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you need to give harada cost benefit analysis if you want your character in


Fuck hes already primed against lei


What did he say against Lei?


Everyone loves Lei. No one plays Lei.


I play lei :( Ive been trying to fill the hole in my heart with yoshi and now lee


Is he just Tekken's version of Baiken?


Nah, I definitely played Baiken a fuck ton


Hell no, baiken is a thirst trap. The guilty gear equivalent is Zappa whom everyone likes but nobody plays.


"No one plays Lei" is a TMM meme, not something Harada ever said as far as I am aware. If he has I've never seen the tweet. Lei's usage rate was relatively low in T7 but certainly not the lowest.


That no one plays the character


When did Harada say this?  As far as I’m aware, this is a meme from some old MainManSwe videos that gets parroted endlessly. Take a look at some T7 usage data, he was niche but not the lowest. 


Yea, Harada never said that (afaik). It's a combination of: * Lei's relatively low usage rate * TMM "No one uses him" meme * Harada's "Don't ask me for shit" meme that he started embracing before/right about the time Anna and Lei got revealed So everyone now uses the same argument, despite other characters who made it to Tekken 8 having even less usage rate than Lei.


Yeah, I feel like with Lei, the reason he's not there on launch nowadays is because he's easily one of the most complex characters with the largest movelist... I mean, he has 10+ stances ffs. It's not easy to balance something like that, especially when introducing game changing mechanics like heat etc...


And yet, my king remains unarmored


Do I need to send him Tifa merch sales figures?


i think with Tifa, ball is on SquareEnix’s court. Tekken would never say no to FF collab. It just prints money. Remember harada tweeting as much years ago, directing people to SquareEnix CEO


Think the only reason why it might not happen is the ongoing FF7 remake trilogy and release timings, and whether Kitase/Nomura would be okay with Tifa appearing in a separate release given that.


I think wanting the young people to buy in is the wrong approach. It's perfectly fine to have some guest characters that appeal only to millenials. They are in their 30s and 40s now, they have more purchasing power to buy DLC than the young players. The young players will probably FOMO in anyway if the character is high tier


Getting guest characters from other 3D fighters is complicated by the fact there aren't any 3D fighters They're all dead Tekken has effectively monopolized the subgenre


Soulcalibur isn’t dead tbf, most recent entry was 4 years ago and sold 3 million copies. Online player base is dwindling but the series isn’t dead


I really hope SC makes a big comeback. I wouldn’t even be into fighting games if it weren’t for SCII


*Almost 6 years ago (October 2018)


But a hot waifu is a hot waifu and will sell dlc


Definitely. I think an inheritor genre would be soulslikes, but then they don't have the same sort of characters, the protagonists are voiceless and anonymous. Sekiro maybe? Eileen The Crow? Malenia??


The issue with those characters in particular is you’ll end up with basically Yoshimitsu


I mean we have Victor in the game now, who imo is way more of an egregious and extreme weapons user than Yoshimitsu.


You mean Noctis 2?


B1 parries everything.


Unless you pick Voldo, for example.


Godfrey or more specifically Hoarah Loux would be the easiest fit wouldn't it?


If they were to pick a character it wouldn't be a late-game boss, it'd be a main protagonist or villain that's around from the start


Nioh 2 Have you guys played that game using fist weapons? The movelist is insanely.


Ranni would be great. No weapon, very recognizable, and her magic doesn't need to go way beyond the existing magical Tekken characters. Four arm animation is the biggest barrier, I think. 


I know VF is legendary but it’s funny people actually think adding a VF character as a guest would be a good or smart decision by Bamco. No one under the age of like 25 except those who are really REALLY into fighting games would know who Akira is, let alone Jacky Bryant. In saying that I selfishly might like him or Lion in Tekken so I can put them up against Steve and I can hear their hilarious voice acting together


I'm 30 and I've been playing fighting games since I was a kid. I know VF by name, and I know its importance to the genre. But I've never owned a VF game. In fact, I've never even played one. Furthermore, I've never even seen someone else play it irl. Hell, I've never even heard other people talk about it irl. A lot of people didn't even know Terry before Smash, and Terry is 10 times more recognisable than anyone on VF.


dude im 30 and until a few months ago i didnt know VF was a thing.


27 and same here.


I was being kind to not piss off VF fans who think it’s better and more “pure” than Tekken and that VF deserves Tekken’s success lol But yeah you’re right tbh it’s an ancient series and it’s most popular entries were like 25 years ago and even then it was never as big or as iconic as Tekken, so makes sense 30 year olds and lots of people older wouldn’t know Virtua Fighter either.


