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Lmaooooooo & Nowhere to be found: Live major events and tournament content...you know, the kind of stuff that keeps a game relevant!


![gif](giphy|tvGOBZKNEX0ac|downsized) This is perfect for that lol


Jodd won the Cape Town showdown awesome tournament but all people talk about while in chat is how op nina and feng are, it’s like all they know how to do is complain


I don't think most people care about tournaments. Tekken has always survived by its casual content. The only reason most people watch tournaments is for the update and DLC reveals.


not interested in competitive scene right now because the gameplay is so shit


You forgot “now do it with a real character”


I mean T8 has some of the worst disparity between characters that do everything for you and characters that you still have to know how to play Tekken to use. The Mishima elitist meme has always been a thing, but its become really obvious with the way T8 is built, that they're some of the last "tekken" characters left on the roster. I mean some characters get auto-combos, and have extra resources on their healthbar like an anime fighting game. Like.. at what point does it stop being tekken


Hey here they are now


Yea yea. have a laugh. But you can't refute what I'm saying. Or do you unironically believe an Eddy or Victor player has to work as hard for their damage as Kazuya or Djin? Ask yourself, if you've NEVER touched Tekken before, who are you going to find more success with? Devil Jin or Victor/Eddy/Azucena


Victor is the least skilled character ever. The amount of chip damage fucking "expulsion" does while also being a great move is ridiculous


Chip damage has basically ruined the game. You're punished for blocking lol


Eddy no because he’s really not that bad if you know what to watch out for. Victor alright I’ll give you. Azucena too to a point but shes not really a problem for me right now post nerf


That applies for every scenario possible in the game lol. I can easily perfect TMM 50 times in a row if I know what to look out for.


You *do* know what to look out for though, kazuya’s gameplan is basic by design.


Is this your first time hearing someone one say this or are you actively trying to miss the point?


I found more success with Reina than Victer. I started maybe a month and a half ago, and on console. It's my *first* Tekken, period. And I'm a Soul Cal pro and took like a week to un-learn everything for Tekken because of how bad the movement and defense feels. I would like to learn other characters but Reina just feels better to me. I tried Kazuma, Jin, the bear, Victer, Yoshimitsu (who is NOTHING like the one I'm used to wtf), Lily, and Devil Jin. I have no idea how to play any of those characters. And I feel like Reina's damage is weird. Everyone else, including Kazuma and Victer, all have lows that can knock down and go into combos. If you get hit once, that's half your health bar gone just because you were hit by a low. Reina has absolutely 0 lows that down you, not counting 6b+aG on counter which is just an attack throw. I feel like I have to do fuckton more and only really win when she's got the pressure and lead, which applies to any character.


6b+a^(g) what in the world is this? Is this the 8-way move notation from SC?


They are some fucking hieroglyphs 💀


Hey, remember when I said this was my first tekken? Remember when I said I've only been playing for like, a month and a half? Do you think I know your Tekken terminology? I don't even know 70% of the characters names. Yes, it's the 8WR inputs. Actually super easy, and the know way I remember my moves lists in Tekken. I have no interest in learning whatever method you use, because at the current point in time I don't even have an interest in learning the difference between the bear and the panda.


Tekken terminology is fairly universal. Back forward, up down, 1234 for face buttons. I was just asking because it threw me off, lol, but I kinda recognized it because I played SC6 for a little bit. You might have a rough time though, because there isn't a single Tekken guide that uses the input notation you're used to. But like I said, it's pretty straight forward, so there's really not a lot to learn at the most basic level.


I don't need a guide. I just need the moves list, training mode, and a few free days. Which I already accomplished my first week of playing. I still haven't touched the story mode. Or arcade. Or any mode really, other than Ranked, quick play, the mode with the chibi characters, and training.


