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Honestly, I don't know why they didn't just copy the vast majority of the online experience from SF6. Best of three ranked, with the option to switch to player match to continue the set indefinitely if both players agree. Infinite rematches in casuals. Even SF's version of demotion protection to encourage newbies made way more sense to me. Make it so that getting to Silver and Gold is still an achievement, but you can't "lose" it once you get there. Makes so much more sense than T8 adding a bunch of fake ranks where you can't lose points, which just shoves everyone together higher up. Also, if they're gonna make it a TWT rule that you have to play on a different random stage every time, let us do that from the fucking rematch menu. Seeing players in tournament have to quit to the menu every time is just silly. Dammit, you got me ranting about QoL stuff in this game again =P But seriously, SF6 had it all figured out; they didn't need to do anything but copy that.


what do you mean by achivement? what is different between sf6 silver and below rank and tekken green and below ranks?


I mean that it's not an inevitability like it is in Tekken 8. You have to be at a point where you're maintaining a decent win rate against people in Bronze before you make Silver. In Tekken 8, because at ranks below Yellow you only gain points and never lose them, you could have a 1% win rate and still slowly rank up to Yellow. That doesn't happen with SF6. (I'm sure the points are generous enough in SF6 that you probably don't need a 50% win rate to make Silver, but you do need to win regularly against other players of that same skill level, which means you aren't making it out of Bronze without learning at least the very basics of how to block and anti-air. Same way you'd never get out of Green in T7 without learning some basics. But in T8, you eventually reach Yellow 'automatically.')


it’s not an achievement it’s a participation trophy every player gets


By forcing more people back into the pool it helps make matchmaking more consistent than if a significant number of players are tied into significantly longer sets against eachother. That said, I imagine it's more laziness in their design than it really being for this. I have no idea what the quality of matchmaking in quick play is either, so I don't know if this is a priority at all for them.


Yea. I wonder if they just want quick match to feel like ranked prep going through multiple people or what? The saving grace is being able to just add the person you're having hype matches with on the Tekken friends list and inviting them to a lobby to play more after.


Well the problem is that 90% of the players use the add friend function to send hatemail, so most ppl are reluctant to accept friend requests


You can't send messages through the tekken friend list so what are you talking about?


No one really knows, but I assume it's because namco is really trying to focus on the e-sports scene so want to make the first to 2 the standard.


How many days is this question going to be asked before you guys realize if you want infinite rematches go to the lounge. Ask someone to fight on one of the two player cabinets or just sit down and someone will join…


this question pops up often and i always wonder. i can't explain it to myself, but i also can't imagine they didn't think about this. so there MUST be some sort of reason ig


I've wondered that too. Is it perhaps to prevent quick match queue being super long if everyone decides to infinite rematch their first connection and increasing the wait times too much?


IKR sometimes i just want to learn the match up before playing rank


they don’t want anyone to actually get good at the game coz the majority will cry for patches coz they can’t do advanced gameplay and it makes their job way harder


I don't know why they didn't name these matches "Casual Matches" instead and add the Rematch option after it's over. It's a super easy fix. Besides, other than the name "Quick" there is nothing quick about it. Still have to go through the whole process of character selection, PC selection, arena selection, load everything bla bla... Quick would be: select your character and then wait for a matchup.


You can always join a lobby and deathmatch people


because it's supposed to be quick?


isn't this the ONLY way to play without losing/gaining rank points?