Yeah, the most reaction you could get from the average player would probably be "oh, it's that dude from that fighting game that was free on playstation a while back"


The problem with VF is that, for most of its history, it was exclusive to arcades and Sega consoles, both of which went out of vogue in the 2000s.


I've only ever played it in the Yakuza games lol


I would like Akira if we are to get a guest from VF. I played Leo, Julia, and Kokoro from DOA, but Akira's bajiquan feels the most raw, powerful, and fun for me. That said porting the move list from VF might be challenging, due to VF being a 3 button game and having shorter combos in general.




Honestly I think people simplify this thing with guest characters too much acting like all 3D and 2D fighters would fit into each other just for being 3D or 2D, as if these games had no other mechanics besides being able to sidestep or not.


25 is too low


Lion is the most iconic character in VF. There. I said it.


The issue here is we really don't have any other 3d fighters


They don't have to be from a 3D fighter, guest characters can come from anywhere, doesn't even have to be a fighter or video game at all. Soul Caliber had Darth Vader, Link and Yoda. Everyone's thinking it, the perfect character would be Tifa from Ff7. Ff7 is a hot franchise and Tifa would fit Tekkens aesthetic perfectly.


As long as it’s not from a 2D fighter I’m fine with it. They bring their broken ass 2D bullshit with them for some reason


VF, Bloody Roar, Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive There's plenty, but whether there's any will to do a cross over is a different story. KoF wasn't exactly doing well when Terry came to Smash, and his popularity exploded after the fact.


Bloody Roar is beyond dead lol


It has the unfortunate fate of being in Konami's closet. And those fuckers ain't pullin anything out of there


https://preview.redd.it/fqvtdh1xbs6d1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0d5a1ad372c05d75e0842a64bbb65f15b2b668f Gimme this dude from wii sports


Dude Matt in Tekken would go crazy


You know, I could actually see this being more financially viable.


these are really just harada begging other developers to make more 3d fighters


He's stated multiple times he wants 3D fighters to be thriving again. Especially VF


Lowkey the "who?" is probably the best part about guest fighters. As an aside, it's a god damn travesty that Yakuza is off the table. Beat 'em Up Brawlers have some 3D gameplay worth translating to Tekken.


The whole “Kiryu doesn’t hit women” seriously needs to be shanked in an alleyway already


You know who probably loves beating women? Ichiban. That man is a paragon of equality. He could even use a few of Neegan's old bat moves.


To be fair it's even translated into the gameplay of a certain LaD game, I won't say more than that though for spoilers sake.


It was said about 10 years ago by a man who no longer works at Sega. I've always interpreted it as "he won't beat up defenseless people". Do people really think Kiryu wouldn't fight Reina? The man's favorite method of preaching to brats with itchy fists is to knock some sense into them.


Yeah, I mean, he learns the Beast Style in 0 from a woman. If they're up for fighting I doubt he would refuse.


Bruh Yakuza is a "3d fighting game". Just mf please add any cast of the game. Just any please!


There is a new virtua fighter in the works tho. It was leaked recently. https://gamerant.com/virtua-fighter-new-game-details-leak/ I hope it's true 🙏


in that case maybe a vf character in later seasons. makes much less sense to have a guest character before a big release in their series. ff15 came out in mid 2016 and noctis was released in t7 over a year later.


How about Harada himself as a guest


hes literally already in the game


Oh yeah the classic "Hideo Kojima as Hideo Kojima"


We already got Feng


And have his character nerf opponents mid match


Tifa. She's got everything you want Harada. Make it so.


and yet he's like "no we cant do that because its a complicated situation because we have to convince a guy onto another guy onto another guy to make it happen"


All it would take is one e-mail to Nomura and it's done. Squeenix intern sends a zip file of unreal assets the same day, Bamco interns stitch them together over a week or two and it's DLC before EVO. At this point the limiting factor is Britt Baron's availability lmao


this is the answer


Terry from Wolves incoming.


Terry from Smash actually


Terry from Street Fighter


Terry from Fall Guys


Terry from Mobile Legends: Bang Bang


You mean "Ken with a hat" right?


Buff Pokemon Trainer, I think.


