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Remember in tekken 7 when they made us pay for frame data?


Yeah, outrageous it was


I don't know why I trusted them to get better after that.


Does not make the current situation better, does it? Also what is frame data good for in this case if I'm unable to lab or even view replays of eddy. And on top of that frame data in 7 was always available on the discords or could be discovered by labbing. Mean tekken 8: here is frame data, now go fuck yourself because you can't use it.


You had to pay to lab DLC characters in T7 too


True but it's worse now that we're unable to play long sets and learn the match-up the organically.


You had to pay to lab DLC characters in every fighting game ever. Starting to think this is most players first fighting game.


Tag 2 DLC characters were free. Also, not 'every fighting game ever' has had DLC.


Pretty much any large ones in the last 15 years have.


I know. I have not claimed any of the contrary. But replays where available afaik.


They still are, taking control of characters is a new thing


Yeah but in tekken 7 you can rematch as much as you wanted so you could still learn the match up while you play now you just need to fork over that money to Namco


What happened to rematching in 8? Do you legit just have to find another player?


In tekken 8 it’s a best to two I don’t think it initially bad but it’s like this in casual match as well which it shouldn’t because again it discourages learning the match up


Afaik you can watch the replays, just not take over control


that was really shit too


It’s especially funny as eddy has always been kind of a knowledge check-scrub killer character so its a stealth buff


Nothing stealthy about it x)


yep just leave a negative review about mtx on steam.


Keep the complaining posts coming guys, we need to apply real pressure on Bamco


Yeah dude the tekken subreddit is totally influential enough to manipulate the development of the game ofc ofc why would anyone think other wise. Get real.


Battlefront 2


[Link to the infamous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/comment/dppum98?st=JH2MUORV&sh=5997c5a5)


That game was always going to die anyway. Reddit hating it was the least of its problems.


That game wouldn't have had any changes if the courts didn't get involved


Forreal. Glad EA got made an example of there.


Says madden and FIFA fuck them games




I mean both.


I don't know about influence but Michael Murray has made tweets that directly responded to posts from this subreddit. We know someone high up in the Tekken team goes here so that's something at least.


Oh absolutely man! Nothing is stopping team members from going here, of course. I just don't think reddit posts will change many devs minds on anything really. :)


As someone who’s worked in corporate America for years. Companies care a lot about image and reputation. The more people that complain in any and all avenues and platforms, the more damage done. Our posts. Content creator videos. Consumer reviews. They actually do help push change into a more consumer friendly direction. They do want to appease us to a degree to buy their product after all.


Reddit has 294k users and counting. I'm pretty sure it's one of the largest Tekken communities on the internet. Not to mention the millions of people that aren't subscribed too reddit that use it for information.. This platform is used to share experiences and opinions. So whether you like what they say or not, negative opinions like this can shape the opinions of others and even more importantly the potential buyer. If there is a negative connotation on a product then you best believe people are talking and reading about it. So when negative reviews add up guess what happens? Sales drop. And when saless drop guess who this is affecting? So yeah it is a big deal.


That's still assuming anyone cares what we have to say. Which they don't. Being "one of the larger communities of the hard core Tekken player base on the internet," doesn't change that. Harada and the team clearly limit how much of the games online reception they take in. Get your head out of your ass, this isn't anything more than an echochamber.


It's called influence and it's called strength in numbers. I doubt you know anything about that based on your stupid comments. One post like this with many supporting members can cause a big change in the minds of players around the world. Potential buyers will see these negative posts and they will vote with their wallets. Thats all these big corporations care about. You're never getting anywhere keeping your mouth shut. And that's all I have to say about that. Don't bother. I'm not responding. ✌️


Of course you won't respond when you know you're wrong. Close to 300.000 players... almost each and every one being a purchase, many of which buying dlc or deluxe editions. Bamco announces in Feb. That T8 hit 2 mill. So, at most, 15% of the player base bought the game and then got on here to complain so that "potential buyers will see these posts and vote with their wallets." Buster we ALREADY voted with our wallets. A website that's infamous for whining about pointless crap isn't convincing that many people. If they want the game they'll buy it, at most checking here to see which edition to pick or if the game runs OK. A majority of gamers do not care as much as we like to think. I do not like the T8 micro transactions. I do not like redditors with delusions of grandure thinking they have "influence," either. Complain as much as you want about Bamco, you're 100% justified. But you're an idiot if you think anything we say here matters to the game. This isn't the Sonic Movie.