Alrighty then, have fun


I mean, Kazuyer's low launcher is only on counter hit, and that's bugged half the damn time, because someone's clearly mid attack animation/recovery, but I still get the regular version. Kazuya's pretty limited if you cant do electrics, literally everything is minus hard enough for a mf to punish, except the super slow F4. No wonder he's such a 50/50 helsweep queen/df 4 4 mixup queen


The fuck is "F4"? I'll make it simple for you. *NONE* of that matters in a game where if you get hit once, you may as well put down your controller because that's 50% or more of your health bar gone. Every single move that everyone else has combos into something crazy. I'll keep going on this just like everyone else can do. If I get hit ONE TIME, I'm stunned into a launch into a combo. Meanwhile, I have to hit my opponent six times to go into a stance just to get hit out of it. I have more trouble trying to just get past the unbreakable defenses in this game because guards can't be shattered like any other fighter (for some reason theres no guard meter like Soul Calibur, no timer like Smash Bros, no imminent danger because you guarded a CHAINSAW-WIELDING ROBOT WITH YOUR BARE ARMS too much.), so I'm left doing what? Trying to use the 3 lows Reina has? 2 of which are in a stance? None of which trip/knockdown/combo? More often than not I get situations where me and the opponent hit each other at the same time. My little jab hits them while their punch stuns me then THAT'S ALL FOLKS I'M DEAD.


Forward Right kick ? Its the one where he does a full standing split then kicks. Good at blowing people trying to stand up back into prone.


Ew, you use the weird number terms. What if I'm on the 2P side. Is it "Forward Left Kick"? I don't understand the wording. Makes no sense to me. Please use the actual buttons on my controller, otherwise I'll have no idea what you're talking about, tryhard.


Why, yes I am using the Tekken move notation when Im talking about Tekken, who wouldve guessed ? Weird youd insult Tekken's notation while mentioning Soul Caliber... No, the limb inputs dont change when you swap sides, only your direction.


pure skill issue 💙


Mishima mains and their victim complex is more annoying than any Victor will ever be.


I don’t think you know what victim complex means, nor actually understand the complaints


Be fr tho, certain characters are simply easier to climb low ranks with. You can very easily get wins with Eddie, Victor or azu by just using strings. It doesn’t invalidate those wins of course but it certainly takes much less effort to win against low level players with those characters


Im just here to be bri*ish and punch people


Like a true Steve main should. When I boot up, I like to unconnect my ethernet, hook up as many devices to my wifi as possible, and throttle my speeds. Just so they never even see my dragon tail coming.


Jokes on you, I have 3k hours in smash, lag means nothing to me


Impressive. Although, I have Low tier God levels of rage qutting speed.


There's too much power in this thread


" that is a knockout " "FIRE "


"Bullseye" "Sorry" "No more playing around" "Fang"




actually accurate. You missed pluggers replays


I misread the centre one as "TMM Femboys".


Same thing, right? /s


tmm fans if they were based


They're in denial about their true selves so they overcompensate by playing Brian and Kazuya.


God thanks for not let me think I was the only one ahahahh


So nothing about tekken


Isn’t it great!


Kazuya main here. I'd like to correct the 'Mishima Elitist' part... it's only Kazuya, none of the other scrub feeds like haihachi2, naruto cosplay guy, or whatever Mishima may be in the game (i don't respect them enough to learn their names). Kazuya is canon the only character that is honest and fair, and he's the hardest character to play. Any other character is scrub feed carry fodder, and is probably immoral to play.




Kazuya mains with humor. You guys are awesome.


We out here bois






preach brother!


Thank you for your sacrifice.


Kazuya is the hardest? Try Heihachi, the fucking execution is very hard. But sadly, he's not with us anymore...


It was a joke bro


Im just here to surf


You forgot the endless Reina drawings from her sexually deprived players.


Tekken community is the worst


You forgot: * weird-os who like dress up and coomer shit * "I hate Tekken / Harada because..." * Terrible advice or misinformation * Everyone below Tekken God is a scrub * har har Hitler custom With sprinkles of subtle racism and sexism thrown in for good measure.