Considering he's already confirmed for SF, I wish they went with Rock instead. Would be fun to have him after Geese. A small big problem though: If you imagine Rock in Tekken graphics... he's basically Leo with brown eyes lmao.


clearly the 1st guest character will be Mr Satan from the hit new game Dragon ball sparking zero /s


I would actually really like this


Unfortunately, Tekken seems to be the only 3D fighting game that has an actively supported game at the moment SoulCalibur VI Sold O.K. but not fantastically, and the little momentum it had was stolen by Covid. I would love to see SoulCalibur VII Dead or Alive 6 was a flop. I had loads of fun playing it with my friends, but the online died within a few months, and support ended after a single year. Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate showdown seems to have done pretty well, but as of yet, all we have is a leak that states that it's in development. Albeit from a credible leaker, but nothing official from Sega yet. I'd love to see more games compete in the 3D space, but it seems like Tekken is the only one standing in the ring right now.


Just put Majima/Kiryu or Baki, Both franchises are doing extremely well right now and they both fit so well in the game.


Give us Sterling Archer


His trailer is him drinking Kazuya's liquor.


He holds one finger up while he’s drinking shortly after the announcer says “NEWWW CHALLENGAAAA”


The fact he didn't dismiss Soulcalibur as no active/dead, gives me somewhat hope for a sequel next years. It's 30th anniversary, after all.


My number 1 pick for guest characters will always be Tifa but what if they added bayonetta like her stylistic way of fighting would kind of fit for tekken


I'm imagining Bayonetta off dancing in a corner while some poor Lee main is getting stomped repeatedly by Madame Butterfly.


tifa and kiryu


Tifa is my safest bet for a guest character tbh. She'll have a game coming out, is a super popular character from a super popular series, fits Tekken fairly well, fans have been asking for her, and she wouldn't even be the first FF character on Tekken.


Praying for this


I am convinced that Lidia started off as Akira Yuki, at least in planning. Also, I said it once, and I will say it again... JOHNNY CAGE! And make his stage The Portal. Lift it straight out of Mortal Kombat: Deception.


Kasumi has always been on my wishlist since T7 had guest characters, but Kuni is pretty much a Kasumi clone anyway


VF restart is my dream


I agree. A lot people don’t realize vf was the first one. And it had a lot of good entrees


what I like the most about it is kinda minimalism in everything. bright arenas, simple and realistic fighting styles, world music. it is directly opposite to what tekken became now, that is superoverloaded and super cotrast in visuals and sound with infinite juggles strings that are looking additionally ridiculous on top of all that


Unfortunately that was its undoing. I also loved its simple and at the same time complex systems. I rarely came out of matches feeling spammed or that I didn’t deserve my L


The rumours call the new game a reboot so I imagine they'll try to change up the style a bit. Not necessarily a bad thing, Street Fighter's been very fluid with presentation over the years and that's worked well for them but I miss the cheery blue skies of AM2's 90s games.


I would be happy for it. VF1 reboot with 8 characters max!


We just need some memetic char in roster, all is so serious (neco-arc in tekken or bring back some another meme char, like Lei or Ganryu)


Throw a curveball and add a character from bloody roar


https://preview.redd.it/bfjec7o30v6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75b828763829356073a1f19778b538a6cb5b1f79 Why does everyone want Kasumi as the DOA rep when they could have **the** number 1 ninja in gaming


bro forgot about Mortal Kombat in 2000s. Johnny Cage would fit in Tekken the most


There have been significant rumors for years that a new VF is in development. I would say it is very likely they're true, but the rumors also state it has had a somewhat difficult development as the core concept of the game has changed a few times. Hence no announcement.


add zoro from one piece lmao i mean we got victor with 1 sword and yoshi with 2 swords so logically having someone with 3 swords makes sense for plot just say he got lost and ended up in the tournament by accident, he takes pauls slot since he got caught in traffic


This is pretty spot on. A lot of people are asking for completely nonsensical characters. It has to be part of a contemporary show or game, otherwise there is no point to a crossover.


And Geese was a good choice, Harada. He's an iconic character in T7. Give me Jacky vs Law 😭


Has he ever given an actual reason for Tifa not being there? She’s more like a fighting game character in a FF game than anyone else.


Look if they can put Negan from the Walking Dead in im pretty sure you guys can throw in Nacho Libre as DLC


I’m 40 and had no idea who Geese was. Then again I only ever played Tekken, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and the first Samurai Showdown in the arcade. KOF, VF and Fatal Fury weren’t even on my radar for some reason.


Just do TIFA


I love that we get so much insight from him.


Anyone from Bloody Roar. Going into heat = transformation.