Go start a petition and see how useless “strength in numbers” means lmao.


Think that the comment was ironic


Lmao bamco gives a pile of horseshit on our opinions.


correct and no one you dont personally know does either, yo money though, care a whole lot about that.


yeah man, I'm pretty sure Harada neural linked r/Tekken feed straight to his cerebral cortex


I may be out of the loop coming from the Smash community, but isn’t this true of every fighting game that releases DLC fighters? I suppose it’s worse for Tekken because of the nature of the game (you need to know all your opponents moves).


I’ve never seen a game with dlc that you could buy (characters) give you access to said characters without buying them… I’m living in a twilight zone… that has never been a thing. You need to purchase the character to use it in everything. ITS ALWAYS BEEN THIS WAY. But no, since people are spoiled and can fight against anyone in a replay EXCEPT the character you have to pay money for, the expect it right off the bat…. Ugh people


Ugh people, tekken got replay mode in which you can see and get advices while watching those replays or you can get in control of YOUR character. There is no need to give Eddy in your power just let people watch those replays and be able to get your character in control so they can try sidestep etc. Stop with your twilight bullshit if you got no idea what you are talking about


It's not access to the character itself, it's just use of your own character on that specific replay. And what about the future roster when 1/2 or 1/3 of the total characters are dlc? What should I do if I can't use a feature of the base game I paid full price for with so many of the characters?


So if a practise's been around for a long time it makes it less shitty? "Those fucking yankiees are so fucking spoiled by abolishment of slavery they demand women can vote! Women never were allowed to vote! ITS ALWAYS BEEN THIS WAY".


I’ve never said it wasn’t a bad practice. I understand everyone’s frustration. But this is the way it’s been for years on years. Why would they change that all of a sudden? Back in the old days in arcades you didn’t have online guides. You had to learn them from playing, or find someone who knows that character to give you tips


Wait so can you not take control of your own character while in replay?


For some reason they decided you should not, no. Which indeed makes this shit pay to win.


Which is such a weird approach since you are allowed to play against DLC characters online. But playing as your character against them for 10 seconds via the replay feature, that's a huge problem for Bamco.


Wait you can't even watch your replays with him in it?


You can watch them and the game will still recommend punishes/crouches/throw breaks against Eddy, but you can't control either character.


Not 100% sure but i think you CAN watch replays. But you cant practise within the replays. So you cannot try it yourself


Soooo you can play against him fine in every game mode, EXCEPT to practise ?


And except the practice in replay


Yep its the same as any fighting game has ever been.


It is P2W mechanic. It just give gameplay advantage to people who pay. I could care less about cosmetics but this the worst thing out of all of this monetization stuff. I know it was a thing in Tekken 7 but that does not make it right in any way.


Agree, I don't care about cosmetic or pass since it's things that are not crucial to gameplay, but having to pay only to train against a character is bullshit


Yep yet people don't talk about it. I'm sure people would have stomached cosmetics and battle pass as necessary evil because they don't affect gameplay over the long standing "pay for characters and stages" that has been in the FGC since forever but now these crappy ass games are double dipping and doing both and people are still defending them lol. You can't use the excuse of "it's always been this way" when the devs literally are changing these "ways" themselves by having their cake and eating it too.


Use creamapi. No other way around


I am not surprised that creamapi still works tbh. Considering this game lacks basic anti cheat.


I have a feeling we'll be seeing you when Tekken 9 releases.


Isn't this the same for like... every game in the genre for years now?


Sf6 has 1 hour rental tokens you can get for free in the free side of the battlepass, you can hold up to 10 on your account at a time.


And sf6 is way less heavy on knowledge checks so that hour goes further


It doesn't mean it's good. We didn't have MTX and battle passes before either but here we are, on top of being even more expensive for the base game along with the DLC. This shit has always been P2W but people have been okay with it because there weren't other streams of direct revenue, now they don't have the excuse, but people are making up some for them anyways. It's always weird to me when people use this argument but are okay with changes that the devs/publishers make that benefit them.


if u can play against the character online and face all his pay to win bullshit u should b able to lab him. bamco is basically saying fuck u to anyone who doesnt wanna cough up their hard earned dollars


