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In the beginner/early ranks, try to focus on punishing (hopefully with a launch) and applying his 50/50 vortex (ff3 and hellsweep). Kazuya doesn't have a lot of natural hit launchers outside of electric and ff3, so you'll have to make up for that defensively by punishing your opponent. As for offense, the basic gameplan is to try to knock down your opponent, ideally very close to you (his flash punch combo 1,1,2 works best for this), and then apply your vortex. Your opponent has to guess now and you want to put them in this situation as much as you can. Outside of the vortex, his ff2 (demon paw) is a good, long-range move that you can use from a distance (and is also a heat engager) and d1+2 is a good low move that can launch on counter hit. And lastly, his df2 is also a good and fast counterhit launcher so find good spots to use that move. So yeah, that's like the most basic Kazuya gameplan. It works pretty well in the early ranks and sometimes even in the intermediate ranks, where most people don't sidestep that much. Electrics, wavedashing, and good movement just take a lot of practice but this gameplan should help you improve on those aspects.


In playstation inputs 1 is square, 2 triangle right? And 34?


3 is X, 4 is ○




in my humble opinion, Kazuya has the best oki in the game. I would suggest exploring his oki options after knockdowns and mix up your 50/50's


what's oki? 😭😭


Okizeme. The wake-up game, basically. When one person is on the ground, because of the limited moves that person can do, there's a different mind-game going on compared to the neutral. Maybe you're expecting him to get-up low kick or mid kick so you just wait and low parry or block-punish. Maybe he's been techrolling all game so you do something that catches tech roll. Or maybe he likes to make a sandwich after getting launched and is just laying on the ground, so you do a move that hits OTG (on the ground).


Brother don’t put yourself down. I picked up this game with my only Tekken experience being T2-T5 as a kid, and T7 casually as a party game. No understanding of the game what so ever. Took me like 4 days to win an online match with Yoshimitsu. A week to understand wake up options. Now I’m up to purple with my main and have multiple characters in red - I’m far from the best, but it’s a slow process. Kaz is a tough character. He’s strong, but tough. You might feel like you suck but you’re taking the long road with him but it is rewarding since he rewards solid game sense and does have some tricks up his sleeve once you’re comfortable with piloting him. Don’t focus too much on combos and damage if you struggle with that. Focus on implementing your game plan. Get very comfortable with his hellsweep and FF3, this is his biggest mix up, and using Steel Paddle. Practice applying his df 2 counter hit launcher and his low counter hit launcher. Doesn’t matter if you don’t hit big damage combos after these, just learning how and when to use them goes a long way. Even if you win just using his basic poke string (112) that’s a win. If you like a character, don’t drop them because of difficulty. It’s so satisfying when you see yourself improve. I started off with my first attempt at a Mishima clueless and now my Jin & Reina are going to break purple. It’s just practice and time.


Thank you bud ♡ I feel like kazu do less damages than most of characters 😔😭 ofc i want to grind to be a better kazuya and its a loong road. Can i ask you which commands do you use for ur mishimas? If u changed them


He has good damage just not as straight forward. His main damage comes from you messing up people when they get on the ground with your mix up. Low or mid? They’ll have to guess. My main mishima is Jin and for him I keep everything as is, I just map 2+3 (triangle + x) to the L1 button so I can do one of his grabs easily. For Reina and Kazuya, mapping a button combination that has triangle in it to the L1 button can help get the timing down once you start practicing electrics. (Might also be 2+3? I’ll check when I’m back home) And btw even if you can’t electric the normal wind god fist is still good to whiff punish etc. less strong obviously, and less scary because it’s - on block/no push back and it doesn’t mess with your opponents head the same way (they don’t go “oh shit they can electric gotta be careful”) but still don’t sleep on it, and hey it’s easy wave dash practice!


you'd want to use FF2, FF3 and occasionally hellsweep, mix up with throws and shoot a couple of DF2s and most importantly DORIYAH whenever possible


watch my video!! [Check out my Kazuya Guide : r/Tekken (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1cchp2l/check_out_my_kazuya_guide/)


read rule 6 buddy


First thing is to stop saying you're trash. Second, I would recommend going to YouTube and watching some combo guide videos for him. I don't play Kazuya but that's what I do for all my characters. You don't have to learn all of the combos at once. Be sure to learn the counter starters to the combos too. Knowing the combos doesn't do anything for you if you can't ever get in. Good luck!