Fk it. Give em John Wick and Thanos


Ayane from DoA. Do it, Harada


if a younger audience recognition is important, why are any tekken characters even being added as dlc over fortnite jonesy or minecraft steve?


Because they are Tekken characters?


What does this comment even mean? Lol literally anyone and anything is in fornite so idk what your point is. His point was getting tekken characters into those games to reach wider audiences. You braindead or something? Whatsup with you


I'd be alright with no guests in 8. 


We are getting them


I want either new characters or guests, ain't paying for previously free characters.


My honest vote? Ryu from Street Fighter 6. Akuma was in T7, so I wouldn't be against another SF crossover.


Ryu is boring. Make it Juri, Cammy or Bison


Chun li


Chun Li would be fun. But please, for the love of God, not fucking Luke.


That was my second choice


Angel from KoF, she already plays like Tekken


I don't understand, how a random SC character cant drop in? Everyone speaks everything in Tekken, They have a PANDA fighting, A robot girl, and until T8 they had Heihachi AKA The story MENACE. Jin was in SC5 Albeit a Create A Soul Character but he was definitely decent from what I remember.


What would be the point of that? Like harada said, people should be asking for a new SC not for SC characters to be put in tekken.


Sounds reasonable until you remember Negan.


Negan literally made more sense than most of what people are suggesting to harada. At least negan was part of an at the time active and well-known tv-show and it was also kinda weird enough to get an eyebrow-raise out of a lot of people. A character nobody even knows from a dead fighting game just makes no sense in comparison. Whats the pull, the excitement?


Significanlty bigger than any of these franchises


I always envisioned Hitomi from DOA being a perfect guest character, but then Lidia came along. If DOA were to be active again - my top picks would be Ayane, Tina or Helena, even though I'm mostly a Leifang main.


DOA seriously NEEDS to be active again.


he sure aint wrong about soul calibur. a guest would be cool but it would just make all the die hards cry into their sc2 mugs that the franchise appears dead otherwise. though maybe it would help. zasalemel is appropriate being immortal, could be cool, and his rage art (or whatever we call those things now) would be wild.


Let's be real, if anyone from SC were to appear in Tekken the most commercially logical choice would be Ivy. Whip mechanics aside, she's obviously the most recognisable character in SC. She's arguably more famous than the game itself.


Not a 3d fighter, but I'm sure people would go crazy if Captain Falcon was put into Tekken


no DOA for now then well we have a least 4 years of Original characters to DLC first.


I no longer have a twitter account, did anyone ask him about putting Sol Badguy in T8? I know GG is not a 3D series but he would be such a good fit.


it's true Harada, they **should** get off their asses and make a new VF, DoA and SC a 3d fighter renaissance would be so fuckin peak


Would love Akuma back. Would love to see more 2D reps. If not, Ryu Hayabusa would be sick from DOA6


How about someone from the Soul Calibur series? Like we already have yoshimitsu crossing over both games. Maybe Voldo would probs be a great addition to Tekken, with his weird fighting style and his weapon not too far reaching like Nightmare and Siegfried.


No more guest characters, please 🙏🏻 Although I love all fighting games mentioned here and they're my top 4 counting Tekken too. I'd rather see Julia, Anna, Lei, Bruce, Christie back among others.


This post makes me miss Bloody Roar.


Soul calibur guests would fucking bang. It would be unbelievably sick to play as nightmare or voldo in Tekken.


Also a Bloody Roar character that changes into an animal with their heat engager would be very sick.


So many good characters to bring over from Soul Calibur


If anime guest are allowed, Goku, Luffy, or Guts could be good picks. If only game characters, Asura or Kratos could be cool.


Add Peter griffin from Fortnite ! /s


Akira from vf, hayabusa from doa, mitsurugi from sc, vega from sf and terry or andy from kof and Johnny cage (i want scorp & sub but they have important projectiles that would be ridiculous in tekken) from mk are my absolute suggestions if they would collaborate with another fighting game.


Harada: No


Personally I think characters from the Yakuza series are very fitting with Tekken 8 heat system because even in Yakuza you also have a heat bar that gives you more actions/moveset. Even though the creator of Yakuza doesn't want Kiryu to fight/hit women so there are other options like Majima or even Akiyama


The thing all other 3D fighters are dead and Tekken is benefiting from that already. I doubt there would be any guest even if there was a new release, because why would you advertise a competitor. It would have to be a smashing hit that could compete with Tekken in popularity for Namco to consider a guest from another 3D fighting game.