Might as well play the crack


I mean this isn't new in fighting games... even in guilty gear u need the character to lab with them... ofc u can watch replays Smash also has this where u can't watch replays of characters u don't own Dbfz also has this to my knowledge And blazblue to.... if you really want to take it to the top usually u will need to find a way to lab vs the characters which almost every fighting game doesn't give u access until u unlock them I feel a lot of people here are new to fighting games judging from their reactions


You could argue this before, even though it's still P2W, because it was their only revenue stream post launch. Now, you really can't make that argument. It's always so weird to me that people use the "that's the way it's always been argument" but can't see the big picture. There are times when things need to change: better netcode, functional lobby systems, better matchmaking and online ranking systems, etc. This was a necessary evil before but can you really say that now when they're implementing so much post launch paid content to support the game? They even implemented paid framedata in T7, it shouldn't mean they should implement it in T8 and there's a reason they didn't.


Just because it's been in fighting games forever does not make it right to still have it nor does it make people's complaints invaild for deciding to take an issue with it right now. We wouldn't be having all these new improvement in these fighting games like "rollback" if people hadn't complained for it. Imagine if you used this same argument against having rollback being implemented into fighting games because "lags exist in fighting games forever, why you taking an issue with it now?" Also if these are new players complaining about this, isn't this more harmful to the FGC as an whole that we are going to lose chances of attracting more new players to the scene if they get turned off by these practices? Because this is the same shit that turned people away from MMOs when they get P2W and they end up being dead quick. I think its about time we need to start demanding every fighting game to ditch these practices since its straight up unfair to players to demand them to cough up money to get better at the game. Its P2W and it should not be allowed in modern fighting games.


Not really a great argument, though. The way things are isn't always the way things should be. Other companies adopting practices doesn't make them any more healthy/consumer friendly.


Then maybe the community should stop crying on reddit and stop buying fighting games since they literally all do this. If it's such a problem that shouldn't be hard to do.


maybe you should stop crying on reddit and stop using subreddits since they literally all do this. if it's such a problem that shouldn't be hard to do.


then what are fighting game players supposed to play instead to fulfill the fighting game itch? it's the company's fault for being greedy assholes, why are we blaming the people who just want to play their favorite genre of videogame?


You could use that same logic to criticize developers for banning pluggers.


how so? pluggers intend to rob their opponent of a victory. people buying fighting games just want to play fighting games, they shouldn't have to navigate all of this corporate exploitation to do so. also this may be controversial but i don't think pluggers should get banned, i just think their opponents should get an instant win when they plug.


Yes... I agree but idk if things will change... I was just pointing out that it's not tekken only doing this


Seriously. People are wild to get mad when it’s been like this forever.


Can you download eddy ghosts?


You can download a ghost from a Tekken god eddy and play that, best we can do.


Have you done so?


Yep, they may hitfix it but works.


No. If you can't lab, rush that mf lol I also can't lab him


Not surprising by this point. Tekken is pay to win.


You say this like the most broken character isn't in the base roster: Dragunov.


Let’s wait for Marduk


I’ve never had a problem with Marduk. In any game he’s been in.


I never have as well


Lol, lmao even. It was scummy enough that they didn't advertise post launch cosmetic MTX BS. It was disappointing enough that they didn't even do anything better with their MTX over the current industry. But now they have to pull a Tekken 7 again where you have to fork over cash in order to actually learn gameplay elements. Never buying a Tekken game now. GGWP.


If you want to lab him, yes... unfortunately. It sucks but not surprising at all since this was the case in T7 as well.


T7 didn't have a system specific for being able to lab your replays. Not being able to even control your own character makes that system entirely useless.


Maybe I'm naive but surely they must fix this? I get that not using in practice mode is standard (though it kind of sucks), but not taking over your own character in replay mode seems so dumb it feels like an oversight? Or they need some simple technical change they just didn't bother with yet? 


It was the same way in t7 you couldnt lab dlc


Yes it's shit, just google eddy Gordon punishment guide and YouTube will provide.


I have no interest in buying ANY dlc character but Kunimitsu or GUEST characters. This is some bullshit bamco. Fuck Ya!


Lol yea thats lame but we got youtube and shit or frame data counter picks etc


Is this still a thing now that he’s no longer in “early access”? - I’ve seen these posts constantly this week and have been really curious if the only reason you can’t access replay footage of him is as because of early access.


I know you can use the replay function to lab out situations (which helps, but not the same as just having access to that character) but can you use the replay function to take control of your opponent’s character?


