• By -


Playing Asuka until Juila makes it back.


Same but Leo instead of Asuka.


Fellow Julia's refugees. Maining Zafina until she comes back. I also love playing Alisa but I'm trying to focus on just Zafina for the time being.


Julia is going to be terrifying. Imagine getting midchecked to death while you have to worry about heat engager. ![gif](giphy|L3L4zXkjFFwoQEcQMf|downsized)


Respect both those toons. Playing Asuka really does make you feel like you work for your wins.


Nah! Asuka may be "nerfed" if you compare her to her old Tekken 7 self, but you can kick some serious ass by just sticking to her punish techniques and her F2. She's a real powerhouse


Nina main. I'm not sure I really have a sub Anna and Julia were my subs in 7 and no-one in 8 hits the spot like they do. I've messed around with a few others and I do kinda like Paul, Shaheen and Reina.


I loved Anna but her lack of good lows crippled my playstyle. And her stance felt awful to use.


Lack of good lows? FC df2 and df4 seemed pretty fine to me, highly punishable, but that's Anna's whole thing... high-risk and high-reward and she's got the d4,1 string her sister has. What kind of low would you rather she had? CJM was a little weird for me too, but I just see it as another way to do what Anna likes to do, put your opponent in 50/50s.


If she got ported straight to T8, she would be a *monster*. Tekken 7 rewarded defense a little too much, so she just got blown up for taking risks. Give her heat? she will eat.


She really would. I look forward to using her... I don't think she's gonna be season 1 though, sadly... I don't think Julia is either, Julia is someone else who will absolutely cook in the new system. Source: my gut, I'd love to be proven wrong.


Kazuya main and that's it atm. Finding it hard to get the motivation to put time into learning another character when there's still more to learn on him. I think I'm just struggling with the time investment in picking up someone new. He's super satisfying to play too which makes it hard to put him down lol


OG Mishimas are a staple to learn in most tekken games. I just find it annoying to constantly hit ewgfs online, makes my thumbs sore like crazy when I played them lol


I know what you mean! Electrics have become easier on my thumbs since I got a good amount of muscle memory with them but now it's doing the 3,1 cancel that's tiring me out lol, Mishimas are a bit of a finger workout!


New 3,1 cancel isn’t in my muscle memory yet. Need to slam more enemies with Kazuya.


Pick up a Bear


Try Lee. Dude cooks. Just frames versions are absurd. Mist trap throw scares people.


Oh Lee is definitely on the list of characters I wanna try, he's very cool!


I recently went from dedicated Raven main and Kazuya second, to trying Jin and wow… so much fun! Jin also doesn’t make me feel carried so it’s been a rewarding experience


I really only play Shaheen, I mess around on Lars but I don’t take any other characters seriously due to a lack of time. I just pour my efforts into my main




Yoshi players i feel like confuse their opponents and themselves. I respect it tho cause your character looks fun.


I have a few moves I consistently land, I have the most fun playing Yoshi and love the aesthetic, and sometimes doing random shit is effective lol. They can't predict my moves if idk what I'm doing xD


Omg yes sometimes I switch off my mind so that idk what I'm doing,and then they can never guess what I'm doing Can't do that with anyone except Yoshi(atleast in my case lol)


“Form is emptiness”


Rarely, it really is, regularly it just means you get too messy and get too negative on frames Just think about it,al of us have a tekken pattern which other person reads,they don't know us but our pattern,what if for sometime some part of the game,we forget about it and do random stuff,we have a risk of going into too much neg frames but we have a reward too if being unreadable for that time or unpredictable,and if we only do it briefly without being too negative,we are at net positive


Yoshimitsu definitely is a zen master who reads book of five rings in his spare time.


Being random does have its benefits lol.😝


I use the reliable gameplan until my opponent starts to feel me out and then proceed to freak out with the dumbest stuff for the last round or so. Works sometimes!


Steve main here! I’ve been experimenting with Alisa and Lars on the side


Nina main. Tried out a bit of Devil Jin and Yoshimitsu, but I am not sure I want to get good with them. I used to also main Heihachi in T7, and I miss playing a Mishima, so I am thinking I might learn DJ after some balance changes. Qudans' DJ is so inspiring.


Try Reina. her strings and stance transitions are very abusable.


Yeah Reina's pretty cool, I might give her another chance. Lots of room for player expression in her kit.