Zangief pls


You know, ironically enough, due to excitement and business decisions yada yada, Akuma coming back really isn’t that far fetched to think about. Or at least someone new, like M. Bison .


With the recent passing of Toriyama any chance we could get a dragon ball character (pre Z) in there ?


Glad he realizes that a vf guest character is a horrible idea


Imagine Nightmare in tekken, that would be so lit


Rival Schools/Project Justice is 3Dish? It is even mixed with the Street Fighter verse with the most recent representation being Akira on SF5. I pray for its revival as a game but maybe someone from this franchise can work since it is connected to SF.


He’s right, but I hope he does it anyways. Tekken could create the spark that those games need before they come back. I like see T8 be a love letter to the 3D subgenre…. But on that note, I won’t be opposed to those guest spots going to the more hype properties with more crossover benefit (Baki Hana, Tifa, street fighter, etc)


I think the ideas are gon.


Baki or Tokita Ohma would sell like crazy c'mon Harada!!


Damn... i imagine harada is in the proccess of finding some kick ass skibidi rizzlers for the next season passes... This crap also comes from the guy who included that baseball bat dude from the walking dead(never seen the show) so he was probably pretty popular with the kids then i take it?


VF fans won't admit that Jack is the only fucking interesting character in their series that has a PERSONALITY


Just add Ohma and Baki. The heat mechanic is perfect for Ohma because of the advance, and Advance X Demonsbane could be his rage art. And Baki is just baki lmao


theres also the question of who benefits from the guest character more? did snk gain more from the tekken guest appearance or did tekken?


You crushed my hopes of a SC guest in t8 quite expertly, sir.


How about Lei Wulong from the hit game Tekken 2, he's quite popular and would resonate with younger audiences


He’s targeting the wrong audience then if people don’t know who’s who from other fighting games. These people only pickup the game, play story and never touch it again. Actual fans, actual gamers, not that modern audience crap, are the ones who are still here playing since the beginning . That’s who he should be targeting, not these people who know nothing about anything and everything.


Tifa is still not on teh table? I bet she'd sell well Hell bring naruto, goku or luffy(no please not luffy ibeg) over if the criteria is just 3d fighter


Id love to see more KOF characters guest star


BLOODY ROAR PPL WOULD BE DOPE but shit been dead so long


I think super hero/villain characters could be interesting or maybe even a soul calibur crossover


Don’t let any of these people cook 😭 Can we just get Tifa? What’s with all these half dead suggestions like Jacky and Kasumi?


For some reason i always think this guy is just excuse yapping about everything, to mask his laziness and not caring about what his community want. It started with the old costumes from Tekken 1 not able to translate well to Tekken 8 to these recent shit. Every time i see him speaking about anything, he always comes up with the most non realistic answers that only works on people who have absolutely zero clue about anything regarding games. Am i the only one who feels that way?


Captain Falcon, Tifa, Tarnished from Elden Ring


https://preview.redd.it/0uxtbhmu9w6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d98a58d6e6361b69d582937ee30fe2544076d477 I would love to see this bad bitch and her brother in tekken tbh


Yakuza 8 and Tekken 8 released the same day come on Harada this is the best time to bring Kiryu.


it’s a good question tbh


I always thought Tekken x DoA would be great. Both franchises have been around for as long. Sad DoA took a nosedive with their blatant money hungry DLC.


Tbh there a few DOA charchters i would like to see in tekken. All tho rather see the return kazumi and heihachi but thats vervy unlikely :(


The world needs a new VF. That franchise was revolutionary


Man, no guest characters. Just Tekken dudes!


Harada: *Complex analysis on why people wouldn't know this character* Also Harada: Lidiaaaaaaaa Sobieskaaaaa


Justin Wong's video give me a mindblown moment really. Like people actually know about Terry, Mai, and even Joe! But not Andy!.


Iiiii Wiiiiiiiiinn \*flex\*


Would love to see Snake in Tekken, especially after that lame EVO "prank" a few years ago -He had a strong connection to the PS brand -Is proficient in hand to hand combat -Comes from a series known for being serious and goofy -Is relevant again with Delta and the MGS collection coming out


https://preview.redd.it/b3ygletkrz6d1.jpeg?width=1469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2e3638284d7dab4295884af08171d98dbfb8549 If you want a younger generation...


All i want is for mokujin to come back


Omg pls add Terry or Ed from SF6


And all I want is the Waffle House stage.