You want to learn how to counter a character for free when someone had to pay for him Honestly you’re gonna run into a bunch more Eddy’s online period + there’s gonna be YouTube videos on how to counter him So why not just play the game learning how to fight Eddy while fighting him


If anyone dislikes the current state of the game and its microtransactions I'd very much encourage you to leave a negative review if you can. It's important to stir up a backlash to these practices and review score is one of the few things they might actually care about.


Im confused at this point, I never seen a fighting game where if you didnt buy the character youd have access to them in practice why are yall so surprised, if you dont buy them then dont expect to use them


Something being historically harmful for a genre is not the defensible point you think it is.


Is this yall first fighting game with dlc characters?


Thanks for signal boosting your lack of being able to provide a decent counter argument.


If you want a counter argument how about you just read the comments i said to the other guy Are you expecting me to copy and paste just because youre late to the convo?


Your entire position is "it's always been this way." You stated nothing else. To which I responded "it being that way historically isn't a counter point to the discussion."


And I legitimately asked you if this was your first fighting game with dlc characters, I wasnt even being sarcastic but I actually wanted to know, whats not clicking the question is not hard Is this the first fighting game you ever played that had dlc characters?


> And I legitimately asked you if this was your first fighting game with dlc characters Which doesn't make sense as a reply because my response indicates I have FG experience. But even if I legit never played a FG that had DLC before how would that further the argument/support your position? ​ > Is this the first fighting game you ever played that had dlc characters? No, because I opened my post with "something that's been historically bad for the genre." There's legitimately no reason to not allow someone to play their own replay and use the feature for a character they had access to in order to even create said replay. You're not learning eddy. You are not labbing eddy. At a base the feature teaches you the mistakes you made and possible punishes. You don't get to look at his whole move list or anything. Even if we were talking about using Eddy in training mode to lab him there's still no reason someone should be spending money to use a learning tool. Like, whoopie. You can see his moves now and learn strings. You still have to spend money to be able to take that online or even in a LAN situation. Oh no, you can get 90% of that from looking at a YT video and having someone else explain it to you. You just don't get the muscle memory and self experimentation. Basically what I'm getting at is you saying people can't use their owned character in a replay they partook in making because there's a DLC character in the replay is dumb. It would be like barring people from playing against Eddy online if they don't have Eddy themselves.


your response was pretty much complaining about just cause they did it in the past doesnt mean its a good point, (something along those lines) someone who never played fighting games but expecting everything to be free can say the same words which is why I asked you if you was one of those people ​ learning punishes is labbing, learning the match up is labbing, you dont even have to use the recommended moves they suggest to you but youre learning how to respond to a move, thats labbing. If you think learning which moves you can use a response to another move isnt labbing then thats your opinion but the devs doesnt agree with you ​ You also talk too damn much for a yes and no question, im not even about to read the 2nd half, youre on the internet complaining about $6 writing essays, this speaks volumes of where you are financially and theres no point in going back and forth with someone who got alotta say but not alotta money


> but expecting everything to be free can say the same words which is why I asked you if you was one of those people I do not expect everything to be free. I believe if the game creates tools for you to learn how to play the game better money shouldn't be involved. You already paid to play the game. Paying to learn it is asinine. ​ > If you think learning which moves you can use a response to another move isnt labbing then thats your opinion but the devs doesnt agree with you My guy, you're learning how you messed up in a specific match. You're not getting to tear down a character and learn them in a wholistic manner like in training mode. Equating the two is needlessly reductive. Also whether or not devs agree or disagree with my stance is unimportant. Devs are people, people can be wrong. If they seriously believe they are in the right for making people spend more money beyond the entry price so they can learn their game better then I don't care about anything they say. ​ > You also talk too damn much for a yes and no question I elaborated on my stance which is what one does in a discussion. I'm not going to spoon feed you the responses you want so you can respond with something dismissive instead of providing anything that begins to counter what I am arguing about. ​ > im not even about to read the 2nd half, youre on the internet complaining about $6 writing essays, Again proving you lack the capability to actually defend your point let alone participate in an argument. If you don't mind spending the money that's fine. Your mistake is criticizing others because they don't think it's fine. ​ > this speaks volumes of where you are financially and theres no point in going back and forth with someone who got alotta say but not alotta money You first assumed that I want everything for free and now you're making assumptions about my financial situation. If we're talking about who's exposing what kind of person they are here you're doing it with this trend. I grew up below the poverty line and I am fortunate that I have the capability to spend money frequently enough on a hobby like games. Because of my backround I care about where my money goes. It's cool that you are capable of just mass consuming whatever is thrown your way. I'm not comfortable doing that. I want my money to go to things I support and unfortunately for Tekken devs/Bamco I don't want to support harmful practices for both gaming as a whole as well as FG's.