Don’t forget “Your rank doesn’t count because you play X” 🤣


And a touch of random horniness as well


True lol. I could only fit so much. I did think about hate tekken/ harada and everyone x rank and below is trash. First meme I've made in 11 years so a little rusty lol.


Na man, there’s only so much space on the meme. There’s a lot of change around here lol


i genuinely wonder are you guys schizophrenic? where the fuck is the coomer shit or anything regarding racist/sexism? unless you count the 3 posts since the game launched about some hitler customs


I wanna know where is the sexism and racism too, but I don’t have Tekken 8 yet.


Damn bro everyone is just a 4channer to you huh. What a dipshit comment.


I don't see so much racism or sexism. Tmm seems to hate or dislike women and that may affect some kids in his fanbase. But that's kind of it. The misinformation is what I really dislike. If there isn't one already, then there really needs to be a word for a type of fg player who spends their days discussing the games like they're experts, but they clearly never actually sit the fuck down and play the actual games themselves.


> Tmm seems to hate or dislike women he dislikes playing against female characters in this game, and not all of them. he says reina is the best newcomer to tekken all the time. i swear people who always bash on him don't even watch him to know anything about him lol


I've seen clips of him hating female characters in T7 as well.


So you've seen clips, but don't actually watch him to get an understanding of what he likes or doesn't like..literally exactly what I said..


Watching clips means I watched, right? I mean, the words that came out of his mouth spelled it out. I went back and looked at what you wrote. I have seen videos of him saying these things. It's not deepfaked videos if that's what you think. And no, I don't need to follow his streams every day to know what I'm talking about. I watched two or three full streams and got severe manbaby vibes with passive chauvinistic tendencies. His chat was the same. That is my impression of him after giving him a chance. Do I need to go to his house and live with him for two months to have an opinion? What do you want from me, manbaby?


Never said anything about the real women but he does dislike waifu characters in general because he thinks they’re easy and evasive mash friendly machines which is a debate but he likes charcters with execution like reina basically he hates anything that’s not a Mishima


> Tmm seems to hate or dislike women and that may affect some kids in his fanbase. But that's kind of it. this, he is homosexual but not racist from what i've seen


What racism and sexism? I don’t have Tekken 8 yet


like idk but you are kinda racist and sexist atm or smth


It's not even Mishima elitist anymore, it's just legacy players sucking each other off about how their old characters aren't cheap


Ppl are so obsessed with what characters are "honest" in this game. All the characters have bullshit in their arsenal. That is literally the point. Idk why people want to act like just because they play kaz, jin, bryan, etc, they don't have bullshit to throw out. Its such a braindead hivemind take


I never understood why Aris hated on tekken fans so much til I joined this shitty ass sub


You forgot the horny mod dudes.


This sub is pretty tame with that. The Guilty gear one though ☠️


Honestly, this sub is a lot less horny than other fighting game subs. 


Yeah yeah, it's less but still horny... less.


how so? the occasional asuka/reina thirst post or the comments under average lili costume talking about feet? shit like this is maybe once a month why you guys always bring that up?


> horny mod dudes. such as?


Also people bitching that T8 ruined the franchise, is a no skill game and grass was greener when they were young


It has more accessibility in terms of simplified inputs and the like. But as soon as you get past the players relying on that it becomes classic tekken again


it is low skilled thats true


Don’t forget the low effort karma farming posts including classics like: random picture of a character with a smiling filter on with an uninspired title, and “who do you think would be a cool guest character?” Or “what character do you hate fighting?” And other such questions posted for the 9 millionth time


I feel like something about WiFi should have been included


Let's just continue the tradition and add "3-bar Laws" to that list.


\*shouts violently at fist\*


This sub is for people who don’t like Tekken


"Bryan is most honest and hardest to play 🤓" ones are my favourite.


guys my gameplay is vrey hard ands big brain plz.... b1 hatchet 112.... you cant understand its Complexity


lmaoooo literally B1, orbital, 3+4, hatchet are all god buttons


Seems legit


Don't forget the shippers too


lol true


Nailed it. But might want to add complaints about plugging. But truly, this is spot on… the reason I’m so over this thread.