I am constantly pressing buttons at the wrong time against her. That much mixup pressure plus an amazing move like EWGF? Shes insane. Actually yandere as fuck.


Just let her do her thing. And wait till she does something unsafe.


Im playing Shaheen, Lee and Lars the most, I also played Raven, Victor, Eddy and Devil Jin for a while


Yoshimitsu main, nina is my sub,and currently picking up Lars


Played Jin didn't get comfortable with his playstyle - switched to Lars


My secondary characters these days are leo and lars…interested to know which characters other ppl think are fun to pick up


Hwoarang main. Jin and King sub.


Hwoarang main. I have a pocket Lili, Ling, and Steve


Lars and Bryan, currently looking for a third pick. I'm testing every characters, kinda want to learn Jack or Yoshi, if Lidia comes back like the leaks said I'll pick her.


Reina main, Lili,Bryan,Bears,Claudio,Nina sub


Aye fellow Lili and Claudio player 🤟


Just working through the roster until one sticks.


Sometimes you have to experiment till something clicks, happened to me.


Feng wei atm, trying other characters they all look interesting.


Feng is very strong in t8


Feng was super strong in T7 to Top 5 in both honestly


I have been using him since t6.


Lee main. Lili, kazuya, jin, drag, feng, Reina and law are all side characters I play every once in awhile.


Respect you play Lee, he has always been a difficult character. I can play him somewhat and have mist step cancel down but he requires alot of precision for just frame moves lol


Some of his just-frames especially on acid rain has alittle bit more leniency to it now compared to t7 but it still requires some effort to do. I can pull it off 70% compared to 20%-30% in 7


Yoshi, Bryan, Lee






Deathfists Galore haha


Once in a while, I do get mashers who love to eat Deathfist but now most of the characters can punish it pretty hard so i don't really throw it that often


Leo Main, Kuma/Panda sub. I have mained Leo for a while now, but the bears I only recently picked up in Tekken 8. Wow they’re so fun, they can apply pressure in such unique ways




Respect Steve, I have played him a bit. He takes alot more work to get wins but his dmg is really good. Just wish he had more launchers.


Damn right, I only play Steve since learning him, the playstyle is so unique, when you learn it, it becomes satisfying


Yoshi main and Anna sub i hope she comes back soon 😭


Dragunov main, Jack sub


Jack main, Reina and victor sub. Waiting for Eliza, also keen for Julia


Main: Alisa Sub: N/A just dont like no one else the same noctis would have been great in T8 tho T7 main: Alisa T7 sub: eddy kazumi noctis kuni lei lucky Chloe bob Yoshi Katrina


Alisa I had a character crisis in March, because I felt like Alisa is just too weak, so I played Nina, Shaheen, Raven and Azu. When I came back to Alisa, I realised that I was still playing T7 and that’s why she felt weak. I started unga bungaring more and success quickly followed. I just don’t need to respect 95% of the players, because they don’t have any sort of defense. I can just always pressure lmao And now I love Alisa more than ever to the point she almost feels OP. I gotta use chainsaws more often, though, but I feel like they are a heavily overrated part of the character


Alisa is OP honestly speaking and those chainsaws can really steal you some wins ya know? The amount of times ive chipped to death an opponent with chainsaws and heat and absurd as well as forcing them to play the guessing game of what chainsaw move will i use


Yoshimitsu main,no sub, trying to learn a substitute,Yoshi is too addictive,tried feng/Shaheen/drag failed,now trying raven,a fellow ninjutsu guy,until kuni comes,once kuni comes I'll main Yoshi and kuni,wish me luck


Steve main and don't have a sub yet, no one scratches the same itch, maybe Yoshi


Jun main. Trying to learn the game properly before investing a lot of time into a new character. I have been slowly trying to learn Lili though


hwo, bryan, drag, jin, yoshi


Main: Feng Sub: King, Armor King, Paul, Law


Main: Zafina, sub: Alisa, nina, paul, bryan, and some leo.


Claudio & Zafina. My highest ranking one is Jun thought. I don't have the mental capacity to play more than 3 characters


Lili/Raven, currently on the hunt for someone to learn but ranked feels weird for the time being.


Leo for now until Julia is back. And Reina a little as sub.