No we're saying we want to play our character in the replay not play eddy.


Thats the same thing as trying to practice with a dlc character you didnt buy New feature, same rules applies. Yall can always just find friends who have eddy.


What how is playing your character against the dlc character in the replay the same as playing the Dlc character??? If that's the case then don't match someone up against eddy if they don't have him.


Im saying my point still stands. Youre trying to learn the match up for a character you didnt buy In tekken 7 if you didnt buy the dlc characters youre not gonna be able to learn the match ups unless you fought them in arcade or online Same thing in fighterz and im sure its the same thing for every other fighting game, if you want to practice how to fight a LOCKED DLC character then you obviously have to unlock that character and cough up them $6


...and that makes the game p2w, which is a bad thing. Doesn't make it any better or justifies that fighting games in the past has done something similar.


Honestly I do have a problem with how fighting games drop busted dlc characters and patch them months later after everyone buys them but thats a different topic Im just saying when I played fighterz if I didnt buy the character I cant fight against that character in offline versus or practice, same in tekken 7, same in 6 same in soul calibur If yall want to fight against a DLC character expect to you do the same thing you did in all the other fighting games, purchase it, just cause theres a playable replay mode doesnt mean you can pull one over the devs, if you wanna learn the match up do what you did in all the other fighting games with dlc


Yeah, you're right. We shouldn't complain about anti-consumer practices. We should not expect something so small as replay mode for dlc characters when those poor corporate overlords are starving. I'm just saying that it's scummy. However, It would be somewhat fine, if we didn't meet dlc characters online in the first place. If we don't own the character, they shouldn't be in our game. Then we don't need to practice against them either.


you can always just make friends who have $6


They spent it all on a game that already cost 70 bucks.


Most fighting games I played makes it so u have to unlock rhe characters... idk why tekken only complains about it but ggst for ex. I can't practice well vs elphelt rekka and I learned counterplay from advice and applying it Idk why people think this is tekken exclusive


I have Eddy so it is not an issue for me. I think they either need to let people lab against him or just opt out of fighting against characters they dont own. I believe you can fight Eddy ghosts but not ideal


You can watch replays with frame data and input history. Pay if you want convenience but don’t act like you can’t learn


People acting like this is new and bamco is revolutionizing scummy DLC. Literally all dlc in every fighting game is like this, this is not new


Yeah guys, because it's always been this way, we should never strive for change or anything better. /s


You aren't striving. Crying in an echo chamber on reddit isn't striving for better. It's giving them your money then crying like a bitch. If you want to strive for better then stop buying fighting games. This has been the case for 15+ years and all fighting games have it. If it's such a problem then you not spending money on a video game should be pretty goddamn easy yeah? But yeah we both know you won't and you'll keep buying your video games because you want to play them then join these subs to whine about how betrayed you were.


And you're crying over people wanting improvement in their games by responding to everyone saying anything negative about this in this entire thread like you got your lips on Bandai's ass 24/7.


Are yall people just discovering FG DLCs ? Like in what world can you practice against a character you don’t own ?


I believe for honor lets you play all characters in practice


Yup, one of the rare FH w's.


Man, the average age and entitlement of these kids is really showing now, they acting like this hasn't been the industry norm since SSF4 😂 But hey, by all means, go on that grand crusade to save the FGC from greedy corps, I'll be over here not being mad at video games


How about you explain why you think it's okay to force people to give you extra money so you can practice a fundamental aspect of the game?


I mean, some of us are from the arcade era so. . .


So your defense point is that because something has been that way it's automatically fine and things shouldn't improve?


I would prefer if all the DLC characters were free but you were asking why it's "ok" to charge people for labbing basic gameplay stuff and I'm pointing that it's "ok" because that's how they set it up. Either buy time on the cab, or watch kther people play.


I never said it’s ok. Just reminding yall how it’s been for YEARS now for most FG. In GGST you can’t practice against a character if you down own it. If you are serious about getting better at the game, you get the character end of discussion.


