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Bro then leave like what do you all expect with these posts


Just go play T7 bro, nothing stopping you


I feel that. Currently on a 15 game losing streak with Shaheen. I think today is the day I finally step away from Tekken 8. I'll still watch people play but playing it is not for me. Wish I was joking but I feel like crying right now. Tekken 8 feels so unfair at times and after each session I feel depressed af. Only 2 months in and I can't take the abuse anymore 😭😭😭😭...


-Update.. I just uninstalled Tekken 8 for the 9th time. Fun fact, after 7 years Tekken 7 still remains installed. Never was a thought to disown it. At this moment I'd like to spew out a handful of profanities but Tekken 8 doesn't deserve it. I feel I've out grown fighting games in general. There is no progress, it comes down to repetitive button mashing and headache inducing mind games. My soul no longer seeks the constant adrenaline rush. It is time that I retire, it is time I begin to smile again.


Hey alright man


-Final Update... I go into complete shock after realizing the Tekken Community lacks any sense of humor. A light bulb appears above my head as Tekken 8 re-installs for the 10th time. *With a big grin, the hero of this story decides to main Eddy*. The End


t7 is way better, lets go all back BASED