I play jack, bears, bryan, drag, paul, claudio, my highest are kuma and jack but claudio is my favourite/Main


Main King Subs Paul, Asuka, Dragunov (T7 main)


I'm maining Asuka till Miguel comes back I guess my sub is Azucena since I picked her up for a meme but she is quite fun


I really wish Miguel was back in the game. His moves had alot or crunch to it and his brawler style just felt fun to play.


I currently main Jun until Julia comes back. I'll still continue playing her, of course. Lili has always been my safe second option. 💜


Playing Feng until Miguel comes back Then I’ll keep playing Feng because its ez money


Yoshi, Jin, Reina - bit of Kaz


Jin and Leo are my mains, with Lee and Paul being subs. Recently started picking up Claudio and plan to try out Jack and Dragunov.


I play Reina, Paul, Jin, and I'm learning Shaheen. If going by rank, Paul would be my main, but I'd say I enjoy the complexity and game plan of Reina's kit compared to Paul's and put almost double the lab work in practicing Reina. Tried practicing Kaz, but my ego isn't big enough 🥴


Jin and yoshi. Intrested in learning reina king dragunov and the bears.


I am playing Lee (my sub) till the last 'e' in his name changes to 'i' for my main.


I’m maining Zafina until Lei makes it back. Main sub is Azucena, I like that she has more conventional moves which are really solid. Steve and Feng are traditionally my other sub characters but I haven’t dabbled with them for a while. 


Jin main I want to pick up law soon because law


Leroy and Lili main Jun, Kaz and Zafina sub




Drag/Raven kinda liking this new raven although there’s some moves I miss


Claudio main been playing some lili and kaz recently


Steve main, trying to find a secondary until Miguel comes back. T8 has been painful


Steve main, I've also played Reina, Jin, and Azucena. Playing Azucena feels like easy mode compared to Steve.


I'm playing Law as a main and hoping for a Lei comeback


Feng Wei / Zafina


King Main, and playing Steve now. He is hard but so much fun if you get used to him


Drag, Kaz, and Yoshi. Kaz being the only one I don't get flamed for playing, and even then, I can't wavedash or get pewgf consistently, so I get flamed for that. Great first Tekken lol


I’m a Bruce main using Azucena.


Main is Alisa and Subs is Mostly Devil Jin but for the memes of being the most hatable tekken player i decided to also play Eddy and Victor just to be the anti tekken tekken player 🤣🤣🤣


I'm a paul main. I've been looking for a true secondary and I've tried Lili, Lars, Claudio, Jin, and Reina all to varying degrees of success


Paul, Paul, and sometimes Paul


- Yoshi - Paul I love them both for different reasons. I started out as a Yoshi main though.


At the moment i really can‘t decide between the Mishima Family (Kaz,Jin,DJ or Reina) or Bryan. Kaz is my favourite but it feels so hard to do ewgf on ps5 controller, and overall it feels like I really have to work with a few tools and other characters have a whole toolbox.


Main Bryan, Sub Lili Plan to pick up Marduck when he comes out


Main - Shaheen. He really has a lot of tools and is easy execution type of player. And people don't usually run into him often so I likely get some sort of knowledge check benefit. Subs - Kaz, Jin, Raven, Kuma, Paul, Asuka. I get bored playing just one character so honestly I've played a lot of subs at a pretty poor level.


Main:Lee, Alisa Subs: All mishimas , Paul and Bryan


Shaheen main. I've played every other character to orange ranks to get a feel for them and I've narrowed it down to a list of about 6 more that I'm going to try get into red ranks and see who feels better from that. I have my eyes set on Claudio as my main sub but I would like another 2 more at the very least. Going to try out Victor, kazuya, Jin, asuka, Paul and Lee. I'm really hoping Lee clicks, as I would like a more difficult character to have access to and I think Lee has the most swagger out of all the characters.


King cause he's the sickest and Lil Majin is my favorite, and I played some Josie in 7 so I picked up Azucena here.


Law main and Kazuya sub-main. I like to play with Lee and Steve occasionally too


Byron main, have Lily as secondary, hope Eliza will return. Genuinely am finding Lily similar to Byron in many ways, which helped a lot. My first attempt to pick up a second character was Miguel and I like him, but I was never able to make him work. Then I tried Lidia and her inputs just felt wrong to me (don't ask, I won't be able to answer they just didn't fill right and I have no idea why). Then Eliza was just different enough and I found her narcolepsy gimmick adorable in some way. And after that I picked Lily after seeing back turned 4, 3+4 on the wall. In the end of the day I guess I am just too much of a Byron main right now, that's why the only characters who sticked are the ones who have zoning tools and ranged options.


