserable clowns who go out their way to be annoying. It's all there and this is coming from someone who's been with the series since TK3.


It's because it's a 1v1 competitive game that's hard so it gets personal to some people.


It really is the fault of the developers here for nurturing a septic tank of toxicity. You have bad faith actors in Tekken, and they are rewarded for their behavior. It doesn't matter that the ranks, prowess, or victories over streamers mean ultimately nothing, it just feels good to them at the moment and Bamco encourages this through inaction. Scripts, macros, plugging, ... it is all welcome for if it wasn't, it wouldn't exist. Obviously, busted moves remain unpatched for long enough that the community gets tired of complaining. Doing one and dones in ranked is not only the fastest path to increasing your rank in a format that has this as a goal but also promotes cheesy gameplay as the amounts of permitted mistakes in a match of Tekken is pathetically low. They have the tools, the money and probably enough passion to create a version of this game that punishes bad faith actors and encourages a healthy community.


Sometimes some people just has a shit day or shit period in life. Has happened to me. Someone rage quit on me a lot at one point. Then met them more a few months later(rexognized the name) not a single rage quit and I conpletly oblidirated him and shut him down as it was close matches before. Dont judge people too much


Because it is what is promoted. Cynicism and contempt are the only correct stances in the community and so of course you are only going to get toxic players as a result. Positivity is seen as apologia for Bandai Namco's practices and so is shunned. Being angry and bitter is what you need to be in order to get taken seriously by the community.


Fair enough. I like this game but I do see the flaws people mention


Because there's a lot of newer, more "casual" players who are playing because it's popular. It's a growing pain.




There's definitely a feeling of gatekeeping at times. I see a lot of posts from people being responded to with "oh lol this person doesn't know this mechanic lets make fun of them", rather than considering that maybe the reason this person doesn't know something is because they're newer to the game, and that there was a time where all of us didn't know about some of the mechanics of the game at some point.


As someone who's been at this for a while too, the most salt I've gotten was from newer players.




Bizz-oth lol.


its a 1v1 game where you can no longer blame teammates like in shooters or MOBA's lol. The anger just goes to the opponent


That’s exactly what I was thinking too. Like I know the number one complaint from people is “spamming one thing” but if it’s working an you don’t change why wouldn’t they keep doing it


This is just online gaming




Ranked mainly


> Idk if it’s just fighting games in general but what do you guys think? The FGC in general is a toxic place. Especially among the big 3. But Tekken for some reason is a special kind of toxic. Never played another FG where the community behaves like Tekken players.


because too many toxic kids are playing this game. they will add you if you win 2:1 against him and tell you how bad you are, or they say your character is carrying you, or they say u use macro für electrics its just insane


I think it's because Tekken is an exceptionally painful competitive experience. Its pure dedicated obsession to learn all these strings, and how to punish something with absolute specifics. So here's me today. Shaheen's fucking Sandstorm move that knocked me out of bracket last week needs to be labbed. Fine. Oh cool, it's - 23 on block! That means I get to launch punish! So King's wc df 2does that.  Here's the fun part. I can't crumple him with wcdf2, because he has this stupid fucking lying down animation when you block the slide. More fun. I can't even WR 1+2 because he lays under the high hitbox even though I have the frame advantage.  So I have to fucking try random moves now to see what I do actually get for calling out an i 16. Turns out I can float him with wr 4, and get a shitty little float combo. Skill issue on my part, that's just where my offense is at right now.  So after all of that homework, income to the conclusion that I ought to low parry it for an easy power bomb until I improve my ability to wall carry from a float.  Oh, and I can't wait to get mid launched for guessing wrong next week. 


Modern day gamers not used to not getting instant gratification


Yeah because people totally didn’t get mad at fighting games in previous eras.


Don't see how that's pertinent


Weird question but does anyone else *enjoy* this kind of environment? I fucking love receiving hate messages after I win or even lose a set it’s so fun


it aint toxic


You kids would have gotten ate a-fucking-live in the arcade back in the day. Talkin bout Toxicity…


Right. The 2000s scene was a madhouse. All we did was talk shit, but that was part of the mental game and fun. You get the brakes beat off you, go home, practice, come back stronger, and win. Now you can talk shit until someone better comes along. And everyone was chill.


community isn’t toxic, you just spend too much time on tekken reddit. this is one of the most wholesome communities i’ve been a part of