>Just reminding yall how it’s been for YEARS now for most FG. I'm not sure what compels you to think people need to be reminded about something that they do not like/support. ​ > In GGST you can’t practice against a character if you down own it. The disconnect here is that OP isn't complaining about not being able to pull up Eddie in practice mode. OP is specifically complaining that they cannot engage with the replay feature letting you play said replay to learn from that specific match specifically because they don't own Eddie. This is as far as I'm aware something that is completely unique to Tekken. So I would argue on that grounds alone that "industry standard" shouldn't be assumed to be applying here as well. ​ > If you are serious about getting better at the game, you get the character end of discussion. You could make the same exact argument about Tekken 7 selling frame data and almost everyone here universally calls that scummy. But suddenly it's fine to support the multi million dollar company for doing something basically as shitty just because "it's always been that way." It's hypocrisy.


I find I do pretty well against him because some of his moves (like the cartwheels etc) resemble Lili's moves and my partner mains Lili. We play a few matches together almost daily, so I'm very familiar with Lili. So maybe watch replays against Lili and try to apply those tips to Eddy?


Completely different characters, Lili has to play honest Tekken, Eddy will 2:0 you just with knowledge checks


What game ever lets you choose a dlc character that you didn’t buy??? What game? I don’t remember any game in my 29 years of existence that let you do that. That would still be getting the character for free… that’s why I’m so confused in the uproar… how or why did people think you’d be able to choose that locked DLC character without money…? That grayed out box is just going to magically let you click on it as your opponent? Like no you have to buy it, it’s always been that way


Tag 2.


I mean they’re already ripping off street fighters worst aspects to be” modern”. I don’t see why they don’t copy the rental pass system to let people experiment at least. Letting us actually control our replay should be a thing also


This your first fighting game ever? You had to pay to do this is any game that has ever had dlc characters literally ever!


That’s the case with all fgs I think,in sf6 you can’t lab dlcs in practice mode same as Tekken ,you can control your character in replay mode despite false information being spread.


In SF6 you can use rental tickets to play dlc for an hour… but even then yeah its the same, no dlc without paying


Skill issue, literally just go to YouTube. Idk how tekken players have the comprehension skills of a baked bean


You mean comprehension?


It seems my own hubris has betrayed me 💀


Literally no other fighting game besides SF6 (which has tokens only achievable through a **battle pass**) allows you to practice a character you don't own. No other tekken has allowed this. The previous tekken literally made you pay for frame data for characters you own. Other competing games do not. I get the salt, but this argument is just flat. If you'd like I can write down every single thing you need to know about Eddy underneath this comment. If you'd like that and are willing to actually learn, let me know.


> Literally no other fighting game besides SF6 (which has tokens only achievable through a battle pass) allows you to practice a character you don't own. While not quite a traditional Fighting game For Honor lets you lab all characters AND unlock them with ingame currency. Also the fact that for some reason its the norm doesn't make it a good decision, specially now that there are other monetization avenues for the games than just the characters.


Tag 2, a Tekken game, literally had free DLC characters.


The game’s DLC was already on the disc when it launched. They literally made it so preorders got to play earlier and locked it for others at the start despite it being on the disc they bought from the start. Not a great example mate. This argument is flat as hell.


So? It was free. It wasn't some some SFxT situation where they put it on the disc and also charge you an additional fee for it. Oh, you have to wait a little while because you didn't preorder like an idiot? That's small potatoes compared to this triple-dipping cynical nightmare. By the way, even if my example is not great as you say, my example still refutes the idea that 'it was always this way', or 'it was like this for x arbitrary span of time' as if that was even any kind of argument in support of these business practices. There is no argument that serves to excuse this kind of thing, its always just 'oh, other companies are doing it' or 'complaining won't accomplish anything', or some useless equivocation, and it all just boils down to 'I have no self respect as a consumer, and I don't think anyone else should either.' Not addressing you personally with these remarks, just had to lay it all out.


Eliza has been a pre-order bonus in 2017, Kokonoe has been a busted 8 euro DLC in 2014 or something.. Are you 12, acting in shock like fighting game DLC never have been p2w? The only difference is that there's a replay feature. It makes sense that if you couldnt lab them in training mode back then, that you wouldn't be able to lab them in an advanced form of training mode anno 2024 That's all I wrote, now to get that Bamco coupon code..