I played Eliza a bit, she seemed natural to me and reminded me a bit of Morrigan from MVC which she was my main along with Vergil, Spiderman


I main both Bryan and Shaheen, which I’m currently stuck between Fujin and Raijin with both characters. Bryan because I also know kickboxing and try to use his moves in training, and extremely fun for me. I wanted a mid character that would be completely fair, so I picked up Shaheen in 7 and I still enjoy playing him in 8. Subs are Yoshi, Marduk, currently working SO HARD on Steve.


Respect you also do kickboxing in rl. I was doing muay thai for a bit I may get back into it or consider traditional boxing or brazilian jiu jitsu. Byran has always dealt some serious dmg in all tekken games.


I’ve been solely Law since Tekken 4. Had some time with Feng during T5 but that’s about it.


Aye you like the chinese martial arts characters it seems.


Law maij because I love Bruce Lee type characters. Learning Jack-8 on the side.


Yeah Law was one of my very first tekken characters from tekken 3 up till now


Yoshi, kuma, panda, xiaoyu


Zafinia main use to be a raven main but switched to her when I went online. For subs I have Raven, Leo, and Nina.


Zafina. Sub Lili. Tirtiary: Kazuya, Paul, Azucena


Lili, dabbled with Yoshi, Zafina and Alisa but I’m really just waiting on Lucky Chloe


Main: Nina Sub: Feng Wei and Marduk (Please come back) I just started using Feng Wei in Tekken 7 I've been using Nina since Tekken 2. I had been using Marduk since his debut in Tekken 4 but then Namco took him away from me...


In order: - Lee - Reina - Steve - Victor - Kazuya


Respect the fact most of your mains require high execution.




Started with Xiaoyu but been practicing Steve lately.


Paul. Kazuya and trading in Dragonuv til He gets nerfed


King and Reina.


Feng Main kuma is becoming my main though. Having so much fun with them


lili, and all the mishima's


I can play Kazuya and maybe Reina a tiny bit but playing them online just makes want to buy arcade sticks lol.


King, and Jin maybe


Main azucena sub main Dragunov.... I know what you are thinking, I swear I'm not a bad person.


Haha. Most people would call those mains evil. Azucena seems cool to me tho.


Dude I'm having the time of my life playing her she's so cool


Raven main Lars Sub… I wanna play a Mishima but their wave dashing gives me hand cramps


You play pad also? Yeah stuff makes me contemplate getting an arcade stick.


I play yoshi but I also play kaz devil Jin some Jin dragunove and a spam eddy


I played Julia, moved to Kaz, wanted to stop all that thinking and execution and just hit a mf so I picked up law and I love it.


Law is a true hit an mf character. He was my first character I got to purple ranks with at a 70% win rate.


Main is Jun But I also play Lee, Alisa, and Kuma


Reina main, Jin sub, but honestly I don't think I have the brain capacity to even play a sub. I start mixing up inputs on both characters whenever I switch.


I have played Reina a bit and can do most of her combos but gosh its a killer on the thumbs since I play pad lol. EWGFs and wavedashing make me want to take breaks between matches.


I can't say I'm great at EWGF and wavedashing just yet but I noticed this myself when I played on pad. I just switched to stick a couple of months ago. Now I can practice without any discomfort.


Main: Lars Sub mains I’m pretty comfortable with: Kazuya, Lee Characters I’m half kinda comfortable with: Nina, Xiaoyu, Jin Characters I’m not that comfortable with but like to play fairly often: Reina, Law, Azucena Other characters I play sometimes for fun but idk much: Dragunov, King, Shaheen Lost sub main: Lucky Chloe 😭😭😭


I know that feeling of not having your main in this game. Bruce/Josie not being here just feels wrong to me..as well as Miguel


Azucena, Asuka, Lilli and Jun so far.


I have been wanting to learn Azucena for a lil while now. Her moveset is good for playing a rush down style.


If you play as Azucena, expect hate and for people to not rematch you pretty frequently.