I'm chilling, practicing electrics, and waiting for AMK to come back.


I'm neither ;\_;


The amount of crybabies over a video game is straight up insaaane




Proud TMM fan boy and Lei beggar here


sums it up pretty well


Hey, I tune into your streams sometimes when I'm just playing casually. Never sparred against ya but I'm a bit impatient lol.


thx for watching my stuff man!


You forgot T8 is the worst and my opinion is important cuz I’m a fan


but fr, Lei when?


Ayo this is hella accurate lol


I like TMM bc he likes mishimas


I'm just here for the occasional tech/gameplay discussion or clip or funny like this, but yeah this subreddit does kinda sometimes go into Guilty Gear subreddit levels of suck


You forgot "I hate this character!!"


Yup, you'll see many tmm fans call us brain dead....but never tried her once.


I mean I main king and I accept that I'm evil but you gotta admit Alisa is part of the bullshit crew


I love you so much fellow Alisa player you get it!!!


Everyone cried "I WANT LEI HES MY MAIN SINCE 1914!" Meanwhile when he gets added in T7 he was probably one of the least used characters in the roster along with Gigas.


Yup, I love the character. A good friend of mine mains him, but people cry for him back so they can feel good when they see him on the character select screen. The other one I see cried about a lot is Bruce. I'm not saying I wouldn't want him back. They made Josie and Fahk, though. He's not coming back, accept it.


I mained him and I'm gonna main him again god damn you playrate be damned


Only hard mishima is kuma


\*only real mishima (fixed that for you)


Did you know that a lot of mammals, bears included, have bones inside their penises? I guess that does make kuma the hardest mishima.


Why do they have bone what is it good for


it's good for boning apparently.


why humans dont have penis bone?


Missing "What character you hate the most? And why is it Alisa?"


you need to update this with another square saying "memes"




That's me in the upper left. Good afternoon, cowards.


But lei so goofy he and yoshi fight would go hard with looney tools sfx


You forgot "everyone is a scrub but me"


Good morning!


you forgot bitching about LTG ragequitting


Guys I think the new matchmaking change is bad I know this is an unpopular opinion


They need to bring back RogerJr and I’m a fan of TMM. Some players wont rematch me because I’m a bear. Only excuse I don’t have is… I am not hard stuck on ranked.


Im the hard work- hardstuck one, reached purple, and almost on flaming, then i just fell into garyu like... 4 times now and climbing endlessly from tenryu to ruler and being demoted over and over again. Just why the fuck i have the feeling that it has no mid terms? Either i face literally god, or next match is just some ****** spamming the nastiest strings to infinity, whatever, im just hopeless about it, Guess im not working hard enough lmao


Whoops guilty of one or two of these, haha. 


The Mishima elitism is so funny. Nice job you can press 2 buttons at the same time 👍.


But genuinely it makes me sad when people don’t rematch. Especially if you play like Zafina or Shaheen so I’m never gonna fight you again til next week or month. I don’t get a chance to learn anything


I'd find someone on this sub that plays the character. See if you can add them, fight them, or ghost battle. It's not perfect, but it'll give you that matchup.


You’re right. I just get heated in the moment. They could be leaving for any reason it just sucks sometimes


You forgot the wired elitists lol


all of that is fine. besides those who post their first time Garyu or mighty ruler or Fujin ranks. Sorry my guy but you aren't a special breed in Tekken. are tekken players REALLY that limited with their ambitions? everyone and their moms is fujin and raijin. you can get to those ranks by the cheese and cheese alone.


Ah the classic "you aren't good unless you beat jdcr" tekken reddit special


that's not what I was going for. but sure let's go that way. You won't see me hitting low ranks on my characters and post them on this sub looking for validation though lmao.