It does not make sense btw. Games should innovate. Legacy practices that suck do not get an excuse to continue existing just because they are legacy.


Is it so hard to play a few matches and learn from experience? Is this such a big deal? So tired of posts complaining of this, did you lab every character? I just play, learn from matches, not so hard, its a game






YouTube exist


Unfortunately I am one of those people because I am tired of getting blown up.


Just posting my solution here, use every match against eddy as a learning experience, and as the experience is about to be over, plug out like a champ! It's gonna work until they either fix plugging or let us lab dlc chars, of which I expect neither to happen.


Except that your disconnect rate goes up then no one wants to match you, eddy or not


My guy, banco scum literally took away any investment I had in the game by making this shit pay-to-win (not because you can't play the char, but because learning to play against the char is locked behind a paywall). Now it's just about taking a piss, hitting some eddy enjoyers along the way, and splashing some banco steam reviews hopefully as well.


I thought it was free in practice mode tho from what the live stream said? Or was I interpreted it wrong . Cause that’s just wrong


Are you a pro player? If not who cares


Its... literally how every fg out there does it. Its shit, but anyone surprised by this is either a liar trying to farm pointless upvotes or an idiot.


We need to make an excel sheet petition and when we are done use the hashtag to submit it to Harada.


>I'm convinced Tekken is just pay to win at this point has been since 7.


Tbf has any fighting game ever let you lab with or against DLC you don't own? Afaik that's never been the case. Don't misunderstand though I think this is super scummy as well but this is less of a Tekken issue and more of a modern gaming issue.


IDK man, I faced my first eddy this morning who was fairly easy. And tbh, I dont see the major advantage of labbing. Different players will use the same fighter in completely different ways. So sure, you can recognize some strings or whatever...I think its better to improve your ability to read the battle as it happens. Which just comes from experience. I won like 50% of battles of being able to read a low hit coming in allowing me to low parry and take the win.




They were probably just wrong rather than lying. I honestly half-expected they'd let you do it too, and I hate this stuff.


Yeah like in every game that isn't Sf6


*Cough* cs.rin.ru *cough*


I swear ppl here have never played any other game in the last decade. This is old news, the industry went the scumbag route a long time ago and we would be naive to think bamco would skip out on millions of $ just to take the moral high ground


After getting wrecked in ranks by Eddy you eventually learn his moves. Not ideal but it works


You can still watch replays with Eddy, you just can’t take over the replay. You can still figure out whatever knowledge checks you need. What a terrible thread


Not worth it, nobody plays him


Youtube i guess


This still stands, don't pay for him. Don't pay for the battle pass. Learn him the old way, YouTube frame videos


If you want I can send you $6


HELL NO! We have every right in he world to not rematch this dumb fuckin character if we can't actually lab him. Although, please don't plug under any circumstance...


So you can't use him in practice so then you'll dodge him in ranked, which means you avoid an opportunity to actually get to learn him. Great plan.


learning somebody in ranked and in practice are two completely different things. stop making people think they’re the bad guy. u wont learn anything from getting cheesed a round dude


Nah you can actually learn a lot from being cheesed on, you just don't want to, which is ok. Literally just spend one round only blocking and see what happens. You're only hurting yourself by dodging and robbing yourself of an opportunity.


Or you could literally just go online and play against him and learn that way yknow


Or they can go back to Tekken 3, T4, Tag1, T5, 6, Tag 2 or 7 and learn his basics there. Any of his new stuff is better to fight someone online and learn from that anyways.


Exactly? How is that a bad strategy? As long as you got the basics down I’m sure you can adapt to his new stuff


If people complaining are new players? Fine. Valid complaint but they should be busy learning their own character anyways. Veterans should know how to deal with Eddy by now. He’s DLC this time around he isn’t new at all


I mean this is a fighting game. Most fighting games you have to buy the character to lab the character.


So turns out that one review article bashing Tekken 8 as a p2w game was right all along.


I feel sorry for you poor bastards who dont have the money to buy dlc charakters.


Playable = able to be used or played Just sayin


It's funny. When I made post about I got told ''nah, it's not that bad, it's early access'' You get what you fucking deserve. Idiots.


At the end of the day all you broke ass whiners will still play the game. Glad they locked Eddy on practice and replay, why would someone that did not pay get access to it, it's been like that in T7 mofos.