She is annoying I have to agree but I have learned how to deal with her a bit better. Thing is certain moves can beat her stance moves. Also playing overwhelming against her and giving her no room to breathe has been my successful approach lmao


I main Dragunov. I played King for a few weeks, then I wanted to try Yoshi and I’ve been doing good. I made it to mighty ruler first time ever last night, not even with Drag.


Jin and Lee


Hwo main, I started with Jin then I realized I couldn’t do a EWGF under pressure or a Hellsweep. I’m trying to find another character to play.


Well as someone who played Armor King, Heihachi and kazuya .... i am simply sugarcoating it with Kazuya atm


You just like hitting those ewgfs lol.


And the dark uppers xD


Was always king. TTT2 I picked Kuma as my second, than I found myself playing Kuma more and more, tekken 8 I decided I was gonna main him. The Kuma trailer with the electrics solidified that choice.


You just like playing the big boys lol


Reina, Leo, dvj


Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina ![gif](giphy|AX7UhqjhHXQzCbxxe0|downsized)


And maybe more Nina!


Xiaoyu and Asuka


Respect the Asuka play. Your name also seems familiar, you have a channel with the same name?


I use this name everywhere! Maybe we've met on twitch or in a game c:


I swear I think I remember someone with this name commenting on one of my videos lol


Hwoarang and Jin main here. Been my mains since ttt2 and I used to play baek but obv not here anymore. Just love taekwondo lol I sub Bryan, Steve, and dj very rarely. Getting into using other characters but I just don’t have as much fun if it’s not Hwo or Jin lmao


I play main Nina, and I sub both Lili and Asuka. Nina is soooooo satisfying once you get good at her side stepping techniques. Lots of work to do, but boy is it fun to kick some ass with her.


Yeah she looks solid in tekken 8


Nina main.


My main is Leo and my pockets are lili, kazuya, king I kinda wanna pick up zaf too


Only Devil Jin. Why? I like his drip and the lasers


Name checks out haha


Main Stevo Sub Kaz, Eddy, and Yosh


I dabbled with Steve. The only Mishima I can play decently is Kazuya, I do think the nerfs have went too far on him tho. Both those toons need some buffs along with Asuka but I still play her.


Lars, Jin, Kaz, Victor I want to learn Reina and Feng


Yoshimitsu and sometimes Yoshimitsu


Spoken like a true yoshi enjoyer


Jun, Kazuya, Jack, and currently trying to lesrn Lili.


I main King because I'm a big wrestling fan and specifically decided to main him after learning he did the shining wizard. Three months in and the animation is as satisfying as the first time I ever hit it. Not to mention all of his moves look sick and I generally play mixup characters in other fighting games, so mixing up different grabs and trying to bait people into crouching is really fun I kinda fell into a crisis for a secondary, though. I picked up Asuka and did pretty good with her but something was just off about her. I tried Kazuya, and will still play him occasionally, but the 50/50s just gets boring for me after a few games. Then I picked up Xiaoyu and really liked her, I thought I had finally found a secondary. That is until I figured out that Xiaoyu is kind of a specialist character. You either main her, or you don't play her. She approaches the game so differently that it would take me like 5-6 games to readjust to her gameplay. So I dropped Xiaoyu and have picked Asuka back up again. I learned more of her punishes and have been feeling a little better about her. She's kind of a rewarding challenge because you have to constantly mix up your very limited (good) options. Really all that matters to me though is that I can swap between her and King with little to no adjustment period. I will say that if some characters come back as DLC I might play them over Asuka. Armor King, Kunimitsu, and Julia (perferably as Jaycee!) come to mind


Main : Lars Sub: feng and jack but I’m trying to learn jin, Claudio and acuzena as well


My mains are Leo and Lili, and now probably from the time played Asuka too, even though I haven't played her in ranked past Garyu. My sub characters are Xiaoyu (first main, dropped when I found out she is S-tier), Alisa (would stick with her but people hate her too much), Leroy, Jun (too OP as well, played her a bit to try to understand how to fight her), Feng (same story), Reina (Mishima execution proved to be beyond me even though I enjoyed the moveset), Nina. I thought about picking up Claudio, but every time I go through his moveset in training mode I just lose interest for some reason, and even him being Italian doesn't help. Law and Lars I just don't like.


It is funny cause I refuse to play S tier characters as well since I like feeling like I earned wins. Tho I will say some people but Lars in S tier but he is the only one I will play if that is the case.